The Rogue Alpha’s Claim

Chapter 73

Ariel whipped her head so fast that if she wasn’t careful, she would have had a whiplash, and she looked at her Savior.

The alleged savior had on ray-bans even though they were inside a building, so she couldn’t see his eyes, and worst of all, he was putting on a mask, but his hair was well groomed; the black jet strands that felt on his face indicated that he at least took good care of it, and it pleased a certain part of her.

“Thank you, but you don’t have to worry; I can take care of it.” Ariel made sure to smile brightly. It was only courtesy that she pretended she didn’t want the favor.

“It is alright; I insist.” The man replied, and he faced the cashier. “Please add it to my bill.”

Ariel couldn’t help the sigh that left her lips, grateful that he had insisted. Otherwise, she would have to return everything.

She turned to the cashier, watching her bag her items with a wide smile on her face, and Ariel frowned. Once in a while, the woman would look at the stranger, blinking her eyes several times and biting her lips.

“Is there something in your eyes? I think you are blinking a little too much.” Ariel whispered as she leaned closer to her, and the woman gave her a nasty look, but she straightened her face and continued her job.

Ariel stood to the side, holding her bags in her hands as she waited for the man.

“Thank you for saving my ass back there; I had no idea it was a card-only policy.” Ariel said as she fell in line with the man.

“I understand; you must be new here.” Ariel pursed her lips, her head tilting to the side.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Oh my gosh, don’t tell me it is so obvious. Is it written on my forehead?” And like the dramatic ass she was, she began rubbing the skin of her forehead.

And she was rewarded with the most beautiful laughter-a low chuckle that sent warmth all over her body.


“Ouch.” She clutched her chest as a sharp pain ripped through her chest. “W-wha.” She tried to make sense of what may be happening to her when the smiling image of her mate flashed through her mind, but she shook her head, discarding it from her mind.

Was the moon goddess doing this to her because she was admiring something other than her mate?

Someone who had made her an orphan?

A loud scream escaped from her lungs as warm hands wrapped around her wrist, and she jerked the hands off as a bolt of electricity shot through her.

Definitely not the good kind.

“Are you alright?” The mysterious man’s face appeared in her vision, and she took a step backward, his presence suddenly too close for comfort.

“Yes, I was just carried away. I think I will be on my way now. Thank you for this again.” She turned to go, but he held her back, his firm grip on her hand, and she directed her glare to the pale, slender hands that looked like they didn’t see the sun so often.

“Please don’t touch me.”

“Oh right.” He was dropping her hands like they were on fire. “Sorry about that; I only wanted to offer to drop you home; it is not wise carrying those bags around.”

“It is fine; I don’t live so far.” Ariel rejected his offer, and she made to go, but his voice stopped her in her tracks.

“I insist, my mom would scold me if I dare leave a lady in need. Come on, I live close by too, just close to the inn.”

“Wait, I live there too.”

“Come on, allow me this favor.” He persuaded her, opening the passenger door for her.

Ariel looked at him, more like his dark lens, as she contemplated his offer. He had proved to be a gentleman, and they stayed in the same apartment. It wouldn’t hurt to follow him, and it would save her strength.

But why couldn’t she get a certain green-eyed man from her mind?

“What do you say?”

“Fuck it, I am coming.” She dumped her bags in the back seat, entered inside, and he closed her door before he entered the driver’s seat, and he began to drive her home.

“When did you move into town?”

“I-” Ariel opened her mouth to talk, but something stopped her. “Not so long; I was looking for a change, and this town seemed like the perfect place. What about you? Why are you here? You don’t look like a native of the town.”

“Hmmm. I would say I came in search of opportunities, and I found them.” He glanced at her a little too long before returning his gaze to the dashboard.

“That seems like a logical reason.” Ariel shrugged, and they continued their journey.

The journey came to an end as he stopped in front of their apartment and she got down.

“Thank you for the ride, stranger.”

“It is Alex.” He replied, balancing his bags in his hands, and they entered inside, nodding at the lobby man. They entered the elevator, and she keyed in her floor number and moved back, resting her body on the wall.

Her floor was one of the top floors, and it was going to take some time before she arrived there. However, they were already halfway through their ascent, and he wasn’t making any attempt to leave, nor had he keyed in his floor number.

It is alright; I am just paranoid. He would come down at any moment. Ariel tried to reassure herself while she continued inching slowly away from him.

If he planned to do something, she would see it on time, and she would dodge it or retaliate.

Ariel continued watching him, gripping her bags tightly in her hands, while she continued muttering words of affirmation under her breath, although it didn’t seem like it was working.

The elevator dinging startled her as it arrived at her destination, and she was rushing out the door as it opened, throwing all caution to the wind.

But he continued to advance towards her, and she increased her pace, but it was as if the more she increased it, the more he seemed to catch up with her.

Unfortunately for her, all the doors were closed, and even if she screamed, she had little hope that anyone would come to her aid.

Instead, she did what she was best at doing.

Ariel picked up her pace, running as fast as she could, and she didn’t dare turn back.

She wouldn’t be like those foolish female leads who somehow looked back when they were in danger.

She could see the familiar brown door, and she ran towards it, but she was stopping in her tracks as a thought came to her.

If he were indeed a stalker, she would be doing more harm to herself if he knew her door; it only leaves one option.

She had to confront him.

Ariel took a deep breath, and she turned to face him, her mouth slightly opening as she tried to catch her breath. It was embarrassing enough that this small run was making her pant like this.

“Who are you?” She demanded, widening her stance in a fighting position. “I said, ” Who are you?”

But he continued pushing forward, ignoring her question.

“Don’t come any closer; I may not look like it, but I pack a mean punch, and I promise you I won’t hold back.” Ariel threatened him as she continued inching towards the wall.

He had a muscular build, probably gotten from the gym, and if he was indeed who she thought he was, she had no chance against him.

“Don’t come near me; otherwise, I will scream.” She was trying to be brave, but her shaky hands were betraying her.

Ariel had forgotten how the world could be; there was nothing that came freely, and she braced herself as Alex continued advancing towards her.

She was going to throw a bag on him, hoping it would distract him, then she would aim a kick at his groin and run away.

It seemed so easy.

She took a good look at him, trying to memorize his face, and she screamed as she charged towards him…

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