The Rise of the Omega Supreme

Chapter 3: Awakening of the White Omega

(POV: Lina)

“Wake up, slumbering wolf!” I someone shaking me. “Are you going to spend the whole day there?”

“Mmm, I don’t want to wake up.” I shift in bed and feel my body ache. “Go away.”

“Don’t get up, it’s already three-thirty in the afternoon.” They pull my blanket. “Oh my god!” They cover their mouth. “Lina, what happened?”

Damn it! I forgot to get dressed earlier today, and now what am I going to tell of Milly? Well, I guess I’ll have to tell her the truth because she always knows when I’m lying, and she hates it when I do.

She’s the only friend I have in the entire pack. She’s already transformed and is a beautiful omega. Her fur is golden, and her eyes are dark brown. She has a sweet and fiery personality, but that rarely surfaces. Her wolf’s name is Lilica. She’s very rebellious against the injustices committed against omegas. She’s also very funny. Milly is six years older than me and no longer needs to attend the academy, but like me, she hasn’t found her mate yet. It seems I’m not the only exception to love among wolves.

“I got beaten up by the blue-blooded gang.” I hide under the blanket.

“Why did they do that to you?” She sits beside me on the bed and strokes my hair.

“Because during training, I don’t know where I got the courage and strength. But I defeated Melanie and her gang settled the score with me.”

“They’ll pay for this! Who do they think they are? Argh, I want to get my hands on those bastards.”

“Let it go, they are of noble blood, and we are omegas.”

“It’s not fair!” I cross my arms over my chest and huff.

“I agree, but there’s nothing we can do to change it.”

“You’re right. Now, I’ll get the first aid kit and clothes for you.” She stands up and goes to the bathroom sink, grabs the kit, then goes to the wardrobe and picks a simple floral dress. “Let’s take care of your wounds.”

After tending to all my injuries, Milly helps me put on the dress and undergarments, at least the bottom part. Due to being physically weakened, I couldn’t get out of bed, and Milly made my lunch, which I ate while lying down. She told the trainer that I was sick and wouldn’t be attending training or extra classes. He was very concerned and wanted to visit me, but Milly, being the persuasive wolf she is, convinced him not to come.

Due to my physical condition, Milly moved in with me, and I have to admit, it’s not so bad having someone living with us. The days inside this room are all the same-tedious, monotonous, among other adjectives. Every day, Milly brings my coffee, snacks, lunch, snacks again, and dinner. Every day, she bathes me and helps me with bathroom visits and personal hygiene.

→Two weeks later:

Humm, how nice to be able to get up from this bed. It used to be my favorite place in the house. But now it’s the place I least want to be. Two weeks of rest, that’s how long I had to spend confined to that bed. Two weeks of not knowing what it is like to see sunlight except through my bedroom window. Two weeks needing help even to do my basic needs.

Aaah, it feels good to be free, to be independent, to go to the bathroom alone!

It’s just a pity that I still can’t remove my cast because my leg got worse after that beating.

“Milly, I want to get out of this house!” I say, sitting on the bench. “It’s been so long since the last time I went out.”

“For me, it’s okay. You’re practically healed, except for your leg.”

“But it will heal soon, too.”

“Definitely.” She hands me a plate with my breakfast.

After I eat, I go to the bathroom and do my routine. I put on my black Converse sneakers, braid my hair into a French braid, and I’m ready to go to the academy.

I also prepare myself psychologically to see the blue-blooded group again. And be a laughingstock to everyone there. Since my house is far away from the gym, every morning I have to leave early, and because of the time of day there is hardly anyone on the street. I am thankful for this, so I can go to the gym with peace of mind.

The way to the gym is quiet. The warm rays of the rising sun caress my skin, creating a pleasant feeling. The gentle morning breeze tousles my black hair, giving me a cherished feeling of freedom.

As I enter the academy, the first person I see is Lukky, who is facing away, engrossed in conversation with Dayla. Judging by their expressions, the discussion seems serious. Deciding to wait for them to finish, I lean against the wall of the hallway leading to the training room. When they finish their conversation, the coach looks back and his face lights up with a wide smile. He walks toward me, plants two kisses on my cheeks, and pulls me into a tight hug.

“I’ve missed my best student!” he exclaims, releasing me from his embrace.

“Really?” I respond playfully. “You missed seeing me being the punching bag of the blue-blooded wolves. And the other transformed omegas?” I try not to laugh at the coach’s annoyed expression.

“No! I missed having my most dedicated student. Someone who was willing to learn. Despite the difficulties because she had not yet transformed herself.”

We don’t say anything further to each other. It’s not healthy to irritate Lukky, but sometimes I can’t resist. We head to the training room. The coach goes to settle a dispute between two omegas, and I pay no attention. As I enter the room, I see the blue-blooded gang, a bunch of show-offs. They look at me, smiling and blowing kisses in my direction.

Melanie gets out of her group and comes towards me; showing off her tiny clothes that barely cover her butt.

“Seems like the phony is feeling better,” Melanie remarks, eyeing me up and down. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, fake omega.”

She turns her back and sways her hips, not bothering to cover up anything. Not that I’m staring at her behind, but it’s impossible not to notice when she makes no effort to conceal it.

The class begins with the trainer giving the theoretical part of the subject. Discussing about our heightened sense of smell and hearing.

In the practical session. He instructs the students to transform into wolves to test their physical abilities. At this point, I hear several tasteless jokes about me not having transformed yet, but I try to ignore them.

After watching the whole class transform, an excruciating pain, no. Excruciating is an understatement! An indescribable agony seeps into my head, causing me to fall to the ground and scream like a madwoman.

My skin burns. Tears cloud my vision. My throat hurts, from my high-pitched screams. And hear my bones breaking into countless pieces, further intensifying my screams.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

For a moment, everything falls silent.

“Hello, I’m Lua,” someone says, but I can’t identify who it is.

I try to focus my vision on an image in front of me and I can see the beta of the supreme looking at me. Again my skin burn as if boiling water was being thrown on it. Something pierce my cheeks and I realize right away that what were my fingernails are now super-sharp claws. I pull my hands up and see white hairs growing on them.

What was once silence now becomes a cacophony of shrill and irritating sounds. I hear my bones melting together, accompanied by a terrible pain that consumes me. Causing desperate screams. Without thinking, I rise to my feet and look around, unable to see anything due to the extreme pain.

When everything falls silent again, and I can finally make out the wolves around me, I see them all bowing before me, even the beta, despite not being in his wolf form.

Why are they bowing to me? I’m a simple omega.

“No, I’m not,” the same voice from before asserts.

I walk toward the wall that has a mirror in the room and see my transformed self. I’m taken aback by what I see-I’m too large for a mere omega, almost the size of Melanie, the future alpha of the pack. My fur is as white as snow, and my eyes are a vibrant, shining blue, resembling shooting stars.

How can a simple omega possess such a majestic physique?

“I’ve already told you, I’m Lua, your wolf,” the voice says, irritated with me.

“Wow, I thought you were a ghost,” I roll my eyes.

“I want to leave!”

“Am I stopping you?” I ask sarcastically. “You’re free to go.”


After that single word, I can no longer see anything. It’s as if Lua has put me to sleep.

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