The Return Of God Of War

Chapter 181-190

The Return Of God Of War Chapter 181-190

The Return of God of War Chapter 181

Abigail realized that she had let the cat out of the bag.

“Does Levi have any other identities?”

Zoey looked at Abigail dubiously, wondering if they were hiding anything from her.

Levi laughed it off as he joked, “Abigail was just worried that they’d found out that I was an ex-convict.”

“Yeah, I thought that was the reason the alarm went off,” Abigail reacted swiftly to Levi’s cover-up, which managed to temporarily ease Zoey’s suspicion.

“What happened just now? Were you carrying anything that caused the alarm to sound non-stop?” Aaron asked.

“Oh, it’s just my lighter that is made of brass, that’s why it got picked up by the metal detectors!” Levi replied, as he took out his lighter and showed it to Aaron.

“Oh, let’s go then, Bailey had sent someone to pick us up. The car had been waiting outside for a while!”

Caitlyn was also raring to go.

The group was driven to the Hilton Hotel.

Due to the large number of guests invited to the birthday banquet, the guests were temporarily arranged to stay at the hotel.

“It seems like dad and mom had not yet completely gotten over what happened last time! Otherwise, we would be staying at the Black family mansion instead of the hotel, together with the rest of the


Caitlyn’s disappointment was apparent as she said that.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’re going to impress your family members later. I guarantee that their opinions of us will change for the better after that!”

Aaron was brimming with optimism as he comforted his wife.

It was important to the couple to be recognized by the Black family.

After everyone settled down in their hotel rooms, Abigail went to look for Levi and Zoey. “My cousins from the Black family are having a gathering tonight, do you guys want to tag along?” She asked.

“Sure, we’ll go!” Levi and Zoey accepted the invite readily.

Abigail drove them to the venue in her pink Maserati.

The gathering was held at the Scarlet Aegis Hotel.

A meal there costs at least ten thousand.

Different models of luxury cars could be seen parked in the hotel’s parking lot.

Abigail led Levi and Zoey to the private room, where dozens of people had already gathered and were engaged in animated discussions with each other.

“Hey, Abigail is here! Let’s welcome her!”

As Abigail was also a part of the Rogers family, she was very well-liked and popular among her cousins in the Black family.

For everyone else in the room, it was their first time meeting Levi and Zoey.

When they saw Zoey, most of them were stunned by her beauty and were eager to know her.

“Abigail, why are you not introducing your friends to us?” One of Abigail’s cousins urged.

“This is Aunt Caitlyn’s daughter, Zoey. She’s our cousin too! This is Levi, Zoey’s husband,” Abigail said.

“Oh! So it’s our cousin Zoey!”

Abigail’s brothers were the first to greet Zoey.

As for Levi, he was being treated as though he was invisible.

There were also a few attendees at the gathering who did not belong to the Black family, which meant that they were not blood-related to Zoey.

The men who belonged to that category couldn’t keep their eyes off Zoey. After all, it was not everyday that one would come across such an exquisite beauty.

After some mingling with the others, Levi found out that tonight’s gathering was organized by Zoey’s cousins, Keane and Quintus.

As the both of them were direct male descendants of the Black family, they were both held in high regard by the rest.

Naturally, they were also the main focus of every discussion topic which went on that night.

Keane laughed as he said, “Zoey, I heard that your husband, Levi, was previously a dark horse of North Hampton’s business arena. Even the business moguls and owners of leading enterprises in South City knew his name. What’s he up to these days?”

Quintus chuckled and said, “Yeah, I remember that too. But we haven’t heard any news about him in a long while.”

The two men were not trying to take a dig at Zoey, but were genuinely curious.

The Black family was among the wealthiest in the city. Naturally, Zoey and her family would not be important enough for them to pay any attention to.

They did try to find out more about Levi, during the days when he used to be a rising star in the business arena.

However, no one had news about Levi after he went to jail.

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People stopped being curious about him after that. After all, no one would waste time inquiring about a nobody.

Hayden Zeller, a distant relative of the Black family who was from North Hampton, joined in on the conversation and said, “Oh I know what happened! Levi was sentenced to jail after he was convicted of taking advantage of his sister-in-law! If I’m not mistaken, he was only released a few days ago?”

“That’s right! It was one of the biggest news in North Hampton when it happened!” Some others, who were listening to the conversation, concurred.

Keane’s expression changed when he heard that, but still remained friendly as he asked, “So, Levi, you’re currently unemployed?”

Levi nodded and replied, “Kind of!”

After getting the man’s answer, Keane and Quintus had totally lost interest in continuing the conversation.

Even Zoey, who had just secured an investment of a few hundred million, suddenly seemed boring to them.

The men changed topics and carried on with their own conversations. Zoey hardly had anything to contribute to their subsequent discussions.

“Oh, by the way, is Russell back yet?” Keane asked all of a sudden.

Russell was his dad’s godson. The man had been outstanding since young, and he’s currently the leader of a subdivision of the Special Security Unit.

Word has it that he was going to be promoted to the Chief of the Special Security Unit next year.

“Speaking of Russell, he’s truly the pride and joy of our grandma!”

Quintus laughed.

That was indeed the case.

Even though Russell was not related to the Black family by blood, he was the elderly Mrs. Black’s favorite.

He had always been conscientiousness and performed well in every endeavor he partook in.

Russell would only be twenty eight next year, so it was an impressive feat that he was already the Deputy Chief of the Special Security Unit.

The Black family had an abundance of wealth, but what the family lacked however, was a talent like Russell.

He was the perfect missing piece to the puzzle for the Black family.

Shortly after his name was mentioned, Russell Black arrived at the gathering, still dressed in his uniform.

“Hi everyone, so sorry that I’m late. I have been really busy with the preparations for the upcoming economic summit these few days! I even had to specially apply for leave to attend grandma’s birthday banquet tomorrow!” Russell explained, and let out an embarrassed laughter.

“Russell is such a busy man, but he knows he’s the apple of grandma’s eye, so he has to be here by hook or by crook!” Someone teased, and everyone else laughed along.

However, Keane switched the topic abruptly, asking, “I heard that there was an incident at the train station today, that even your Chief had to handle the matter personally?”

Russell nodded and replied, “Yeah! You heard about it too? That’s actually the reason I was late for tonight’s gathering!”

“Russell, tell us what happened! I’m sure everyone wants to know about it,” Quintus said.

Russell scanned the curious faces in the room and chuckled, before elaborating, “There was a super big shot who visited the train station today! He came to examine our security measures without informing anyone beforehand. Thank goodness we discovered that it was him!”

Russell let out a gasp, as he recalled the dramatic events of the day.

“So how did you guys find out that it was him?” Everyone was eager to know what happened next.

“When he went through the metal detectors while exiting the train station, the alarm sounded! We stopped him from leaving and did a body check on him. Guess what we found?”

Everyone held their breaths as they waited for Russell to continue.

“We found out that there were 13 bullets and 7 grenade shrapnel lodged inside his body! One of the bullets was even in his skull and another one in his heart! It’s the metal from the bullets and shrapnel that caused the alarm to sound!”

Even Russell himself found it inconceivable.

“What??? 13 bullets and 7 grenade shrapnel???”

Everyone was shocked by what Russell told them and sharp inhales could be heard all round.

“What’s even scarier was that his entire body was covered with scars. From my estimation, there were definitely no less than a thousand of them!”

Everyone went pale with disbelief at Russell’s description of the man. It was unimaginable as to what kind of horrors he must had gone through.

“What was the time when he was there?” Zoey suddenly asked.

“It was around 2.10 in the afternoon!” Russell replied.

Zoey turned to look at her husband. She had registered that it was the same time Levi was held up at the security check earlier today.

Besides, Levi had nothing on him which could have caused the alarm to sound.

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After Russell’s description of the event, Zoey suddenly realized that it could have been the metal pieces lodged inside of Levi’s body which caused the metal detectors to go off, instead of the lighter, which was what he had told them earlier on!

She wished that she could see through Levi’s clothes, and verify what Russell said with her own eyes that very instant.

Quintus, who was intrigued, asked, “How’s that even possible? Russell, who is this guy?”

“We don’t exactly know who he is, as his files had been classified as 5s level, which means no one in the entire of South City would have access to it! But I heard from our Chief that he used to be an officer from the Iron Brigade!” Russell replied excitedly.

“Iron Brigade? Isn’t that the team that’s personally led by the God of War?”

“Exactly! That’s the strongest military unit in Erudia! Every soldier who’s part of that team is a man of indomitable spirit!”

The men at the gathering were all stirred at the mention of the ‘God of War’ and the ‘Iron Brigade’.

Every men, regardless of age, would have dreamed of becoming a soldier at some point in time of their lives.

Being in the Iron Brigade was the greatest recognition and highest honor for every soldier.

“Yeah, when I was at the military academy, my goal was also to join the Iron Brigade and fight alongside the God of War!”

Russell was no exception.

Abigail was feeling proud when she saw the longing expressions of those men in the room.

At that moment, she really wanted to stand up and tell everyone that the God of War, who was revered by all, was none other than her cousin-in-law, Levi!

“If those warriors from the Iron Brigade could be present at grandma’s birthday banquet, I bet grandpa and grandma would both be delighted!” Keane said.

“Yeah, grandpa and grandma were once guards as well! They’ll definitely be over the moon to meet someone from the Iron Brigade!”

“Exactly! Grandpa and grandma love the special alcohol and cigarettes provided by the war zones, but nowadays they hardly have the chance to enjoy them anymore.”

Everyone was contributing to the lively discussion going on in the room.

Quintus looked at Russell and said, “Russell, do you think you can pull some strings and invite just one of the officers from the Iron Brigade to join us at grandma’s birthday banquet tomorrow?”

“Yeah, if you can do that, it’ll definitely be the best birthday present for grandma!” Keane added.

Russell hesitated for a second before nodding his head and said, “OK, I’ll try. Hopefully, we can give grandma a surprise tomorrow!”

Even though he agreed to ask around, Russell was not confident at all that he’ll succeed in his task.

The main reason for that was because his Chief, Perry, had told him earlier on that the man who appeared at the train station in the afternoon was someone out of his reach, not to mention Russell, who was only a leader of a subdivision of the Security Unit.

No one at the gathering bothered to talk to Zoey or Levi for the rest of the night, it was just as if the both of them were invisible.

To a big family like the Blacks, they were merely nobodies.

After the dinner gathering ended, Russell specially paid Perry a visit to tell him his thoughts.

Perry was scared out of his wits when he heard the idea. He pointed at Russell and said, “Y-y-you… you have the audacity to invite that man???”

Russell was trembling with anxiety at his Chief’s reaction and replied, “Chief, is that guy someone very important?”

As the information was classified, Perry was unable to divulge any details to Russell.

“That’s right, anyway, you should really stop thinking about it. I’m not even qualified enough to invite Captain Steele from the North Hampton Dragon legion, let alone that man from this afternoon. Just drop the idea completely!”

Perry rejected Russell’s request without giving it any consideration.

“Alright then. But Chief, you have to be there with the Deputy Chief tomorrow, deal?” Russell said.

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t miss old Mrs. Black’s birthday banquet for the world!”

Everyone was disappointed when Russell conveyed the negative outcome to them, but they did not blame him.

After all, the Iron Brigade had a special status in the military. No one expected that it would be easy to invite them.

Meanwhile, Zoey started having major suspicions about Levi after the gathering.

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Even though they had been sleeping on the same bed, they had not been intimate, so it was only natural that Zoey had not seen Levi’s naked body.

As such, she had planned to examine Levi’s body tonight, in order to verify if he actually had those scars on his body.

However, Abigail had requested to share her bed, so in the end, Zoey was unable to carry out her plan.

The next day arrived and it was the day of old Mrs. Black’s birthday.

Levi and the rest were being woken up early in the morning, and were all gathered at the hotel lobby.

Shortly after, transportation arranged by the Black family arrived to pick them up to the Black family manor.

Aaron clutched the birthday gift for his mother-in-law in his arms. He was looking forward to impressing his wife’s family at the banquet later on.

Caitlyn had also checked with Levi if he had prepared any gift, and only felt at ease after confirming that he had not done so.

The scale of the Black family was comparable to the Garrison family, which was recently listed.

The family manor was extremely posh and grand.

The various luxury cars that were parked at the front porch were sufficient to form an auto show.

The three brothers from the Black family stood at the entrance to receive their guests personally.

The head of the Black family household, Robert Black, and his wife Meredith, were in the main hall of the manor. They were both dressed in red, all ready for the auspicious occasion.

After they were discharged from the military, the both of them started from scratch and managed to build a successful business empire over the years. Because of their hard work and efforts, the Black family had become one of the wealthiest family in the city.

In addition to that, the family was also flourishing. The couple had expanded their family and was joined by their many children and grandchildren.

The two esteemed elderly of the Black family were very contented with their current state of life.

“Dad, mom, look who’s here!”

Bailey led Aaron’s family to Robert and Meredith.

“Dad, mom!”

Caitlyn was overwhelmed with emotions and shed tears of joy when she met her parents.

Aaron was also feeling emotional and was ready to greet the two elders.

But Robert merely gave a slight nod, while Meredith let out a cold snort and only took a glance at them, before looking away.

Caitlyn and Aaron were both stunned to be given the cold shoulder.

Caitlyn immediately realized that, even though her mom had invited them to her birthday celebration, it would still take some time for her to fully accept them.

However, Caitlyn was already feeling grateful to be able to see her parents again.

The atmosphere in the room turned awkward for a moment.

To ease the tension, Pamela said, “Oh, mom and dad, weren’t you two looking forward to meeting Zoey?”

While saying that, she shoved Zoey in front of the two elders.

“Hi grandpa, hi grandma!” Zoey greeted her grandparents politely.

As it was her first time meeting her grandparents, Zoey was a little nervous.

After sizing Zoey up carefully, Robert and Meredith said in satisfaction, “She seems like a good kid, We like her!”

“Oh, I heard that Zoey is really capable. She even managed to secure a few hundred millions of investment for her company!”

The two elders of the family thought rather highly of Zoey, especially Meredith.

That was because the old lady was a successful woman herself, and had never shown preference for boys over girls.

Instead, among her children and grandchildren, she actually valued the females of the family more.

Back in the days, she had also placed high hopes on Caitlyn, but her daughter ended up eloping with Aaron, which broke Meredith’s heart.

That was the reason why the mother and daughter had not seen each other for over twenty years.

Bailey shot a glance at Levi and said, “Why are you still standing there? Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

With a grin on his face, Levi walked towards the elderly couple and said, “Hi grandpa and grandma, it’s a pleasure meeting the both of you. I’m Zoey’s husband, Levi!”

Robert observed Levi for a few seconds, and felt that there was a mysterious aura surrounding him.

But he wasn’t able to pinpoint exactly why.

Either Levi is trying to conceal something, or he is just someone who usually goofed around, was what Robert thought.

“I heard that you were once the rising star in the business circle of North Hampton, but was sent to jail for six years! You just finished serving time recently, right?” Meredith spoke.

Even though Meredith appeared to be unconcerned, she was, in fact, very in touch with what was going on in Aaron’s family.

“That’s right, grandma, I just got released from prison.” Levi answered truthfully.

“So, what are your plans going forward?” Meredith asked.

“Since Zoey is doing so well, my plan is just to assist her whenever she needs me! I’m a lucky man to have a wife I can depend on!”

Everyone froze upon hearing Levi’s words.

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Looks of shock appeared on everyone’s faces.

Especially Caitlyn who was seized by terror.

Everyone was well aware of Meredith’s stern and stiff personality. She couldn’t tolerate people who behaved in a boisterous manner like Levi.

Someone with a military police background like Russell would be well-liked by her.

Besides, how could a mere foundling gain a foothold in a wealthy family?

Meredith gave Levi a deep look before she left, obviously disappointed in him.

Robert let out a deep sigh before following suit, lamenting about how Zoey, given her status would marry such a husband.

“What the hell are you doing? You’re challenging the authority of the old lady. She hates people who fool around like you the most!”

Bailey and Pamela glared daggers at Levi.

“You’ve ruined us! The old lady has finally accepted us because of Zoey, but you just had to provoke her again, didn’t you?!”

Caitlyn almost cried from exasperation.

Would the old lady have accepted us immediately today if our son-in-law weren’t Levi, but someone else?

Aaron hugged Caitlyn. “Honey, don’t cry. We’ll regain our dignity and make the old lady acknowledge us when the birthday banquet officially starts later.”

“I supposed that’s all we can do.”

Caitlyn was physically and mentally frustrated.

Shortly after, most of the guests had arrived, apart from the big shots.

Robert and Meredith personally greeted them at the door, with Levi and the others following behind them.

Soon, several cars marked with the SWAT logo appeared.

Russell was the first to come down. He ran to the back, opened the car door, and greeted the leaders one by one.

“Grandpa, Grandma, let me introduce you. This is Shane Young, the captain of the Special Security Unit; Hugo Gibson, the vice-captain; Frankie Wimmer, the political commissar; Quincy King, the vice- captain of the City Patrol Unit…”

Russell introduced them to about seven to eight leaders in one breath.

There were about a dozen more leaders behind who were at the same level as Russell, all of whom held official positions such as team leaders.

Perry led everyone forward, extending their blessings, “Mrs. Black, may you be blessed with longevity and great prosperity…”

“Welcome, Captain Chapman. Welcome…” Robert and Meredith grinned from ear to ear, seeing the support of so many leaders.

Keane and Quintus chuckled. “You really outdid yourself there, Russell!”

“Mr. and Mrs. Black, I would like to commend Russell,” Perry said. “He has so much potential! I’ll make him vice-captain next year! The Black family will have something to be proud of again.”

Hearing those compliments coming straight from Perry’s mouth, Meredith and Robert were all the more exhilarated as they looked at Russell with satisfaction.

“Haha, isn’t that a given, Captain Chapman! Russell has always been the pride of the Black family,” said Meredith unabashedly.

This made everyone envious, especially Caitlyn and Aaron.

How nice would it be if Mrs. Black could be proud of them someday?

Too bad they couldn’t do it by themselves and could only rely on their daughter and their son-in-law.

But could a useless son-in-law like Levi ever make them proud?


“Grandpa, Grandma, I was going to invite the big shots from the Warzone, but there’s only so much I can do,” Russell said humbly.

“This is more than enough, Russell,” Meredith smiled approvingly. “It’s enough that Captain Chapman and the others could make it!”

“Indeed! With you, Russell, plus Jennie and Logan, it’s the right degree of pomp!” Keane and Quintus both laughed.

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Levi had heard of Jennie and Logan just now.

Jennie was the daughter of Xaiden, the eldest son of the Black family, and she was currently the deputy governor of New Alliance Bank in South City.

Her husband, Logan Zachs, was all the more powerful. His grandfather, who had now retired, once served on the front lines of South City.

His father was the deputy director of the Ministry of Economy and also served as a leader in the Ministry of Commerce.

Jennie and Abigail were both Meredith’s favorite granddaughters.

As expected, Jennie and Logan arrived shortly after, together with Logan’s grandfather, Graham, and his father, Felix.

Graham was also a big shot who was formerly the deputy leader at the South War Zone. He had many disciples but had since retired.

Felix was in the prime of his life, holding an important position.

Their attendance had greatly elevated the Black family’s social status.

“Happy birthday!”

Graham and Felix extended their wishes one after another.

Meredith grasped Jennie and Logan’s hands, smiling brightly with narrowed eyes.


They were filled with envy!

Both Aaron and Caitlyn had been dreaming about the day their son-in-law could set the Thames on fire just so they could keep their head up.

But unfortunately, their son-in-law can never compare to that of others!

Just their luck to have met such a son-in-law like Levi.

“Haha, the younger generation of the Black family is full of talents! Let alone our grandchildren, how many people in South City have as many talents and skills as our grandson-in-law?” Meredith said proudly in front of hundreds of guests.

“That’s right,” Russell and the others chimed in. “How many are there who are as gifted as Logan in South City?”

Logan adjusted his tie, smiling, “I don’t deserve your praise, Grandpa, Grandma. The sons-in-law of the Black family are all outstanding! I heard that there’s a son-in-law from North Hampton. Isn’t he very powerful? He’d built a multi-billion conglomerate from scratch! Is he here?” Logan asked, looking around.

Knowing that Logan was referring to Levi, Aaron and Caitlyn suddenly felt ashamed. They lowered their heads and pulled Levi aside, wanting to hide.

“Aunt Caitlyn, Uncle Aaron, why are you guys hiding? North Hampton’s son-in-law, Levi Garrison, is over here!”

Someone mercilessly pointed out Levi’s position.

Everyone around retreated, revealing a large open space showing only Levi and his family.

At once, all eyes zeroed in on them.

“So you are Levi Garrison?” Logan smiled. “I heard that your net worth was over a billion. How about now? I bet it’s now worth more than the entire Black family.”

“Yeah, with your potential, hitting ten billion is pretty attainable!” said Jennie.

Being watched by hundreds of noble relatives, Aaron and Caitlyn broke out in a cold sweat.

They were too anxious.

This moment was too humiliating.

It was evident to Zoey that they were deliberately putting Levi in a tough spot.

Just as she was about to speak up for him, Levi blurted, “To answer Jennie and Logan’s questions, yes, it has definitely surpassed that of the Black family since long ago!”

Money was just a number to him.

If he could look down upon the Rogers family who worth tens of billions, what more the puny Black family?

Everyone gasped at Levi’s reply.

Levi’s bravado is really something!

What a load of crap!

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“How intimidating! Can you give us an exact number regarding your net worth?”

“Yeah, tell us! Grandpa and Grandma will certainly be proud of you!”

Logan and Jennie laughed out instead of getting angry.

“Levi, don’t!”

Zoey and her parents were so anxious that they almost covered Levi’s mouth.

But Levi slowly raised a finger. “At least this much!”

“At least ten billion?” Logan asked.

“No.” Levi shook his head.

“Could it be a hundred billion?”

Logan winced when he said that number.

Levi chuckled. “You’re wrong. It’s at least one trillion!”



Everyone laughed themselves silly at Levi’s words.

The reason everyone was quiet from was before was to see how far Levi could go with his big talk…

But who knew it was out of this world!

At least one trillion?!

What on earth is this?

It’s the equivalent of a hundred times the Black family…

Logan, his grandfather and father all laughed.

They had never seen such a man with such bravado before.

Forget about personal ownership. Even the Ministry of Economy doesn’t have that much money!

The others laughed wildly.

Even Russell, a man of speech and manner, roared with laughter.

As for Meredith and Robert, their faces were turning as black as charcoal.

It was an insult to them!

Levi was blatantly challenging their authority!

“You’re both sons-in-law. How can there be such a huge difference?” Meredith flared with anger.

“Discipline your son-in-law,” she said directly to Aaron and Caitlyn. “He should know what he should say and what he shouldn’t say on such an occasion!”

Aaron and Caitlyn trembled in fright and dared not raise their heads.

Caitlyn was even shedding tears.

She had never felt so upset before.

Even after what had happened at the Lopez family, she had never been so upset.

Caitlyn had been longing to her family for thirty years and now there was finally a chance.

But she was utterly humiliated in front of her relatives when she finally met them for the first time!

She wanted to end her life there and then!

It’s Levi’s fault!

It’s all Levi’s fault!

Aaron’s fist clenched.

He swore he would punch Levi in the face once the birthday banquet was over.

This is too f**king embarrassing!

Zoey, too, was disappointed through and through with Levi.

Levi has gotten used to talking big. It’s become a habit.

He wasn’t thinking clearly when he said he had ten billion to the Lopez family.

But now, to the Black family—a trillion?

Does he not understand the concept of money?

How could he say such big words?

Zoey regretted it.

She should have listened to her parents and left Levi at home.

Sure enough, her parents were put to shame as soon as they arrived.

Unfortunately, there was no crying over spilled milk!

“They’re both sons-in-law, but they’re like night and day! One’s a great catch, and the other is trash!”

“I heard that Levi Garrison has a bad reputation. He harbored evil thoughts towards his sister-in-law and almost killed his adoptive parents!”

“Their entire family is trash. Otherwise, Mrs. Black wouldn’t have only met this daughter of hers after thirty years!”

Hearing all kinds of comment from the people around, tears flowed down Caitlyn’s face like a river.

How embarrassing!

This was definitely the most humiliating moment in her entire life!

Aaron felt the same too.

He thought that he could steal the limelight at the Black family, but he was utterly disgraced.

“Quickly get inside! What on earth are you doing here?”

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“Don’t you think you have done enough to embarrass the entire family in front of so many people?!” Bailey chided in disappointment.

Aaron and Caitlyn had no choice but to return to the villa.

“Don’t follow me!” Caitlyn shouted at Levi.

After arriving at the manor’s main hall, everyone was seated according to arrangements.

Aaron and his family were seated at the corner, far away from Meredith.

Only those who Meredith regarded as important could sit at the front.

“Honey, the gift presentation is up next. I’m sure Meredith will be happy to accept our gifts,” Aaron said.

Caitlyn wiped away her tears and waited silently.

When the guests had filled up the room, the host announced the start of the banquet and the ceremonies proceeded one after another.

“Now is the time for gift presentation!”

Everyone started presenting their gifts as soon as the host finished.

There were gifts of a wide variety, but they were all valuable.

Hearing what the others had brought, Aaron and Caitlyn were filled with aplomb.

Because none of those gifts that were presented could be compared to what their family had prepared.

Those gifts were far inferior to theirs!

In the face of all sorts of gifts, Meredith simply nodded indifferently.

“Come on. Let’s go! She will definitely be happy!”

Aaron and Caitlyn quickly pulled Zoey to the front, waiting to present their gifts.

“I see you’re well-prepared, Caitlyn,” said Xena, Caitlyn’s cousin who was queuing at the front with her husband, Samson Fleming.

“Haha, and so were you!”

Aaron and Caitlyn smiled, thinking about how happy Meredith would be upon receiving their gifts in just a bit.

“Up next, it’s the birthday gift of Xena and Samson—an authentic calligraphy painting of an ancient notable artist worth seven hundred thousand—a five-hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and last but not least, a Jade Buddha Xena had sought from the holy mountain to bless Mrs. Black with good health!” the host read out the list of gifts Xena’s family had prepared.

The whole room burst into applause.

Everyone was satisfied with their gifts.

The Jade Buddha especially was thoughtful.

Hearing that, Meredith flashed a smile at last, obviously liking these gifts very much.

“Xena, Samson, I like your gifts very much!” Meredith said.

However, Aaron, Caitlyn and Zoey were dumbfounded.

Because the gifts they had prepared were almost exactly the same as theirs!

Most importantly, the former’s gifts were several times more expensive than theirs!

And they were queueing right behind them!

They wondered what Meredith would think of them if she found out their similar but relatively cheaper gifts.

Aaron and Caitlyn were so nervous that they could barely breathe.

“Up next, we have Caitlyn and Aaron’s gifts! Hmm?”

Seeing the gifts, even the host himself was stunned.

“What a coincidence.”

“What is it? Is there a problem with their gifts?” someone asked.

The host organized his thoughts and read aloud, “Caitlyn and family have gifted a calligraphy painting worth three hundred million, a hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and a Jade Buddha requested from North Hampton’s Temple of Peace…”

“Yes, how thoughtful! They’re exactly the same gifts as what Ms. Xena and her family had prepared! Except that they’re lower in value by a double!”

Aaron and Caitlyn wished the ground could swallow them whole as soon as the host finished.

How embarrassing!

What a disgrace!

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“Don’t you think you have done enough to embarrass the entire family in front of so many people?!” Bailey chided in disappointment.

Aaron and Caitlyn had no choice but to return to the villa.

“Don’t follow me!” Caitlyn shouted at Levi.

After arriving at the manor’s main hall, everyone was seated according to arrangements.

Aaron and his family were seated at the corner, far away from Meredith.

Only those who Meredith regarded as important could sit at the front.

“Honey, the gift presentation is up next. I’m sure Meredith will be happy to accept our gifts,” Aaron said.

Caitlyn wiped away her tears and waited silently.

When the guests had filled up the room, the host announced the start of the banquet and the ceremonies proceeded one after another.

“Now is the time for gift presentation!”

Everyone started presenting their gifts as soon as the host finished.

There were gifts of a wide variety, but they were all valuable.

Hearing what the others had brought, Aaron and Caitlyn were filled with aplomb.

Because none of those gifts that were presented could be compared to what their family had prepared.

Those gifts were far inferior to theirs!

In the face of all sorts of gifts, Meredith simply nodded indifferently.

“Come on. Let’s go! She will definitely be happy!”

Aaron and Caitlyn quickly pulled Zoey to the front, waiting to present their gifts.

“I see you’re well-prepared, Caitlyn,” said Xena, Caitlyn’s cousin who was queuing at the front with her husband, Samson Fleming.

“Haha, and so were you!”

Aaron and Caitlyn smiled, thinking about how happy Meredith would be upon receiving their gifts in just a bit.

“Up next, it’s the birthday gift of Xena and Samson—an authentic calligraphy painting of an ancient notable artist worth seven hundred thousand—a five-hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and last but not least, a Jade Buddha Xena had sought from the holy mountain to bless Mrs. Black with good health!” the host read out the list of gifts Xena’s family had prepared.

The whole room burst into applause.

Everyone was satisfied with their gifts.

The Jade Buddha especially was thoughtful.

Hearing that, Meredith flashed a smile at last, obviously liking these gifts very much.

“Xena, Samson, I like your gifts very much!” Meredith said.

However, Aaron, Caitlyn and Zoey were dumbfounded.

Because the gifts they had prepared were almost exactly the same as theirs!

Most importantly, the former’s gifts were several times more expensive than theirs!

And they were queueing right behind them!

They wondered what Meredith would think of them if she found out their similar but relatively cheaper gifts.

Aaron and Caitlyn were so nervous that they could barely breathe.

“Up next, we have Caitlyn and Aaron’s gifts! Hmm?”

Seeing the gifts, even the host himself was stunned.

“What a coincidence.”

“What is it? Is there a problem with their gifts?” someone asked.

The host organized his thoughts and read aloud, “Caitlyn and family have gifted a calligraphy painting worth three hundred million, a hundred-year-old wild ginseng, and a Jade Buddha requested from North Hampton’s Temple of Peace…”

“Yes, how thoughtful! They’re exactly the same gifts as what Ms. Xena and her family had prepared! Except that they’re lower in value by a double!”

Aaron and Caitlyn wished the ground could swallow them whole as soon as the host finished.

How embarrassing!

What a disgrace!

The Return of God of War Chapter 189

Why is life so unfair to us?

Why does such misfortune always befall us?

Their gifts were exactly the same, but the price was twice as low as theirs! And they were queueing right behind them!

Even Zoey felt ashamed. She couldn’t bear to stay there any longer.

Xena and Samson looked at Aaron’s family helplessly.

They didn’t expect that they had prepared similar gifts!

“What do you mean, thoughtful? Isn’t that just a duplicate?”

“At least prepare similar gifts at the same price. Who are they trying to fool?”

“Aren’t they looking down on Mrs. Black? Is Mrs. Black short of that few hundred thousand?”

“Are you kidding me?”

The crowd erupted in anger.

Seeing the gifts Caitlyn and her family had gifted, Meredith snorted angrily, “If you don’t want to prepare gifts, just don’t! Why do you keep embarrassing yourself?!”

Robert sighed. What a disgrace…

With no dignity left, Caitlyn longed to bury her head into the ground!

They’ll remember this day forever!

I shouldn’t have come!

It’s all Levi’s fault!

If Levi is powerful enough, we wouldn’t have been reduced to such a state.

If Levi’s worth a dozen of billions, Mom would have been happy with just our presence alone.

Right behind them was Logan’s family.

Graham and Felix casually presented some symbolic gifts.

In fact, with their status, their presence was the greatest gift.

Meredith was thrilled.

“Grandma, I present you with a pair of Legendary Luminous Pearls worth ten million! I had to travel to ten foreign cities in order to get it at an auction,” said Logan.

The crowd seethed with excitement.

As compared to the few hundred thousand gifts from Aaron and his family before, it was an instant kill. The difference was like night and day.

Meredith liked this pair of Legendary Luminous Pearls so much that she personally accepted them.

“See that?” She gave Aaron’s family a look. “This is what you call a gift! Even if Logan’s gift is worth a penny, I would still like it because it’s prepared with intentions!”

Caitlyn and Aaron hid at the corner and dared not look up.

They could only hope for the birthday banquet to end soon and leave South City as soon as possible.

“I’m going out first,” Levi suddenly said to Zoey and vanished from sight, just as Zoey was about to ask him something.

In the main hall, gifts were still being presented.

And with greater value!

Xaiden presented a three-billion project contract. Everyone in attendance was stunned!

Russell and the others presented their gifts as well, with Russell giving a rare special saber instead of gifts worth tens of millions.

“I know you like this stuff, Grandma. I went to great lengths to get this,” Russell said.

“Yes, I like it!”

Meredith used to reign over the battlefield, and hence she liked the saber very much. All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

Finally, a few other grandsons-in-law also presented their gifts, which made Meredith beam in delight.

“Allow me to speak on behalf of all the sons-in-law in the Black family…” Logan suddenly spoke. “It seems that every son-in-law has presented their gifts besides Levi Garrison from Aunt Caitlyn’s family, am I right?”

“Yeah, he didn’t!”

Everyone shifted their gaze to Aaron’s table, focusing on them again.

“Oh yeah, where is he? Did he run away?”

The Return of God of War Chapter 190

“No way. Doesn’t that mean he didn’t prepare anything? Did he have to run away for that?”

“I know, right? I mean, even if he did prepare something, Mrs. Black wouldn’t have liked it either.”

Everyone sneered.

“Who said I didn’t prepare a gift?” a voice as loud as thunder was heard.

Everyone turned to look in the direction of where the sound came from, only to see Levi standing at the doors, holding two black plastic bags in his hands with a cigarette in his mouth.

Meredith and Robert’s faces scrunched up in disgust at Levi’s frivolous appearance.

They hated it. And seeing the two black plastic bags in his hands that were obviously meant for grocery shopping, what good could come out of it?

“Hahaha, this is hilarious!”

“Could there be vegetables or steamed buns inside?”

Everyone laughed so hard that their stomach hurt when they saw those two plastic bags.

Using such a bag to pack his gifts on such an occasion was definitely an insult to the old lady!

“What are you doing, Levi? No one asked you to get any gifts!”

Afraid that Levi was up to no good, Caitlyn and Aaron were about to dash forward to stop him.

It was already humiliating enough.

If Levi did anything to add fuel to the fire, they were as good as dead.

“Sit down!”

Meredith suddenly shouted.

Caitlyn and Aaron could only obey.

“Grandma, what can he even put in that bag?” Logan asked. “Let’s just skip this.”

But Meredith was stubborn. “No! Let him come. I want to see what his gift is.”

“Yeah, let’s see what this son-in-law has prepared.”

Everyone was burning with curiosity.

“Come here, Levi!” Logan grinned, glad to watch Levi make a fool of himself.

After all, Levi was the Black family’s son-in-law who was often bracketed with him back then.

With that, Levi went forward step by step, smoking a cigarette.

Seeing the plastic bags, everyone was guessing what was inside.

With Levi approaching, Perry and the others who were sitting at the front were petrified when they suddenly recognized him.

Perry instinctively shot to his feet and was about to greet him when he stood frozen upon noticing the expression in his eyes.

Everyone looked at Perry curiously.

“What’s wrong, Captain Chapman?” Russell, who was next to him, asked.

Perry sat down quietly. “Nothing! I just got a cramp in my leg.”

Levi came to Meredith and Robert at last.

“How dare you smoke in front of Grandpa and Grandma? Do you have a death wish?!” Logan was very displeased.

However, Robert and Meredith noticed something strange.

The cigarette in Levi’s mouth seemed to be a special cigarette from the war zone.

Especially that strong tobacco scent. It could only be found in the Warzone!

Robert and Meredith were sure of that.

“Shall I open it?” Levi asked.

“Go ahead!”

For some reason, Robert and Meredith were looking forward to it.

As if something good could be found inside this filthy plastic bag.

Levi took out two boxes of cigarettes and two bottles of liquors from the bag and presented them before Robert and Meredith.

“Grandson-in-law Levi Garrison presents two boxes of cigarettes and two bottles of liquors!”

The military green packaging of the cigarettes and liquor was very simple, and its workmanship was very rough.

“Levi, are you crazy?” Logan guffawed. “How could you present such poor quality cigarettes and liquor as gifts?”

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