The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 260


Ryker and I wrapped up in his office and spent the remainder of the day in the private library. It wasn't hard to find the books on shadow magic and he spent the entire day reading as much as he could while I went through Reina's books. She wrote a lot but barely about anything of substantial value. She mainly talked about spells she wanted to try and about how much of a heady feeling the magic gave her.

When I had used my powers, it was draining for me, I had never felt the heady and euphoric feeling that she spoke about. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly that felt like or what exactly she meant by that. I glanced at Ryker a few times wondering if he felt the same way or if he was going to feel the same way after the test.

I couldn't help but glance over at my mate. He was the epitome of ease as he leaned back in the chair opposite me and flipped through the book in his hands. His brows were scrunched in concentration and I couldn't stop the small smile from pulling at the corner of my lips. It was terrifying to think that there was a possibility where I could lose him. It was scary to even imagine that there could be a future where he would end up like Reina.

"You're staring," I heard his voice in my head and my cheeks flushed pink. "Did you need something?"

"No," I was quick with my response and I felt him tense in worry. "I just zoned out for a second. Did you find anything?"

"Nothing of substance, only what you said earlier, shadow magic isn't inherently bad or good. It depends on the context in which it is used. I also keep seeing the phrase 'all magic comes with a price' which does not worry me at all.”

I could hear the heavy laden sarcasm in his words. I wasn't sure if I was to laugh or take him seriously so I sighed. "There is nothing on how she could have gotten the magic in the first place?"

"Not really, I read something about a sacrifice done in the dead of the night but I don't really care much about it at the moment. I already have the powers, I just want to get rid of them or learn to control them. It feels like there is a looming clock over my head and don't know when it will run out."

It was at that moment I realized exactly what we were doing wrong. I stood to my feet and cleared the distance between us then with his eyes on me, I carefully crawled into Ryker's lap. He didn't hesitate before pushing the book to the side and wrapping his arms firmly around me. For a while, there were no sounds, no one spoke, no one even dared to breathe loudly. It was just us in each other's embrace against a harsh future that threatened to ruin us.

"What happens now?" he asked after a beat of silence and I shrugged.

"I'll keep looking for anything about the fire in her coven. If I find something I will let you know."

"I will keep looking into the magic as well," he continued. "I need to learn how to control it because if I do beat this test-"

"When," I cut him off. "When you beat the test."

His eyes softened considerably and he placed a lingering kiss on my temple. "When I beat the test, I need to know how to handle what I have been given."

"Lois can train you too," I offered and the corner of his lips quirked up in a small smile. "It would be fun to have training together."

"I suppose it is," he mused. I made to rise from his body but he held me impossibly tighter. "Give it a few minutes please, I just want to stay like this."NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

I didn't protest, I just leaned further into him.

I wasn't sure how long we stayed there, but by the time we finally emerged, it was time for dinner. It was difficult sitting at the table and pretending everything was fine when all I wanted was to return to the solace of my room and keep searching the books. My ever waking thought was plagued by this predicament. Ryker might not have known how important he was to us but I did.

He was the glue that held our entire family together. He was the silent pillar that kept this kingdom afloat. The kingdom could do without me, our family could go on without me but without Ryker, it was going to crash to the ground like dominos. He was the silent partner who gave everyone support. He was the friend who was by your side when you needed it most and he didn't realize it sometimes but I knew enough to know that we needed everyone's help if we were going to get through this.

Audrey and Aurora fell asleep in their plates. Ryker offered to take them and put them to bed. I didn't protest because I needed the time to do something else. Once he was gone, I quickly cornered Juan and Christine on the way to their rooms.

"I didn't want to ask this of you because honestly, what you need right now is peace but I need your help," I said and they both stilled. They shared a wary look before turning back to me and nodding. "You all know Ryker is going to face a test, right? I have reason to believe that Reina's test was whether or not to burn down her coven."

Christine crossed her arms over her chest. "So you think Ryker's test might be of the same magnitude?"

I nodded. "I still haven't gotten any proof to back up my claim yet but I will. Until then, I need you both to help me find out what you can on shadow magic and on the coven's burning."

"It happened so many years ago," Juan said and I nodded. "There is barely anyone alive who saw it happen and even the ones who did don't know what happened, the only person who does is Reina."

"I know that but please, I am desperate," my voice cracked on the end. "This thing can come any time and I don't want to lose my mate. I will take any piece of information you have to offer, I just don't want to lose him."

Juan nodded. He didn't need any more persuasion. "I'll see what I can find."

"Thank you," I whispered. "I have to go before he finds out what I did. Please don't tell him that you know, he wanted to keep it between us."

"Our lips are sealed," they said in unison.

Once I was sure that everything was settled, I grabbed my skirts and rushed back to our room. I wanted to get there before Ryker so I didn't have to explain to him where I want. I managed to get in just a few seconds before him and the relief in my heart was palpable. If he knew that I hadn't been in the room, he didn't let on. He just told me that the girls were safely in bed and started to undress.

I debated telling him that I had asked for help, but decided against it at the last minute. I didn't want to give him reason to fret or worry so I stripped alongside him and pulled on my favorite white nightdress. I lay in his arms, both of us engrossed by our respective books. I got to a point where it was more rambling and as much as I hated to admit it, it was fun reading from Reina's mind. She seemed like a very smart person, she had just made some wrong choices.

I got to a point where she spoke about her old coven. She described the incident as a spur of the moment decision and something she didn't expect. I was intrigued and wanted to see where it was going when I heard a knock on our door. Ryker heard it too because he stilled. He gestured for me to wait while he went to open the door and I was surprised to see a guard at our door.

I knew from experience that whatever the guard wanted to say wasn't good so before he spoke, I already rose to my feet and grabbed a cloak to throw over my night dress.

"Just show us," I sighed and he nodded. He led Ryker and I down the steps and towards the front of the palace where three people lay.

They looked like townsfolk and at first, they looked relatively unhurt until I saw that they were all covering another. There was a fourth person and when I saw them, I had to look away and breathe through my nose to stop myself from throwing up. "What's going on?" I heard Christine ask as she came closer but I quickly shot my hands out to stop her. I shook my head at her and thankfully, she heeded my advice and took a step back. "Is everything okay?"

"No," I whispered before turning back to the people. The person they were covering was badly bruised and battered and I could tell he was dead. "What happened to you?"

"A wolf attacked us tonight while we were walking home. We managed to cut it with a silver knife but it killed him first."

"Was it a rogue?" Ryker asked and the woman shot him a death glare. Normally, that would be grounds for punishment but she deserved a break today considering her friend just died. "No, it wasn't, it was a palace wolf."

My brows rose. "That is a serious accusation."

"Maybe, but I saw it run towards the palace. It may not be a palace wolf but it is within the palace walls right now."

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