The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 257


"Remind me again what we are doing here?" Juan drawled from behind me.

If I didn't need someone's company so badly, I wouldn't have asked him to come with but out of everyone I knew, he was the only one who didn't ask too many questions and was willing to go at anything blindly.

I turned to him and he was sitting with his feet propped up on the table. It should have annoyed me that he was touching his feet onto books that were probably thousands of years old but I couldn't bring myself to care much. He was helping me out and it wasn't my place to implement too strict rules.

"Have you seen anything?" I asked and he just shrugged. I didn't need any form o clarification, I let out an exhausted sigh and took the seat next to him. "I honestly thought I would find something here. This is arguably the largest and oldest library in the world." Juan just shrugged and placed the book in his hands on the table. At least he dropped it gently and not tossed it like I had expected. We stared at each other for a full minute before I sighed and grabbed another book from the premade pile.

We had planned this thing last night. I knew I needed some time alone to investigate so I had called Juan and he went into the private library to check out some titles. He arranged them in a neat pile and after we had told the women that we were going out, we snuck in through the back and spent our time here. I was very much aware that I could have told Camilla exactly what I was doing but I didn't want to worry her more than she already was.

There was already so much going on with Audrey and with this new development and what was worse was that I could feel it. I could feel the change coming day by day. I wasn't sure how to explain it but I felt more in tune with the life force of everyone around me. could sense their auras and I could tell when something was wrong. If this was half of how Camilla felt when she had her powers then I couldn't understand why she didn't run mad because it felt like I was going to,

"Remind me again what exactly we are looking for," Juan's question snapped me out of my thoughts. "I think magic is too broad of a topic."This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

"It isn't just magic," I felt almost annoyed by the analogy. "It is death magic, Juan, dark magic. This isn't just your run of the mill party trick. The goddess said I could be lost forever if I didn't pass the test. I want to know what the test is."

"So you want to cheat the test?" he mused and I shrugged. "Well then, we can keep looking. But I think you're stressing too much about this. It said it would test your character and you are a good person."

I couldn't trust that. We were dealing with forces far bigger than us, I could never be sure of their definition of good and I couldn't trust that I was going to meet up to it. I needed to know exactly what I was dealing with so that I could avoid it. it was the least that my family deserved. It was almost laughable how Camilla had powers for over five years now and she only had good powers. The moment I got powers for the first time, I got stuck with dark magic.

Reina had chosen me for a reason. Perhaps she knew that I was the only one who could handle the powers.

She didn't do things by accident, she had known that Camilla was too good for it and that was why she had chosen me. It was the only logical reason.

"I don't like that look," Juan frowned making me turn to him. "What are you thinking about?"

"I am thinking that we are in the wrong place," I said simply as I stood to my feet. "We need to get our answers from Reina herself. She chose this, she knew this was going to happen and she doesn't do anything by mistake." "What exactly are you suggesting then?"

"I need to go back to where she died."

Juan just stared at me unblinking for a second and then two before finally letting out an exhausted sigh and pulling himself to his feet. “It isn't as if I can let you go on your own. When do we leave?" "Now."

We snuck out of the palace the very same way that we snuck in. it wasn't hard to leave without anyone seeing us and although I wanted to check on Camilla, I stopped myself from doing so. The ride to Reina's death spot was short and I barely paid attention on the way because I knew the road like the back of my hand.

This time, the horses didn't seem concerned to stop. It must have been the presence of the doll that made them stop all those times and now that I had taken it away, there was nothing for them to fear. I dismounted leaving Juan to follow behind me only because I didn't want him to ask what I had planned. I was winging the entire fucking thing and hoping that something good would come from it.

"I need you to tell me a plan, Ryker," Juan's voice was calm but there was an edge to it. "I need to know what we are searching for."

"I don't know," I admitted. "There has to be something else here."

"But we didn't see anything else the last time we came. What exactly do you think we might be looking for?" I couldn't respond because the truth was, I didn't know. I just knew as well as I knew my own name that there was something here that I was meant to figure out.

"I just need you to trust me on this, please," I whispered and although he sighed, he nodded. He didn't ask any more questions after that, he just went in the opposite direction and started looking.

We walked around aimlessly for half an hour before I started to get frustrated. Reina had deliberately made this harder than it needed to be and it pissed me the fuck off. She wanted me to suffer, even in her death and I knew that if she could see me now, she would have been having a field day. Everything in me wanted to just give up and call it over but I couldn't go back home empty handed even if it meant spending the entire night here.

"Anything?" Juan asked and I nearly jumped because I hadn't noticed him walking up to me. I shook my head and he leaned against a tree. "I want to help, Ryker, but I need to know what the hell is going on in your mind to help. I'm not a mind reader." Even though it had nothing to do with the situation, I couldn't help but smile. There was just something remotely amusing about the possibility of being a mind reader. At least I would not have needed to work this hard to figure out what Reina wanted. Before she died, I would have found it out.

"We should go back home," I said simply and even though I could see the skepticism on Juan's face, he didn't protest. He stood to his feet and just as we were about to leave, I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

It looked almost like a wisp of a shadow. It could have been anything but I found myself drawn to it. I looked over wondering if I had imagined it when I saw it again in the air. It was going down a path and before I knew what I was doing, I was going that way too. I heard Juan call out to me but I couldn't be bothered to respond to him. It felt like if I even took my eyes off the wisp for one second, it was going to disappear. It was that fast. I could barely keep up with it.

It led me to the mouth of a cave before disappearing. I stood there just staring and wondering whether or not to go in when Juan caught up to me.

"Are you insane?" he whispered harshly. "What the hell were you thinking taking off like that? You didn't respond when I called and-"

"There is something here," I cut him off and he stilled. He looked over at me with questions in his eyes but I didn't know how to answer those questions because I didn't have the answers. “I saw something and it led me here. This could be what we are looking for." "What are you waiting for? Go in."

"I don't go into random caves anymore. The last time I did that, I was greeted with a vampire holding my mate hostage."

He seemed to understand because the next thing I knew, Juan was walking in. I tried to reach out to stop him but he was faster and disappeared into the mouth. Visit Job n i b .co m to read the complete chapters for free. I stood there wondering if I should follow him or stay put. It was the longest one minute of my life before I finally heard his voice.

"It is safe, I guess, but you really want to see this."

I didn't waste any more time after that before rushing in after him and sure enough, I was stunned by what I saw. Even though the scent in here was old and stale, I knew without a doubt that it was Reina who had stayed here. I could almost feel her energy and the remnants of whatever power now resided inside of me.

Juan was saying something but I couldn't pay much attention to him because I was transfixed by what I saw. There was a small mat where I was sure she slept and the rest of the room was littered with books and parchment. "This is exactly what you need," Juan said in awe and I couldn't help but agree. No one knew Reina's powers better than Reina and I could have bet my life that the books were about her magic. "I can only imagine the-" He trailed off and I turned to him. It didn't take long to see what he was looking at. It was old and faded and looked like it had been written in blood. It was three simple words but they sent a chill down my spine.

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