The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 240


I couldn't tell Camilla the truth. She seemed so happy and peaceful knowing that Reina was dead. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that there was more to the story than that. Instead, I put a smile on my face and lied through my f*****g teeth. It was a wonder that she didn’t even notice, she could usually tell when I was bull shitting her but maybe she just wanted to believe so badly that I was telling the truth.

The ride back to the palace was tranquil but my mind was a raging inferno. There was so much that could go wrong and I wasn't sure if I had the heart to tell her. Reina was dead-yes, there was no denying that but whatever she had dabbled in, whatever she had put her hands into- it wasn’t gone, not by a long shot.

I could still feel the icy feeling of the darkness around me. I had never felt as alone as I had in that moment. It took me back to the worst moments of my life- a child, unable to defend my own mother and my sister. It took me back tc the icy feeling of despair, fear and helplessness. It was no wonder Reina was the way she was if she had to deal with that every second of the day. It felt like nails scratching down my back, and I had heard a voice.

That was the kind of voice I was never going to forget until the day I died. It was eerie and otherworldly. I had felt it reverberate in every fiber of my being. It was Reina’s voice but it was not at the same time. It was something different, something stronger. All it had said was one sentence but that one sentence was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

“You think this is over?” it had asked and then I heard a dark cackle. I couldnt describe what happened next even if tried but I had a sinking feeling. I didn’t want to tell Camilla yet because I didn’t want her to worry. I had everything under control.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Ryker,” she called out and I stilled atop my horse. I turned to her and she was watching me with concern in her eyes “You zoned out there for a second, are you alright?”

I nodded immediately. “Of course, I am just ready to get home. I think we have had enough of witches for a very long time.” She smiled. “Honestly, I agree, but we have something else waiting for us- Audrey.”

“Audrey's powers aren't bothering anyone right now and I think we can take a much deserved break and not think about anything until it becomes an actual problem, hm?”

“Isn't the entire purpose to prevent it before it becomes a problem?”

“Camilla, you worry too much.”

“You don’t worry enough,” she shot back. “I am concerned. I know I shouldn't take stock to whatever Reina said but she made some very big accusations and what if a part of her is right.”

I turned to her and gave her a bland look. Her cheeks heated crimson in response. “Do you want to take the word of the woman who has tried to kill ypou multiple times over the word of the goddess who saved you every single time? She sighed. “You're right, I'm just worried. This is Audrey we are talking about. She is our daughter.”

“And she will be fine,” I finished. “For now, let us focus on getting home.”

Juan and Damien were waiting in front of the palace when we arrived. I had never seen Juan as panicked as he was ir that moment. He didn’t even wait for us to get off the horses before he rushed over.

“She was in my head,” he said and I nodded but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. “I couldn't get her out. How dic I not know that she was in my head? How did I not realize what was happening? I could have hurt-"

“But you didn’t,’ I cut him off. “That is what matters. She is dead and everything is over.” He still didn’t look convinced. “Reina is dead. The dolls unraveled. She must have gotten to you when she was in the palace but she is gone now and she can no longer get into your head.”

“She wanted me to burn the palace down,” he whispered. “I felt the idea drop in my head. She didn’t push on it but I got the idea. She wanted me to start with mine and Christine's room and I would not have been able to stop myself i she had asked. I would have killed my family and I would have been unable to stop myself”

I could see just how truly worried he was. I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You are fine. You didn't hurt them. I know she is probably looking for you right now.”

“How do I face her?”

“The way you always have, with the knowledge that you would never willingly hurt her and you would rather die thar let anything happen to her. She needs you right now, you should go.”

He nodded before rushing off into the palace. Damien was talking to Camilla but his eyes were on me. As soon as he saw that I was done with Juan, he made his way over to me.

“Is this what your life is like all the time- witches and problems?”

I thought about it before nodding. “Most of the time, yeah.”

He cursed. “That sounds like a lot. I'm sure we didn’t do you any favors by coming here. But at least I got to make up with Juan, he isn’t a bad guy.”

I laughed despite not feeling the slightest bit amused. “I'm glad that worked out for you.”

I made to brush past him but he reached out and stopped me. “Look, I know a lot has happened so far but I still consider you my best friend and as your best friend of many years, I know when something is wrong. Did something happen out there?”

“Other than the fact that we battled a witch?” there was no reason for me to be sarcastic but I didn’t want him deciphering what had happened.

He rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. Are you alright? You look different- you look uneasy.”

“I just need to see my family and make sure that they are alright”

He clearly didn’t believe me, but he stepped aside for me. Camilla was waiting at the front of the palace doors for me and I wasted no time in intertwining my fingers with hers and walking in. She seemed relaxed but I could feel her watchful gaze.

“You can ask,” I said after a minute of silence and she let out a sigh of relief.

“Damien was right- you look off. If something is bothering you then you can tell me.”

I stopped her in her tracks then turned her to face me. I rested my forehead against hers and for a few seconds, it was just us. There were no witches, no people to save, it was just us. I closed my eyes and basked in that feeling for as long as possible before kissing her softly. For a few minutes, I could pretend like there were no problems- like I was fine.

“I'm good,” I lied once I had pulled away. “Now, can we go check on our daughters?”

They were with a maid when we got there. I knew Juan would have pulled Christine away and I couldn't even be upset. As soon as we walked in, Audrey just looked up at us and said. “I knew you would win."

It was a bit unsettling especially seeing as she had said it in this calm monotonous voice. I knew it would take a while to get used to her powers and to find a way to hide them so that people didn't find out. She was still too young she wasn't ready to deal with the entire scrutiny and the pressure that came with having magic. She needed to be a child and that was exactly what we were determined to do.

We distracted them with toys and stories. In all honesty, it was more of a distraction for ourselves. I could feel Audrey's eyes on me the entire time, almost assessing, as if she knew something was wrong but she didn’t say anything and neither did I. I brushed it to the back of my mind and convinced myself that I was imagining things. That was until I started to feel something like a churning in my gut. I tried to ignore it but it only seemed to get worse.

“Excuse me,” I whispered before rushing to my feet and into the bathroom. I barely had time to lock the door.

I didn’t know what was happening but I knew that whatever it was, it wasn't good. I heard Camilla call out to me but assured her I was fine and just asked for a few minutes. I stood in front of the mirror staring down at my fingertips that were blackened. I wasn't sure how it happened. Right before my eyes, they went back to normal and then to blackened again.

“What the fuck?” I whispered before looking into the mirror and I nearly stumbled back. My eyes were pitch black an not the kind of black that came when my wolf was in control. This was something else.

“Daddy,” I turned to find Audrey by the door and I cursed.

“You should go out and wait for me, princess, I'll be there soon,” she didn’t move. “Audrey, please, I'll be there soon, okay? I'm fine.”

“No, you're not,” she shook her head. “It got into you.”

“What got into me, Audrey?” she remained quiet so I gestured for her to come closer. It took her a second before she moved and once she did, I bent down until I was eye level with her. “It's still me, princess. Now, I need you to tell me what got into me.”

“The bad magic, daddy, it's inside you.”

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