The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 237


“What does she mean by she saw her in her dream? We locked her powers, Ryker," I whispered harshly once we were out of the room. Audrey was seated cross legged on the bed oblivious to what was happening and I made sure to check on her every few seconds. “Lyla locked her powers. We didn’t want this to happen. How long has it been happening?”

“Calm down.”

“I cannot calm down. You remember what happened the last time she had these kinds of dreams. Our daughter couldn't sleep for days. She was a shell of herself. I cannot watch that happen to her again. I refuse to.”


“She is our baby. She does not deserve this. She should have a few years left. We were promised a few years. This is not a few years.”ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

He placed both hands on my shoulders. “Breathe, baby, you will drive yourself insane.”

I forced air into my lungs and forced them back out. I couldn't think, couldn't see clearly in front of me. I remembered just how bad it was the last time, it was a miracle she was still sitting in front of us, except she was hiding the worst of it but I didn’t think Audrey could do that which meant it was still manageable. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Jo b I glanced at my daughter once more and this time, she lifted her head. She smiled when she saw me and waved. I couldn't stop myself from waving back before turning to Ryker.

“What should we do?” I asked but he said nothing. “Ryker, I need you right now because I don’t know what to do. I cannot think about Reina and think about Audrey at the same time.”

“I know,” he whispered softly. “We need to know how bad it is. We need to know how much she has seen and we nee to find a witch to try and lock her powers.”

“Please don't,” I heard Audrey say from inside and I turned to her. “She said you would do that but you can't. If you lock it again, it will be very bad.”

“How bad?” I asked and she shrugged. “what exactly did she say?”

“I don't know. She told me to ask you not to lock it.”

I turned back to Ryker unable to say anything and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. It was clear she could hear us so I switched to the mind link.

“Now what?” I couldn't keep the worry out of my voice. “Do you think that maybe when Lyla died, her spell broke?” “It is a possibility. I don’t know how witches work but that could be it”

I sighed. “This is a mess and this is clearly just the beginning because remember earlier, she said we. I dont know who we is”

“One step at a time,” he assured me before breaking of the link.

I watched as he made his way over to Audrey. Instead of sitting next to her, he sat on the floor. She smiled at him anc on the surface, he looked at ease but I could see the tension in his shoulders and I could feel his raging emotions down our bond. It never ceased to amaze me how put together Ryker managed to look even during the worst of times. He always had his head screwed on straight and he was always level headed. He was the gentle flowing strean to my raging inferno.

“When did you start having dreams again?” he asked Audrey and she hesitated. “It's okay, princess, it's just me, you can trust me, can't you?” she nodded albeit slowly. “Tell me when the dreams started. I promise I won't lock them up again.”

“it started before mummy came back,” she finally responded. “It wasn’t bad like the last time. There was this nice lady, she had pretty hair and she said she was a friend of mummy's.”

“Was she a little girl too?” I asked and she nodded. “A little older than you though, maybe ten?” she nodded again and I turned to Ryker who looked confused. “The goddess.” I turned back to Audrey. “What did she say to you?”

“She said that you locked my dreams because you were scared and she was going to help me so I didn't get scared again. She showed me mummy comin back and then you came,” she seemed excited as she spoke.

Her powers were exciting in the right context, if she were an adult and if they had come when they should but knowing that they had come over a decade and a half early was enough to throw me into a panic. She was too young for the

responsibility. If anyone were to find out what she could do, she would be in horrible danger and I wasn't ready to put my child through that- not again.

“She showed me a few things after, but nothing too bad. She showed me the mean woman again. She's very nice. She sits with me when she shows me.”

“You dream of the goddess every night?” I said slowly to confirm and she shook her head.

“Not every night silly,” she giggled. “But she is with me in my dreams. She says it is to help me. She's very sweet.”

I exhaled heavily. “Thank you for telling me, Audrey, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else.”

Her face fell. “Why not? I could help them?”

“No, princess,” Ryker cut in. “You cannot tell a soul or they might put you in danger. You aren't supposed to have these dreams until you're an adult. If anyone finds out they could try to hurt you.”

Her eyes widened in fear but she nodded. I didn’t want to scare her but it was exactly what needed to be done. I placed a kiss on her temple. “I have to go do something right now, is there anything you want before that?”

“Can you sit with me for a while?” she asked and I nodded.

“Of course,” there was no hesitation whatsoever. I was going to sit with her as long as she wanted.

I sat there stroking her curls until her eyes had drifted close. When I was sure that she was sleeping, I carefully extracted myself and closed her room door.

“We need someone watching her at all times,” I said simply and Ryker nodded gesturing to the two guards who were already walking towards us.

“I called them here. They will keep an eye on her and there are guards already watching Aurora. They are both going to be safe, I promise you.”

I wanted to believe that but I wasn't worried about them being attacked here, I was worried about her gifts. I was worried about how they would play out in the long run and what the goddess was thinking when she gave her the powers so early. It had always been twenty-one, for centuries. She broke the rule with my mother when she gave her powers despite not being from the royal family and now she had broken it again.

“Do we tell Christine and Juan?” I asked and he immediately shook his head.

“I think it is better for everyone involved if we are the only two who know. But we do need to ready them for the inevitable arrival of Reina. If Audrey is right, then Reina is planning something tomorrow and we have to be ready.”

I agreed with that so that was exactly what we did. We found Christine and Juan and told them to prepare. They were a bit surprised at our urgency but said nothing. The plan was simple, take the dagger and lead Reina as far away from the palace as possible. Keep her away and make sure that we killed her because if she managed to get her hands on that dagger- it was game over.

“Camilla,” Christine rushed up to me after the meeting. I had been the first to leave and I hadn't expected anyone to follow. “Is everything okay? I was worried about you. You looked a little green inside.”

“I'm fine,” I assured her. “I am just worried about how things will turn out tomorrow. We are taking a huge risk.”

“I think you would all do better with me out there,” she began but I held up a hand to stop her. “You have been out fighting while pregnant too. Do you remember Lauren? You also fought with Frederick only a few weeks after giving birth. You could do it.”

“Not by choice,” I shot back. “If I had my way, I would have never been there. Your number one priority is to your baby, Christine. You are doing more than enough for us from here. Just keep your attention on you and focus on making sure that both you and the baby are safe.”

“But I can help-"

“I know you can,” I whispered. “And you will be helping but from here. I need someone to keep an eye on the girls fol me and I need you to do it. I know this isnt what you want but you are pregnant and I am not going to just easily forget that.”

“Why can't Riley do it?" I explained what happened with Riley and Juan. When I was done, her eyes widened in shock “Shit, is he still under her control?”

“We don't know. He didn’t even know he was under her control. Right now, all that we are trying to do is to make sur everything is safe for tomorrow. I don’t know if Riley will come around and if she doesn't, it means the girls are unprotected. This might not seem like much to you but those girls are my life, Christine.”

“You don't have to explain it to me,” she reached out and grabbed both of my hands. “I will watch them and we will all be waiting for you to return.”

“Thank you.”

I wanted to tell her about Audrey, but I couldn't. Christine had always been my confidante and there had never been anything I couldn't talk to her about until now. It felt weird and strange.

“Make sure you kill that witch for me,” she mused and I laughed.

“Don’t worry, I'll bring back her head.”

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