The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 234


We had twenty-four hours until her set time for attack, and panic was everywhere. Majority of the palace still had no idea what was going on, it was just us and we had planned to keep it that way for as long as possible but as I sat in my office staring at the ceiling, I realized that we were probably well and truly f****d because we were no closer to figuring out how to kill the bitch.

“Camilla,” a voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked forward to find Christine staring at me with a look of concern. “I asked you the same question about five time now. Are you alright?”

Are you?” I shot back and she pursed her lips. “What is it?”

“Do you think we should at least inform the guards? They would need to prepare for her wouldn't they? She hasn't said or done anything yet. She has been radio silent and that worries me. Last time, she made sure everyone knew that she was coming.”

“Maybe she didn’t need to this time, we already know,” I shrugged. “Or maybe she just wants to keep us on our toes. don’t know why she would choose to do this. I wish I did and thinking about this is only stressing me out some more I don’t know how to kill her and that is my major concern.”

“Juan has a theory that she isn’t at her full strength,” she explained and I stilled. “HE says that since you lost something then probably she did too. It makes the most sense to me out of everything else I have tried to comd up with.”

She wasn't even looking at me as she spoke. Her eyes were cast down at the piece of paper in front of her. That just showed how much she didn’t believe the theory but she was right, it seemed the most logical. We were both close to death, we should have lost something. I still had zero idea why we were alive but Brigg's words had been ringing in my ears over the past few days.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I need to go back to that cliff” I announced standing to my feet and her eyes widened. She started to protest but I wasn't going to let her. “Before Briggs left yesterday, he told me something, he said water has memories. Something kept us both alive and I am going to find out.”

“How do you even plan to do that? It isn't like you will just go and sit down and ask the water. Are you even listening to yourself?”

“Asking is exactly what I plan to do,” I made my way over to the door. “You can either come with me or you can stay, I don’t really care but I am going either way.”

She was a mix between exasperated and annoyed but I knew Christine and I already knew what her answer would be She was as desperate as I was to find a solution and if that meant going back to the cliff, she was going to say yes. It didn’t even take her up to five minutes before she sighed and rose to her feet.

“This better yield some good results” she mumbled. “Are you going to tell the men? Ryker isn’t going to be happy about you going back there.”

“I know, but it is a good thing I am not asking,” I winked at her. “I'll inform him and if he has a problem with it then h can stay behind. Whatever happens, I will get answers today.

I will not face her blindly- not again.”

Christine went with me to talk to Ryker and Juan and just as we had predicted, neither of them was happy about it. Ryker tried to talk me out of it but when he realized my mind had been made up, he sighed and offered to go with me instead.

Neither of us truly wanted to be there, I wasn't even sure how I would react to be there. It was one of the most traumatic moments of my life, watching my daughter almost die in front of me and then almost dying myself. I remembered it like it was yesterday, remembered the goddess’ face as she stared at me.

We took a carriage because of Christine’s pregnancy and thankfully, we didn’t go to the top of the cliff, but rather the bottom where the river flowed. I stared at the raging river wondering how it was possible that I survived it but feelin: nothing short of grateful.

“What now?” Juan asked and I sighed.

“I don't know,” I admitted moving a little closer to the river.

“I haven't done this before in case you didn’t realize. I am just seeing where it goes.”

“Shouldn't you have thought about that before making us all come out here?”

Ryker gave him a warning growl. “You didn’t have to come.

You asked to be here and so far, Camilla is the only one who has brought up any ideas.”

I didn’t want to hear them argue so I walked away from them until I was standing at the bank of the river. I closed my eyes and just breathed everything in. I still had my powers over the water and I could almost feel the waves moving around inside of me. I couldn't calm it even if I tried, water was never made to be restrained. I just let it flow.

I could feel something in the waves, something angry, something dangerous and it wasn’t just the fact that the water could sweep me away at will. There was something else and I couldn't stop myself from taking a step into the river. I heard screams behind me as someone tried to stop me but it was like I couldn't control myself. I kept moving forward until I was standing right in the center of the river, the water up to my waist. How I wasn’t swept away, I had no idea but something kept my foot grounded, something kept the waves from knocking me over. It was almost as if the water wanted me there, wanted me to find something.

“Tell me,” I whispered. “I don’t know what you want to say but I'm listening.”

The water grazed my fingers and I could feel the raging emotions but I didn’t know how to access the memories. I wa just going with the flow as I closed my eyes. I took in a deep breath and allowed the emotions overwhelm me.

There was so much anger, so much pain and so much... death. It threatened to swallow me whole. It was overwhelming and I thought I would crash to my knees from the sheer intensity of it.

My eyes flew open and I realized I was cocooned by the water. It was raging all around me and that was when started to see it.

The images came fast, but I was able to decipher each of them. There were two men, brothers from what I knew. I sav one kill the other and dump the body, it was the first that the river claimed. I saw many more, many betrayals, it. accumulated the anger. It became a dumping ground for the dead. It was no wonder the river was angry.

After a few people, I saw Reina, or at least, a younger version of her. She was covered in soot and I knew she had just burned down her coven. In order to avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit] 0b n ib. com. She stripped off he burned clothes and dumped them straight into the river. I could almost hear the screams of the witches. She cleanec herself, washed herself clean of all the evil she had done and left.

The scene then shifted to us atop the cliff. I watched as we fell in slow motion, not quite dead but not quite alive either.

I saw Reina pull out the knife from her chest as she struggled to get to the surface, but the river didn’t want to let go of her. It wanted to claim her too, for all the lives she had taken. She grabbed onto me, determined to make sure we went down together and then I saw a light.

I knew it was the goddess, even before I saw her soft young face. She was looking straight at me as she spoke, as if she knew I would be here, or maybe, I had become the river and she was speaking to us.

“You have suffered so much,” she whispered. “You cannot take any more. Release this one.” I felt stubborn. I didn't want to budge. They came together, they had to go together.

“If I claim both, will you let them live?” she asked and although it felt like I was being cheated, I felt myself nod. “I have to leave something for you, don't I?”

I nodded again.

“Don’t worry, I am in debt to you and one of them will come back to repay it. She will set you free.”

This time, I knew she was talking directly about me. She put one finger in the water and it glowed. I watched as Rein: and I flowed downstream until we were spat out at the foot of the village and just like that, the images stopped. The water raged around me, as if reminding me of the goddess’ promise. I didn't have the slightest idea what to do but I felt myself speak.

“Give it to me,” I whispered. “Give me all the pain and the anger and the suffering, I can take it” The water flowed unsure around me. “You have carried it for far too long. Give it to me.”

No sooner than the moment the last words left my lips, I felt it all crash into me. I let out a scream that came out garbled due to the raging of the water around me. There was so much pain, too much, it flew into me all at once and thought I was going to explode from the sheer magnitude of it.

It felt like hours until it stopped and even then, I felt the emotions slowly drifting out of me. They weren't designed to be held. It was not my pain, not my anger and I wasn’t going to hold onto it. It was time to move on.

The water cocooning me slowly fell and what was once a raging river was now peacefully flowing. I turned around to see my family staring at me with varying looks of concern and worry.

“I got the answer,” was all I managed to say before my knees gave out.

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