The Rejected Werewolf Princess

The Rejected Werewolf Princess Chapter 218


Of all the things I expected to hear, a dead or rather undead person would not have been my first few guesses. I stared at Christine wondering if she had misread but her expression didn’t change. Juan and Camilla were asking questions but I took the envelope out of her hands and started reading through it expecting to see something different from what she had said but it was the same thing detailing the situations around Marie's death.

“If she has been dead this entire time,” I began cutting everyone off and making them turn to me. “How did you not realize? The people should have been concerned seeng a dead person walking around the town, don’t you think?” “Everything seemed normal,” Camilla looked like she had just been thrown for a loop. “I swear it, if I felt anything wa amiss, I would have said it a long time ago. Everyone spoke to her, it doesn’t make sense that they would say this now. She was with us the entire time.”

“She is right, I was there for a few hours but if someone saw a ghost, they would have mentioned it”

“So what are you saying?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Either this report is false or something was going on while you were in that town. How else would an entire town be able to forget that someone is dead especially if they died in a way as brutal as this?”

I tossed the envelope on the table between us. No one dared to speak and as I ran my hands through my hair, I realized just how truly amusing the entire situation was. We had dealt with vampires, other werewolves and practically everything you could think to deal with. I wondered if the goddess was seated and watching us while laughing. I wondered if she had more in store or if she was finally going to look at us one day and decide that we hac enough and it was time to give us a break.

“Magic,” Camilla’s voice was barely over a whisper and I would have not heard her if she wasn’t seated next to me. “What happened to magic?” I had a feeling I knew where she was going but it wasn’t something I wanted to consider. “You asked what could possibly make an entire town forget that someone died and there is only one answer- magic. That is the only thing powerful enough to make an entire town forget and I know one witch who is-"

“NO! I cut her off.

She was taken aback by how vehemently I was against it. I hadn't meant to yell at her but the mere thought of Reina being back was not something I wanted to entertain. It had almost cost me everything the last time we had to face her. Besides, she was meant to be dead.

“Ryker, it is the only logical option at this point,” she whispered reaching out for me but I brushed off her hand. “What is logical is that Reina is dead,” I shut her down. “You stabbed her with the knife, it was meant to kill her, I saw her bleed, I saw her fall, I saw you-" I choked out on the last part. “You both fell, she should be dead.”

“I should be dead too but I am here and I am alive. She could be too. I don't want her to but-"

“I found her body,” I cut her off and she fell silent. “A few weeks after you went missing, I found her body downstream. It was in the opposite direction from where we ended up finding you. It was her body that made me centralize my search because I hoped that since I found her there, it also meant that I would find you there.”

I hadn't meant to be that blunt but I needed her to know that. I needed her to realize that this wasn't Reina and I wa all the more happy for it because I couldn't imagine having to deal with Reina again. To avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit Jobn'i’' I didn’t want to deal with any witch but Reina was a special case. Just the thought of her was enough to have me breaking out in worry.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“How about we relax before jumping to conclusions about who she is?” Christine cut in. “I can try to look into them more but I doubt I will find anything. Why don’t we just confront her about it?”

“What do you want me to say? Do you want me to just walk up to her and say “hey, Marie, I know you are secretly dead and you are a witch?’ I am sure that will go over well,” Camilla snorted and Christine narrowed her eyes.

They rarely argued but I could feel this turning into one so I decided to interrupt. “What if you talk to Peggy? She might still be under the effects of the spell. If there is any way to break the spell, she might be able to tell us more.” “How do I do that?”

“Maybe try asking her about the situation in detail and keep pushing the fact that Marie died. It might spark a memory, you never know,” Camilla still didn't seem convinced so I grabbed both of her shoulders and turned her to face me. “I know this is an extremely sensitive thing to ask of you but I need you to do this. You are the one that has a relationship with them and you are the one that they will listen to.”

“I can try,” she said finally and that was all I needed from her. I placed a kiss on her forehead and I felt her melt into my hold. She stayed like that for a few minutes, no one spoke or even dared to breathe loud until she pulled back. “I should go, Marie might start looking for me anytime soon. She is already suspicious of me because she thinks I am avoiding her”

I wanted to ask her to stay but she walked out of the room without looking back and I knew it had more to do with avoiding me than it had to do with meeting Marie. Once she was gone, I turned back to Christine and Juan who were still standing in the quiet room.

“Do you think it is Reina?” I asked.

“Well, we found her body and-"

“That wasn’t what I asked,” I cut Christine off and she sighed.

“I think there is so much we don’t know and I don’t want to jump to conclusions until we find out the truth. I am tired, Ryker and I don’t know if I can do this so please, I don't want to think about Reina or anyone else right now.”

I had never seen Christine look so fragile and worried. Juan reached out for her and for once, she didn’t hesitate, she just sunk into her mate's hold. That was how I knew something was definitely wrong.

“What is it?” she opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. “Don't lie, I don’t want you to lie”

“I'm pregnant,” she whispered and I froze. There was a little guilt in her eyes meaning she had known for a while and she still chose to hide it from me. “l wanted to tell her first. I didn’t want to hide it, I just wanted her to know first. She is my sister.”

“I know,” I gave her a small smile. “You will be an amazing mother, Christine. You should go rest.”

“Don’t do that,” she frowned. “I know that look because Juan has that look. You are not going to cage me up and prevent me from helping just because I am having a baby.”

I was not going to admit or deny it. Instead, I cleared my throat and turned on my heels. It wasn’t until I was by the exit that I spoke. “Goodnight, Christine, you should rest.”

I didn’t need to look at her face to know that she was upset but I didn’t care, she was going to rest whether she wanted to or not. She was pregnant and I didn’t know. There was anger and frustration on my end for not even noticing. If I had dragged my head out of my a*s long enough, I would have seen it. I would have noticed the signs.

I was so wrapped up in my own guilt that I didn’t notice someone yelling out my name until a hand touched my shoulder. I reacted so fast but the owner of said hand was equally as quick.

I frowned at Damien. “I'm sorry, I kept calling out for you but you didn’t stop. I figured you didn’t hear me.”

I ran my hands down my face trying to hide the obvious frustration. “It is late, Damien, do you need something? Shouldn't you be with Riley?”

“I should, but I couldn't stay there, I needed some air,” I just hummed knowing he was going to tell me what the problem was regardless of whether or not I asked. “Do you know where I can find Christine?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “It is almost midnight. What the hell do you need Christine for?”

“l- I want to do it before I have to see Riley. I couldnt do it at dinner and I have been trying to find her”

“Did you consider the fact that she was with her mate like you should be right now?” he flinched like I had hit him. “Look, you are trying to be honorable but you need to go back to that room and be with her. You can see Christine tomorrow.”

He frowned but he knew I was right. “Fine, but why aren't you with Camilla? Shouldn't we all be with our mates?” “Why don’t you focus on your love triangle and leave me to worry about my mate, hm?” I tapped him on the shoulde in a slightly condescending way. “Go to bed, Damien and please, don’t go looking for strange women in the middle o the night. It is weird.”

He flipped me off and I couldn't hide my smile as he walked off. I watched him leave and was on my way back to the room when I heard a sound, something akin to footsteps.

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