The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 188

Chapter 188


There was darkness and my head was pounding in my skull. My entire body felt like it was being weighed down by a couple thousand tons and it didn’t matter how much I tried to lift my hands, I just couldn’t. I could smell dampness and hear the rushing of water but that was just about it. The more aware I became, the more my surroundings began to make sense. I could feel something soft beneath me, like cotton and I could hear footsteps but they were soft and gentle, almost cautious.

“I don’t know, look, I cannot think properly right now,” I heard someone whisper. The voice sounded feminine and a little older.

“What do you mean by you don’t know? There is a stranger in your home. Are you insane? She could be a murderer, she could be dangerous,” the second voice was also feminine but much younger- I would have guessed early twenties.

“She isn’t dangerous,” the first voice shot back with a scoff. “Look at her, she doesn’t look like she can hurt a fly.”

“She had blood on her when she came in. There was blood on her hands too. She could have killed someone.”

I forced my eyes open at that moment and it took a second for me to adjust to the brightness of the room. The room was fairly small with only a single bed that I was lying on and a table and chair in the room. My head was still pounding but I tried to drag myself into a sitting position. My movements caught the attention of the people in the room and they immediately rushed over to me.

There were two women there and it was obvious that they were mother and daughter. The older woman had salt and pepper hair that was tied neatly behind her neck. She had a warm smile on her face and she looked genuinely worried about me. The other girl had hair the shade of the sun with sharp and suspicious blue eyes. She glared at me with her hands crossed over her chest and I immediately knew she didn’t want me there. Regardless, I managed to give them a warm smile.

“How are you, my dear?” the older woman asked. “Do you remember anything?”

I shook my head which proved to be the wrong move because my head pulsed. I lifted both hands to try and stop the pounding but it did little to nothing. The older woman rushed over to my side immediately with a wet wash cloth and placed it directly over my forehead.


“We found you in the lake, I presume you came from somewhere upstream. You took a nasty fall somewhere because you had some bruising on your temple but you healed very well. My name is Peggy and this is my daughter, Marie.”

“Don’t tell her our name,” Marie hissed but Peggy waved her off. It was clear that Marie was distrustful of me and I couldn’t blame her, I would have done the same if I saw a strange woman at my doorstep.

“She isn’t going to hurt us.”

Marie ignored her mother and turned to me with narrowed eyes. “I have my eyes on you. If you try any funny business, I will gut you like a fish. Am I clear?”

“I have no intentions of hurting you or your mother. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. I can barely stand up on my own.”

Marie stared at me for a second longer before turning on her heels and storming out of the room. She slammed the door hard and I flinched from the sound. Peggy shot me a comforting smile and her eyes brimmed with unspoken apologies. Neither of us said a word, me because I didn’t know what to say and her presumably out of embarrassment.

“Well then,” Peggy cleared her throat as she stood to her feet. “You must be hungry. Would you like me to get you something to eat? I can bring it up for you or you can go down.”

“I think I would prefer to go down, thank you.”

She gave me a warm smile and helped me to my feet. My legs buckled from the weight of my own body and I would have fallen over if she hadn’t kept her hands wrapped around me. The outside of the room was just as small as the inside, it held a simple living room with two couches, a small dining table and a kitchen to the left. It was a quaint house but it still had a homey feeling to it.

Marie was gone, the front door was left ajar and I saw Peggy sigh. I hated that I was causing some discomfort between them, it was never my intention. I just wanted to take some time and heal a little and then I would be on my way. Peggy led me to the dining table and helped me into the seat then disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a plate of toasted bread and eggs. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I have some orange juice if you want,” she offered and my eyes nearly watered.

“Thank you so much, Peggy, you have been kinder to me than anyone has in a very long time,” I tried to blink back my tears as I spoke. “My name is Camilla, I realize I hadn’t said that when you introduced yourself earlier.”

Chapter 188

“It’s okay, darling, just focus on your food and we can talk about the rest later, okay? I know you’re not a danger to me. It is Marie that needs a little more convincing. She doesn’t trust people easily, my little

girl. She always sees the worst in people.”

“I could understand why,” I mumbled under my breath and she raised a brow at me. “I’m sorry, that was a bit too much. You have been so good to me.”

“A lot of people aren’t good, believe me, I understand,” she squeezed my hand in a comforting grip. “Why don’t you finish up your food? We can always talk later.”

She walked out of the room leaving me to eat alone. By the time I finished, I felt stronger than before and I managed to stand on my own. I did the dishes and waited in the living room for Peggy to return but she didn’t. I got antsy and decided to go out to check for her. I heard some noise coming from the back of the house and I went to inspect it not expecting to find Marie there instead.

She turned to me with hateful eyes and I raised both hands to show her that I meant no harm. “I was just looking for your mother. I didn’t know you were here and I don’t want to disturb you. I think I’ll just-”

“Wait,” she called out and I froze. I turned to her and she crossed her arms over her chest as she turned to face me. “What do you want with us? We don’t have any money, we don’t live with the rest of the pack. If you wanted to spy on us or steal then I am sorry to say that you came to the wrong place. The most expensive thing we own is a craved table and it doesn’t even cost much.”

My brows furrowed in confusion and then slight embarrassment as she listed off all the reasons why I shouldn’t bother stealing from them. I tried to interrupt her a few times but she kept cutting me off. I understood her skepticism but I couldn’t help but feel a little insulted at her opinion of me. I wasn’t a thief and I would never try to hurt someone who had been nothing but kind to me.

“Stop!” I yelled when I couldn’t take it anymore and she immediately went silent. “I have no plans to steal from you, you have nothing to worry about. Your mother is one of the kindest people I have seen in a while.”

“Then what are you doing here?” she cut me off. “No one stumbles here by accident, no one comes looking for us. We are on neutral territory, we are rogues, what could have brought you here.”

“I don’t know,” I lied and she scoffed. “All I can say is that I didn’t come here looking for you, I don’t even know how I got here. Your mum says I must have washed up stream. I must have fallen when I was running.”

I slapped my hands over my mouth when I realized what I had said. Marie didn’t miss my words however and her spine straightened. She crossed her arms over her chest and took slow steps until she was standing directly in


front of me.

“What do you mean by running?” she asked but I stayed silent. “You are a criminal, aren’t you? You crazy bitch, you are going to bring trouble to our doorstep. You need to f**king leave, right now.”

She grabbed my arm and began to pull me away when Peggy finally found us. She was walking into the house with a basket of herbs when she saw Marie dragging me unceremoniously. She dropped the basket and rushed over to us blocking our way.

“Marie, this is not how I raised you,” Peggy hissed. “She is our guest, she is still healing. You cannot throw her out like that.”

“She is a criminal. She is running away from people and we have enough to worry about without having another mouth to feed especially when that mouth is a criminal.”

I could feel the air tensing as neither woman wanted to back down. Guilt filled me as I realized that I was the reason for their fight. I never wanted this, I just wanted to get away.

“Stop, please,” I whispered and both women froze. “Marie is right, I should leave. I never intended to come here and I am grateful for all that you have done for me. I am glad I showed up at your door and not anyone else’s. For what it is worth, you were more than good to me.”

I started to walk away but Peggy walked in front of me. “You don’t have to leave, Camilla. Tell me who you are running from, we can help you.”

“No, we cannot,” Marie cut in but Peggy ignored her.

“Tell me, Camilla, please.”

I debated it for a second. Saying it felt like it would finally be real but I managed to swallow down my words. “I am running from my mate, he rejected me.”

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