The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

Chapter 80


Dad is the first to turn towards us. His salt and pepper hair is mostly brushed back, with a few locks falling over his forehead. He's wearing a black suit with a white shirt that he's left a few buttons open on, revealing his tattoos and necklaces, but it is his glimmering

red eyes that make my stomach twist with fear.

He's angry again.

I might have joked about being scared on the plane, but right now... I'm terrified.

Dad is not someone you would want to anger. I could be brave over the phone, but in person it's a lot harder.

Besides him is Mama, Mama Mari is on his other side and there's Raihana, Uncle Marcel and Winona. There are two places empty, presumably for me and Enrique, and I wonder if Dad was the one who wanted us at their table.

On the table next to theirs is Azura, Uncle Liam, Aunty Raven, Rayhan, Delsanra, two witches, and then there is an empty seat, probably Leo's.

I glance at Raihana, whose eyes are glimmering as she watches Enrique with an expression I cannot understand. But it makes me feel protective of him. I hope she didn't tell Dad like she threatened to do.

Enrique stops a few feet from the table, his hand leaving my waist and instantly I realise the seating arrangement was a mistake when I feel the surge of irritation from him.

He scoffs. "Is this a joke, Alpha Royce?" His voice is as icy as his

expression as he looks at the Ice King himself.

Azura and Mama stand up as if ready to diffuse a situation.

Royce smiles apologetically as he turns to him. "I do apologise, Alpha Enrique, is the seating not-"

"I wouldn't want to cause a scene, but it is an insult to me to be assigned a seat at a table of the very people I want nothing to do with."

His words squeeze at my heart, I thought... he-

Royce glances at me as if trying to make out what I'm thinking.

"I misunderstood. I genuinely thought Kataleya would want to sit with her family and-"

"And she can go right ahead. What she does has nothing to do with me," Enrique says as he turns away, his words cut deep. I stare at his back, realising maybe I shouldn't have expected him to be able to just sit at the family table with me. "I can move, and you guys can sit here?" Azura suggests as she adjusts the strap to her grey halter dress.

"And you really shouldn't act like we fucking disgust you. You're able to touch my daughter, who is a Rossi through and fucking through. Get over that shit and sit the f**k down," Dad adds, his voice low, his eyes still blazing red.Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I see you're not over that. I guess we both have shit to get over then. But first, Lycan, look in the fucking mirror. Your shit is nothing in comparison to mine. Oh, and... you are not my fucking king, so next time, don't try to give me orders." My eyes fly wider than I thought possible. A few gasps spread from

around us and even Mama, Raihana, Delsanra and Azura gasped, although Azura's is a half-smirk full of shock and amusement. I stare at Enrique with wide eyes.

Dad smirks, not phased. "You're not the first punk to show me attitude. Get in line. But if you don't want to sit here, don't. Kataleya. Sit down." His smirk vanishes as he looks at me, and I shake my head ever so slightly. 'Please, Dad, don't make me choose,' I plead through the mind-link.

'I'm not. I'm telling you to sit the fuck down. His arrogance and attitude are not worthy of you!

I look at Enrique only to see he's walked off and taken an empty seat a few tables away. I remain silent as I hug everyone. I really did miss them. I finally reach Mama and Dad.

"Kat, I really missed you," Mama says as she hugs me back warmly.

"Me too," I whisper as I look at Dad, whose eyes are flickering from red to black.

"Ok, ok! Introduce me to Mr Grumpy!" Azura says, almost as if she knows my internal struggle as she pulls me away from Dad, who looks annoyed.

I look at her, trying to calm my thundering heart and nod.


"Not now, Alejandro." She waves her hand, cutting Dad off and links arms with me before she stops in front of Royce, who runs his fingers through his hair. "Where's our girl?" "She'll be here soon. She was handling a few things," he replies with a smile.

I steal a glance at Dad, seeing Mama's hand over his as they converse silently.

I look at Azura mouthing a 'Thank you.'

We walk over to Enrique, a wave of sadness washing over me as he simply looks ahead, his expression one of complete callous indifference.

"Enrique, this is Azura, one of my best friends," I begin as Azura holds her hand out.

"I'm not a Rossi by blood, so you know you can shake my hand." She winks, making Enrique c**k a brow.

"You're still as loud and annoying as I remember."

Azura's grin only widens. "So you remember me at least." She looks amused, and I can't help but smile, feeling a little less glum.

"Of course, it is not often I come across such a strange child," Enrique remarks emotionlessly. His eyes flicker to mine before he looks away quickly.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it, I should-"

"Do carry on, don't stop on my account," a cold voice I recognise comes from behind us.

I turn and smile at the man who is walking towards us, his dark brown hair sleeked back, he's wearing full black with a few chains, his hands in his I look up sharply, turning to see Sky walking or more like running towards us. She's wearing a black jumpsuit with a silver belt, and she hugs me tightly.

"I am so damn happy to see you again! If we weren't here, I'd sure ask a billion questions," she whispers, moving back after she squeezes me again. She smiles at me, and seeing the way her hair is brushed back and the diamonds in her ears, I'm reminded that she isn't just my twin sister, Sky, but the Solaris' King's Lycan Queen.

Responsibilities. That's something we are all faced with as we find our place in life and in the inevitable battle to come.

"Hey there, I'm Sky, your soon-to-be sister-in-mate," she says, holding her hand out to Enrique.

Sister-in-mate? That is a new one.

I blush, realising what she means. "It's not like that," I say quickly, especially after what he said earlier in front of Dad. I don't want him to get angrier.

Enrique frowns, and just when I think he won't say anything, he speaks. Don't get ahead of yourself. Everyone seems to be pretty delusional around here."

He glances at me, and this time I don't let him look away, silently hoping he can see that I want to know why? Why is he shutting me out? Keep trying, I won't stop trying either.

I walk around the table towards him, his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard and when I sit down on the chair beside him, he looks away.

I'm unable to look at either Sky or Azura, knowing they know me better than anyone else. I simply place a smile on my face as I look towards the podium where Royce is now talking to two men quietly.

It will start soon.

Sky's still standing there, and she now takes a step closer.

"Oh, and one more thing, Alpha E." I look up as she places her hand on the table, her eyes glimmering purple as she looks at Enrique. "Hurt her, and I will do the same to you." She smiles sweetly, the threat loud and clear before she moves back.

Enrique remains silent, and she now looks at me, a glimmer of worry in her eyes before she takes a final glance at him before making her way to the front. Some sentences in this chapter require you to read the complete chapters on Jo b ni b .com to avoid an incomplete reading experience. Royce exchanges a word with her, cupping her chin for a moment before nodding at her, and then she turns and walks back to our table and takes a seat next to me.

Royce steps up to the podium as someone takes the name plates on our original table and places them elsewhere, guiding the guests whose seats we had taken to their new spots.

My phone vibrates and I take it out.

AZURA: What was that with the witches?

KATALEYA: I'll fill you in later. It's a long story but in short, his blood ties back to Hecate herself, making him a king to lead... the witches.

I hit send as I look across at Azura, whose eyes widen.

AZURA: Leo's asking, did you forget to mention that somehow?


As Royce clears his throat, I give the couple across from me an apologetic smile and put my phone away.

"Thank you for being here. I know it has not been easy for a lot of us, but I will stress that this summit is important to the future of our world, the peace between all species, and the hidden world that keeps humans from learning of us." Royce says, his voice clear as it carries across the large hall, "We were waiting for a few more guests, but we can't delay any longer."

I realise that the two seats at our table are still empty, otherwise it's pretty much full.

I try to look at the nameplate next to me when the doors open and three people step inside. Even from all the way over here, I can sense the power that oozes off them, especially the man in the middle.

The energy in the room changes and a tense silence falls as several other people step up behind the first three.

"I do apologise for the lateness," the man in the middle says in a thick Russian accent, the light reflecting off his earring. "We just stopped on the way for a quick dinner."

He licks his lips, smirking, and that's when I see the razor-sharp canines in his mouth, they aren't as thick as ours are when we partially shift, instead they are thinner, and pointier.

Those of a vampire.

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