The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness

22. A Plan

22. A Plan


"She could heal you, and if saving your life costs me mine, I'm willing to die," Jose says. "Señorita Kataleya Rossi has no ill intent... and if I told you her reason for being here, you would not like it."

I laugh mockingly.

"Oh, I don't like her being here regardless of her fucking reasons and I already learned what they are." I snarl, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him up against the wall behind us.

He grunts as his head smashes into the wall behind us. "Did you think I would accept that piece of prosthetic trash that she thinks can work wonders?! Did you feel sorry for me and think I needed it? I'm the strongest in these waters, and you know that!"

Confusion flicks across his face. "Prosthetic?"

I cock a brow. "What else?"

Why is he fucking confused? Did I just fuck things up and make them worse by mentioning that detail?

“I just knew that her coming meant goodwill for us. Nothing more. I know you don't like her or the Lycan King, but she is light, the most light I have seen on this island in years."

"Yeah, and she's also brought fucking darkness with her. Are you blind cabrón or just stupid?"NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

"As your Beta, it's my job to advise you and point out the truth. You're a good Alpha, Enrique, and I'm certain she has feelings for you... have you considered the possibilities of how this could be good for us, of the possibilities it could bring if you made her your Luna? More, far more than Alpha Luis' daughter would!"

My mocking smirk vanishes, and I stare at him. "Take the Lycan's daughter as my Luna? I'd only do that if I wanted to..." I trail off, a sudden thought entering my mind.

If I wanted to cause him pain...

And she was ready to do anything...

"Enrique, your eyes... what's wrong?"

Unbeknown to him, he might just have given me the ultimate idea to destroy the Lycan...

"Nothing at all," I murmur as I look him in the eye. "I actually feel... pretty powerful..."


"Get the fuck out," I command. He obeys hesitantly, but it's a direct order and that is something he cannot defy.

I walk around my desk and sit down in my seat, the sudden idea of how to get the perfect revenge on the Lycan now within my grasp...

She says she loves me... she's willing to die for me...

I can't help but chuckle, throwing back my head as I laugh out loud, wondering how I never saw it before.

She's blinded... here all alone...

My laughter only gets louder as I realise that my revenge is already before me.

His little pure-hearted princesa, I'm sure he's got a soft spot for her, and how better to break him than to destroy her?

I toss the cigarette up, catching it in the palm of my hand and crushing it in my fist before I rest my elbows on the desk, placing my prosthetic hand on top of the other and resting it beneath my chin as I smirk, staring ahead at the door to my office.

Never have I felt so... powerful and in control. The idea of breaking the Lycan and forcing him to his knees excites me.

This... this is how you get revenge!

This is the perfect solution. How had I not seen it before?

How was I trying to send her away when keeping her here would make her and her father suffer?

I should thank Jose for his incredible idea. I might not give him such a strict sentence.

'Alpha, the doctor said she's doing ok, but she's exhausted. Her blood pressure is a bit high but she'll be fine soon. She just needs rest.' Carlos' voice


'Excellent.' I stand up and exit my office. I'll deal with Jose later, for now... for now I will deal with the princesa.

Smirking coldly, I make my way to my bedroom just as the doctor steps out.

"Thank you," I say to him as he lowers his head and leaves.

"Leave," I order Carlos,

"Yes Alpha," he replies.

"Oh, and let Jose know he will be punished and stripped of his rank." Carlos's face falls.


"I said leave," I growl.

He bows his head, a small frown on his forehead before he walks away, most likely to find Jose. Entering my bedroom, I shut the door behind me, staring down at the woman on the bed.

One of the Lycan's precious jewels.

I sit at the edge of the bed. The rage inside of me is... calming. Almost welcoming...

I run my fingers through her hair, my finger tracing the smooth skin of her neck, the bruise already quite faded.

The perfect plan to destroy the Rossis.

And all thanks to this little chica who couldn't forget the boy who is long dead.



Yet so perfectly excellent for me.

Her eyes flutter open as she scans the room, fear in her eyes - before they land on me, her gaze snapping to my hand that is tangled in her hair before they snap to meet my gaze.

Concern flashes in her eyes and I smirk.

What a foolish girl. Is she worried about me?

"You're awake."

“Yes...” she says as she slowly gets up, glancing down at the shirt she's wearing, touching her stomach.

"Good, doesn't mean you're off the fucking hook," I remark, moving my hand away from her. I had to play this out carefully. I at least need her on my side, because it will be this princesa who will destroy her father... for me.

"I know..." she says, pouting as she rubs her arm, squeezing her breasts together.

And I think I could have a little fun too with her.

My eyes rake over her body, glimmering with approval. She is rather fine and taking her as my own would only hurt him even more. "Good, you will remain in this room until I figure out what I will do with you," I say coldly, standing up and turning my back on her. "O-ok..." she whispers, looking down.

I walk to the door when I pause. "Actually... this is my room. I'll remain here too."

Her eyes widen as I turn back and drop onto the bed, making her quickly shuffle to the side. I close my eyes, placing my hands behind my head.

“Tell me, princesa... did you really mean what you said earlier?" I remark, looking at her through narrowed eyes.

She tilts her head and nods. "Yes," she whispers.

"I'm on about your schoolgirl confession," I say mockingly.

A wave of sadness flashes in her eyes, and she looks down. "Yes..."

I scoff, thinking I had said a lot to her before whatever happened might not have been for the best. I'm going to have to be smart about it and not just flip completely or she might get suspicious.

"What happened to you?" I ask, genuinely wondering what it was.

She glances up at me before she answers. “Just something I'm dealing with. As I said, the Crawlers, they're here for me. One of them just found me..." She shivers as she looks down. "Thank you for helping me."

"I didn't help you. The doctor did." I reply firmly.

She smiles and nods. "You called him though, right?"

I frown, him? Was she aware of her surroundings? How did she know the doctor was a man? When I entered, she was out of it... right?

I observe her intently but don't reply.

"You should sleep." She says softly as she makes to get off the bed. I grab her wrist, stopping her.

"As should you?" I counter, yanking.

her into my arms. She gasps, her heart thumping as I pull her against me and she struggles to get away "Don't," growl menacingly and she freezes, her heart thundering as I pull her against me, her back pressed against my chest and her ass feels so fucking good.

She's terrified, but she doesn't move, and I relax back on my pillow.


'Yes, Alpha?'

'I'm going to need her things, especially her phone.... Make sure I get it and I know you have it.' I say dangerously.

There's silence for a few moments before he responds. 'Yes Alpha, absolutely. I will charge it and give it to you tomorrow.'


I look down at the back of the woman's head as I hold her in my arms.

"Tell me, Princesa... how far can you go for me?" I murmur as I bury my nose into her neck, inhaling the refreshing floral scent. She at least smells


Her breath hitches, her heart thumping as she shivers in my hold, the tiniest whimper escaping those plush lips.

Fuck yes.

"I-I don't know what you mean," she answers, trying to adjust her body so I'm not pressed up against her.

"I mean... you say you love me, so how far will you go to prove that? Because I think there's a few things I could have you do." I remark, running my hand down her stomach.

She gasps, sucking in her stomach as I throb against her ass.

“En-Enrique.....” she whimpers.

I chuckle darkly. “Hush... I'm not asking you to spread your legs, not yet anyway... but if you plan on staying in Puerto Rico, there's got to be a

reason I would keep you here."

"I do have my reasons." She replies softly.

"A good one, one that benefits me, too," I add, knowing I'm making her panic, but I'm enjoying it.

Cupping her breast, I squeeze slightly, making her whimper, her skin heating up, but her body cannot deny she's enjoying this. Her nipple hardens

beneath my touch, and I smirk as she places her hand over mine.

“Enrique..... stop,” she whispers, her cheeks burning, and I raise my head to see her face.

"But do you want me to?" I ask. Her brilliant pink eyes meet mine, her breasts rising and falling rapidly.

"Y-yes!" she nods vigorously.

I scoff, "There's plenty of women to

satiate me, but tell me then, what else can you do so that I would allow you to stay here?" I ask coldly. "It's not like you'd agree to be my Luna. That would help since we know power plays a great part in mating..."

Her eyes narrow, showing the intelligence I know she possesses as she assesses me.

"Why would you want me as your Luna?" she asks.

"Why else? You come from a strong bloodline, even if I hate them." I reply coldly.

Her heart calms as she searches for something in my eyes. No hint of a smile on her face, just keen observance.

"You said you loved me." I cock a brow, running my knuckles down the valley between her breasts. "Don't deny that my touch turns you on."

Her cheeks flush a little, but it's almost as if she's not buying my words. She looks down, placing her hand over mine and stopping my descent.

She looks me dead in the eye. "I do... if this is what you wish, I agree."

But I'm not looking at a blushing, flustered princesa but someone else. Someone who sees right through me, someone far more intelligent and


For a split second, I'm unnerved,

ready to backtrack on my

suggestion, if she knows why would

she agree... she can't be that stupid

knowing I'll make her life hell, but

then she smiles, batting those thick lashes of hers and I push the stupid thought away.

She tilts her head, blushing lightly. "I agree, I'll be your Luna."

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