The One Time Rejected Omega

Chapter 23 Arielle Corpse

The One Time Rejected Omega

*********** Chapter 23 *********

**************** Arielle Corpse **************

Ellis POV

“Are you deaf?!!!

“What the hell is wrong with you'”

“I ordered you to stop but you seem deaf ears as you were covered with range.

“How the hell will I be able to perform the sacrifice now that she is dead” I roared at my good for nothing guards.

“I’m so sorry my Alpha, I didn’t mean to shoot her, I don’t know what got into me.” He apologized.

“Thesame thing that got into you that made you kill her will go into me that will make me kill you also. I threatened him as my eyes were turning red.

“My Alpha please!!!! I don’t want to die, forgive me my Alpha.” He pleaded on his knees as he was shaking like some sort of Maniac.

“It’s too late little dummy, say the goddess prayers as you kiss your ass goodbye.” I groaned angrily and he began choking.

“My Alpha!!!!, we can still use her for the sacrifice even if she is dead.” One of my guard said with a shaky voice and I immediately stopped choking that good for nothing bastard.

“Repeat what you just said to me!!!!!!” I ordered him.

“My Alpha, I mean we can use as a sacrifice without her being alive. He explained.

“How can we use her for the sacrifice when she is dead,” I asked himBelonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“We can use her as long as it hasn’t been long that she died,”

“We have three hours to use her before she becomes useless so we need to take her as soon as possible my Alpha.” He stated.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get her now,” I thundered.

“Not so quick minions.” The Alpha of the ladies pack said smirking.

“What do you mean by not so quick, I want to take Arielle corpse and here you are spitting trash.” I groaned.

“If you really want to take her corpse then you have to die because that is never going to happen.”

“I don’t need to say that because you are going to die!’!!!!” She threatened me and all I did was to laugh at her stupidity.

“You dare killthe Alpha of our pack.”

“I think you didn’t understand what I mean when I said RIP to you.”

She walked to where Arielle was lying lifeless and took the arrow that my guards used in killing her.”

“You see, this same arrow your guards used in killing my Alpha that is what I will use in killing you also:”

“I will not just be killing you but I will also be killing every single one of your guards.

“I will not just kill you but I will feed your body to the werecats in the woods,”

“So!!!!!! RIP to you.” They all chorused.

“What the fuck are they talking about?”

“What did they mean by RIP to me”I questioned myself loudly.

“My Alpha, I’m sorry to say this but we need to run as far as our legs can carry us.” One of my guards said shaking like a leaf.

“Over my dead body will I run because of this weaklings,” I roared.

“I understand you my Alpha but this people aren’t weaklings, they are dangerous, we need to do the needful before it gets too late,”. My guard pleaded almost kneeling down.

“I will stand by my words always and forever, we are not leaving until we kill those weaklings and take Arielle dead corpse. I declared and my guards shifted back in fear.

“My Alpha please!!!!! We need to run!!!!,”

“We are going to end up loosing our lives.” My guard muttered.

“Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!! We are staying and fighting this bastard because I’m taking Arielle corpse with me.

“Why not come get it.” She said.

“Dracon!!!!, go get Arielle now!!!!!!,” I ordered my guard but he couldn’t move as he was so scared to go.”

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of this puppet.” I shouted.

“I’m so sorry to say this my Alpha but I’m really scared of them, they are not as lazy as we thought they will be.” Dracon confessed and I was so stunned to speak.

This are Thesame idiots that swear on their life that they will do anything to protect me.

Where is the Fucking protection because I can’t see any.

“It’s either you go get Arielle corpse or I will use your corpse as an alternative. I threatened him but he didn’t flinch a bit.

Don’t tell me this fool is more scared of the ladies.

“Go get Arielle corpse now!!!!” I thundered choking Dracon on his words.

“My Alpha , you’re free to choke me or kill me because I rather allow you kill me than allow that viper of a lady kill me.” He muttered.

“Such a useless guard that I got as guard.” I cussed under my breathe as I shuffled my hair.

“You don’t have to stress those guards because i will be killing them and also killing you,” the alpha said with a devilish smirk plastered on her face.

“Empty drums also made the loudest noise, as long as I am concerned, you and your puppets can’t do more than a dead rat!!!!”

“You can’t do anything!!!!!!.” I thundered.

“Then watch me do something!!!!!!!!! She Avoked and her eyes start running black.

I looked at my guards and in no time they fell to their feet.

“What is happening?” I questioned myself.

“Command me mother confessor.” They said as their eyes are now black.

“Kill your selves!!!!!!” She roared.

“Yes mistress.” My guards who are now something else said to the lady as there brought out their sword and start slaughtering their selves.

“Who is she?” That was the question eating me deep.

“How can she do that?”

“The only breed that is capable of doing that are the southern breed.”

There are very scarce to see, you hardly see a southern breed wolf because they are very powerful and they hardly reproduce.

“This lady is from the southern part of our pack.

“There are extremely dangerous and powerful.”

“I should have listened to my guards when they told me to run.” I thought within my self.

“Even though you listen to them and you run away. I could have still catch you and kill you, so what is the essence of listening to them. ” The Alpha said and I shifted back in fear.

“Wait a second!!!, how could I have forgotten that they also a mind reader.”

“I am Doomed!!!!!.” I sighed frustratedly.

“Yes Ellis!!!!, you are indeed doomed.”

I looked around and saw that almost all my guards are dead.

I looked at the ladies and saw that they were holding hands round Arielle and incanting a word.

There are all distracted apart from the Alpha.

“This is the perfect time for me to run!!!!!!!!

I didn’t bother to think it because I know that she will find out what I was thinking so I need to make my mind blank.

At the count of three, I will run as my leg can carry me.

One !!!!!!!, Two!!!!!!!!, Three!!!!!!!! I counted as I turned my back to run.

“Not so quick cutie.” She said and I stopped abruptly at my spot.

She was already on my front.

“How did this happen?” I questioned myself frustratedly.

She was at my back when I started running, how did she get to my front within a second?”

“You really want to play a mind game with the master of all mind game right?” She questioned me and I couldn’t reply her as I was all covered with fear.

“You don’t have to be scared because the last time I checked, you were an Alpha and I was a puppet so don’t be scared of a puppet.” She teased.

“I’m so sorry, please let me go.” I pleaded with her.

“You don’t have to be sorry my Alpha, because I’m going to kill you so save those strength.

She walked slowly to where I was standing and I moved back.

The more she walk to where I was is the more I moved back.

“Stop!!!!.” She ordered as she walk to where I was.

I tried moving back but I couldn’t move any further.

“What is happening?” I complained bitterly.

“I don’t want to play with you, I want to kill you so I don’t understand why you will move back ward when ever I come to you.”

“I was scared because I don’t want to die.” I answered her with tears gathered on my eyes.

“Awwwn, so sad because you are eventually going to die.”

“I am going to kill you Elis because you don’t temper with my property and go freely.” She blurted out.

“Please let me go!!!!!.” I pleaded with her with fear written all over my face.

“Enough of those plea, time to get to business.” She said.

Third POV

Alpha Trison of the Southern side of the pack said to Alpha Ellis as she raised him up with her right hands.

Her eyes were already black.

In no time she confessed him and allow him fall to the ground.

“Command me mother confessor.” Ellis said as he knelt down immediately.

“Take this arrow, she pointed at the same arrow Ellis guards used in killing Arielle and Ellis quickly collected it.


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