The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

The Annoying Announcement

Inside the library,

“Atvertha, we noticed that you behave a lot strangely, and this is not once or twice, but it happens often.” The four-hundred-and-twenty-year-old woman initiated a conversation between them. Meanwhile, a man wearing a crown on his head and sitting next to her had not said anything because he was still paying attention to his beloved wife. The owner of the name remained silent and was reprimanded by her mother.

“We saw that you often could not focus on your studies; therefore, we decided that you should marry Toghnath as soon as possible. That way, you will have a husband to help you if you encounter difficulties and protect you.”

These words made the virgin goddess shocked. She suddenly widened her eyes as if what she had just heard was not a dream. “What?” That was all she could say.

No! Marrying that bastard who always likes to bother me?! Are Mom and Dad crazy? Do not they know the reputation of that bastard? I do not want to marry an immortal god like him! Atvertha swore in her heart, even though she knew there was a price she had to pay to support her decision.

“Yes, you heard right. Your mom and I have decided that you should get married. After that, we will give you a few days, and then a test will be held to evaluate the skills, power, and magic that have been given. From there, we can see and determine whether you are worthy to be a full-time goddess or maybe not.” This time, the Lord of the Seas explained, although he had not yet mentioned the name of the prospective groom who would marry his daughter.

“What? Why do I have to get married?” That pale white girl questioned her parents’ decision. However, Goddess Avtexia’s expression looked less than happy with this question.

“Because, at your age, you have to get married and have a husband who comes from an immortal god! You are old enough to get married, so we have chosen a male god. So, you can get married, and he can help you!” A woman who hated the dark answered, and her voice rose slightly, which showed that she was not happy with Atvertha’s question.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mom, Dad, I do not want to get married.” The virgin dared to refuse so that Goddess Avtexia could not hide her anger.

“What is your reason for refusing? Do you know another immortal god who has caught your eye?” asked Goddess Avtexia fiercely. Meanwhile, her husband had not taken any action, as if he had other plans, and was still watching Atvertha closely.

“I… I….” That sharp-nosed girl was unable to answer the other person’s question, so she could not give another reason and was forced to leave her words.

“Atvertha. If you really like a man, especially one from among us, it is better you tell us now. I will come to meet the man and investigate his origins so that you do not make the wrong choice in choosing a partner.” Lord Helion answered so the attention of the two women there was drawn to him.

The young lady could only remain silent when she heard her father’s explanation. I can’t say that I have a special relationship with a mortal guy. If I tell the truth, Mom and Dad will definitely look for my man and then kill him. What can I do in this situation? Atvertha thought hard while her parents continued monitoring the girl’s behaviour.

“Atvertha, why are you so silent? If all this time you have seen an immortal god who is handsome and according to your taste, but you are embarrassed to say it, just say it, so we will definitely help. You must know that Atvertha, even though you rarely mix with our circle, we got quite a lot of letters from immortal gods, most of whom were still single. They said they had seen you when you came with Toghnath to the Lord Atment party, and some of them knew you when you were at The Heavenly Library. Our daughter is quite famous; we just have not realized it yet.”

Lord Helion’s words made the pretty girl even more anxious. The face of a handsome brown-skinned man came back to Atvetha’s mind. Beautiful memories of spending time together also emerge there without being able to be prevented. The atmosphere in the library suddenly became quiet because the Moon Goddess was still silent, even though her parents already knew what the girl was worried about.

I do not want to betray the promise I made to my man, but is this the right time to tell Mom and Dad? They must be furious because I have chosen a mortal male as a partner. If they still insist, then there is no other way. I have to be honest, even though my parents are outraged, Atvertha said to herself in her heart.


This sound made the name’s owner turn around, and Atvertha realized that her parents were still in the same place and monitoring her behavior. “We need a definite answer. Why do you refuse to get married? Just mention the name of an immortal god you like, so we will go there to arrange your marriage.” Goddess Avtexia re-opened the conversation that had been paused so that the virgin girl could no longer avoid it.

“I… I like a man, but he is not from our circle.” Atvertha stuttered a little while explaining, so the expressions of both of the girl’s parents changed, especially Goddess Avtexia.

“What? How dare you fall in love with a man from outside our group! Are you crazy?!” The woman who had a small tattoo of a sun on her upper right arm shouted at Atvertha while Lord Helion seemed to be trying to remain calm.

“Who is that bastard? You knew from me that we, as the immortal, must marry our fellow, but why are you disobedient?” Goddess Avtexia and Lord Helion already knew who their biological daughter was referring to. However, Atvertha’s answer still hurt their hearts, so disappointment appeared on both of their faces, and the Crossroads Lady knew this.

“I have liked him for a long time, Mom. That guy comes from a mortal race.” Atvertha had no other choice but to tell the truth and inevitably had to be prepared to face her parents’ anger.

Goddess Avtexia spontaneously hit the table in front of her, causing the object to split into two without further ado. She suddenly stood up, which startled Lord Helion. A man, who had a height of one hundred and ninety-seven centimeters tall, immediately turned to his lovely wife and stood up too.

When the palace owner held his beloved spouse’s shoulders, the body of the opposite sex felt so hot that he had to let go. The Sun Goddess’s eyes, which were originally blue, had turned red; in fact, they were red like blood. A sinister aura emerged all over the goddess’ body.

“What?! How dare you to do that with us! Did I not tell you that you should never fall in love, let alone marry that barbarian? Were you so deaf until you ignored my warning?!” Disappointment, anger, and the desire to kill had mixed in Goddess Avtexia’s mind. Meanwhile, Lord Helion tried to hold his wife’s shoulder again, but when he touched her, the area still felt very hot, so he was forced to remove his hand from there.

“The mortals I know are not that bad, Mom.” A girl with thin eyebrows tried to defend her lover, but this only made the Sun Goddess’ anger increase.

“You do not know what kind of nation mortals are! I have seen more of their bastard deeds! Do not try to support them!”

“Atvertha. If you want that man, then we refuse. There is no place for them here, let alone to be your husband.” Lord Helion supported his wife’s attitude, so the virgin shook her head, which made her parents even more annoyed and surprised.

“I am sorry, Mom and Dad. I can’t marry another man, especially Toghnath. From the start, I did not like him. Besides, my mortal guy and I are already in a serious relationship. He has asked me to marry him, and I have agreed. I will introduce him to you. Please do not separate us.”

I know this relationship will never be easy, but I do not want to back down my love, even though my parents are against it. Atvertha tried to strengthen herself and saw the increasingly worried faces of Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia.

Lord Helion’s expression widened, and Goddess Avtexia’s anger increased, almost at its maximum level. “WHAT?! ATVERTHA! HOW DARE YOU ACCEPT THAT BLOODY MORTAL PROPOSAL WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION! YOU ARE AN IGNORANT DAUGHTER!”


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