The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

That Is Him!

A slender woman was still standing on a large tree so that no one could see her directly. She stayed there for a few moments, watching her surroundings. “I have to brave myself. If not now, then when? But before that, I have to make myself invisible, so that everything is safe.”

“Etmandth vietz agraionth therzth allveth mortal vught paraatz nerioth!” [1]

In less than ten seconds, Atvertha’s entire body turned transparent, so the Moon Goddess became more relieved. She came out of hiding with no need to be afraid at all. She still holds the dirty clothes stained with blood in her right hand, as if guiding the girl to show her where to go.

“Hopefully, I can find where the mortal is. I am ready for anything, even if it hurts me a lot.”

The virgin continued to walk while remaining alert to her surroundings. The more the Moon Goddess got closer to the mortals, the violet-eyed girl realized that if so, many people gathered, they even surrounded the bonfire, so curiosity arose in her mind.

“Is the mortal having an important meeting? Mom once said in class that humans do have a habit of gathering with each other, just like us, the immortals. The time held also varies, and it all depends on the needs of each group. Does the same apply to them?”

No one was able to see the only daughter of the couple, God Helion and Goddess Avtexia, so that made Atvertha immensely relieved. A few moments later, the girl suddenly stopped walking because the young lady was stunned when she saw a man who was familiar to her. “Is not he-”

A tall, burly man was standing, leaning his back against a tree. The distance between Atvertha and the man was about a hundred meters, but the girl could see the faces and stature of the opposite sex so clearly as if there was no gap at all.

That is him! I remember well his face and his body! He looks healthy to me. Thank goodness that guy already had a full recovery, so he did not die prematurely, Atvertha thought. The girl continued to gaze at the target. Meanwhile, the man was still staring at the bonfire with a blank expression.

When the goddess wanted to take a step, the mother’s words suddenly echoed in her mind. “Atvertha, no matter what happens to you, never marry a mortal, even if your life is at stake!”

The two hundred-and-seventy-year-old woman was stunned and did not dare to approach the man of her heart’s dreams. Atvertha was still standing where she was, even though so many people were passing by. Time seemed to go by so slowly for Atvertha because the girl could do nothing at the moment after remembering a warning from her mother – Goddess Avtexia.

“Why, at a time like this, do I even remember the message from mom? To be honest, it was not a message, but a serious warning from her. But what can I do now? It makes me sad, because considering the difference in status between us,” Atvertha muttered softly.

In the midst of the doubts that swept within, from the left side of the male mortal, a blonde-haired woman appeared to be approaching the man, carrying two glasses made of wood. She patted the muscular man’s right hand. “Armen!”

The owner of the name turned to the person while frowning. “Yes? What’s up Atlanta?”

The woman, who was about nineteen years old, smiled sweetly. She looked happy because the opposite sex had given his attention to her. While the man, who has a height of one hundred and ninety-two centimeters tall, was still staring at the girl. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes were watching their conversation.

“I was looking for you, Armen. This is for you.”

She also gave him a glass that had been brought and had been held in his right hand. A smile was returned to the lips of the young girl as if she had done a good job.

“Thank you.”

That macho man accepted it well. He brought the glass tip to his nose as if he could smell its aroma. Meanwhile, the woman named Atlanta continued to pay attention to the green-eyed man, and Atvertha realized that a female mortal seemed like the target, and it was hurting her heart deeply.

“Who made this red wine? It smells nice.” Armen seemed to be deliberately asking a question, even though he did not look directly at the person he was talking to. Atlanta, who heard this, became increasingly excited so that she wanted to answer immediately, even though she had forgotten something vital.

“I made it myself, Armen. Oh, sorry. I forgot something. I should call you-”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Before the beautiful girl could continue her words, the man had already cut her off. “It is okay. You can call me by my name. However, if there is an official meeting, including a meeting with all members of the tribe, so you have to call me formally using my title. Understood?”

The girl nodded excitedly. “Yes, I understood, Armen. Thank you for your understanding. You try to taste the red wine. It tastes good and I guarantee that.”

“Sure, I will. But where did you learn to make it? Is not making red wine very difficult, especially for a young girl like you?” This time, the burly man began to turn his head towards Atlanta, causing the girl’s cheeks to turn red instantly. Atvertha felt pain in the chest area but had not moved from there.

“That was me ….”

The petite girl hesitated to answer, so she lowered her head to avoid the gaze of the man with powerful charisma. Armen just smiled briefly, then began to bring the glass to his lips and slowly drank the red wine that Atlanta gave him.

“It tastes great. If you make it with the help of your father or whoever in your family member, then I am impressed.”

Atlanta raised her head, then looked up at the thirty-five-year-old man. They stared at each other so that the Moon Goddess, who had been watching the conversation between the two mortals, could not hide the disappointment and the sadness stored in her heart.

The words of her best friend were ringing in her ears again. “After all, maybe in the place where he comes from, the man already has a fiance or it could be he has his own family with a lovely wife and children, so it is impossible for him to choose you. Forget him, Atvertha….”

The virgin goddess immediately turned around, closing her eyes. She kept her disappointment to herself as she walked away from the place. “Nyx was right. I was so stupid. That guy turned out to have had a girlfriend, and it clearly displayed the evidence in front of me. I should not be here, because it just hurts my feeling.”

In less than a minute, Atvertha stopped walking. “Agthmentho amtz unavth ehtvroni tahtz leightruz metz altrex!” [2]

The body of the goddess, which was previously transparent so that the mortals could not see it, returned to its original form and, at such a moment, was ignored by the girl who was burning with jealousy. Unbeknownst to Atvertha, a man was staring at her, and she was confused and surprised at the same time.

Who is that girl? I have never met her before. Where did she come from? Thought Armen. The smart man looked at Atvertha, sipping the red wine in the wooden glass. The young girl who had delivered the glass was no longer by his side, while the people there did not pay much attention to his activity and focused on the event.

Not long after, the brown-skinned man, because of his frequent activities outside the house, was shocked because that guy saw a sight that was beyond comprehension: a strange woman who Armen had observed suddenly flew into the sky so that the brown-haired man was wide-eyed. Even his lips parted, so he no longer sipped the red wine in the glass.

“What did she do in this place? Is that for real? Is she a demon or a ghost? Perhaps-”


[1] Etmandth vietz agraionth therzth allveth mortal vught paraatz nerioth! = Make myself invisible to all the mortals in this place!

[2] Agthmentho amtz unavth ehtvroni tahtz leightruz metz altrex! = Get me back in my shape and head back to the palace!

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