The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

Meet My Beloved

In the nighttime,

A pale-faced woman seemed to have just set foot on Earth. The atmosphere in that area was so quiet and dark, but the light was emitting from all over her body, so the atmosphere turned bright. The feeling of longing to meet someone was unbearable, and that girl wanted to carry out what she had planned before.

I came earlier than usual time. Does Armen know about this? To be honest, I would love to meet during the day, but I definitely can’t do it because I have to study with Mom or do it alone. I hope my man can understand my situation up there. Hopefully, we can unite soon, so we can’t be separated anymore, hoped Atvertha.

A woman in the white dress began to fly, so the plants swayed as if a wind blew every time she passed that area. The sounds of nocturnal beasts are heard in the forest. However, what happened did not dampen the virgin’s intention to meet the man she loves. She continued to fly without saying a word.

A few moments later, the only daughter of the couple, Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia, was already standing not far from the target’s residence, roughly thirty meters away. The two-hundred-and-seventy-year-old woman kept observing the situation there and had yet to see anyone coming out of the residence. “Are Armen and his family already asleep? I still see the light from inside the house, but it is not so bright. I will check on it,” muttered Atvertha.

The Moon Goddess opened the right palm. She seemed to concentrate on looking in that direction so that the colour of her eyes, which were originally violet, now turned purple. Slowly but surely, a small animal appeared; more precisely, it was a ladybug from her palm. The girl was happy because the star was moving, then paid homage to her.

“Tretzha avtez githz, Lunatz Goddestz?” [1] asked the ladybug.

“Tathetzha avzet tertiuz Athtz mortale mannz tahtz tathvion nevth gtetha agthro eltzhra,” [2] answered Goddess Atvertha.

A ladybug made another movement as if it was paying respects to the immortal goddess who had created it. Atvertha was just silently watching the actions of the tiny bug. Suddenly an idea popped up in the young lady’s mind, and it was looked upon favourably by her.

“Bathruz githz gothze, iftzh statzhter agthro eltzhra, metrzh stratze athtz mate therzth tatmanth te oghtiz tahtz matztr nevth.” [3]Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The winged insect seemed to understand what the Goddess ordered. It did not dispute or dispute these remarks. Meanwhile, Atvertha’s purple eyes finally have returned to violet, her originally eyed colour. “Trehtz, Lunatz Goddestz.” [4]

After she finished saying those words, that ladybug flew from the Crossroads Lady’s palm; a slender woman was just watching from her place. The sense of missing a man with a strong body was unbearable, which made Atvertha smile a little. “Armen, we will meet soon. I hope that nothing will disturb us tonight, so all plans can go smoothly.”


Meanwhile, inside Lebrazht Lugthna’s house

In one room, a fifty-four-year-old man looked upset. This moment made the blonde woman wonder. The man who had two grown children still did not want to say anything, so his spouse became even more curious and wants to find out immediately what made the head of the family look so agitated.

“What happened to you, my love? tell me.”

The hook-nosed man turned towards the source of the voice. The darkness was indeed between them, but not one hundred percent because candlelight illuminated the room. Meanwhile, Norah was still waiting for an answer from her husband, although she had to be a bit patient to get what she wanted. “I have been suspicious of Armen these past few days, honey.”

A woman who had accompanied her lovely man for thirty-six years suddenly frowned. It was as if she did not understand the reasons that caused the opposite sex to say such things. Meanwhile, that hazel-eyed man was still worried. He turned his gaze towards a door as if he was wanting to leave the room as soon as possible.

“Why do you suspect our child, My Love? Is there something going on with Armen, but I still do not know about it yet?”

Lebrazht turned his head to the side. A woman who was still beautiful looked so curious, so she wanted to get an answer from him immediately. “Armen always leaved the house when we were sleeping. This has been going on for several days. If he continues this action without us knowing what he has been doing out there, I am afraid something bad will happen to him.”

“Are you sure he did that, My Love? I always find Armen still sleeping when the sun is approaching. Our son is not behaving as strangely as you are worried about.” Norah tried to comfort her husband. However, that man suddenly shook his head. The reaction given by the interlocutor has succeeded in making a woman with a pointed nose even more confused.

“I know exactly what I am saying, honey. He would always sneak out of the house and return before sunrise. I suspect, if Armen had a girlfriend secretly, but he did not want to tell us about it? What kind of girl could only be met at night? What if our son was tricked by the Dark Spirit, who liked to change shape into a beautiful woman? He could die for sure! If you still do not believe me, then we wait a little longer. Surely later, you hear the sound of footsteps from his room.”

Norah listened to the explanation carefully. She did not argue, but there were still doubts within the mother of the two sons. Meanwhile, Lebrazht only stared at his wife for a few seconds, then turned his attention back to the door. Lebrazht seemed to be straining his ears while the slender woman wanted to say something, but suddenly, the footsteps were coming from outside, causing the husband and wife to look at each other.

“What did I say? Armen definitely wants to leave the house again. I have to follow him and find out what is going on.”


Before Norah could continue what she was saying earlier, her husband had already cut her off. “No buts. I have the right to know what has been going on with our son with or without his consent. If anything happened to Armen, be it good or bad, it all impacts to this family.”

The man, who had a height of one hundred and eighty-five centimetres, turned his face again. He got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the door. Meanwhile, Norah still did not believe all of her lovely man’s explanations; it was just that a woman with long hair had not been able to provide solid evidence so that Lebrazht did not suspect their own son.


A well-built man was seen walking away from the house. He did not go alone because there was a small insect had flown first. The ladybug seemed to lead the way, so Armen only had to follow from behind. A young man looked confused by the presence of the ladybug, but his curiosity was so great that he still followed the ladybug.

“Is the ladybug that came tonight the same as the ones that first appeared when I was going to meet Atvertha? I guess it was the same. My love come faster tonight, and this situation is very good for us, because the break time can be increased a little,” Armen muttered softly.

Happiness filled the heart of the handsome young man. He continued to walk, following the direction of the small insect’s flight. A few moments later, Armen noticed a light that seemed to be standing near the trees. The man, who had a height of one hundred and ninety-two centimetres tall, smiled broadly as if he already knew the light’s owner. “My Atvertha. I already miss you. I am coming to you now.”

The Moon Goddess did not take her eyes off the target. She was no longer flying but already had both feet on the ground. A green-eyed man kept getting closer to his lover. When they were the same distance, that macho guy came as soon as possible and hugged Atvertha. A pale-faced woman felt something strange inside her, but the girl did not know yet what was causing it all.

“I miss you so much, my love. Thank you for coming earlier tonight. How are you?” Armen asked softly.

The first child of two siblings tightened their embrace as he was wanting to shed all the longing that had been stored away for a long time. Meanwhile, the opposite sex felt awkward about what happened, but that virgin did not deny that she was happy to get special treatment from her lovely man. Atvertha did the same act as Armen. The time seemed to have stopped spinning for them because the meeting covered by a pair of a lover who was different in every way, especially where they lived, was finally achieved.

“I miss you too. I am fine. How about you? How was your day?” replied Atvertha softly.

“My day was good. The most important thing is I can meet you here.”

Without Armen noticing, there was a man who had been following a young man from behind. The head of the Lugthna family was sneaking not so close. Norah Bitnantzh’s husband was shocked when he saw that his eldest son was holding the body of a woman whose face he could not see clearly. “It turned out that my suspicion was true, that my son already had a lover. But who is she? Could that woman be the Dark Spirits?”


[1] Tretzha avtez githz, Lunatz Goddestz = Can I help you, the Moon Goddess?

[2] Tathetzha avzet tertiuz Athtz mortale mannz tahtz tathvion nevth gtetha agthro eltzhra = Go to my mortal man’s house and tell me the situation there

[3] Bathruz githz gothze, iftzh statzhter agthro eltzhra, metrzh stratze athtz mate therzth tatmanth te oghtiz tahtz matztr nevth= Before you leave, if the situation is safe there, then order my mate to come here and meet me

[4] Trehtz, Lunatz Goddestz = Yes, the Moon Goddess

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