The Moon Goddess and Her Mate

Leaking The Information

A man seemed to turn around, then flew into the sky. The memory of the girl he adored being hugged by a mortal man kept ringing in his mind so that he increasingly felt anger, jealousy, and anxiety. “Bastard! How can I lose to that bloody mortal? What the hell makes him so special that my girl prefers him?”

The God of War did not concentrate while flying because the bad memories he saw when he was on Earth kept coming back to him. However, the black-haired man was trying to calm himself down. Toghnath was still carrying out his current activity. However, he still felt negative emotions in his heart caused by seeing the intimacy between Atvertha and a mortal male whose name was unknown. Hence, the desire to take revenge begins to arise by itself.

“I have to tell Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia about their daughter’s behavior. No wonder my girl was so resentful when she saw me; she even looked cold. It turned out she already had a boyfriend. If my rival is an immortal god, maybe I can accept that condition, even though I do not want to. But how could Atvertha choose a dirty mortal as her lover? I will never give up!” muttered Toghnath, full of anger.

A few moments later, the burly man had arrived at his destination. As soon as possible, he stepped into the direction of a room without caring about other things, which confused some maids who accidentally met that God. Such great jealousy had burned his soul so that Toghnath could not think clearly. In fact, the young man’s right hand was tightly clenched, as if he was ready to hit someone.

The man, who had a height of one hundred and ninety-five centimetres, stopped in front of a door where there were two guards. Without wasting any more time, the man, who was stricken with anxiety mixed with rage, immediately asked one of them, “Is Lord Helion or Goddess Avtexia inside there?”Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes, they are inside, Lord Toghnath. Would you like to meet them?” A yellow-haired young man answered the interlocutor’s question.

The amber-eyed man immediately nodded without wanting to respond verbally. The two guards who were there seemed to have realized what had happened just by looking at the visitor’s expression. They simultaneously opened the door so that Lord Toghnath walked quickly so that he could enter the room. After they finished carrying out such actions, let alone knowing that the special guest was already in the area they had been guarding, the same guards again closed the door that had been wide open.


A man wearing a crown accidentally turned his head towards the door. The palace owner was suddenly stunned when he saw a young man walking towards him. His beloved wife, who had just finished checking the situation on Earth at a spot that was still daytime, was confused when she stared at Lord Helion and did not realize what was happening to the opposite sex. “What was wrong with you, Honey?” asked Goddess Avtexia, frowning.

“Toghnath is coming, but there is something different about him,” answered Lord Helion, pointing at the God of War. Upon hearing this, the silver-haired woman, without further ado, turned in the direction her lovely husband was pointing. She felt the same way with the interlocutor. They did not continue the conversation again, as if the guest’s arrival had diverted their attention to him.

In less than a minute, the playboy god had arrived near the Moon Goddess’ parents. That young guy’s expression still looked annoyed, so that at this moment, Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia were instantly confused because they rarely saw Toghnath act like that. Before either of the married couples was about to say something, the guest had already started. “Excuse me, because my arrival seemed impolite. I have to tell you about the urgent matter.”

“It is okay. Go ahead. We will listen to whatever news you have to share.” God Helion told the interlocutor.

The Lord of the Seas became curious about the other man’s situation, and so did his wife. They were so interested in what kind of information Toghnath would share. Meanwhile, the three-hundred-year-old man tried hard not to vent his frustration at Atvertha’s parents, even though the bad events he had witnessed were still vivid in his mind.

“Before that, I want to know something. Did the Goddess Avtexia ever order Atvertha to come down to Earth to research that place?”

“No. As far as I know, I never ordered Atvertha to do something stupid that you asked me. What was wrong, Toghnath? Did you find anything there, or perhaps something bad happened to our daughter?” Goddess Avtexia could not hide her panic, so her tone rose spontaneously. The man who always carried a trident also thought the same thing, so he forgot to calm his wife, who was still in the same state.

“I saw your daughter. She went to the Earth and encountered a mortal man. Apparently, they have developed a special relationship because I saw that disgusting man hug Atvertha, and she also did the same thing.” Lord Toghnath explained the events that he had witnessed so that the girl’s parents gasped. In fact, Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia immediately widened their eyes.

“Impossible.” That was all the Goddess Avtexia said. The goddess still could not believe the information she had just heard, but the interlocutor looked very serious. That young man even put his right palm on his chest and raised his left hand so that the palm was facing the husband and wife.

“I swear on my own good name, Goddess. I saw her with that bloody mortal male on Earth a few moments ago. If you did not believe me, I could understand. But I suggest you check her room now, so you can be sure that I was not lying.” The one-hundred-and-ninety-five-centimetre-tall man felt a bit satisfied after revealing that fact. However, a grudge against the Crossroads Lady’s lover had welled up within him.

As soon as possible, the Sun Goddess carried out the action requested by the opposite sex. Amidst the silence in the room, a million questions arose in God Helion’s mind, so Goddess Avtexia’s husband asked Toghnath without hesitation. “How can you know, if Atvertha came down to Earth, then met a young man who lived there? Did you do it on purpose?”

“Yes, Lord Helion. I followed her on purpose, because I felt strange about Atvertha’s attitude so far. I was thinking that she must hide something, so I decided to take such action. It turns out that what I suspected was true.” Toghnath replied, holding back the anger that was about to reach its threshold.


Before Lord Helion could finish his words, a deafening scream was heard, which caused the two men there to turn to Goddess Avtexia, who looked worried without further ado. “Damn it! I just found out that it turned out what Toghnath said was true: Atvertha was not in the room! That place was empty inside when I checked it. We can’t let our daughter get out of hand, honey!”

The four-hundred-and-forty-year-old man was starting to cringe at his spouse’s anger. Lord Helion immediately raised his left palm behind the back of the woman who hated the darkness but did not go as far as to place his palm there. White-coloured energy came out of it, then slowly entered Goddess Avtexia’s back. Meanwhile, Toghnath, who had been observing the attitude of the husband and wife, smiled faintly. However, this moment only lasted for two seconds, as if he was afraid that the owner of that palace would discover this action.

The goddess’s eyes, which were initially blue, as soon as possible turned red, making the atmosphere tense. Goddess Avtexia’s body was still getting energy from her husband. God Helion had not said anything to the guest yet, because his attention was still focused on his beloved, who was still angry. The atmosphere in the room became quiet and awkward at the same time. An idea popped up in Toghnath’s mind. The sly man returned to observing the behaviour of Atvertha’s parents for a few moments.

The husband and wife turned to the other god, who was in the same room, without further ado. “What was wrong, Toghnath?” asked Lord Helion, astonished.

A man with a long silver beard still gave his energy to his wife. Meanwhile, the woman who was still angry with her daughter’s actions also felt curious about what the guest wanted to say.

“Sorry if I sound rude, but I have an idea. How about we try to act normal in front of Atvertha? This was done so she would not get suspicious at all. However, this does not mean agreeing to what she was doing. We must investigate this case further behind her back,” answered God Toghnath.

They fell silent as if considering what the other god had just said. The God of War had not opened the conversation again because the young man was still waiting for an answer from God Helion and Goddess Avtexia. “I think it was a brilliant idea. I wonder what kind of mortal male managed to make our daughter fall in love. If I knew him, I would have destroyed him from this world!” The ruler of the sun said this with full of hatred.

“Yes. I also agree with my wife’s decision. If we get angry with Atvertha right away, then our daughter will definitely rebel and run away from the palace. We can’t know more information about a mysterious mortal male. It is better for us just to act relaxed, as if nothing strange has happened, even though we know terrible fact. This situation was very shocking and disappointing, because an immortal goddess could not unite with a mortal male.” Lord Helion also added his opinion, which made Goddess Avtexia happy.

The playboy man smiled broadly. This time, he no longer hid his joy because he had finally succeeded in influencing Atvertha’s parents to want to carry out his plan. “Thank you, Lord Helion and Goddess Avtexia. I have one more idea. How about we do-”


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