The Merciless Alpha(erotica)

Back To Human

Talia’s POV

I stayed by the stream, drinking my fill and trying to get my body to work again. My stomach and chest protested any movement; the slashes were still healing, and a few scabs opened as I moved. I closed my eyes, using my nose to sense things. I could smell my blood strongly, as well as the warriors who had dumped me here. I could smell Alpha Todd’s scent on me from the fight, something I needed to be rid of as soon as possible. I could also smell Erica’s scent and it was fresh.

First thing was to wash the blood off and get that bastard’s scent off me. I moved along the stream until I found a deeper pool and laid in it. The cool water from the underground spring helped ease the sting of the wounds and helped wash the dried blood from my light fur. When I was ready, I braced myself and shifted back to human.

The pain nearly caused me to black out again.

I stood in the eighteen-inch-deep water, breathing and taking the pain in so I could overcome it. Using my hands, I washed away the dried blood from my skin and looked at my torn-up body. I was a mess.

I walked out of the stream, letting the warm sun filtering through the forest trees and the wind dry my body as I walked. I followed the scent of Erica to the west. A few minutes later, I saw the backpack and smiled. My friend had not abandoned me. I reached the pack and zipped it open, pulling out underwear, cargo shorts, a T-shirt, socks and hiking boots. My purse was in there, and I grabbed my cash and driver’s license out of it and put it in my pocket. She had even brought the bank card, which accessed the account with my inheritance from my parent’s estate. The lawyer held Tania’s half for her, and my portion was not a fortune, but it was enough to get a fresh start. Alphas, at least honest ones, weren’t getting a lot of personal wealth because they plowed the earnings back into the Pack.

I said a silent prayer to Selene asking her to protect Erica for what she had done. It was incredibly brave of her to leave this for me after my exile, but it made my getaway so much easier. I put the backpack on and started walking west.

It was well after sunset when I reached the gas station and mini-mart on I-94, and I was starving. I used my money to buy a few sandwiches, some beef jerky and snacks, and a tall coffee. I ate outside, stashing the snacks in my pack for later, and watched the pumps for someone who might help.

Hitchhiking wasn’t as common anymore, especially for young girls. I wasn’t as defenseless as a human, but I wasn’t stupid either. I kept an eye out for someone with out-of-state plates or an independent trucker, since the freight companies had rules against passengers. I passed on men under fifty unless they were family.

Somehow, being a beat-up sixteen-year-old didn’t work well for getting a ride. The first few people I asked, including a younger couple, offered to call the police for me which I declined. Another thought I was a working girl and offered me cash and a ride for a blowjob, which I politely but forcefully declined. I was sitting by the door when a Mercedes sedan came in, with Louisiana plates. A beautiful woman got out, her red hair cascading down in waves to mid-back. She was in a simple black dress and heels, her pale skin almost glowing in the fluorescent light. She looked to be in her late twenties and had no ring on her finger. She filled up the tank, then walked towards me. I caught her scent and fear went through me like a cold knife.


She had my scent as well and looked me over. “What’s a little injured pup like you doing out here all alone, wolf?”

“Cast out,” I said. “Look, I don’t want any trouble from you and I’m in no shape to fight. If you’re going to kill me, do it quickly.”

She just nodded and went inside to pay. I got up, my body protesting the movement as it continued to heal. She came out as I was halfway across the lot and she caught up quickly. “Come with me,” she said. I froze; there was no way to escape her if I was at full strength, much less now. “I’ll give you a ride and you can tell me your story. My name is Marceline, Marceline Covington, but you can call me Marcy.”

What the hell, I thought. All of the Packs would have been informed of my exile by now, and by law none would give me aid or shelter. A wolf who was exiled was exiled for life, destined to live a loner (peaceful wolf outside of a Pack) or a rogue (same thing but lives around Pack lands and is hunted). If I was going to be killed, she would have done it already. “Thank you,” I said. “I am Talia Stillwater, formerly of the Tomah Pack.”

“The Alpha daughter?”

“I was. Now I’m nothing.”

“I’m sorry about your parents, the Vampires respected them and left them alone. Suspicions were being raised that Vampires had taken your sister, but I can assure you that is not the case. No one would risk war with the werewolves over an underage girl, especially one whose Pack was not an enemy of the Council.” For some reason, I knew she was speaking the truth. “The Vampire Council met in St. Paul last night. We had representatives from every Coven present and none of us were involved.”

I followed her to her car, which was a Mercedes S-550 luxury sedan. “Hang on,” she said as she grabbed a blanket from the back seat and spread it over the leather passenger seat. “No offense, but your wounds are still bleeding. It’s distracting, and the leather will stick to them.”

“None taken. Thank you for the ride.” I got in and settled into the comfortable bucket seat, as she got in and fired up the twin-turbo V-8 engine. We pulled onto I-94 east towards Madison, and she drove like she didn’t fear death or State Patrol officers. “We’ll get pulled over in a heartbeat around here, the State Troopers are thick between Tomah and the Dells,” I said from experience.

“Vampires don’t get tickets,” she said. “We have the ability to control the minds of humans, so I never get more than a warning.” She smiled as she pushed it up over a hundred miles an hour. “You aren’t as afraid of me as I expected.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I accepted my own death not even twelve hours ago, and you would give me a quicker death than the Pack would.” It was true. I watched the road signs whip past, we were well outside my Pack territory now. I thought of my friends, of everyone in the Pack that I loved and would be forever separated from. Erica was bound to be discovered and punished for helping me. Tears ran down my eyes as we sped towards Madison. “You really want to hear my story?”

“Talia, my coven is led by Jarrod Covington of the New Orleans pack. It’s a two-night drive, even with me driving,” she said. “You intrigue me; rarely is a werewolf calm enough to have a conversation with. At my age, I appreciate someone I can learn from.”

“How old are you,” I asked, immediately regretting it.

“Jarrod turned me when I was twenty-eight, the year was 1740. My father had arranged a marriage to a wealthy man in New Orleans, a man I had no wish of joining. The ship I was sent over on had been captured by pirates and I was taken as a slave. Jarrod was hired by my fiancé to get me back. He killed them all and offered me a chance to go free, but the last thing I wanted was to be married. He returned to New Orleans with me and reported that I had been killed during the attack. I was the first one in our Coven that was turned by him.”

“Wow.” She had been alive for the entire existence of the United States and more. “My story isn’t that exciting.”

“Still, we have time.” I told her everything, the events, my suspicions, even how my friend had risked herself to help me. We were on I-39 in southern Illinois by the time I finished. “All I want to do is find my sister and get my Pack back,” I said.

“But you have to defeat Alpha Todd in the ring to take your Pack back.”

“Yes, either I or my mate would have to beat him. Since I’m no longer welcome in any of the Packs, finding my true mate is going to be near impossible. Most Packs will kill me on sight if I step on their lands.”

She thought for a while. “I need to talk to Jarrod, but I can promise you this much. Swear to me that you won’t attempt to harm me or my Coven, and I will swear to you my Coven will listen to you and let you go free if you do not wish to stay.”

I just laughed. “Me hurt you? As if.”

“Sunlight, packs and wooden stakes are still weaknesses for my kind, and I need to trust you if we are to travel together,” she said.

“I swear I will not attempt to harm you or your coven. You have helped me and I owe you a debt for that.” I held my hand out.

“And I swear you will be safe with us until you wish to leave,” she said as she took it. Her hand was slightly cold but strong.

“Good. Then we can drive straight through. You can drive, can you not?”

“I can,” I said. I’d gotten my license three months ago.

We were near Memphis as sunrise approached when she pulled off the freeway, heading to the back of a strip mall that wasn’t open yet. “Come on,” she said, popping the trunk and leaving the car running. I walked to the back and was surprised to see the trunk had been modified quite a bit. A mattress covered it, pillows were in there, as well as LED lights and some books. “Vampires don’t need to sleep, but we do need to avoid light. My trunk can function as an emergency shelter during the day; once it closes, it won’t open again unless there is no UV light present. We can still talk, I’m sure we’ll be able to hear each other through the back seat if you don’t crank the radio,” she said with a smile.

“I’ll drive safe,” I said.

She crawled in the trunk. “The GPS system has the location of our home loaded, just follow instructions and don’t get pulled over. I’ll let them know you are coming and when to expect you.” She pulled her phone out. “I like you, Talia. You remind me of how I was when I was younger.”

I stopped for gas twice and got a drive-through breakfast, so I made it to the beautiful New Orleans mansion by lunch time. The gate opened as I approached, and the garage door was open as a man in a suit waved me in. He closed the door as I turned the Mercedes off, and I was awestruck by the size and contents of the garage. The Mercedes was the least expensive car in the six-stall garage, I figured. I heard a bar slide as I got out, locking the door. The man moved curtains around, making sure the door did not leak sunlight, then turned the overhead lights off to verify. “It is safe, Miss Marceline,” he said.

The trunk popped open and he helped her out, still holding her phone. “Good, it was getting a little stuffy in there. Talia Stillwater, this is Malcolm, he is one of the familiars here and in charge of the day staff.”

“A pleasure, Madam,” he said with a bow. “Your bag?”

I handed it over as Marcy grabbed her bag out of the back seat. “Malcolm, set her up in the guest suite. Talia, follow me, I need to introduce you to my Master.” We walked to the back of the garage, where she used her thumbprint to open a door leading to a small vestibule. The heavy metal doors locked, then she punched a code in to the second and it opened for her. “Come on.” We went down the stairway which was barely lit with LED lighting, then through a narrow tunnel with doors on each side. It finally opened into a sitting area, a fireplace in the center, and lounge chairs arranged around it. Two men and one woman looked up at me as I entered, all were young and beautiful. The tall male that came towards me was tall, strong and handsome, with straight black hair that was cut at shoulder length. “Welcome to my home, Talia Stillwater. I am Jarrod Covington, Master Vampire and Coven Leader.”

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