The Mating Rules

Chapter 50

Jamie-Lee’s POV

I wake up to the sun piercing my eyelids and I roll over with a g***n, trying to block it out. I sat in the bottom of the shower for over an hour last night, crying over the fact that I have no choice. Part of me really thought I could convince the Alpha to let me have more time, I think secretly I hoped if I just didn’t make a decision, no one would ever force me to do so and we could just go on as we are, me dating both my mates.

I know it’s stupid, they both would want to mark me, have pups at some point but I don’t know how to choose. I fell asleep in my bed after hours and hours of tossing and turning, trying to force a decision. I even asked Skarla but all I got in return was that they are both her mates. As helpful as a chocolate teapot she is!

At some point in the night, I thought I felt something, a feeling that wasn’t my own but the pain I was in convinced me that I was wrong. If it was real, it was most likely coming from one of my mates, they were probably feeling hurt because they could feel me hurting and I’d pushed them away.

I didn’t want to do it, hell, all I really wanted to do was curl up in their arms and have them tell me everything was fine, but I knew I couldn’t. I need to decide, I can’t let my mates both lose their fated other because of me and I can’t make this decision with them around me, I need to be alone.

I drag myself out of bed and pull on my work out gear, maybe some training will help me? I brush my teeth and drag a brush through my hair, doing the bare minimum to make myself presentable. I really don’t care what anyone thinks of the way I look right this minute.

Pulling open my door, I jog down the stairs and out into the training ground, taking a place at the back away from everyone else as Dorian orders us all to stretch. Ashleigh sidles up beside me and I glance over, frowning at her drawn expression.

‘Are you OK?’ I ask in concern as her gaze flicks to me and then away again.

‘Of course I am’ she replies curtly, stretching her muscles whilst avoiding my gaze.

‘Ash . . ‘ I murmur, but the she wolf just waves her hand dismissively, focusing on the trainer who orders us to start running laps. Falling into step beside my best friend, I watch her out of the corner of my eye, my usually bubbly mate is silent as we jog, her eyes downcast, lost in her own thoughts.

‘Ashleigh is sad’ Skarla suddenly pipes up in my mind.

‘Why?’ I mutter back, hoping that my wolf can maybe pick up something from Amber, Ashleigh’s wolf.

‘Don’t know, Amber shut off, don’t think she want’s me to know’ my wolf replied uncertainly.

I nod to myself, my mind running back to the last time I was alone with Ashleigh. She’d seemed off then but I’d been so wrapped up in my own situation I had completely forgotten to approach her about it.

She’d also been upset, felt pushed out, maybe that was the problem? I still hadn’t really made time for her after she’d expressed her upset. It wasn’t Ashleigh’s fault that she didn’t know about my decision, if she did she’d be the first to tell me to spend as much time with them as I can.

Determined to fix the situation, I link over to her as we run, ‘are you busy after?’

Ashleigh looks over at me in surprise, ‘we have work’ she points out.

I smile wickedly, ‘fancy playing hooky?’ I offer.

I watch as my friend’s eyebrows almost disappear into her hair line at my words. ‘Lee,’ she finally huffs, ‘you don’t hooky, ever? You never even faked a sick day from school.’

I nod, ‘then don’t you think it’s about time I do?’ I reply with a cheesy grin. ‘Come on, we can hide out in your room, paint our toenails and watch sappy rom coms whilst eating tubs of ice cream.’

Now she’s definitely worried, ‘you hate rom coms’ she mutters dryly.

‘Yes but you love them’ I grin, ‘come on Ash, w haven’t had a girl day in weeks! Other than you bringing me coffee each morning at work I’ve not seen you.’

I watch my friend waver, fighting internally as if she thinks she should say no.

‘I’ll bring gummy worms’ I wheedle, offering up her favourite candy as incentive.

‘Deal!’ Ashleigh growls immediately, making me laugh out loud, drawing curious glances toward us both.

After our run, we break into pairs, I grab Ashleigh’s hand and pull her toward me, ‘we’re partners’ I announce firmly.

My best friend hesitates before slowly nodding, ‘OK’ she agrees reluctantly.

Taking our places opposite each other, I take a fighting stance whilst Ashleigh fidgets slightly, rubbing her arms with her hands. ‘Just sparring?’ she asks, ‘no physical contact, do you mind?’

I stare at her openly now, ‘Yeah, if you want’ I agree.

Ashleigh releases a breath, ‘cool, thanks, I um . . I don’t feel to good so I’d rather not have to put pressure on Amber to heal me.’

I reach out and grab her hand, holding it tightly as I study her face, taking in the dark circles under her eyes and the gaunt look to her skin that had passed me by before. ‘Ash’ I say softly, ‘what’s wrong?’

My friend forces a smile, shaking her head and trying to remove her hand from mine, ‘nothing, I’m fine!’ she replies brightly but I can see her bottom l*p trembling.

‘Dorien! I’m taking Ashleigh back to her room, she’s not feeling well’ I call out to the trainer through the mind link. Dorien glances over at us, frowns slightly as he takes in Ashleigh’s demenour before nodding to me.

Wrapping an arm around my best friend, I lead her back into the packhouse, up the stairs and down to the room that she shares with Dexter. Pushing open the door, I lead her to the bed, sitting her down before turning around and shutting the door behind us.

I take a seat beside the she wolf, who is sat on the edge of the mattress, hands clasped between her legs.

‘What’s wrong Ash?’ I ask softly, reaching out and taking her hand in mine gently.

‘It’s nothing, honestly, you know how I get . .’ Ashleigh starts.

‘Ash’ I cut her off firmly, ‘what’s wrong?’

My best friend looks over at me for a second before her face crumples and she falls against me sobbing. Instinctively, I put my arms around her, holding her close as she cries, my heart aching for the woman beside me.

‘Ashleigh?’ I whisper.

‘I’m pregnant’ she stammers out between gulping great lungfuls of air.

I still before I tighten my grip, rubbing her back, ‘OK, it’s going to be OK Ash.’

‘No it isn’t!’ my friend wails, ‘I can’t be a mum Lee! I can barely look after me! Dexter still does my washing for me because I can’t figure out all those stupid dials! Why do they have so many dials? Just a wash button would do!’

I try not to laugh, knowing she’s trying to fixate on anything but the pup growing inside of her.

‘I’m sure if you asked him, Dex would teach you how to use the washer’ I reply. ‘I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mind doing it though, he does love you.’

Ashleigh reaches over and grabs a tissue, blowing her nose loudly as she nods, ‘yeah he does’ she concedes. ‘Though why wouldn’t he? I’m awesome’ she adds with a shrug.

‘Yeah, you are’ I agree, nudging her with my shoulder as she chokes out a laugh. ‘How does Dex feel about this?’ I question carefully, sure the warrior must be thrilled.

My friend pales slightly before she whispers, ‘I haven’t told him.’

‘What? Ash!’ I growl, ‘how long have you known?’

The she wolf stares at the floor, ‘a couple of weeks’ she admits, ‘though for a week of that, I wasn’t totally sure’ she adds defensively, ‘’I only took the test last week!’

‘Ash’ I g***n, ‘you need to tell him.’

Ashleigh sighs, ‘I know’ she mutters, ‘but he’s going to be so excited Lee, he’s going to want to tell everyone and they’ll be congratulating me.’ She looks up to meet my gaze, ‘how can I stand there whilst everyone is excited when I don’t feel the same way?’ My best friend sighs, picking at a loose thread on her top, ‘I wasn’t ready’ she mumbles, ‘I told you I wasn’t ready, there was stuff I wanted to do you know?’

I nod, ‘what kind of things?’ I ask quietly.

Ashleigh g****s, ‘I don’t know!’ she huffs, ‘just stuff! You know, things that single people or couples do that don’t involve kids!’

I grin, I can’t help myself, ‘like climb a mountain?’ I offer.

‘Yes!’ she agrees loudly, ‘like climbing a mountain! I can’t do that with a baby attached to my boob!’

I start to chuckle, ‘sorry to break this to you, but you are scared of heights’ I point out. ‘You came over all queasy and felt sick when we walked up the hill to look over the cliffs when our parents took us camping. Hell, you complained bitterly about the actual camping! You, my friend, are the least outdoorsy wolf I have ever met.’

Ashleigh huffs in annoyance, ‘I just don’t see why you have to sleep on the ground when there are perfectly nice hotels that actually bring food to your room’ she grumbles. ‘What about spontaneous s*x in the kitchen?’ she throws at me, ‘can’t do that with kids running around all the damn time.’

I’m outright laughing now, ‘Ash, when have you and Dex ever broken into the packhouse kitchen and done the dirty?’ I asked.

My friend frowns, ‘well . . never’ she admits, ‘but it was an option.’Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘No Ash, Dex would never let you jump him in the pack’s kitchen, the guy isn’t like that.’

‘What about . . ‘she starts as I hold up my hand to stop her.

‘What is this really about Ash?’ I ask solemnly, ‘what are you scared of?’

The she wolf’s shoulders drop as she leans her head against mine, ‘what if I’m no good at this?’ she asks worriedly. ‘I’m a hot mess by myself, Dex pretty much keeps me on the right path. Without him, I’d be floundering somewhere in the woods. How can I look after a whole other person? One that’s going to depend on me completely. I’m going to screw this kid up so badly, Lee, I know it, I don’t think I can do it.’

I shift so she has to move her head, and lift my hands to grab her shoulders, turning her to face me. ‘You will be a kick a*s mum Ashleigh, hell, you are the coolest person I know’ I growl vehemently. ‘Plus, you won’t be doing this alone, you’ll have Dex, your parents, Dex’s parents, Me! Hell, I doubt you’ll see the kid that much with how much it will be doted on by those grandparents it’s got.’

Ashleigh giggles and I relax slightly, ‘yeah’ she agrees, ‘the parents and in laws are pretty great, they raised me and Dex after all, they know what they are doing.’

I nod emphatically, ‘of course they do, you aren’t alone girl, you have got a whole village behind you to help you. We’re a pack, we look after each other,’ I force her to look at me, ‘if it was me, would you let me do it alone?’ I demand.

Ashleigh’s face clouds, ‘f*ck no’ she huffs, ‘those mates of yours are going to have to crowbar me out of the delivery room. I’m going to be there to hold your hand and wipe your brow through the entire labour, I don’t care if Caden is an Alpha, I’ll kick his balls if he tries to kick me out.’

I smile, ‘so why do you think it would be any different because it’s you?’ I ask her.

My friend’s face falls, ‘because, well, you’ve been busy’ she admits, making me feel terrible. ‘I wanted to tell you before when I was late, but you were getting ready to go out and you were excited. I knew if I said anything you’d cancel your date with your guys to talk to me and I didn’t want to do that to you.

I figured I’d tell you later but it just never seemed to be a good time.’ A tear slips down her face as she bites down on her l*p, ‘I was so scared Lee’ she whispers, ‘I’m still terrified, everything is going to change.’

I hug her fiercely, pulling her against my chest, ‘yeah, things will change, but they will be so much better, you’ll see’ I respond. ‘You and Dex love each other, your love is so strong you made a person! How can that pup be anything other than a blessing?’

Ashleigh wipes her eyes, pulling back from me and giving me a watery smile, ‘you really think I can do this?’ she asks hopefully.

I nod immediately, ‘I know you can’ I growl, ‘because I’m going to be right here with you helping.’ Standing up, my eyes glaze as I call first to Caden asking him to send someone to relieve Dex from patrol and then the warrior himself, telling him to come back to his room after his replacement turns up.

My eyes clearing, I smile down at my friend, reaching out and patting her shoulder comfortingly. ‘He’ll be here in just a minute, Ash’ I tell her, and I watch as she swallows nervously but nods her head with determination. She’s ready, ready to tell her mate that he’s going to be a father.

Minutes later, the door bursts open and a frantic Dex looks between me and Ash before rushing to her side and sinking down in front of her knees.

‘Babe?’ he croaks worriedly, ‘what is it, why are you crying?’

I silently slip out of the room, shutting the door behind me, not wanting to intrude on the special moment between my best friend and her mate.

‘You are F*cking joking me!’ is all I hear as I walk into my own room, followed by a faint squeal of laughter that I’m pretty sure came from my friend as he attacked her. I smile happily for the first time in a couple of days, happy for my best friend. She may not have been ready but she’ll be more than up to the task of raising a pup.

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