The Mating Rules

Chapter 42

‘Baby, you better not be hiding from me’ comes Caden’s voice through the pack mind link as I crouch in a supply closet, a hand over my mouth to smother the sound of my ragged breathing.

I thought I had a reprieve, that he’d forgotten the whole punishment thing, it has been two days! But suddenly, my wolf is on alert, she can sense her mate and she warns me that we are being hunted.

I’ve slipped out of my room, racing down the corridor to the other side of the pack house, and am now hidden with some mops hoping he won’t hear my heartbeat.

‘I’m going to find you Leeway’ Caden taunts again, his voice a little closer. Sh*t, why didn’t I use a scent dampening spray or something? He’ll be able to smell me! OK, I don’t actually have any scent dampening spray, it’s kept locked up in the Alpha’s office and the clinic, but if I did, I should have thought to use it.

‘Don’t you want to spend time with your loving mate?’ the Alpha croons, and I can hear the enjoyment in his voice. The bastard is getting off on this.

In my head, Skarla is purring, ‘mate is going to s***k us so good’ she growls excitedly.

‘That is not a positive thing!’ I retort back to her in annoyance.

‘Maybe not to you . . ‘ she replies sassily and I’m left wondering how the hell I ended up with her for a wolf. She’s s*x crazed.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

The door yanks open and I scream, the mops that were leaning against the wall falling on top of me as I flail my arms frantically.

I glance up to find Caden grinning down at me, his head tilted to the side, ‘good evening Leeway’ he says.

‘Good evening Caden’ I reply airily, like he hasn’t just found me cowering in a cupboard.

‘What are you doing?’ he enquires, watching as I struggle to untangle the mop handles from around me.

‘Oh just checking the supplies’ I respond brightly. ‘Someone said we were running out of polish and I thought that couldn’t be right. The Omegas are very particular with their shopping orders. So, I came up here to have a look and I was right, see?’ I wave a hand toward the shelf stacked with cans of polish, ‘loads left.’

‘I see’ Caden replies, leaning against the doorframe and studying me as I try not to fidget under his scrutiny. ‘I thought for a minute that you were trying to hide from me.’

I scoff, standing up and wrangling the mops back against the wall. ‘Me hide? Why on earth would I do that?’ I stumble, ‘you are my mate, I would never hide from you.’ I peek up at him through my lashes, ‘have you been working out by the way?’ I ask, ‘you look bigger, more muscular, manly . . ‘

The mischievous grin spreading across my mate’s face tells me he’s not falling for a word I’m saying.

‘Well I need to get back to my room’ I say, stepping out and squeezing around his bulky frame, breathing in so I don’t touch him. If I touch him, I’m done for, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow? Breakfast date?’ I add hopefully.

Caden shakes his head slowly, his arms dropping from across his chest as one hand reaches out and snags my wrist. ‘I think we should have our date right now’ he counters.

‘Oh I’d love to baby’ I gush, batting my eyelashes at him, ‘but I have sooooo much work to do, the new building needs some redesign, the Alpha didn’t like something or other, you know how it is.’

Caden nods, not letting go of me, ‘oh I know exactly how it is Leeway’ he replies smoothly, ‘but the Alpha is my dad and I already know he approved those plans yesterday.’

Dammit! Bloody Alpha’s son, Goddess damned know it all! ‘Oh! Maybe he saw something after he spoke to you?’ I offer back.

The Alpha raises an eyebrow, ‘between now and when I just left him twenty minutes ago?’ he responded curiously.

Oh fudge! His smile widens as the truth sinks in, I’m not getting away from him.

‘Come on baby, let’s go and spend some quality time together’ Caden rumbles as my eyes dart around us, looking for an escape.

‘Oh is that Ash?’ I ask desperately, indicating behind me, ‘it looks like she needs me, I should go and speak to her!’

As he glances over his shoulder, I wrench my wrist from his grasp and flee down the passage, a growl emanating from behind me before footsteps thunder along the carpeted floor.

It seems my mate’s amusement has a limit as he snags my waist before I even reach the stairs, pulls me toward him, spins me around to face him and grabs around my legs. Hauling me over his shoulder with ease, he starts to stride down the corridor past our pack mates as I shriek furiously.

‘Caden! Put me down!’ I yell, hammering his back with my fists, which does absolutely nothing other than make him chuckle.

Up the stairs we go, people throwing me amused looks as I try to cover my face with my hands, beyond mortified.

‘Caden, what are you doing to Lee?’ comes Alpha Scott’s voice from in front of us.

My mate doesn’t even falter in his stride as he replies, ‘just trying to spend some quality time with my mate dad, don’t worry, Hadley gets his turn tomorrow.’

He brushes past his father, who watches us go in amusement as I peek at him through my fingers. I’m his pack member! Surely he should help me!

As if reading my mind, Alpha Scott calls after me, ‘have fun Lee, and maybe rethink your avoidance techniques next time?’

I openly gape at the man, he knew I was hiding from Caden?! How? Did everyone know? Oh my Goddess, how humiliating can my life get?

The door of Caden’s room bangs open and the Alpha steps over the threshold, turning around to shut it behind us, and I hear the lock click with a deafening finality.

Suddenly, I’m deposited in the middle of a bed, my mate standing over me, arms crossed as I peek up at him, hitching my most winning smile on my face.

‘You could have just invited me up, you didn’t need to carry me’ I purred, climbing up on my knees to shuffle toward him.

‘Really?’ the Alpha asks, eyes narrowing, ‘so why did you run away from me Leeway? Twice.’

I pout convincingly, ‘I left a pot on the stove’ I lie, ‘I suddenly remembered.’

Caden can’t help it, he laughs loudly as I smile up at him. ‘baby, you can’t cook’ he chuckles.

I feign incredulousness, ‘I can cook!’ I retort, ‘I’ll have you know I’ve made some amazing dinners!’

Shaking his head, Caden steps toward the bed, his eyes darkening dangerously as I instinctively inch backward. ‘Ordering take out doesn’t count Leeway’ he growls, pressing his palms into the bed as he crawls toward me.

‘It does’ I argue, eyes taking in my surroundings, wondering if I can get to the bathroom and lock myself inside.

‘I already removed the lock Leeway’ the Alpha rumbles, his gaze never leaving mine, ‘no safety in there.’

I gape, ‘you removed the lock on the bathroom?’ I demand, sometimes I might need to use the facilities whilst in here!

Caden nods, ‘only me and my Luna will ever use that bathroom Leeway’ he replied. ‘And I intend to know every inch of her body so she has no need to be locked away from me.’

‘What about privacy’ I mutter, still shifting backward and well aware I’m running out of mattress.

‘My Luna can have all the privacy she wants’ the werewolf prowling toward me utters. ‘that’s why we won’t need locks, she’ll trust me explicitly to treat her as she deserves to be treated. She will never feel the need to put a barrier between us.’

OK, that’s kind of hot, and I’m on the verge of joining my wolf in panting like a dog in heat, but I’m still in trouble.

‘I’m sorry’ I whimper, giving it one last try to get out of my fate. ‘I shouldn’t have teased you, and I’m really really sorry.’

Caden’s smile widens, ‘well thank you Leeway’ he growls, ‘my wolf and I accept your apology.’

‘You do?’ I ask, the surprise in my voice ringing out clearly.

‘Of course we do baby’ the Alpha replies, ‘you are our mate, we can forgive you almost anything.’

I let out a breath I was holding, ‘so I won’t get punished?’ I mutter hopefully.

The Alpha’s smile widens as his hand whips out and grabs me, pulling me into his chest before flipping me over onto my back, his weight crushing me into the mattress.

‘I never said that little Luna’ he rumbles against my ear, grinding a very obvious bulge against me.

I m**n loudly, I can’t help it, he feels so good, ‘what are you going to do with me?’ I manage to stutter out.

The werewolf leans closer, his tongue flicking my ear, ‘I’m going to devour that sweet little p***y until you beg me to stop’ he replies darkly. ‘You are going to have so many o*****s that you won’t be able to walk, and when I finally let you up, I’m going to leave a bright red handprint across that sexy a*s for cheeking me.’

I try to fidget underneath him, my panties wet from his dirty words, ‘you can’t s***k me’ I argue, trying for firm but just coming out as breathless and needy, ‘I’m a grown woman.’

‘I can baby’ Caden replies, ‘and I will, and you, my little Luna, will love it, you’ll be crying out for me to continue.’

I flush at his words because he’s not wrong, the thought of being s*****d by him is giving me goosebumps. There is something so inherently intimate about it that makes me want to crawl across his lap and let him.

His hand reaches between us and glides underneath the elastic waist of my leggings, pushing under my panties to find me already soaked.

‘See, just the thought of my hand on your a*s makes you ready’ Caden taunts, my rebuttal lost as he roughly plunges a finger inside me, his lips finding mine, invading my mouth with his tongue.

It takes minutes for my o****m to hit me like a freight train, my body clenching down on his fingers as he coaxes every last second of my release out of me.

Opening my eyes, I take some deep breaths as the Alpha laughs, pushing off me and dragging my leggings down and over my feet, throwing them over his shoulder along with my panties. Burying his face between my legs, he captures my sensitive clit between his teeth, biting as I jolt upwards. He grins up at me wickedly, releasing me as I stare at him before lowering his head again and proceeding to drag my body through a torturous pleasure that I never knew was possible.

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