The Mating Rules

Book 5 – Chapter 2

I squeeze Nurse Alicia’s hand so tightly, she whimpers but she continues to let me abuse her fingers as I push through the pain, bringing my second child into this world.

You are doing so well Bailee, the head is out, just a few more pushes and they’ll be here Doctor McKinock tells me as I fall backward into the pillow behind me, sweat trickling down the side of my face.

“I’m too tired’ I whisper, staring beseechingly up at the nurse who uses her free hand to brush my hair from my forehead.

‘Are you sure about Beta .. ‘ Alicia asks me for the third time worriedly. I know why she’s asking me, the bond will help with the contractions, sooth me, make the birth easier, but I don’t care, I don’t want him here.

“No’ I hiss, feeling the need to push again, ‘I don’t .. need .. him .. I grit my teeth, refusing to give in, that a*****e will not set foot in this room whilst I’m at my most vulnerable.

Two more pushes and I fall back against the pillows, breathing harshly as the sweetest cry fills the air.

A little girl Beta Bailee, congratulations’ the doctor announces, holding my daughter up so I can see her. She has a crop of dark hair plastered to her scalp and a rose bud mouth that is pouting with obvious displeasure at being removed from her warm cocoon.

I reach out instinctively, pulling my baby into my chest as her mouth makes a sucking motion. I direct her to my breast, helping her latch on before smiling up at the doctor who nods approvingly.

‘Already feeding, she’s going to be a strong little wolf’ he informs me.

“That she is’ I agree happily, ‘my beautiful angel, you are going to be a girl who knows your mind and takes no shit.’

Alicia fusses around me, helping me get my feet down from the stirrups before covering me with a blanket.

‘Thank you’ I murmur to her gratefully.

Alicia smiles, ‘it was my pleasure female Beta’ she replies with a nod of respect.

As she turns to leave, a soft knock echoes from the door before it inches open and my new Luna peeks inside.

‘Is it OK to come in?’ she asks nervously as the ranting voice of my mate roars through the gap.

I don’t care what she said, that is MY pup being born!’ I can hear Arthur roaring.

I’m sorry Beta … a young female voice tries to placate him.

‘Arthur! Calm down’ the authority in my Alpha’s voice even makes me cower slightly but I’m protected from further argument by the Luna slipping inside and shutting the door quickly

‘He’s not happy then’ I deadpan, not at all bothered by my mate’s tantrum outside.

Luna Zara shakes her head as she moves toward me, her gaze falling to my daughter as her features soften.

“Oh Bails, she’s beautiful’ she sighs, reaching out to run a finger over her chubby cheek as my little girl releases me and yawns allowing me to tuck myself away.

‘I think she looks like my sister, Lauren’ I reply, studying her tiny face, ‘she had these cheeks when she was born too, and that nose is definitely my father’ I add with a giggle.

‘Do you have a name?’ Zara asks, pulling the chair next to my bed closer and taking a seat.

I consider for a minute, all the names that Arthur and I had mentioned running through my head, though there were a lot more boy names than girl’s ones I now realise. It seems my a*****e Mate was sure that he would make another boy, because that’s what strong wolves do isn’t it, make more strong male wolves.

‘Payton’ I finally reply, nodding my head with certainty, ‘her name is Payton.’

Zara smiles, well welcome to the world little Payton, we are very happy to have you become a part of our pack.’

I wince at her words, the sharp knife of my Mate’s betrayal cutting through me. My baby will be a part of this pack, tied here by my connection to their father, the lying cheating piece of s.hit that promised me the world if I came with him here.

Pushing down my anger, I force a smile, ‘thank you Luna’ I reply instead.

The door opens again and the doctor walks in pushing a wheeled incubator, placing it on my opposite side before lifting Payton from my arms and placing her inside.

‘Just a precaution’ he tells me as I look at him with worry, ‘I would rather err on the side of caution, I’m sure she’ll be in a normal cot by tomorrow.’

Nodding, I settle back into the pillows, watching the man like a hawk as he checks my daughter over for the second time, nodding to himself as he listens to her lungs and heart.

Straightening up, he turns and pats my arm soothingly, ”ll come back and check on you both in an hour or so, try and get some rest. You know they drill Bailee, sleep when she sleeps, your body needs to recover and resting is the fastest way to get you back on your feet. Our wolves can heal the trauma to our bodies, but even they cannot speed up the recovery your body needs from birth.’

I nod, silently accepting his wisdom and he takes his leave once again. Focusing back on my Luna, I can see she wants to say something and I’m pretty sure I know what it’s about

“Just spit it out Zara’ I tell her tiredly, ‘we’ve been friends since I got here, you don’t need to pick your words around me.’

The Luna smiles back at me, ‘fine she replies, you need to let Arthur in, he’s Payton’s father, he has a right to see her!’

I shake my head immediately, ‘he lost that right a few hours ago’ I growl back stubbornly.

‘Bails’ Zara tries to soothe me, ‘whatever your fight was about, can’t you just put it aside for the sake of your baby?

I can’t believe you actually went though labour alone..’

‘He cheated on me’ I force out bluntly, cutting the woman off. ‘While I was carrying his child, protecting his pup with my body, he was balls deep in one of the warriors in his office.’

Zara’s mouth falls open before anger and a dash of disbelief flashes across her face. ‘Are you sure?’ she asks,’ maybe it wasn’t what you thought, maybe..’

“What?’ I ask bitterly, ‘maybe he was giving her some sort of massage that needed her to be naked across his desk and his jeans to be around his ankles? Maybe his jeans fell down and he tripped forward, his d**k sliding into her p**ky from behind after some wild animal tore all her clothes from her body?’ I glare at my friend, ‘I felt the pain, I saw him balls deep inside of her and he had the gall to stand there and tell me that it was my fault! That I wasn’t performing my duties as his mate because of my ‘ condition’ then he told me to stop being traumatic when his infidelity pushed me into early labour. I scowl angrily, ‘he won’t set foot in this room Zara, I mean it, if you or the Alpha overrule my command, I will pick Payton up and take her out of this clinic right now.’

I stare mutinously at the Luna, silently daring her to call my bluff, instead, Zara’s eyes glaze for a moment before she focuses back on me.

‘Gerrard has placed an Alpha order on the entire pack, no one is allowed into this room without your express permission’ she states firmly.

Relief washes over me as I reach out and squeeze her hand gently, ‘thank you’ I mutter, trying to talk around the lump that’s built in my throat.

Zara nods curtly, anger radiating off her, ‘Arther has been escorted from the clinic, if he even tries to enter the building, the guards have been instructed to forcefully remove him.

My eyes are starting to droop as I nod sluggishly, ‘you are a good friend’ I mumble tiredly.

The Luna laughs softly, standing up and patting my hand,’ you’ve been a good friend to me since you arrived here with us’ she replies, “I will always support you, Bailee.’Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Nodding, my eyes are already closed and I don’t even hear the door click shut as the Luna leaves the room, the tiny space is quiet except for the soft breathing of my beautiful daughter whom I am still attuned too even as my own body falls into the abyss of slumber

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