The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 41

Isaac’s POV

Her scent drives me wild, it’s like heaven, wrapping itself around me and holding me prisoner.

Turning my head slightly, I lightly nip at the flesh of her inner thigh, hearing the hiss of surprise that turns to a whispered curse as I sooth the area with my tongue.

I follow the path of her smooth skin upward, pressing feather light k****s along the way as she shifts in her seat, like the greedy girl she seems to be.

I keep my actions agonisingly slow, torturing both Raelyn and myself as all I want to do is consume her.

As I reach the edge of her lace panties that I now know are red, I bite tentatively at the material and pull it to the side. I hear the Omega’s breath hitch, her hand finding it’s way into my hair as she grips the strands tightly.

Running the tip of my tongue up through her already slick folds, I feel her shiver as she m***s loudly. Yeah, my girl isn’t quiet at all, and I love it, I want to hear every noise that passes her lips.

Sucking her clit into my mouth, I flick it with my tongue, sending a delicious jolt through her as her fingers tighten on my hair, a pleasurable sting of pain tugging at my scalp.

‘Isaac’ she whimpers, the plea etched into that one word, making me growl, sending vibrations through her. I love the sound of my name on her tongue, want to only ever hear her say my name in that breathy tone, no one elses.

Swirling my tongue around her clit, I push first one then another finger inside her, slowly moving them against her walls as they tighten around me.

‘Feet on my shoulders’ I order, ‘spread wider.’

Raelyn does as I say immediately, and I push my fingers deep inside of her, coaxing her clit with my tongue, massaging with just the right amount of pleasure that has her m***s filling the cab. Her legs tighten around my head, as though she’s scared that I’ll pull back, leave her a tightly wound mess. That’s never going to happen, the need to claim her, watch her fall apart because of me, is too deep.

‘More’ Raelyn g****s, ‘right there, don’t stop, please.’ I happily oblige, licking and sucking as she climbs higher and higher, until she cries out, my name falling from her lips as the waves of her o****m fall over her. Her walls are so tight around my fingers, and I refuse to let up on her clit until she starts to squirm, her legs relaxing as she tries to get away from the overly sensitive feelings.

Reluctantly, I lift my head, my heated gaze meeting her dazed one, I slowly pull from her hot channel and bring my fingers to my lips, sucking them slowly, savouring her flavour.

The slamming of a door nearby has us both jerking in shock before a woman’s loud laugh and a man’s rumbling voice floats towards us across the crisp night air.

Raelyn’s eyes swivel to the passenger window before returning to me with a mixture of shame and horror there.

Knowing the moment is over, I quickly crawl out of the space, ignoring the painful e******n that’s pressing insistently against my zipper as I scramble back into my own seat and scrub a hand down my face.

Raelyn shivers, her face turned resolutely toward the window as she pulls her dress back down over her knees, before her arms wrap around her body protectively.

Realising she doesn’t want to talk right now, her body language screaming for me to leave her alone, I instead, turn up the temperature to help get the chill out of the air, and keep her warm before I pull out of our parking spot.

We sit in silence as we head back to the pack, I want to start a conversation but I’m not really sure what to say. My gaze keeps straying to her bare legs and how her dress moulds to her body. The tension in the cab is building between us uncomfortably as I sneak continuous looks at her from the corner of my eye.

Raelyn is fidgeting in her seat, her fingers twisting together in her lap as she stares out of the windscreen. She refuses to look at me, its almost like she’s hoping that if she pretends I don’t exist that she won’t have to deal with what just happened between us.

Her taste is still on my tongue and the shame I saw in her eyes when she looked down at me was like a gut punch. I didn’t regret a damn minute of our time in this truck and to know that she does, hurts more than I want to admit.

The pack border comes into view and I slow the truck automatically as one of the guards steps into the road to block me as the other stands to the side ready to speak to me.

Rolling down my window, I smile at the black haired warrior who notes that it’s me driving and bows his head immediately.

‘Welcome back Beta’ he says respectfully, ‘I hope you have had a pleasant evening.’

I nod, forcing a smile to my lips, ‘it’s been fine Talon’ I reply, ‘getting a bit colder now though so I’m not sure how many more evening treks I’m going to want to make.’

The warrior chuckles as he nods, ‘I hear that sir’ he agrees, ‘the missus was trying to get me to wear one of those body warmer things the humans wear. She picked it up at a market or something. I had to say, woman, we’re Werewolves, don’t I shred enough clothes already? If someone attacks the boundary, I can’t just ask them to wait a minute whilst I take a nice new jacket off.’

I laugh along with him, ‘I hear you my friend’ I reply, ‘I long since dedicated clothes for guard duty, got fed up with ruining all my new jeans because a Rogue decided to get too close.’

We chat for a couple more seconds before the warrior steps back and waves a hand to tell me to go through.

I head down the driveway, my speed slowing the closer we get to the pack house, as I instinctively try to extend the time I’m with Raelyn. I want desperately to reach out to her, talk to her, ask her what she’s thinking, but also a little fearful of what she might actually say.

Inevitably, we pull up to the pack house, and I slow to a crawl as I steer the vehicle toward the garage, turning it in an arc so I can reverse it back into my space.

As I stop the car in the middle of the drive, shifting the truck into reverse, Raelyn suddenly yanks open the passenger side door, jumping out as I curse loudly, slamming my foot on the brake in case the vehicle rolls back and hits her.

‘Thank you for the dinner’ she trills loudly in an overly zealous voice, ‘I had a lovely time . . uhh . . bye!’

Slamming the truck door, she sprints toward the pack house as I yell out for her to wait. Ignoring me, she disappears as the darkness swallows her small frame.

Grumbling angrily, I park the truck haphazardly in my spot, not bothering to check I’m straight before scrambling out of the drivers seat and running after the woman who has me tied up in even more knots.

I barely greet the guards either side of the door, pushing my way inside and hurrying to the stairs, taking them two at a time.

I race down the first floor corridor skidding to a stop outside of her bedroom door, and start to knock loudly.

‘Raelyn’ I roar, ‘open the door, we need to talk!’Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Silence greets my words but I know she’s in there, I can smell her scent outside of the room where she had to stop to unlock it.

‘Rae! Open the door right now!’ I growl out, hammering my fist on the solid wood.

Still no response and I can feel my desperation building, I want to kick the door down, I’m strong enough too, not many doors will keep a wolf as strong as me out. The tiny voice of reason in my head is the only thing keeping me from doing it, no one is allowed to break into another person’s room without good cause, and I don’t think Caden or Jamie-Lee are going to believe that I thought she was dying in there.

‘Please’ I croak out, ‘open the door, I just want to talk to you.’

A door to my left creaks, and I swivel toward the noise, a snarl of warning leaving me as a low level warrior visibly recoils from me, clutching at her night gown.

‘Is . . is everything . . ok Beta?’ the she wolf whispers fearfully, ‘do you . . need something?’

I swallow down my temper, forcing Indigo who is growling loudly in my head to the back of my mind.

‘No everything is fine’ I reply, pulling at my shirt collar as I give her a tight smile. ‘I just needed to have a word with Raelyn but it seems she’s not here so I’ll try the kitchen or just grab her tomorrow, it’s not important, sorry to have woken you.’

The warrior nods uncertainly, her gaze flicking to Raelyn’s closed door before she steps back into her room and quietly shuts the door with a soft click.

Turning back to Raelyn’s door, I press my forehead against the cool wood, my shoulders slumping, ‘please Rae, open the door’ I mutter desperately.

After five minutes of no movement or sound from her room, I finally give up and head back to my own room, each step away from her more difficult than the last.

As I finally enter my room, I shut the door and slump against it with a growl. I try to convince myself that I should have a shower, go to bed, and find Rae in the morning. I can’t seem to make myself move though, my clothes smell like her, I can still taste her on my tongue and I don’t want to lose it.

Stumbling over to my bed, I fall face-first across the mattress, pulling my shirt against my nose, inhaling the lingering scent that clings to me. I don’t know if it’s her body lotion or just something that is inherently Raelyn, but the smell somehow soothes me and my body automatically relaxes until it gives way to sleep.

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