The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 31

Raelyn’s POV

I’ve been at Diamond Star pack for two days and am finally starting to find my way around, I only got lost twice on the way to the laundry last night. The head Omega, is a man named Leonard, a wolf in his late sixties with just the first signs of laughter lines around his eyes, thank you wolf genes. He growled at me when I entered the kitchen for the first time, making me take a nervous step back from him before throwing his head back and laughing a deep rich laugh that engulfs you like a warm hug.

He introduced me to all of the other kitchen workers, asking me what kind of jobs I prefer to do before handing me a spatula and shuffling me over to the grill where large jugs of pancake mix waited to be poured and flipped.

Two hours and I have two aching arms, wild hair and a tomato red face from the heat.

‘Go get some food Raelyn’ Leonard calls out as he piles up a huge silver tray with sausages and bacon ready to carry out into the dining hall.

Nodding, I quickly wipe my hands before hurrying ahead of him and holding the door open so he can carry the food out. Following at his heels, I grab a plate and start loading it up with food, man I’m starving! There are A LOT more wolves to feed here than back at my old pack, I swear I made a million pancakes this morning.

I balance my plate carefully as it’s overflowing, did I mention how hungry I am? And slowly walk toward the nearest table, placing the plate down on the clean linen covering and letting out a relieved breath.

Taking a seat, I grab a knife and fork, cutting a huge piece of pancake stack and spearing it with my fork. As it reaches my lips, I pause, glancing at the mouthful before looking around me and placing it back down. I cut it into a smaller bite and happily pull it from the fork prongs, a m**n of pleasure leaving me.

‘Man I make good pancakes’ I mutter to myself as I scoop up the other half of my first piece and shove that into my mouth too.

A hand on my shoulder, has me jumping in shock, my food lodging in my windpipe and I start to choke. Slamming my hand into my chest, I thump weakly as though I can give myself the Heimlich or something.

I hear a curse before two strong arms wrap around me and I’m hauled from the chair, a fist ramming upward twice before my mouthful dislodges and flies out of my mouth, landing with a small splat on the floor in front of me.

‘Goddess, Rae! Are you OK?’ a worried female voice calls out before the Luna appears in front of me, grabbing my hands and pulling me into my seat as an insanely good looking warrior grabs a jug of water, pouring some into a glass and handing it to me in concern.

Face flushed with embarrassment, I can only nod in mortification, ‘I’m fine’ I manage to croak out, gulping down the water as the Luna rubs my back soothingly.

‘Honestly, I’m OK, no harm done! I should really get back to work’ I add, desperate to take my embarrassed a*s away from the two of the most important people in the pack.

The Luna clicks her tongue in annoyance, ‘you will sit right there until I know that you are OK’ she growls back, frowning at me.

I don’t bother to argue, I know her order doesn’t have any affect on me right now as I’ve not been initiated, but I don’t want to be rude to my new Luna.

‘Babe, you don’t need to be so aggressive’ the man murmurs fondly, ‘calm down.’

I blink as I glance back at the man, who is very clearly not the Alpha and just called the Alpha’s mate babe.

‘I uh . . I should really go’ I stammer hoarsely, trying to get up again as I do not want to be involved in whatever is going on here! Plausible deniability, can’t be blamed for something I don’t know anything about!

The Luna pushes me back down again firmly and I have no choice but to let her, the woman is a lot stronger than me. I may be able to ignore an order, but I have no hope of overpowering the woman.

‘Please’ I whisper frantically, glancing back at the warrior again, ‘I don’t want to get in any trouble! I don’t know anything about anything! I don’t want to know, I just want to do my work, please Luna.’

The Luna’s face creases in confusion as she looks at me, watching as I glance again worriedly at the man behind me who is standing with his arms folded over his chest, giving our Luna a heated look that should not be on his face.

Realisation damns on her face and her mouth opens slightly before she throws her head back and laughs, drawing attention from other pack members who are still eating.

‘Oh Goddess!’ she cackles, wiping at her eyes as the warrior shakes his head, not seeming to understand what is funny any more than I do. ‘Oh I haven’t laughed like that in ages! Thank you! That was brilliant’ the woman adds happily.

‘Uhhh . . you’re welcome?’ I reply questioningly.

Meeting my gaze, the Luna pats my arm affectionately as she says, ‘this is Hadley, he is the pack’s Gamma and is my mate.’

My mouth falls open as I glance back at the man who winks at me before moving around my chair and placing a k**s on the Luna’s head.

‘I have to go babe, Caden wants to discuss a new defence idea for the south section of the territory.’

The Luna nods, moving her hand to his cheek and cupping it gently, ‘remember I can feel you, so no funny business’ she murmurs, confusing me even more.

Hadley’s grin turns molten as he growls softly at her, ‘I make no promises’ he replies, ‘you know how he is.’

Laughing, she lets the man go, watching him lovingly until he walks out of the line of sight.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Returning her gaze to me, she smiles, ‘did no one ever tell you that Alpha Caden, Gamma Hadley and I are all mated?’ she asks curiously.

I flush as the faint memory of Isaac mentioning something about a double mating enters my mind.

‘I think the Beta may have mentioned it’ I admit, ‘but I didn’t really believe him because I’d never heard of anyone having more than one mate before.’

The Luna nods, clasping her hands together in her lap, ‘we are an oddity’ she agrees, ‘but rest assured that I am not cheating on the Alpha.’

I let out a slow breath, relieved that I don’t have to pretend or keep a secret, I have enough problems keeping my own secret I can’t be holding in anyone elses.

‘I’m really sorry’ I mumble contritely, ‘it was really presumptuous of me to think that, I should have never . . ‘

The Luna holds up a hand to stop me, ‘it’s OK’ she sooths, ‘not a lot of people outside of our pack know about our double mating. Obviously the Alpha’s of our allied packs know as they have been here and met us, but we don’t tend to advertise it.’

I nod quickly, ‘Alpha Grant never mentioned to anyone that I know of about it, well certainly not in my hearing.’

Luna Jamie-Lee laughs again, ‘well most Alphas are known to be a little loose lipped around the Omegas at times, so if you didn’t hear anything I can be assured that he never felt the need to inform his pack about it.’

I sigh, glad that my new Luna hasn’t taken offense and decide to change the subject quickly.

‘Did you want me for something? I assume you didn’t come to find me just to see what I was eating’ I add wryly.

Jamie-Lee straightens up, a more serious look taking over her usual relaxed one.

‘Ahh yes’ she murmurs, dropping her voice so that no one else can hear her. ‘I wanted to talk to you about tonight’s induction ceremony.’

I nod, smiling softly as tonight is the night that my old pack members and I become official members of the Diamond Star pack. I’m a little nervous I’m not going to lie as I will then no longer be tied to my old pack.

‘OK’ I agree encouragingly.

Jamie-Lee sighs, brushing her long brown hair out of her eyes distractedly, ‘the Alpha, . . and both I and your previous Alpha and Luna agree, feel that it might be better not to induct you tonight.’

I pull back into my chair in surprise, not sure how to answer, ‘but . .why?’ I finally ask, ‘do you not want me here?’

Jamie-Lee’s eyes widen before she shakes her head quickly, ‘no! of course we do!’ she replies quickly, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly in her own. It’s more to do with the fact that both you and Lance have the choice to return to your previous packs at the full moon. As you both are probably aware, when a pack member leaves and it is not through a mating or death, the severance of the alliance is very painful for the Alpha, this is why we tend to do trades rather than just give away pack members. Both Alphas must suffer through the loss meaning they will be very sure about the trade before they do it.’

I nod again, I’ve never seen the results of an alliance severance as I’m the first in a long time to choose to trade myself.

‘So you want to wait until after the full moon?’ I ask uncertainly.

The Luna nods, ‘we think that it would be best for you both to be sure that you want to remain in your new packs before we sever the connections so that the Alphas only have to go through the pain once. Also, if Lance convinces his mate to accept him, his alliance will transfer to your old Alpha anyway with no pain bestowed on Caden.’

I swallow, ‘but my Alpha will still have to suffer though’ I mutter sadly.

Jamie-Lee squeezes my hand again, drawing my attention to her, ‘Alpha Grant is aware of that and is happy to go through the severance if it means that you are happy.’ She smiles warmly, ‘he loves you’ she adds, ‘I can tell that just by the way he speaks about you, a bit of pain from you leaving is negligible to him if it’s the cost of you finding your place in the world.’

I swallow again, blinking rapidly as tears prick my eyes, ‘he’s a good dad’ I whisper, ‘the best.’

The Luna nods, ‘so are you OK with us putting off your initiation until the next full moon?’ she asks.

I force a smile as I nod, ‘Yes of course Luna, thank you for telling me’ I reply.

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