The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 66

Alpha Scott glances up at us from behind his desk, his scowl creasing his face as he glares at his son.

‘What is the meaning of this?’ he demands, standing up and pushing his chair back into the wall.

‘You were working with him?’ Caden hisses, his fists clenched as he stalks toward his father. ‘You were helping that piece of s**t get to Jamie-Lee?’

Alpha Scott’s eyes widen in shock for a second, his gaze flickering to me and then Hadley as we barrel into the room behind our mate, before he schools his features. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about’ he scoffs, ‘why would I help someone get to Jamie-Lee? She’s like a daughter to me.’

Caden laughs bitterly, ‘yeah’ he agrees, ‘right up until she was worth more to you as a commodity than a child.’

The Alpha growls warningly, ‘watch what you are saying Pup, I can still put you in your place.’

My Alpha laughs darkly, ‘you used to’ he agrees, ‘but it’s been a while, maybe you can’t take me down as easily as you think anymore.’

Alpha Scott walks around the desk, until he is toe to toe with his son, Caden holding his gaze, refusing to back down.

‘Are you challenging me?’ he father murmurs, rolling his aura over my mate.

Caden doesn’t even flinch, ‘I Caden Star, future Alpha of the Diamond Star pack challenge you Alpha Scott Star for the title of Alpha and control of this pack’ he snarls into his father’s face.

‘Back down boy’ Alpha Scott orders as my father bursts into the room, his eyes lighting up at seeing me before his gaze snaps to the two Alphas. As the Beta, he could no doubt feel his own Alpha’s rage, that is what called him here.

He steps up to the two opposing Alpha’s grimacing against the auras that are rolling off both men as they face off.

‘Alpha Scott, Alpha Caden, what is wrong?’ he asks desperately, ‘maybe we should all take a seat and calm down.’

‘No’ Caden growls, not breaking eye contact, ‘I have challenged for the title of Alpha, my father now needs to decide whether to step down or accept.’

My dad’s face pales as he glances over at me, swallowing as I give him a small nod, confirming that he heard my mate correctly.

‘Umm OK’ he says nervously, ‘Alpha Scott, umm, a challenge has been made, what is your response?’

Alpha Scott growls loudly, his wolf on the surface, ‘we accept’ he snarls, ‘but it’s to the death’ he adds with a twisted smirk.

‘Scott!’ my father gasps, grabbing at his best friend’s arm, ‘It’s your son!’

Alpha Scott shakes my father off, ‘and he’s challenged my position’ he replies curtly. ‘So it’s a fight to the death, oh,’ he glances at Hadley and I before returning his gaze to his son, ‘and if he loses, his mates will also be made Rogue as per the laws of the Challenge.’

My father stumbles back as I bite down on my tongue to stop the sob that crawls up my throat. It’s an old law but to prevent a mate from taking revenge on a fallen challenger or Alpha, their mate is kicked from the pack and turned Rogue.

Alpha Scott smirks at his son, ‘are you sure you want to continue this?’ he asks softly. ‘Just say the word son, bow your head to me in submission and I’ll let you and your mates stay.’

Caden doesn’t even glance at us, refusing to look away from his father, ‘I Alpha Caden Star, future Alpha of the Diamond Star pack, hereby Challenge you, Alpha Scott Star for the title of Alpha and control of this pack’ he repeats stubbornly. ‘I challenge you in the presence of your second in command and demand that you accompany me outside to the training grounds now for a one on one fight to the death. There will be no substituting for another warrior to fight in your place.’

Hadley steps up behind me, his hand gripping my shoulder as I whimper softly, my eyes locked on the two alphas, neither of whom are willing to back down.

My father blows out a sharp breath, ‘OK, a challenge has been put forward for the control of the Diamond Star pack by future Alpha Caden Star. As the second in command and highest ranking warrior present for the declaration, I will preside over the fight.’

He turns to Alpha Scott and straightens up, speaking formally. ‘Alpha Scott, a challenge has been presented, do you still wish to accept?’

Alpha Scott nods, ‘I Alpha Scott Star, Alpha of the Diamond Star Pack, hereby accept your challenge for the control of this pack. I agree to your terms of an immediate battle for the Alpha position and to the rule of no substitution.’

The two Alphas snarl at each other once more before Caden turns on his heel and stomps out of the office, heading back downstairs, his father on his heels.

My dad walks by, grabbing me quickly and hugging me tightly before letting me go, following the two Alphas.

My father’s voice fills my head, as he sends out a pack wide announcement that there has been a challenge for the Alpha title. Hadley grabs my hand, tugging me when my feet don’t instinctively move, the pair of us hurrying out of the room to join the stream of people who are rushing toward the pack entrance, some with shocked faces.

‘Jamie-Lee!’ someone calls, and I glance over my shoulder as the crowd carries me along out of the door, barely glimpsing Caden’s sister as she waves frantically at me, her eyes wide with fear. With Hadley’s grip still on my hand I have no choice but to keep moving forward, toward the training field that already has a crowd of people stood in a large circle.

Pushing our way through, Hadley and I end up next to Caden who has taken off his shirt and is currently stretching on one side of a painted circle that my father is drawing on the grass with a spray can. On the other side, Alpha Scott is talking to his Gamma in a low tone, his scowl evident.

The Luna appears behind his mate, whispering furiously as she glances over at us worriedly. Caden’s sister pops out of the crowd a few feet from me, staring around the circle wildly before stalking toward us and grabbing her brother, spinning him to face her.

‘What the hell are you thinking?’ she hisses furiously, ‘you can’t challenge dad!’

Caden shrugs her off, continuing to stretch out his arms, ‘I can and I have’ he replies curtly.

‘Caden, please’ Ellen murmurs, her gaze moving to their father who is stripping off his own shirt, showing that even though he’s older now, he still hasn’t slacked on his training.

My Alpha shakes his head stubbornly, ‘I need to do this Ellen’ he replies gruffly, ‘you don’t understand . . what he did . . ‘ he cuts off his words, staring at the ground.

‘What? What do you mean?’ Ellen asks, turning her gaze to Hadley and I when Caden doesn’t respond, ‘what happened? What is he talking about?’

I look at Hadley for help, how do I tell a young girl that her dad tried to sell me out to a man who wanted to kill me?

‘It doesn’t matter El’ Caden growls, ‘I should have been handed the pack years ago, hell even two months ago when I found Jamie-Lee as pack custom dictates. He isn’t going to step down without being forced, I’ve realised that so I’m going to fight for what is rightfully mine.’Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Ellen opens her mouth to protest but the look Caden shoots her has her snapping her lips together again. Turning away, she inches around the edge of the circle toward her parents, her mother meeting her a few steps away from the Alpha as the pair lean into each other and mutter frantically.

My father straightens up as he finishes the circle, tossing the spray can to the side and stepping into the middle of the ring as the crowd quietens.

Elite Warriors position themselves around the circle edge, their job to stop anyone who might try to enter the circle and interfere with the fight.

‘Today’ he calls out loudly, ‘we are here to witness an Alpha on Alpha challenge. Alpha Caden has challenged Alpha Scott for his position of Alpha of this pack and control of the territory.’

My father takes a breath as murmurs ripple around us, nervous energy buzzing up from the pack members, unsure what to think about a son challenging his father.

‘The fight will be one on one, there will be no substitutions by either Alpha with a nominated warrior, and . . ‘ my dad swallows thickly, ‘the um, fight will end when one combatant is dead.’

Horrified whispers rise up at my dad’s words, people shaking their head as Ellen’s mouth falls open.

‘NO!’ she yells, trying to step into the ring as a warrior grabs her quickly around the waist, holding her back. ‘Dad!’ she screams, turning to her father, ‘tell Beta Greg to change the rules, you can’t fight to the death!’

Alpha Scott doesn’t even look up as he replies cooly, ‘I cannot change the words of the challenge once it has been uttered Ellen, your brother wants it this way.’

Ellen’s gaze swings to her brother, ‘Caden?’ she whispers, but his name carries over the grounds as if she shouted it.

The younger Alpha stiffens at the plea in her voice but doesn’t meet her eye, just shakes his head quickly.

‘Challenger please step forward’ my dad orders, beckoning to Caden who glances toward me. I give him a small smile, stepping closer and pressing my lips firmly to his, telling him through our connection that I’m with him. Pulling away, he glances at Hadley who reaches out and grips his shoulder for a second, giving him a curt nod before releasing him again.

Turning back to my father, Caden steps into the circle, he now cannot leave again without submitting to our Alpha who will then be allowed to kill him.

Positioning himself on my father’s right, Caden waits patiently as my dad beckons to Alpha Scott, ‘Alpha, please step forward.’

Alpha Scott doesn’t even wait for the Luna to try and reach him, stepping straight into the ring and striding to the centre so that there are only feet between him and his son.

A noise that sounds halfway between a sob and a whimper reaches me and I turn to see Ellen clinging to my sister Bailee as she tries to comfort the weeping teenager, her arms wrapped tightly around her friend.

‘Gentlemen, a challenge has been issued and accepted’ my father’s voice rises above the murmurs around us. ‘You will fight in hand to hand combat, you may not use any weapons other than your own wolf abilities. There will also be no use of Silver or wolfsbane in this challenge, do you both understand?’

‘Yes’ Caden growls, glaring at his father insolently.

‘Understood’ Alpha Scott rumbles, smirking at his son as they take their stances.

‘This is a fight to the death’ my dad adds, his voice catching as he takes a step back, ‘if you choose to submit or leave the ring, the victor has the right to choose the method of your death.’

Both men nod curtly, neither blinking as they stare each other down.

‘OK’ my father sighs, lifting his hand and bringing it down between them sharply, ‘let the challenge begin.’

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