The Mating Rules

Book 2 – Chapter 27

‘MINE!’ the word vibrates around me as Cobalt takes control of my mate, his gaze predatory as he stares at me hungrily. My thighs clench together in need under his stare, Skarla perks up from her spot, where she has been curled up in my mind, focusing her attention on her mate in confusion before pushing through and shoving me to the back of my own mind.

‘Skarla NO!’ I yell desperately, trying to stop my wolf who has thrown our naked body at our mate and is tearing at his clothes as Cobalt devours her lips hungrily.

I can see Caden’s eyes flashing from gold to his normal blue and know that the alpha is fighting to regain control and stop our wolves doing what their bodies are demanding.

The two wolves ignore us, Skarla repeatedly shoving me back down as I try to push forward and retake control.

‘Skarla, you need to give me back control’ I shout at her, trying to put as much authority in my voice as I possibly can. My only reply is a dominant growl from my wolf as I’m shoved even deeper into my own mind.

Cobalt runs his hands all over my body, sending tingles throughout my body making both Skarla and I purr instinctively.

‘Smell so good mate’ the werewolf growls against my lips and I’m struggling to fight the haze of l**t that has washed over me. My mind is struggling to remember why this is such a bad idea when it feels so good.

‘I swear to the Goddess you overrated fur ball, if you don’t give me back control, I will half shift and shave you!’ enters my mind and I sluggishly realise it’s Caden arguing with Cobalt, his words helping to lift the fog of my heat for a second.

‘Mate would still look good with no hair’ Skarla purrs to herself, rubbing our naked body all over Caden’s half dressed one as the Alpha wolf grips her face and smashes his lips to ours.

As the mind link is open to the four of us, I decide to try a different tactic, no longer bothering to fight against my wolf who has just dropped to her knees and is eagerly unthreading the Alpha’s belt as she bites his stomach playfully.

‘Cobalt’ I call out softly, feeling my mate’s attention move to me and trying not to shiver under his heated attention.

‘Yes mate’ his gravelly, l**t filled voice replies.

‘Please can you give Caden back control?’ I ask, ‘I really really need to talk to him, and it is hard to do so when Skarla is dry humping your leg.’

The werewolf laughs huskily, his hands in my hair as my wolf licks him through his jeans. ‘Mate wants me, cannot deny mate’ he replies simply.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

‘Please Cobalt, for me, I swear that you and Skarla can have some alone time later but right now we need to not destroy this room through you two mating’ I try again.

‘Mate needs me’ Cobalt answers huskily, gripping our hair tighter and a m**n leaves our lips from the delicious pain, I’m not sure if it comes from me or Skarla.

‘Cobalt, so help me, I will figure out a way to kick my own a*s if you do not release her’ Caden roars furiously. ‘We are supposed to protect our mate you a*****e! This is putting her in danger!’

His words seem to trigger something because Cobalt suddenly releases us and steps back, both Skarla and I whimpering loudly at the loss of contact as we crawl toward him.

‘Skarla’ Caden calls out, his eyes now blue again, showing that he is in control, ‘you need to give Jamie-Lee control back, that’s an order.’

My wolf snarls up at him, her heat fully in control of her actions and it only takes my mate a second to realise what I already know, trying to Alpha order the spirit wolf has only pissed her off.

‘Mate’ she growls dominantly, ‘Cobalt, come!’

She stands up, sashaying her a*s as she leaves the bathroom, obviously expecting the werewolf to take control again and follow her. The scent of my arousal is growing by the second and the growls coming from my mate shows it’s affecting him even more now.

‘Skarla’ Caden calls again desperately, walking out of the bathroom, belt undone and the remnants of his ripped shirt hanging over those delicious abs that I want to run my tongue over.

‘Mate’ my wolf replies, giving him a coy glance over her shoulder, as she saunters toward the bed, bending over so she can crawl into the middle of the bed on her hands and knees.

I can feel Caden’s arousal through our bond and the physical strength it is taking for him to fight off Cobalt who is trying to surface again and his own desire to take us.

I feel the Alpha behind me, a hand caressing my a*s as Skarla rumbles her approval, pushing her a*s back encouragingly.

Taking advantage of my wolf’s distraction, I shove forward in my mind and push Skarla back, ignoring her growls of anger as I squash her into the corner of my mind.

Caden must feel the difference because he steps back, opens a drawer and grabs one of his shirts, pulling it over my head as I straighten up on the mattress.

‘We need to cool you down again’ he mutters, dragging a hand through his hair, ‘you feel like fire, your scent . . Goddess baby, I don’t know how long I can fight you and Cobalt . . ‘

I nod, curling in on myself as the heat washes over me again, pain radiating now that my attention is no longer distracted.

Backing away from me, Caden hurries back into the bathroom, and I hear the sound of the taps being turned on, before the smack of the ice against the water as he pours each sack upside down.

‘Leeway’ he calls out to me and I whimper in return, falling to my side on the bed, curling tightly into a ball.

‘Sh*t’ my mate growls a second later before I’m scooped up in a pair of strong arms and carried back into the bathroom, dunked unceremoniously into the freezing water.

My eyes fly open from the shock but a m**n of relief leaves me as the pain ebbs away slightly again. I settle back in the water, pulling my knees to my chest, sighing deeply for about ten minutes before the pain returns much worse than before.

‘It hurts so badly’ I mumble, not even shivering anymore as my body heat has warmed up the water so much it’s like I’m in a hot tub.

‘I know baby, I know’ Caden murmurs fervently as he grabs two more bags of melting ice from the floor and throws it on top of me.

‘Hold me’ I whimper, turning to face him, ‘please? It hurts less when you hold me.’

My mate hesitates, glancing at me, ‘we’d need to be skin on skin Leeway’ he replies slowly, ‘it’s going to fire up our wolves again.’

I no longer care, the pain is too much, I can’t take it anymore, the coldness of the ice isn’t even registering on me. ‘Please Caden’ I beg, my eyes pleading with him to give me what I want.

Closing his eyes for a second, the Alpha slowly starts to remove the remainder of his wet clothing before pulling me forward and sliding into the tub behind me, nestling my back against his chest.

As our skin connects, I sigh thankfully, the unbearable pain and fire licking my body diminishing to a slightly more tolerable level.

‘OK Baby?’ Caden murmurs, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, keeping as much of my burning flesh in contact with his own as I wriggle closer. The more he touches me, the more I want to feel him, my hands have a mind of their own as I reach behind my head, dragging my fingers through his hair as he growls softly in my ear.

‘What are you doing Leeway?’ he whispers hoarsely as my h**s lift slightly to rub my a*s against the e******n that is now poking me in the back.

‘I’m so hot’ I g***n, ‘make the pain stop Caden, please, make it better.’

I can feel the turmoil through our bond, my mate hating to see me in so much pain but also knowing that this is hardly the best place to mate with me.

‘Please’ I whisper again, grinding harder against him as the water around us rolls back and forth from my movements, slashing over the side of the tub and onto the floor.

As the Alpha still hesitates, I do the only thing I can think of, releasing his hair, I roll over in the water, straddling him as best I can, my hand running down his taut abs until I reach my goal. Gripping his length, I apply enough pressure to have Caden’s eyes rolling back in his head.

‘Leeway’ I murmurs, halfway between a plea and a reproach in his voice, ‘we shouldn’t . . ‘

I’m no longer able to fight though, I need him to make the heat go away, all I need is him and my body will cool. I slowly slide my hand up and down his e******n, my other hand tracing his cheek as I watch him.

‘Touch me’ I order softly.

Caden pries open one eye with effort . . ‘no . . you don’t . . ‘ he tries to argue.

‘Touch me’ I repeat again, ‘or I’ll touch myself and you can watch.’

I remove my hand from his face, pulling it back to my breast and running my fingers gently over the wet skin, moaning loudly from the sensation. Every part of my body is so sensitive, the barest touch is enough to make me want to detonate.

I can feel Caden’s eyes on my hand, watching hungrily as I continue to tease myself, circling my n****e with my finger before tweaking the nub between my thumb and forefinger. The mewl sound I make is what breaks the Alpha underneath me as my hand is dragged from my body and replaced with Caden’s mouth, the man feasting on me as I grip his hair, holding him to me.

Yes! This is what I need, I need this man to make me feel good, throwing my head back, I give myself over to him, ready to allow my Alpha to do whatever he wants with me.

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