The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 90. Can’t Breath Without her

Leonardo’s mind was consumed with thoughts of Sofia’s perilous situation. He felt an overwhelming need to reach her as quickly as possible. However, agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth by the Russians weighed heavily on him.

“What the hell does he want?” Domenico questioned, his concern evident.

“He wants me to accept his terms and conditions, which he presented earlier,” Leonardo replied, a hint of frustration in his voice.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“We can never allow them to peddle drugs and promote prostitution in our country. It goes against our ethics,” Domenico asserted firmly.

“The Mafia knows no ethics, Domenico. They only understand how to seize power and accumulate wealth, no matter the means,” Leonardo explained, reminding his friend of the ruthless ways of the Mafia.

“So, are you seriously considering agreeing to their conditions?” Domenico asked, clearly taken aback. Leonardo was known for his refusal to bow before anyone, but he had never been faced with such a helpless situation before.

“Do I have any other choice? If I want my wife and baby to be safe, I have to agree,” Leonardo hissed, closing his eyes in defeat. It was the first time in his life that he felt this powerless. He reluctantly acknowledged that emotions could indeed weaken even the strongest of men and lead them to make foolish decisions they never thought possible.

A deep sigh escaped Leonardo’s lips as he exhaled the frustration that had built up within him. At that moment, he could finally grasp why his father had always been so cold-hearted and merciless toward everyone.

“Domenico, get in touch with Don Adrik. Let him know that I am prepared to agree to his conditions and sign the deal. But there is a condition of my own-I must see Sofia first,” he instructed firmly. “Arrange everything for an immediate journey to Russia. Inform Don Adrik that we are coming to meet him. It is of utmost importance that my Sofia is safe and well cared for, especially since she’s pregnant.”


In Russia, Sofia stood in disbelief, her heart heavy with betrayal from her supposed best friends, Rena and Enzo. She had trusted them wholeheartedly, never suspecting they would use her as a pawn in their sinister games. Her past was marked by a recurring pattern of trust turning to pain, leaving her to wonder if her emotional attachments were a mistake. It seemed she was cursed always to find herself in trouble while those around her reveled in their heartlessness and selfishness.

Locked in the luxurious room that felt more like a gilded cage than a prison, Sofia couldn’t fathom why they had kidnapped her and kept her in this opulent confinement. What did they hope to gain from her?

Her thoughts were interrupted as the door creaked open, revealing Rena entering the room, carrying a tray in her hand.

“Who are you exactly, Rena? I’m certain you’re not my friend, so why have you kept me captive here?” Sofia’s voice trembled with anger and hurt, her heart shattered by their deception.

“Keep your voice down,” Rena replied nonchalantly. “If Don were to hear you, you’d be in grave trouble. Just some friendly advice, you know, Sofia,” she said, punctuating her words with a sly wink that only deepened Sofia’s scowl.

“Why did you do this to me? Was our friendship and your care for me all just a facade? I demand an answer, Rena. Why would you betray me like this?” Sofia accused, her desire for an explanation burning in her eyes.

“While I’m not obligated to tell you, I’ll inform you that you’re here because of your husband. And let’s be clear, we were never friends. We were merely doing our job, keeping a close eye on you to gather every possible weakness of your husband, Don Leonardo,” Rena revealed coldly.

“What? Leonardo? What does he have to do with this?” Sofia was consumed by confusion.

“We had to use you, befriend you, just to get close to him, to keep an eye on him and exploit his weaknesses,” Rena said, her smirk making Sofia’s blood boil. Sofia yearned to slap that smug smile off her face.

“And when we discovered you were pregnant, that was the leverage we needed to make him vulnerable and agree to our conditions. Now, he’ll come crawling on his knees, begging for you and his child,” Rena added, her voice dripping with cunning.

Oh, God! They had been scheming for so long. Sofia realized she was merely a pawn in their plan to reach Leonardo. She could only imagine what conditions they intended to impose on him.

“Okay, finish this meal. We’ve been instructed to take good care of you,” Rena said, placing the tray in front of Sofia.

“No, I won’t eat!” Sofia exclaimed in anger, turning her face away.

“Don’t be foolish, Sofia. You shouldn’t refuse to eat if you want to keep your baby safe and healthy. You’re pregnant and need to eat on time,” Rena retorted, narrowing her eyes.

Though Rena’s words held truth, Sofia knew she needed to eat-for the sake of her baby. She couldn’t risk her child’s well-being just because she was upset with them. So she silently started eating.

“Tell me about your medications, according to the prescription from your doctor. I’ll arrange all the medicine,” Rena offered.

Sofia was forced to contemplate the kind of kidnappers they were, who not only held her captive but also took care of her needs. It perplexed her.

Sofia yearned to meet Don Adrik, to understand the kind of Don he was and what he expected in exchange for her release.

She didn’t have to wait long, as the devil himself arrived to meet her.

“Hello, Sofia! It’s a pleasure to meet you after hearing so much about you,” Adrik said, smirking.

Sofia looked at him. He was tall, well-built, broad, and undeniably handsome. Why did all the devil Mafia have to be so devilishly good-looking? It bothered her that his appearance had such an impact on her, considering the situation.

He appeared older than Leonardo, but Sofia couldn’t accurately guess his age from his looks alone.

“How dare you forcefully bring me here, and why the hell do you keep me captive?” Sofia shouted, her anger boiling over.

“Why, sweetheart? Are you not comfortable with my hospitality? Tell me what else you need. I will arrange anything for you,” he said, his eyes running over her form in an unsettling way.

Sofia chose not to dignify his question with a response. Instead, she turned her face away and crossed her arms over her chest in defiance.

“Feisty, huh?” he laughed. “Now, I can see why Leonardo is obsessed with you. A feisty beauty is a hot combination and not easy to find,” he said, staring at her with hunger in his gaze. She didn’t like how he was looking at her, as if she were some prize to be won.

He stood there for a few moments, then cleared his throat and continued, “You are our guest because I gave Leonardo my word that I would take care of his pregnant wife until he comes here to sign the deal. Otherwise…” He paused, his voice hinting at something strange. He stood there, staring at Sofia for some time before abruptly leaving when she didn’t respond or give him any satisfaction.

After having lunch, Sofia decided to take a nap to alleviate her fatigue. When she woke up, it was already evening, but she still felt tired.

Rena entered the room she was being kept in. “Sofia, get ready for dinner. Don Adrik wants to have dinner with you,” Rena conveyed the message.

“Why the hell does he want to have dinner with me? Am I not supposed to be a prisoner, kept here to exert pressure on my husband?” Sofia frowned, feeling frustrated and confused.

“Don’t argue with me, Sofia. Don Adrik wants you at the dinner table sharp at 8. I suggest you obey his orders because you are living in his territory. Everyone here should obey his commands; no one can afford to defy him. The consequences would be deadly,” Rena threatened her with a serious tone.

“So, tell him that I am prepared to face the consequences,” Sofia stated with steely determination, her voice unwavering. “But I refuse to come and have dinner with my kidnapper.”

Rena’s glare intensified as Sofia’s words echoed in the room, but undeterred, Sofia held her ground. Rena abruptly turned and stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing with frustration.

Moments later, a gentle knock interrupted the silence, and Sofia’s senses snapped to attention. She swiftly composed herself, steeling her nerves for the encounter about to unfold.

The door creaked open, revealing the imposing figure of Don Adrik. His dark eyes pierced through the room, a captivating mixture of intensity and intrigue.

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