The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 41. The Reason Behind Attacks

Leonardo’s demeanor shifted as he hid something from Sofia, causing a pang of discomfort within her. It troubled her deeply that he was keeping his problems to himself, shutting her out from his inner world.

As Sofia pondered the reason behind Leonardo’s secrecy, Bella’s voice suddenly pierced through her thoughts, snapping her attention away. The sarcasm in Bella’s tone only served to intensify Sofia’s curiosity. She couldn’t help but wonder why Bella was so interested in Leonardo’s newfound happiness, or rather, why she seemed displeased by it.

A frown etched itself across Leonardo’s face, transforming his countenance from one of contentment to a cold and menacing visage. The warmth that had enveloped him moments ago dissipated, replaced by an aura of danger and fear. Sofia shivered involuntarily, knowing all too well what this change in Leonardo meant.

“That’s none of your business,” Leonardo warned Bella, his voice laced with a dangerous undertone that sent a chill down Sofia’s spine. His words were a stern reminder that he was not one to be trifled with, a man who operated by his own rules.

Sofia couldn’t help but wonder why Bella had chosen to mention Leonardo’s newfound happiness. Did she harbor ill will towards her cousin? Was she envious of his smiles, so rare and precious to Sofia?

“Yes, Brother Leonardo, you seem different today,” the twins, Luca and Aldo, chimed in unison, breaking into laughter.

Leonardo halted his meal and glared at the mischievous twins. His expression was stern, conveying a hint of annoyance. However, before he could utter a word, his father, Alessandro, called out to him.

“Leonardo!” Alessandro’s voice resonated across the room, capturing his son’s attention. Leonardo swiftly turned his head towards his father, his gaze piercing. “Yes, Dad!” he responded, his voice devoid of any emotion.

“Finish your dinner and meet me at my bar. I have something urgent to discuss with you,” his father commanded, a sense of gravity underlying his words. Leonardo silently acknowledged his father’s request, nodding in agreement.

Alessandro took a moment to address everyone gathered around the table. “Thank you, all, for joining us for dinner,” he began, his voice carrying a blend of authority and gratitude. His gaze shifted to Sofia, and he motioned toward her. “And Sofia, welcome to the family.”

Sofia, filled with a mix of nerves and excitement, managed a smile and whispered her gratitude in a soft, barely audible voice. “Thank you.” She wondered if Leonardo had caught her words, her thoughts confined to her inner self.

With dinner concluded, Leonardo and Domenico departed to meet Alessandro. Once again, Sofia found herself alone. Though she felt a twinge of restlessness, she silently appreciated the presence of Leonardo’s mother, Anna, who remained steadfastly by her side.

Sofia couldn’t help but be reminded of her mother when she looked at Anna. Like her mother, Anna exuded affection and care, making Sofia feel comfortable and at ease. As they sat together, Anna engaged Sofia in a lively conversation about her hobbies and her adjustment to her new home. It was a rare experience for Sofia to have someone genuinely interested in her life, and she cherished every moment of it. Anna even assured Sofia that she could call her anytime she needed to talk. The warmth and acceptance Sofia felt from Anna made her heart swell with gratitude, as if she had found a place in a new family.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the hours slipping away unnoticed. Yet amidst the warmth and camaraderie, Bella, a member of the family, couldn’t resist interjecting with her sharp, sarcastic remarks. However, Sofia brushed off Bella’s taunts.

Sofia’s attention was firmly fixed on the direction where Leonardo had disappeared, heading towards a meeting with his father. She eagerly awaited Leonardo’s return, anticipation bubbling within her. This discussion with his father held significance, and Sofia couldn’t help but wonder what revelations or decisions might unfold during their private conversation. Time seemed to slow as Sofia’s thoughts swirled with curiosity and expectation, patiently awaiting Leonardo’s return.


After their sumptuous dinner, Leonardo made his way towards his father’s exclusive private bar, a place where Alessandro preferred to discuss matters of great importance. Domenico, ever the loyal follower, trailed behind Leonardo. As they entered the dimly lit room, Leonardo’s eyes were immediately drawn to his father, Alessandro, skillfully concocting drinks behind the bar. Sensing Domenico’s presence, Alessandro swiftly added another glass to his setup.

Once they reached the counter and settled into their seats, Alessandro gracefully handed each of them a glass, then rounded the counter to join them. Positioned directly across from his son and Domenico, he exuded an air of authority and command.

“Have you managed to uncover the identity of the person responsible for Sofia’s kidnapping?” Alessandro inquired, his voice resonating with power and expectation.

“I have a lead, Dad,” Leonardo replied, his tone laced with determination. “One of my men apprehended an individual who was involved in the abduction. I attempted to extract information from him, but he remained stubbornly silent. However, it won’t be long before he spills the truth before me,” Leonardo added, his teeth tightly clenched as he spoke. The frustration and anger seethed within him, causing his knuckles to ache from the involuntary clenching of his fist. Damn it. This was the reason he had arrived late, preventing him from sharing this crucial update with Sofia.

Alessandro nodded somberly, his eyes filled with concern. “I received a call from Carlo this morning,” he began, his voice laced with a hint of worry. “He informed me that Lady Valentina Ricci’s will has gone missing, and it struck me as odd. Why would someone steal her will?”

Pausing for a moment, Alessandro locked his gaze onto Leonardo’s face, searching for any signs of understanding. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, adding tension to the room. “Carlo requested my assistance in locating the will,” Alessandro continued, his voice growing more determined. “There must be something of great importance written within it, something valuable enough to drive someone to desperate measures.”

Leonardo’s jaw tightened, his teeth grinding together with a furious resolve. From the moment Sofia had been attacked at her grandmother’s funeral, he had sensed a sinister connection to Lady Ricci. The puzzle pieces were slowly falling into place, and Leonardo knew he had to act swiftly.

“Very well, Dad,” Leonardo responded, his voice low and filled with steely determination. “I will have my people investigate this matter as well. Soon enough, I will uncover the culprit responsible for all of this, and they will face the dire consequences.” With a surge of anger, he drained the contents of his glass in one swift motion, slamming it down on the counter with a resounding thud.

Alessandro mirrored his son’s resolve, raising his glass and downing the remainder of his drink in solidarity.

“I heard that there’s a conflict brewing between the gangs here in Genoa,” Alessandro stated, his voice devoid of any warmth. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the ornate furniture and polished marble floor. The air was heavy with the scent of cigar smoke, adding to the atmosphere of tension that hung between father and son.

Leonardo, standing across from Alessandro, nodded solemnly. His eyes, dark and piercing, reflected the same detachment that defined his father. Their conversations were always focused on matters of business, their personal lives held at arm’s length. Raised in an environment of strict discipline, Leonardo had grown into a man devoid of sentiment, a perfect heir to the throne of the Mafia.

“Yes, I’ve heard whispers of the conflict as well,” Leonardo responded, his tone steady and controlled. “I’ve taken the initiative and arranged a meeting with both parties involved. I’ll do my best to mediate and find a resolution before it escalates further.”

Before Alessandro could respond, the shrill ringtone of his phone pierced the air, abruptly interrupting the conversation. He glanced at the display, his eyes narrowing as he recognized the number flashing on the screen.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Alright, gentlemen, I’ll take my leave, and you two can continue,” Alessandro declared, his voice laced with authority. With a slight nod, he exited the dimly lit room, leaving Leonardo and Domenico alone in the heavy silence that lingered like cigarette smoke.

Leonardo reached for the crystal decanter, his fingers grazing the cold surface as he poured a generous amount of his father’s prized Scotch into his tumbler. The amber liquid cascaded smoothly, filling the glass with a rich, intoxicating aroma. Bringing it to his lips, he closed his eyes, savoring the momentary escape from the gritty reality that surrounded him. The whiskey danced across his tongue, its warmth radiating through his body, offering a temporary respite from the shadows that loomed over his life.

As Leonardo opened his eyes to take another sip, he was met with Domenico’s piercing gaze. The flickering candlelight played upon Domenico’s face, accentuating the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. It was a look that Leonardo had come to know all too well-an expression that often heralded trouble.

“What?” Leonardo scoffed, his voice tinged with irritation, as he placed his tumbler back on the mahogany table. His brows furrowed, demanding an explanation from the enigmatic Domenico.

A smirk crept across Domenico’s face, an insidious curl of his lips that hinted at a secret shared between them. Leonardo’s frustration boiled within him, his clenched fists itching for release. He longed to wipe that smug smile off Domenico’s face, to assert his dominance in this treacherous world they both inhabited.

“I know,” Domenico finally uttered, his voice filled with a taunting playfulness. “You were not merely pretending at the dinner, were you?”

The words hung in the air, heavy with implications that threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade Leonardo had meticulously crafted.

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