The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 30. Misunderstanding

Leonardo was startled as Evelyn’s unexpected action caught him off-guard. Why did he allow himself to trust her again? He berated himself for letting his guard down so easily.

“What are you doing, Evelyn Anderson?” Leonardo’s voice trembled with a mix of anger and disappointment. “You said you wanted to talk. I should have known that you wouldn’t change your old tactics.”

With a swift motion, he peeled her hands off his neck and forcefully threw them away, the movement carrying a hint of frustration and resentment.

“Please forgive me,” Evelyn pleaded, her voice filled with remorse. “I truly regret breaking your heart. I was a fool back then not to value a true lover like you. But I am willing to correct my mistakes. I…”

Her words became a blur as she started blabbering, causing Leonardo’s head to pound with anger. He couldn’t bear to listen to her excuses and empty promises any longer. After all, he had moved on from their painful past. He couldn’t fathom why she was still obsessed with him when she was the one who had betrayed his trust.

“Stop talking about your nonsense,” Leonardo snapped, his voice laced with a cold indifference. “I am not interested in listening to your guilt and regrets.” He turned to leave the room, his resolve firm.

But before he could take another step, Evelyn threw herself at him, clutching him tightly in a desperate embrace. Her actions were calculated, her cunning nature shining through as she sought to exploit any opportunity to regain Leonardo’s affections. She believed that he would succumb to her charms once more.

However, amidst the chaos of their struggle, Leonardo’s senses heightened. He caught a faint sound, barely audible but enough to make him react. With a sudden surge of strength, he forcefully separated himself from Evelyn’s grip and swiftly turned towards the source of the noise.

There, standing with a shocked expression on her face, was Sofia, his wife. Leonardo’s heart sank as he realized the gravity of the situation. He knew that Sofia had witnessed the scene unfold before her eyes. Panic washed over him, and he desperately reached out to stop her, to explain, but it was too late.

Sofia spun on her heels, her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal, and without uttering a single word, she started running away.

Leonardo’s heart pounded in his chest as he desperately called out Sofia’s name, the urgency evident in his voice. He couldn’t let her walk away without understanding the truth. Swiftly, he closed the distance between them, his long strides helping him catch up to her. In a swift motion, he reached out and firmly grasped her arm, his fingers closing around her delicate skin, gently turning her to face him.

But Sofia’s anger had ignited like a tempest within her, and she unleashed it upon him, her voice piercing the air with a fervent intensity he had never witnessed before. Leonardo was taken aback, astonished by the strength and conviction in her words. In the four days of their marriage, he had only heard her whispering. He longed to explain, to make her understand that she had misunderstood his intentions, but she refused to lend him an ear.

As the torrent of accusations continued, Sofia’s words struck a raw nerve within Leonardo. The flames of anger began to flicker in his mind, threatening to consume his self-control. When she boldly declared that she knew he didn’t want her and suggested he should return to his ex-girlfriend, his anger surged to the surface like a tidal wave crashing against the shore.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

But it was her next revelation that shattered the last remnants of Leonardo’s patience. Sofia confessed to witnessing him in the mall, locked in an intimate embrace with his other ex-girlfriend, Diana. The words hung heavy in the air, an accusation that struck at the core of his being. In that moment, his mind swirled with a tumultuous mix of frustration, disbelief, and the sting of betrayal.

As she turned abruptly on her heel, intending to escape his grasp once more, he refused to let her go. In one fluid motion, he reached out and captured her arm once more, spinning her around to face him. A surge of passion and raw emotion coursed through him, overriding any rational thought.

With a mixture of gentleness and urgency, Leonardo instinctively bent Sofia over his arm, the strength of his embrace supporting her fragile frame. Leaning his body over hers, he closed the remaining distance between them, his lips crashing upon hers with an intensity born out of frustration, longing, and a desperate need to be understood.

Sofia’s eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching in her throat as Leonardo’s kiss took her by surprise. In that moment, a whirlwind of emotions and sensations enveloped her. She gasped softly against his mouth, her body instinctively responding to his touch. His hands wrapped around her, drawing her closer, his fingers brushing against the softness of her skin. Their bodies pressed together, Sofia’s initial resistance to Leonardo’s advances quickly waned as her arms found their way around his neck, her fingers gently entwining themselves in his silky hair. Leonardo, seizing the opportunity, deepened their kiss, relishing the chance to show Sofia just how wrong she had been to doubt him. With deliberate slowness, he nibbled on her plump bottom lip, tugging it teasingly into his mouth. A soft moan escaped Sofia’s lips, betraying the overwhelming desire that consumed her. Leonardo boldly delved deeper, his tongue boldly invading the warm recesses of her mouth.

In that heated moment, the world faded away, their surroundings becoming an inconsequential blur. Sofia and Leonardo were locked in a passionate embrace, the intensity of their connection rivaling the passing of time itself. Yet, as the sounds of hooting and raucous shouting intruded upon their private sanctuary, Leonardo reluctantly tore himself away from Sofia’s intoxicating kiss.

Leaning back, he gently guided Sofia to stand upright, her eyes glazed with dizziness, still clinging to him as if he were her lifeline. A soft smile tugged at the corners of Leonardo’s mouth as he beheld her, a mix of tenderness and earnestness in his gaze. Taking a moment to collect himself, he began to speak, his voice carrying a hint of urgency.

“Are you going to listen to me now, Sofia?” Leonardo’s words were tinged with both sincerity and a touch of desperation. “I didn’t kiss Diana that day in the mall. She took advantage of me when my guard was down. If only you had waited a mere two seconds longer, you would have witnessed how I reveled in humiliating her afterward. And today, she deceived me into that room, where she embraced me without warning. It was at that very moment you walked in. Please, baby girl, believe me when I say she is nothing more than my ex-girlfriend-a chapter of my past that I have long left behind. My heart holds no place for her; I have moved on.”

With a single breath, Leonardo poured his heartfelt explanation into the space between them.

Sofia’s delicate lashes dipped down, veiling her eyes as she absorbed the weight of Leonardo’s words. Misinterpretation had clouded her understanding while he had laid bare his emotions before her. The air hung heavy with anticipation as a question pierced the silence.

“So, do you believe me or not?” Leonardo’s brow furrowed, his voice laced with a mix of hope and doubt.

With utmost care, Sofia raised her gaze, her eyes locked onto his like a hesitant traveler surveying uncharted territory. Her response came in the form of a subtle nod, accompanied by a gentle nibble on her lower lip. It was a timid affirmation but one that carried profound significance.

Leonardo’s rigid frame, taut with tension, seemed to melt as her approval reached him. His muscles relaxed, and his guarded expression softened as if he had been granted respite from the burden he had been carrying. Yet, in the midst of this newfound relief, an unresolved matter lingered in the air-an act of betrayal that demanded restitution.

“And you have reminded me that I have to punish you,” Leonardo’s voice rumbled, a low growl filled with a dangerous undercurrent. His eyes held a glint of warning, a silent declaration of consequences to be meted out.

Sofia’s azure orbs widened, mirroring the surge of emotions coursing through her. A blush spread across her cheeks, turning them a rosy hue, as a mix of embarrassment and anticipation flooded her being.

Drawing closer, Leonardo closed the distance between them, his movements calculated and deliberate. He leaned in, his lips grazing her earlobe as he whispered, his words laced with sensuality and promise.

“Be ready for your punishment, baby girl.” His voice, a velvet caress against her skin, sent shivers down her spine.

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