The Mafia’s Substitute Bride

Chapter 103. The Threat

As the gondola glided gracefully through the serene waters of Venice, Leonardo and Sofia were lost in their own world of passion and love. Under the famous Bridge of Sighs, they shared an intimate moment, their lips locked in a desperate, hungry kiss.

Leonardo’s desire for his wife was evident as he deepened the kiss, sucking her lips with a fierce intensity. Sofia welcomed his advances eagerly, her own passion mirroring his. Their tongues danced in a sensual embrace, their bodies pressed close together in a heated union. The world around them faded into oblivion as they were consumed by the ardor of their love.

Sofia’s teeth grazed over Leonardo’s bottom lip, eliciting a low groan from him. He pulled her closer, their bodies pressed against each other, their connection palpable. The intensity of their passion was evident as they explored each other’s mouths, their breaths mingling with a sense of urgency.

Their intimate moment was shattered by the sound of gunfire echoing through the surroundings. Leonardo’s instincts kicked in, and he swiftly pulled Sofia behind him, shielding her with his own body. His hand reached for his revolver, ready to defend them from any threat.

In the chaos that followed, Leonardo saw Marco fall into the water, his life abruptly ended by a fatal shot. The water around him turned crimson with blood, a stark reminder of the dangerous world they lived in.

Before they could catch their breath, the roar of motorboats broke the tranquility of the scene, and three boats quickly encircled the gondola. The attackers were closing in on them, and Leonardo knew he had to act quickly.

“Leonardo Morelli, now you can’t escape. Come quietly with us,” one of the goons taunted.

Leonardo’s eyes narrowed, his voice firm and commanding as he demanded answers, “Who sent you?”

“You’ll know when you come with us,” another goon shouted over the noise of the motorboat.

Realizing that his life was on the line, Leonardo made a bold decision. “Okay, I will come with you. But you have to leave my wife. Let her go. Don’t involve her in this. You want me to go with you?! I will. But only on this condition. You have to let go of my wife safely,” he asserted, his gaze unwavering as he negotiated.

Sofia glanced at Leonardo, admiring his fearless composure despite the looming danger. The goons, cold-blooded and menacing, surrounded them, but Leonardo seemed unfazed, engaging them in conversation as if they were mere acquaintances. She couldn’t help but wonder how he always managed to maintain his cool in such perilous situations, ready to lay down his life for her without a second thought.

“No, we have got an order to take both of you,” barked one of the goons, his voice dripping with malice.

Leonardo responded lazily, as though he were discussing the weather, “That’s not possible, dude. If you want me to come with you, you have to let go of my wife. Otherwise, you know better what I am capable of.”

He casually revealed the revolver tucked in his waistband, instantly catching their attention.

“You know I am alone here but can kill you all with this single revolver. So the choice is yours. What do you want? You want me to go with you, or do you want to die here?” His proposition hung in the air, laden with an air of confidence and determination that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. Leonardo’s dominant aura was suffocating, turning his handsome features into a terrifying mask.

Sofia couldn’t help but think, My god! My man was so brave.

Their predicament was dire. Three boats surrounded them, each carrying five ruthless goons. And yet, Leonardo stood his ground, unwavering and resolute on the gondola. His deep, threatening voice resonated like thunder, and Sofia could see the visible conflict on the goons’ faces as they grappled with the proposition laid before them. They knew better than to underestimate Leonardo; his words were no idle threats. Sofia could see the goons exchanging nervous glances, their hands twitching near their own concealed weapons. A single wrong move, and chaos would ensue.

One of the goons spoke into his phone, presumably communicating with their boss.

“Okay, we’ll let her go. But you don’t try to be over-smart,” he relayed, a hint of hesitation in his voice.

Surprisingly, Leonardo smiled amidst the looming danger. It was an enigmatic smile, the kind that exuded both confidence and defiance. “I am all yours,” he declared calmly, turning towards Sofia. His demeanor was unwavering, despite the perilous circumstances they found themselves in.

“Baby, go with Mark,” he instructed, attempting to ensure her safety.

“No, I won’t leave you alone,” Sofia refused, clutching his arms tightly, her emotions on the brink of overwhelming her.

He gently placed his large hand over her shivering palm, offering reassurance.

“Try to understand, baby. They are dangerous,” he said in a severe and cold tone, his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that showcased his determination.

“They are dangerous, Leonardo. I don’t want to leave you alone,” Sofia sobbed, her fear evident in her teary eyes.

He tenderly caressed her cheek, his touch soothing yet firm.

“Baby, I insist, please go. You know that I am just worried about you,” he implored, his voice filled with genuine concern.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“They cannot harm me, and I cannot let anyone harm you. But I really don’t know their intention and what they want from me. Your safety is my priority, and I cannot take a one percent chance. Please go with Samuel. I will return soon,” he promised, his words carrying an undeniable sincerity. Leonardo possessed a charisma that was difficult to resist.

Tears streamed down Sofia’s face as she tried to process her emotions.

“I… I am scared,” she confessed, her vulnerability laid bare before him.

“You should not be. You are Leonardo Morelli’s wife. You have to get used to this kind of situation,” he said, cupping her face tenderly and wiping away her tears with his thumb. His eyes softened as he gazed down at her, but the furrow on his forehead deepened with concern for her well-being.

“Leonardo!” she begged, her heart aching to stay by his side. Whatever happened, she wanted to face it with him.

“I promise, baby, I will be fine,” he reassured her as if he understood the unspoken words hidden in her silence. His voice carried an unwavering resolve, and she found herself drawing strength from his conviction.

Summoning every ounce of courage, she nodded, trusting in his words.

“Take us to the shore,” he ordered heroically, his voice now commanding and authoritative, leaving no room for defiance.

The goons reluctantly obeyed and towed Leonardo and Sofia’s gondola to the shore using their motorboat. As they reached the shore, Sofia’s eyes caught sight of Mark, standing there with a gun in his hand. There was a silent exchange of understanding between Mark and Leonardo as they locked eyes, and a subtle nod passed between them.

“Come this way, Mrs. Morelli,” Mark gestured for Sofia to walk ahead. She glanced back at Leonardo, a sense of concern and fear gnawing at her, but he reassured her with a smile and a gentle push forward.

“Go, Sofia,” he said softly, releasing her hand.

Though reluctant to leave Leonardo alone amidst the dangerous goons, Sofia trusted in her husband’s capabilities. She believed he would keep his promise and reunite with her, safe and unharmed. Leonardo had a reputation for dealing with enemies ruthlessly, earning him the title of the “king of the devils.”

His wickedness, cunning, and ruthlessness were well-known, and those traits were what both intimidated and enamored her. He had made a daring proposition to the goons, forcing them to free her, and they had no choice but to comply. It was the sheer force of Leonardo’s influence and aura that made the impossible happen.

Mark led Sofia toward the parking lot, where a car awaited them. Without wasting any time, he started the ignition and sped off toward Genoa. Sofia couldn’t shake off her worry for Leonardo, and she voiced her concern to Mark in a hushed tone.

“Mark, Leonardo is alone. How will he handle all these people? They look so dangerous,” she murmured anxiously.

“He’s not alone, Mrs. Morelli. Our men are following him discreetly. He willingly allowed them to take him with them. Otherwise, no matter how many of them have come to capture our boss, they would have never succeeded,” Mark replied, his voice filled with pride and admiration for his boss.

Sofia found some relief in his words, knowing that Leonardo’s loyal men were watching his back. Her husband was not just smart; he was a master strategist, always several steps ahead of anyone who dared to challenge him.

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