The Mafia King’s Doll


Chapter 56


God, I can’t wait for next week. I need a vacation, even if it’s only a week.

As I leave the subway and walk toward work, my phone starts to ring, and seeing it’s Mom, I smile as I answer, “Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetie. I can’t wait to pick you up at the airport on Saturday. I was thinking we could start your vacation with a spa day. What do you think?”

My smile widens at the thought of getting a full body massage. “Yes!

I’d love that.”

“Great. I’ll make an appointment for us,” Mom says.

“Thanks, Mom.” At the end of the block, I turn right and move closer to the buildings to avoid the other pedestrians before I admit, “I can’t wait to see you and Dad.”

“We miss you too, sweetie. Unfortunately Matt won’t be here. He’s so busy with the new account he landed.”

“Aww, that’s a pity,” I mutter. I haven’t seen my brother since Christmas and make a mental note to give him a call.

When I reach the office, I say, “I have to go, Mom.” “Okay. Have a good day, sweetie.”

“You too.”

Ending the call, I walk into the building, and after greeting the girls at reception, I take the elevator up to the top floor.

Since I had the panic attack last week, Mr. Vitale hasn’t brought it up.

He also hasn’t mentioned anything about my poor performance that day.

Luckily, nothing has gone wrong since, but I’m worried about today. We have to inspect the building he wants to purchase, which means I’ll be alone with him.

Ugh. Why can’t he do the inspection without me?

I’m wearing a gray pantsuit and ballet flats, seeing as my boss told me to wear something comfortable for the day.

When I reach my desk, I place my handbag in the bottom drawer and switch on my computer.

Just as I take a seat, Mr. Vitale comes stalking down the hallway.


The phone is still on voicemail, so reception couldn’t warn me. “Morning, Mr. Vitale. I’ll bring you a coffee now,” I say before I dart in

the direction of the kitchen.

“Don’t bother with coffee,” he mutters, then he raises an eyebrow at me. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” I quickly grab the tablet I’ll need to take notes and my handbag.

When I reach for the computer, Mr. Vitale says, “Leave it on. Gloria will sit here for the day.”

I nod and have to jog to catch up as he stalks back to the elevator.

When we climb inside, I put a safe space between us and switch on the tablet so I can get the notepad ready.

“We’ll be escorted by two guards, but they’ll take a different vehicle,” Mr. Vitale mentions.

Of course, the man will have bodyguards. He’s a billionaire, after all.

I’m just thankful they won’t be riding with us.

The elevator doors slide open, and as we walk to the exit, Mr. Vitale says, “Gloria will spend tomorrow and Friday with you so you can show her how I like things done before you go on vacation.”


When we step out onto the sidewalk, two scary-looking men move closer to us, but before I can panic that we’re about to be mugged in broad daylight, Mr. Vitale says, “This is Milo and Lorenzo, my guards.”

I manage a quivering smile. “Nice to meet you.”

They nod at me and wait for us to get into a G-Wagon before heading to the SUV behind us.

When Mr. Vitale starts the engine, I’m surprised I don’t feel panicked about being alone in a car with him.

It’s probably because I work for the man and we spend a lot of time together.

Relieved that I’m semi-comfortable with my boss, I bring up the details of the building and go over them for the third time.

I’ve already compiled a list of other buildings to compare with the market value of the one Mr. Vitale wants to purchase. I want to make sure it’s not overpriced.

When ready for the inspection, I notice there’s a weird silence between us. Stealing a glance at Mr. Vitale, I take in his attractive face.

It’s a pity the man is so grumpy. I think he’d make ovaries explode in the office if he smiled occasionally.

We pull up to the building that’s situated near a shipyard, and I ask, “What will the building be used for?”

“A financial company.”

Leaving my handbag in the vehicle, I climb out. I notice a woman standing near her car and glance at the guards as they park the SUV behind the G-Wagon.

At least I’m not the only woman here.

When Mr. Vitale catches me staring at the guards, he says, “Don’t worry about them.”

That’s easier said than done.

I follow my boss toward the woman, and when we reach her, she gives us a wide smile. “Thank you for meeting with me today, Mr. Vitale.”

My grumpy boss just nods.

I shake the woman’s hand and say, “I’m Samantha, Mr. Vitale’s assistant.”

“Jessica. Nice to meet you.”

With the introductions out of the way, we head inside. “This six-story building has two –”

“I’d prefer to inspect the property without you,” Mr. Vitale interrupts her rudely.

“Oh. Okay. I’ll wait here. Let me know if you have any questions.”

Poor woman.

Suddenly, one of the guards comes running into the building, shouting, “Down, boss!”

Windows shatter, and as Mr. Vitale tackles me off my feet, I watch as a bullet hits Jessica in the side of her neck.

A horrifying scream is ripped from me, and when I slam into the tiled floor, my eyes are locked on Jessica.

She gasps for air as blood spurts from the gunshot wound.

I’ve felt fear before, but the emotion seizing my mind is nothing compared to that.

Seeing Jessica exhale her last breath and her eyes lose all life is the most horrific thing I’ve ever witnessed.

“Run, boss. We’ll keep them off as long as we can,” I hear one of the guards shout.

My breaths explode over my lips, and a cry is ripped from me as Mr.

Vitale yanks me to my feet.

More bullets slam into the walls and tiles, and I hear the guards firing their guns.

Mr. Vitale pushes me toward the stairs, shouting, “Go, Samantha!”

The intense shock makes it feel like every inch of my skin is being pricked by thorns.

I’m yanked toward the emergency stairs and stumble a couple of times because Mr. Vitale is moving much faster than I’m able.

As we enter the stairwell, I hear a bullet slam into the wall a couple of inches behind me and let out a terrified shriek.

Mr. Vitale grabs my hand in a brutal hold, and I’m yanked up the flights of stairs.

My lungs are on fire from the breaths sawing over my lips, and there’s a sharp pain in my side from the sudden exercise.

I think we’re on the fourth floor when Mr. Vitale abandons the stairs, and we rush into a lobby. When he finally comes to a stop in an empty hallway, I gasp like a fish out of water while trying to catch my breath.

My mind refuses to process what’s happening, and I feel as if I’m stuck in some kind of alternate universe where nothing makes sense.

I watch as Mr. Vitale checks something on his wristwatch and wonder why the hell he needs to know what time it is.

“I’ve pressed the panic button. Backup will be here soon,” he says.

I can only stare at my boss as he shrugs his jacket off, and then the man pulls a gun from behind his back.

What. The. Hell?

His eyes lock on my face, and the severe expression tightening his features demands my attention.

“We’re under attack. You need to do everything I say.” “W-w-why,” I stammer through the terror. “W-what?”

Picking up his jacket, he tosses it into a small office, then I’m grabbed by the hand and pulled down the hallway.

“I’ll explain everything later. Right now, we just have to stay alive until backup arrives.”

Stay alive. Jesus.

I’m yanked into an empty office and pushed against the wall. “Stay behind me, and don’t make a sound,” Mr. Vitale orders.

Our dire circumstances register with one hell of a force, and my body begins to tremble like a leaf in a shitstorm.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Oh my God,” I gasp.

Why the hell are people attacking us?

Do they want to kidnap Mr. Vitale for ransom?

My eyes lock on the gun in his hand, and seeing my grumpy boss hold a weapon looks weird.

“Find him!” someone shouts out in the hallway.

“Shit,” I whimper, and a grim sense of dread fills my chest.

Suddenly, Mr. Vitale darts forward, and in absolute horror, I watch as he kicks a man who’s wearing a combat uniform in the gut. The man staggers back, and Mr. Vitale shoots him right between the eyes.

The gunshot is so loud it makes me shriek with fright.

Mr. Vitale grabs the dead man’s weapon and checks how many bullets it has.

With him having the bigger weapon, he shoves his gun into my hands, then says, “If something happens to me, find a place to hide. If anyone comes near you, shoot them.”

“I-I’ve never f-fired a g-gun,” I stammer, the gun heavy in my hand.

“Just point and pull the trigger,” he mutters as he tucks the hilt of the bigger weapon between his elbow and chest, and looking pretty badass, he steps out of the office.

Shocked out of my mind, I stand frozen.

I hear more gunshots, then Mr. Vitale shouts, “Come, Samantha! Stay behind me.”

Somehow, I manage to move, and as soon as I leave the office, I shift closer to Mr. Vitale until I’m almost glued to his back.

When he takes a step, I match it, and every time he shoots someone, a wave of shock hits me.

This is insane.

As we move past the lobby, the elevator doors open. Two men step out, and Mr. Vitale manages to shoot one of them while shoving me so hard I fall onto my butt and slide a couple of inches backward.

In a stunned stupor, I watch as my boss becomes a freaking ninja. Lunging his powerful body into the air, he avoids a bullet and delivers a kick to the side of the man’s head. As the man stumbles to the side, Mr. Vitale lands effortlessly on his feet.

Holy shit. That was badass.

He ends the man’s life by burying two bullets in his chest, then swings around and rushes to where I’m still sitting flat on my butt.

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