The Mafia King’s Doll


Chapter 27


As the private jet slows down on the runway, nerves tighten my stomach.

I’ve experienced a roller coaster of emotions over the past month. But the past three weeks have also been a dream come true instead of the nightmare I expected when I was forced to marry Angelo.

I’ve become good friends with Rita and Tiny. My relationship with Big Ricky is still developing because I don’t see him as often.

I haven’t heard from Giorgio since he confronted me at the cathedral. All the bruises he left on me are gone, and being out from under his control is a dream come true.

My duties at the Parish have continued as normal, although Rosa’s more distant than usual. I don’t blame her. People only know the dark side of Angelo, and they fear him the same way I used to.

There are still times I’m cautious around him, especially when he comes home in a bad mood. He never takes it out on me but is just quieter than usual.

The most important change is the way I feel about him.

I’ve fallen in love with the way it feels when he touches me.

Every time he gets home from work and walks into the kitchen, my heart skips a beat and my stomach fills with butterflies.

I’m in love with my husband, and it feels good.

All the hopes and dreams I’ve had are finally within my reach. “Let’s go, baby,” Angelo murmurs as he unclasps my seat belt.

I take his hand as I climb to my feet, and sucking in a deep breath of air, I follow him to the exit.

“Don’t worry. My family will love you,” he says in an attempt to put me at ease. “Uncle Maurizio’s like a father to me.”

“Okay,” I whisper, tightening my hold on his hand.

Big Ricky is the first to leave the plane, and only when he calls, “Clear,” do we take the steps down to the tarmac.

My eyes dart to the three black SUVs parked near the private jet before settling on a man who looks like he’s in his late sixties or early seventies.

When Maurizio Rizzo was the head of the Rizzo territory in New York, I was too young to understand anything about the Cosa Nostra.

Angelo lets go of my hand when we near the man, and I watch as they smile at each other before hugging.

“It’s good to see you, Zio,” Angelo chuckles. “It’s been too long.”

When they pull apart, Angelo takes hold of my hand and tugs me closer. “I want to introduce you to Vittoria.” There’s pride in his eyes as he says, “I finally listened to you and got married. Vittoria is my wife.”

Hearing Angelo introduce me as his wife has warmth spreading through my heart.

His uncle’s eyes widen with shock. “What?”

I feel like I’m under a microscope as his eyes flit over me before he turns his attention back to Angelo. “You got married? When? Why weren’t we invited?”

Angelo lets out a chuckle and pats his uncle’s shoulder. “It happened in the spur of the moment. I saw Vittoria and just knew I had to have her.” He gives me a wink. “She didn’t have much choice in the matter.”

My cheeks warm from all the attention, and as I hold my hand out to Maurizio Rizzo, a retired capo of the Cosa Nostra, I swallow hard and say, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

Mr. Rizzo’s eyes flick to me again, and it takes a very uncomfortable moment before he shakes my hand. Then a smile spreads over his face, and I’m tugged into a hug.

“When can we expect an heir?” Mr. Rizzo asks as he lets go of me.

Angelo warned me his family would be eager to ask about babies, so I’m not caught off guard by the question.

Letting out a chuckle, I answer, “Hopefully soon, sir.”

“We’re family. Call me Zio Maurizio,” he says, and a moment later, I’m forgotten as he starts to bombard Angelo with questions about the businesses in New York.

Letting out a relieved sigh, I glance at Big Ricky. I miss Tiny, and it must show on my face because Big Ricky moves closer to me, giving me a comforting smile.

When we reach the SUVs, Big Ricky holds the door open so we can climb into the backseat. With Uncle Maurizio opting to drive, Big Ricky takes the passenger seat.

Uncle Maurizio’s men are in the vehicles at the front and back of us as we’re driving out of the airport.

Angelo places his hand on my thigh, and I quickly take hold of it while leaning into his side. Feeling his strong body next to mine sets me at ease.

It’s my first time in a foreign country, and I eagerly look out the window.

There’s an old charm to all the buildings, and I’m excited to explore the island.

Lifting my head toward Angelo, I whisper, “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He lowers his face and presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “You’re welcome, baby. As soon as I’m done with the meetings, I’ll show you around.”

I snuggle against his arm and take a deep breath of his woodsy aftershave while I continue to look at the scenery.

Soon, we’re being driven up a stretch of road that winds up the side of a steep hill, and a massive three-story villa comes into view. It’s situated on a cliff, and in the distance, I can see the blue Mediterranean Sea.

“Gosh, it’s beautiful here,” I murmur, my eyes feasting on the scenic view.

“Angelo was born in this villa,” Uncle Maurizio mentions. “And so was my son, Roberto.”

I remember when Roberto was killed. It’s all everyone in Long Island talked about for weeks.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I say, thinking it must be a nightmare losing your only son.

I don’t think I could survive such heartbreak.

Uncle Maurizio stops the SUV near the front door that’s standing open.

I notice four guards loitering in the front yard.

When the other guards who escorted us from the airport join them, I count ten altogether.

Back home, Angelo only has Big Ricky and Tiny. Oh, and Simon, who’s stationed at the gates of our mansion.

I lean into Angelo and ask, “Why are there so many guards?”

He lets out a chuckle. “Cause none of them are as good as Tiny and Big Ricky.” He tugs me closer and wraps his arm around me. “I’m trained in all forms of combat, so I’m capable of protecting us as well.”

Hearing the confidence in his tone, my abdomen tightens with attraction. The corner of my mouth lifts as we walk into the villa.

An elderly woman comes toward us with her arms wide open. “Angelo.


He quickly pulls away from me and hugs his aunt.

“I’ve missed you, my boy,” she says with a wide smile. “Welcome home.” As they pull apart, her gaze flicks to me. “You brought company?”

“Zia Gloria, let me introduce you to my wife, Vittoria,” Angelo says, once again looking proud.

Aunt Gloria gasps, and I’m gripped by the shoulders, her shocked gaze glances up and down my body, before she says, “Such a beautiful wife.” Then she scowls at her nephew. “No wedding?”

“It was sudden,” he explains. “I didn’t want to risk losing Vittoria. I wanted her by my side, and the only way to ensure that was to marry her as quickly as possible.” His eyes rest lovingly on me for a moment before he turns his attention back to his family.

My heart. Only Angelo can make a forced marriage sound like the most romantic gesture.

“Welcome, Vittoria,” she says before hugging me.

“Thank you,” I say, appreciating the warm reception we’re getting from his family. It makes me feel a hell of a lot better. “Please call me Tori.”

“Come, come, come,” Aunt Gloria says as she walks deeper into the mansion. “There’s so much to catch up on.”

We’re ushered through the house and out onto the veranda, where a pitcher of iced tea is waiting. I hardly get to see what the interior of the villa looks like.

As we’re all taking a seat, Aunt Gloria says, “We should’ve had a big wedding here at the villa.”

Angelo grips hold of the patio chair I’m sitting on and pulls it closer until I’m right next to him. He takes my hand and rests my palm on his thigh.

“I was so taken with Vittoria there was no time to plan a big wedding,” he explains. His eyes flick to my face. “It was love at first sight. I instantly became obsessed with her.”

My heart.

Learning that Angelo fell in love with me the moment he saw me fills my entire soul with warmth.

Angelo looks at his aunt and uncle as he mentions, “I thought we could have a party to celebrate our union while we’re here?”

“Yes! That will be perfect,” Aunt Gloria beams. “We’ll invite everyone.”

“Just arrange the party for when I’m done with my meetings,” Angelo says.

“Hmm…” Uncle Maurizio grumbles. He glances between Angelo and me, then asks, “What’s your family name?”

“Romano,” Angelo answers on my behalf. “She’s Tony’s daughter.”

Uncle Maurizio’s eyebrows lift. “Tony, who handled the collections for us?”

When Angelo nods, Uncle Maurizio lets out a deep breath. I can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing.

Aunt Gloria pours iced tea into glasses, then says, “The flight must’ve been tiring.”

“It was the same as usual,” Angelo replies.

“Thank you for the iced tea,” I murmur as I pick up a glass and hand it to Angelo before helping myself.

Aunt Gloria waits for me to take a sip before she says, “Tell us about yourself, Tori.”

I let out an awkward chuckle. “I never know how to answer that question.”

“Vittoria is very active in the local Parish, and she’s an excellent cook,” Angelo informs them. “She’s also shy, so you’ll have to be patient with her.”

I squeeze his thigh to say thank you for answering on my behalf.

“If you like cooking, I’d love to show you some Sicilian recipes I got from my grandmother,” Aunt Gloria mentions.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I smile widely. “I’d love that.”

Even though I still feel awkward because I’ve just met Angelo’s family, I’m hopeful we’ll get along. Knowing how important his uncle and aunt are to him, the last thing I want is to drive a wedge between them.

Aunt Gloria starts telling me about all the traditional dishes she wants to show me while the men discuss business. Not even ten minutes later, I find myself alone in the kitchen with Aunt Gloria, looking at her vast collection of recipes.

“We have to make caponata,” Aunt Gloria says. “There’s a secret ingredient my grandmother added that gives the dish a lovely tang.”

Feeling excited, I nod as the last of the tension leaves my body.

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