Chapter 17: She’s Coming With Us

Matilda scoffed loudly as she folded her arms under her breasts, then she spoke.

“I can’t believe that you guys are suspecting me. But anyways, I’ll answer your questions.” Matilda said, “Firstly, I found out that there was a door down here because I stole the building plan of this prison from one of the officers.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Then why didn’t you escape after finding out about the secret door down here?” Alfred snarled as he glared angrily at Matilda through his mask.

“The reason why I haven’t escaped yet is because this prison has always been guarded day and night with loads of officers, patrolling every corner of the prison. If I had tried to escape, I would have been caught immediately.” Matilda paused, and a smirk formed across her lips, then she continued. “But now that you guys took them down, it will be much easier to escape.” She concluded.

Matilda’s explanation seemed reasonable to everyone except Alfred. He wasn’t satisfied with her explanation. There was something fishy about her.

“Now that I’ve answered your questions, does that clear your suspicion of me being one of those crime fighting officers?” Matilda asked angrily, then she walked towards the metallic door.

Alfred scoffed as he tucked his handgun back into his waist sheath.

The door required a password. Matilda inputed the password, then the door slid open, revealing a passage.

“Let’s move.” Maltida said, then she walked in.

Alfred and his gang also followed her. They walked through the passage for about three minutes, then they got to another huge metallic door.

The door also required a password before it could open. Matilda was about to input the password but Alfred held her hand.

“What again?” Matilda asked in a frustrated tone.

“Where does this door lead to?” Alferd asked.

Matilda sighed, “I also don’t know.” She replied.

“What if there are officers waiting outside the door for us to come out?” Alfred asked.

“So what do you suggest we do? Sleep here and wait for them to leave?” Matilda scoffed, “The whole crime fighting agencies in LA is surrounding this prison and it’s only a matter of time before they track us down.”

“She’s right.” Douglas agreed with Matilda.

Alfred reluctantly dropped Matilda’s hand, then he stepped a few meters backwards.

Matilda faced the metallic door, then she inputed the password. The door slid open and they all walked out.

“Drop your weapons and raise your hands up slowly!” A masculine voice yelled as they stepped out of the secret passage.

Military soldiers surrounded them, pointing various guns and torchlights at them.

“Fuck! I knew this would happen.” Alfred cursed angrily. They all dropped their weapons and raised their hands up.

Alfred did a rough count of the soldiers surrounding them and they were up to twenty. He surveyed the environment and he realized that they were at the prison’s backyard.

“We should be able to take care of these soldiers before the rest of them get here.” Alfred said, inwardly.

“Take off your masks!” The soldier standing at the front, commanded.

Alfred did a hand signal and his gang members got the signal.

“I said take of the masks on your faces!” The soldier yelled.

“And what are you gonna do if we don’t take it off?” Alfred asked, daringly.

“Are you daring me?” The soldier asked angrily as he walked towards Alfred.

Alfred chuckled, “Yeah I am daring you, so what are you gonna do about it?” He asked, mockingly.

The soldier’s face was twitching in anger. He was infuriated at the way Alfred dared him.

The soldier stood in front of Alfred with his gun in his right hand.

“You are courageous, but it’s only gonna get you killed.” The soldier said.

“And do you think I am scared of dying?” Alfred asked in reply, infuriating the soldier the more.

“You son of a bitch!” The soldier said angrily and pointed his gun at Alfred forehead. He was about to pull the trigger, but Alfred twisted his hand and landed a heavy punch on his face.

Alfred immediately grabbed the soldier’s gun and pulled the soldier closer to him, using him as a shield, then he started shooting the remaining soldiers.

The rest of the gang took their weapons immediately and joined their boss in killing the soldiers.

Alfred double tapped his earbud with his left hand while he used his right and to shoot the other soldiers.

“Stacy, is the van ready?” Alfred asked as he shot another soldier.

“Yes boss, it’s ready.” Stacy replied.

“Alright. We are coming out soon.” Alfred said, then he continued killing the soldiers.

Thirty seconds later, all the soldiers were laying dead on the floor.

Alfred and his gang rushed towards the high fence and they skillfully climbed up the fence. But Matilda wasn’t able to climb the fence. The fence was too high for her to climb.

Alfred stood on the fence while his gang members jumped outside.

“I need some help!” Matilda yelled as she stretched her hand up.

Alfred wanted to ignore her but he saw more officers rushing towards Matilda’s direction.

“Here! Grab my hand.” Alfred said, as he stretched his hand at Matilda.

Matilda grabbed his hand immediately, then Alfred pulled her up and they both jumped outside the prison.

The both of them got inside a black van, then Stacy stepped on the acceleration pedal; giving a hard steer to the right before speeding off.

Another grey van which contained Dr Lavoisier’s men drove at the front.

The cops and soldiers also got inside their vehicles and they chased after the two vans.

“Time to send some bastards to hell!” Douglas said as he carried a bazooka.

Stacy pressed a button on the steering wheel, then the roof of the black van slid open. Douglas stood up from his seat and he raised his head out of the van.

“Wait! Are you seriously gonna shoot that?” Matilda asked in a panicked tone as she pointed at the bazooka Douglas was carrying.

“Yeah sweetheart.” Douglas replied with a wide grin.

Seeing that Douglas was serious about firing the bazooka, Matilda quickly bent forward on her seat with both hands pressed behind her head in fear.

Douglas aimed at the police car which was which was slowly gaining on them. The police car was driving speedily in front of other cop vehicles.

Douglas exhaled deeply, bringing his right eye to a half close while his left eye followed the trajectory of his aim.

He squeezed on the trigger and fired the bazooka at the cop car; the gunshot sound reverberating inside the van.

The cop car exploded and it caused a blockade for the remaining cop cars and military vehicles.

“Say hi to the devil for me when you get to hell!” Douglas screamed mockingly at the cop cars which stopped because of the explosion.

He sat down on his seat, then roof of the van closed back.

“You’re really crazy. You almost gave me an heart attack.” Matilda said as Douglas sat down beside her.

She peeped outside the window to notice the crashed cop and other cop cars far behind them, then she breathed in relief.

Douglas chuckled, “I thought you were brave, but turns out that you’re just a scaredy cat.” He mocked.

“I’m not.” Matilda rolled her eyes at him.

Their van had eight seats; two at the front, three in the middle and three at the back.

Stacy and Caesar were seated at the front seat. Rose, Douglas was and Matilda were seated in the middle seat while Alfred and Viper were seated at the backseat.

Alfred and his gang members still had their mask on their face. They didn’t want to reveal their real identity to Matilda.

“Stacy, instruct Lavoisier’s men to pull over now.” Alfred said.

Stacy doubled tap her earbud, “The boss said you should pull over right now.” Stacy instructed Dr Lavoisier’s men through her earbud.

The first van which was driving at the front pulled over at the side of the road. Stacy also parked their van behind the first van.

Alfred, Caesar and Rose came down from their van. Rose and Caesar each carried three boxes as they walked towards the first van with Alfred.

Three of Lavoisier’s men came down from the first van. They stood beside the van as Alfred, Caesar and Rose approached them.

“Here is the shipment.” Alfred said as he got to Lavoisier’s men.

Caesar and Rose handed five boxes to Lavoisier’s men and It remained a box with Caesar.

Dr Lavoisier’s men stared at Alfred confusingly.

“What’s with the confused looks on your faces?” Alfred asked the three men, even though he knew why they were confused.

“Our boss’s shipment contains six boxes. So, we are supposed to collect six boxes and not five.” One of Dr lavoisiers men said.

“The last box is for the compensation of the van which you’re driving and the stress my gang went through in order to rescue you.” Alfred replied with a dangerous smirk underneath his mask.


“No buts.” Caesar interrupted. “Get the fuck off before I blow off your skulls!” He said in a commanding tone as he pointed his pistol at the three men.

The three men hurriedly got inside their grey van, then they drove off.

“Bunch of pussies.” Alfred mocked Dr Lavoisier’s men as he watched their van driving off at high speed.

“Let’s go.” He said to Ceaser and Rose, then they turned around, and walked to their van.

“Drive to my mansion.” Alfred instructed Stacy as he entered the van with Rose and Caesar. Stacy turned on the ignition and zoomed off.

“Are you guys assassins or what?” Matilda asked as she glanced at everyone in the van.

“Mind your fucking business if you still value your life.” Alfred replied, harshly.

“Whatever.” Matilda scoffed.

“By the way, where are you living?” Douglas asked Matilda.

“I don’t have a home.” Matilda replied, dryly.


“I’m sure you heard me correctly. I don’t have a home.” Matilda repeated.

“So, where are we gonna drop you off?” Douglas asked.

“I just said I don’t have anywhere to live. I will just follow you guys wherever you are going.” Matilda replied.

Douglas chuckled at her reply, “You’re kidding right?”

“No, I am not.” Matilda replied in a serious tone.

Alfred said nothing as he stared at Matilda from the backseat.

“You’re saying nothing. Are you seriously gonna allow her to come with us?” Viper said beside Alfred.

Alfred didn’t give her a response. He was thinking about the question Viper asked him.

He also wanted to get rid off Matilda, but on a second thought, Matilda could also be useful to his gang.

Everyone in the van remained quiet as they waited to hear Alfred’s reply.

“Yeah, she’s coming with us.” Alfred answered, leaving everyone except Matilda, in a shocked state.

A wicked smirk formed at the corner of Matilda’s lips.

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