Chapter 15: Iron Heights (2)

“What the fuck man! We are begging you to save us and not preach to us about some fucking Christ!” One of the inmates yelled at Alfred from his cell.

Alfred glared at the inmate through his black mask, then he removed a pistol.

“May your filthy soul rest in perfect peace.” Alfred said, then he shot the inmate on his forehead. The other prisoners became quiet after Alfred shot the inmate.Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Rose and Caesar, The both of you should take Lavoisier’s men to the second van outside the prison.” Alfred ordered.

“Yes boss.” Rose and Caesar replied, then they both led Dr Lavoisier’s men outside.

“Boss.” Stacy called Alfred through his communication device.

“Yes?” Alfred answered.

“The third floor is where the shipment is being kept. But it’s not gonna be easy to retrieve.” Stacy said.

“Why?” Alfred asked.

“There is an emergency alert button in the third floor. If any of the officers in the third floor are aware of your presence, they would press that button and the whole crime fighting officers in Los Angeles would come rushing here.” Stacy explained.

“Alright Stacy, inform Caesar and Rose to return back here immediately.” Alfred said.

“Yes boss.” Stacy replied, then she went off the communication line.

Alfred sighed loudly.

“Is there a problem Alfred?” Viper asked behind him. Alfred turned around and faced Douglas and Viper.

“Yeah, we need a new plan in order to get that damn shipment in the third floor.” Alfred replied.

“Why?” Viper asked.

“Because there is a damn emergency button in the third floor and if any of those officers find out that we are here, they would press that button and the whole crime fighting agencies in LA would come rushing here.” Alfred replied.

“Oh damn!” Douglas exclaimed.

“So, how to we are gonna take them down without alarming them?” Viper asked again.

“I don’t fucking know!”

“I’ve got a plan everyone!” Stacy’s voice boomed through their earbuds.

“We’re listening.” Alfred replied.

“I’ll locate the main power grid of this prison then we shut it down. The elevators won’t be functional if the power is off. The remaining officers would leave the third floor to come and check what happened to the power grid, then that’s when you all will take them down and get the shipment.” Stacy explained.

“Nice plan Stacy.” Douglas complimented.

“But the emergency button wouldn’t be active if the main power of this prison is off, right?” Alfred asked.

“No, it would still be active because it has an inbuilt auxiliary power in case of power insurgence.” Stacy replied.

“Let’s hope this plan works.” Alfred said.

“I have given Caesar five goggles that will give you a clear vision when the whole place gets dark.” Stacy added.

Just then, Rose and Caesar rushed to them. Caesar gave each gang member a goggle.

“What’s does it do?” Douglas asked as he stared at the goggle in his hand.

“It’s a night vision goggle which I recently made. It helps you see clearly in the dark.” Stacy replied.

“Okay, where is the main power grid located?” Alfred asked.

“The main power grid is located at the back of the prison yard.” Stacy replied.

“Caesar, you go shut down the power grid and we’ll handle the rest.” Alfred instructed.

“Alright boss.” Caesar bowed, then he rushed off.

The prisoners stayed mute as they watched Alfred and his gang discussing.

A minute later, all the lights in the prison went off.

The prisoners were absorbed in fear as the whole place suddenly became dark.

“Get in position everyone.” Alfred commanded, then they all wore the night vision goggle on their face.

“Wow! This is cool!” Douglas exclaimed. They could all see clearly like they were in daytime.

“Shush!” Alfred hushed as he heard footsteps approaching their direction.

They all hid at different spots.

“What happened to the lights and where are the officers who are supposed to be here?” One the officers from the third floor, asked as they approached Alfred and his gang.

“Maybe they’ve gone to check what’s wrong with the power.” Another officer replied.

The officers were five in number and they had only a torch with them.

Alfred and his gang let the officers walk past their hiding spots, then Alfred signalled to Caesar and Rose.

Caesar and Rose got the signal, then they both attacked the five officers and killed them with ease.

“Let’s move upstairs.” Alfred said. He and his gang members climbed up the stairs which led to the third floor.

“There are ten officers remaining in the third floor.” Stacy informed.

Alfred and his gang got to the third floor and they sighted the ten officers at the far end of the hallway with torches in their hands.

There were also fifteen prison cells in the third floor.

“The shipment is locked in the last prison cell. And remember, there is an emergency button which must not be pressed.” The gang heard Stacy’s voice through their earbuds.

Alfred sighted a big red button on the wall, behind one of the security officers.

Alfred did a hand signal at Viper, then Viper threw a time bomb which rolled towards the officers.

“What’s that?” The officers said as they flashed their torches at the bomb.

“It’s a time bomb!” One of the officers shouted but it was too late. The bomb exploded and it killed seven of the officers.

Three officers survived the explosion with severe injuries.

One of the three officers limped towards the emergency button and was about to press it, but he was shot on his head by Douglas.

It now remained two officers. The two officers held their guns with shaky hands as Alfred and his gang approached them.

“Who are you people and what do you want?” One of the officers asked, with a borrowed courage. Fear was evident in the officer’s voice when he spoke.

“The answers to your questions are in hell and that’s where the both of you are going right now.” Alfred replied.

The two officers were shot by Douglas, immediately Alfred finished his statement. The sound of the gunshot woke the prisoners who were sleeping in their cells.

“Get the shipment in that cell.” Alfred commanded as he pointed at the last cell at the end of the hallway.

Caesar and Rose took two torches which fell from the officers. They both walked towards the cell where the shipment was locked. Caesar unlocked the for and he flashed the torch inside the cell.

Inside the cell were five small sized silver coloured boxes.

“I wonder what’s inside those boxes.” Douglas said as he watched Rose and Caesar, carrying the boxes out of the cell.

Alfred double tapped the earbud in his ear.

“Stacy, we’ve got the shipment. Prepare the van, we are coming out now.” Alfred said.

“Okay boss.” Stacy replied.

Caesar carried three boxes while Rose also carried the remaining two. The boxes felt weightless in their hands as they carried it.

Unknown to Alfred and his gang, one of the security officers who was shot by Douglas, was still breathing.

Although, the officer was badly injured but he still crawled silently on the floor, towards the wall which had the emergency button fixed on it.

The officer sat upright and rested his back on the wall, then he raised his right hand to the emergency button. His hand was able to reach the button, then he pressed it.

Red lights suddenly switched on and loud sounds of alarm started blaring inside the prison. Every door in the prison closed automatically and locked.

Alfred double tapped his earbud immediately, “Stacy! What the fuck is happening?” He asked, angrily.

“Oh my God!” Stacy exclaimed in shock, “Someone has just pressed the emergency button!! We’re fucked.”

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