The Mafia Contract Series

Chapter 35

I am dreading going home later. Just having to sit with Alessandro at the dinner table is giving me palpitations. I want him so much. How can I keep that from my brother? One look and he will know something’s up.

I can feel my situation weighing me down because what have I done? I’m no longer a virgin. I’ve sacrificed the only thing that’s keeping me alive – my virginity.

My heart starts racing as I think about what that could mean-for me.

Picturing my wedding night when my husband expects to see the evidence staining his sheets fills me with horror. I need to think this through because I’m guessing he wouldn’t think twice about taking a knife to my throat and draining the blood from me another way when he learns his collateral is damaged.

I feel so afraid because even though Alessandro assured me his grandfather would make it happen, I still don’t feel good about destroying his own dream of making movies. What have I done? I’m so selfish.

I don’t think I hear a word Miss. English says and as the bell rings, she says firmly, “Winter–a word.”

As the class files out, I remain behind, and she calls me forward to stand by her desk.

“Is everything ok?”

She looks concerned and just seeing her pretty smile and sparkling blue eyes remind me how starved I am of a female to look up to.

My lip trembles and she gasps, “Honey, what is it? You’re shaking. What happened?”

“It’s nothing, really.”

I glance around me nervously and she says with a sigh. “Come on. I know exactly what you need.”

She grabs her purse from her desk drawer and smiles. “A change of scene.”

I follow her, feeling a little confused and as we head outside, she points to the staff parking lot.

“We can head into town and grab a soda, my treat, and then you can tell me what’s bothering you.”

Her smart red sports car is gleaming in the sunlight and to be honest, I could use a change of scene, so I step inside gratefully and buckle up and am glad to see the back of Rockwell Academy for a few hours at least.

Just speeding through the countryside reminds me of normal life and I love seeing the trees and wildflowers dancing in the breeze. It’s as if the open-topped car is bathing my soul in balm as I let go of my problems and switch my mind off for a while.

Miss. English turns on the radio and the sweet country tunes of love and a simple life make me relax and after a while she says with a giggle. “This is fun, isn’t it? You know, Rockwell Academy can be hard to take sometimes.”

I nod. “You’ve got that right.”

She grins mischievously. “You know, honey, I’m not much older than you are and like to cut loose from time to time. I’m guessing you don’t have that same pleasure and I wonder if you fancy doing something a bit wild.”

“Like what?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know. Head to a bar, go dancing, get hit on by a couple of guys. We don’t have to be back until later; what do you say?”

It sounds so tempting and I feel myself relax knowing I’m safe with her and I smile. “Sure, it sounds like fun.”

We head toward the town and just before we hit the border, she says loudly, “I’m so stupid, sorry, do you mind?”


“I promised I’d deliver a parcel to someone, and it’s not far. Is that ok with you? It won’t take a minute, and then we can head into town.”

“Sure, no problem.”

To be honest, I don’t think anything of it because I wouldn’t care if she drove across State. I’m just enjoying my freedom away from the mess I’ve made, and she sighs with relief. “Thanks, honey, I’ll make it up to you.”

We listen to the radio and before long head past the trees to a track off the road. As we bump along it, I look ahead and see some huge steel gates opening as we approach.

“What is this place?”

I’m curious because it looks expensive, and she laughs. “A friend of mine owns it. Impressive, isn’t it?”RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

I look at the tree-lined driveway and see a huge mansion house in the distance all white and gleaming, looking like new.

“It’s amazing. How do you know them?” I’m curious about where we’re going, and she says lightly.

“We met a few years back when I was in college. Not far from here, actually, and I work for them on the odd occasion. It’s all good and pays to have rich friends.”

She pats the steering wheel. “Take this sweet baby. Not afforded on a teacher’s pay, that’s for sure. I do the odd favor for my friend, and he pays me well above the minimum wage limit.”

“What do you do?”

I wonder if she does private tutoring. It would certainly make sense, and she smiles. “Oh, this and that, nothing too taxing.”

We stop outside and she smiles. “Come and meet him; you’ll get along really well.”

I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea. I’ve always been told to never trust strangers and if my father could see me now, he would be mad with rage. Maybe that’s why I just smile and reach for the door handle. “Great, if you’re sure he won’t mind.”

We head toward the huge wooden door, and she rings the bell, then we hear footsteps approaching. The door swings open, and a uniformed maid looks at us with interest.

“We’re here to see the boss.” Miss. English smiles and the woman nods and says politely, “Of course. Please come in.”

As we step inside, I look around with interest and take in the expensive interior of a house that has everything in its place. It’s pleasant enough; a little too ornate for my own tastes, but as we follow the woman into a large light-filled room, I wonder what this man does to earn a living.

The door closes behind us and Miss. English looks at her watch. “This shouldn’t take long.”

It suddenly strikes me that she’s forgotten to bring the parcel in, and I whisper, “You’ve forgotten the parcel.”

She rolls her eyes and laughs out loud. “I’m so stupid. Wait there, I’ll go and fetch it.”

As she heads out, I feel a little uncomfortable because now I’m alone, it feels wrong being here.

The time passes and after about ten minutes, I start feeling nervous.

Where is she?

Another ten minutes pass and I decide to go and look for her but when I try the door, it won’t budge.

I shake it and hope it’s just stuck, but there’s no moving it and then I hear a low husky voice say from across the room, “Hello, Winter.”

Spinning around, I see a man who looks as old as my father and just as sinister. My heart sinks as I sense I’ve walked into something I’m not going to like and I say nervously, “I’m sorry, Miss. English is…” “Gone.”

He nods toward a chair and says smoothly, “Sit.”

My legs shake as I do as he says and as he crosses the room, he steps into the light, and I take a look at a man who drives blades against my nerves and causes me to break out in a sweat. I know this man. Massimo Delauren, a friend of my father’s and his reputation is not a good one. Rich, powerful and fucked-up and he is looking at me as if I’m his next meal.

“You have grown into a beautiful woman. I am pleased.”

“What do you want?” I’m guessing I know already, and he laughs. “I want you, Winter. I always have, and your father has made a deal to deliver you to me.”

“He never told me about this deal. I want to see him.”

I sound brave, but inside I’m shaking, and he grins, revealing a perfect set of veneers. Despite his smart clothes and designer smile, he is still the ugliest man I have ever seen. His gray hair that’s thinning on top and his slight paunch revolt me to the point I feel like hurling on his pure white carpet.

“Let me tell you a story, my dear. From the moment you were born, your father promised you to me. A wife in waiting and the most valuable asset he owns. As soon as you graduated, you would be mine. The prize in my collection and my finest treasure.”

His eyes flash as he devours me with one sadistic look and says, “My wife, who I will adore. Show the world how lucky I am to have the best. My little pet, who I will look after and keep safe, and in return I granted your father my support in his business. An ally of the most influential kind who will keep his enemies away. A brilliant plan that satisfies all involved and now I have run out of patience.

I squirm on my seat and look for a chance to run because fuck this, I’m getting out of here and losing myself for good. Anything but this and as he reaches out and strokes my head like a pet dog, he exhales and closes his eyes as if enjoying a personal moment.

“I won’t do it.” I shatter his perfect moment, but he just laughs again. “I thought you’d say that. In fact, I hoped you would, so come with me and let me show you why you really have no choice in the matter.”

Nervously, I stand and ignoring his outstretched hand, I walk beside him to the door he came through that leads into a corridor that’s way darker than the rest of the rooms. It feels cold and oppressive, and I shiver as he laughs like a twisted demon.

“Come, I have something extremely delicious to show you.”

We head down some stone steps set into the wall and the air turns cooler and darker and I falter a little. “I’m not…” Reaching out, he grabs my hand and growls, “You have no choice.”

We reach the bottom step, and he pulls me roughly along with him, and I already know I’m powerless against him. He’s too strong, so I must keep my cool and work out an escape plan.

He reaches what appears to be a cell door and his fingerprint opens it and when he switches on the light, I feel my heart thumping wildly and swallow the bile rising in my throat because I know that guy and it’s not looking good.

“Here’s my latest toy, Winter. I believe you may recognize him.”

I can’t look and Massimo says roughly, “Look at him.”

He twists my head, forcing me to look at Emma’s new boyfriend, Corey, stripped naked and chained to the wall. He looks terrified and blue from cold and his large, frightened eyes stare at me with hope that I can help him in some way.

Massimo slams the door behind us and heads toward him and I feel sick as he runs his hands down his body and gently strokes his cock. Corey looks as if he’s going to be sick and Massimo purrs, “My beautiful boy; a very welcome addition to my collection.”

“Your collection?” My voice sounds as weak as I feel inside, and he nods.

“Yes, I have several toys like this one that I play with from time to time.

Mainly in my homes around the country, a few here, a few there. This is the third one I’ve had from Miss. English. She’s such a good friend.”

“Miss. English!” I feel sick as he nods. “Yes, the perfect agent for my needs. She delivers me fresh toys and I pay her well. A mutually beneficial arrangement and one I’m keen to continue.”

He smiles with the twisted look of a predator and sighs as he presses his lips to Corey’s who struggles as Massimo groans with longing. Then he stands and heads toward me and I back against the door, hoping I can get the hell out of here. “You see, my darling wife, I’m not interested in you sexually. I prefer boys. But I need a figurehead. Someone who plays the part and looks the part. Someone I can play with in another way. A perfect doll for me to dress and style their hair. My little china doll, who I will always treasure.”

“I said no! You disgust me, so you may as well kill me now, you sick bastard.”

He strikes me hard across the face and as my head snaps back, it hits the wall behind me, making me dizzy and he says almost apologetically, “Now you’ve made me spoil the goods. Naughty girls need to be punished, and you will soon learn that you have no choice.”

He grabs me roughly and pulls me from the room, leaving Corey tied to the wall, shaking in fright. He opens the door of a cell next door and I blink when I see a very different set up. This one is painted white and padded everywhere. There’s a huge white cage set in the center, decorated with roses, with a small swing hanging from the roof bars. In one swift move, he pushes me inside and locks the door, saying happily, “Welcome to your new cage, little bird. Say hi to your new home until you agree to my terms.”

“And if I don’t?” I try to get my breathing under control, and he laughs almost with pleasure.

“Then the next boy you see chained to the wall next door will be your brother. Once I have used him for my own pleasure and then cut him into pieces, he will be replaced by each of his friends. Their fate is in your hands, my dear wife. Become my perfect doll and they will be spared. Resist me and they will end up like your young friend next door.”

He turns to leave, and I say quickly, “If I agree, will you set Corey free?”

He almost looks amused. “But where’s the fun in that, my darling? No, you may listen to his screams to remind you what happens when you think you have a choice. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.

Enjoy your stay and if you agree to be my wife, then you will be treated like a queen and spared from witnessing my hobby first-hand.”

He turns and the door slams behind him and I feel my legs shake with fear. How has this happened? What the fuck has my father agreed to and, more importantly, what the hell am I going to do about this?

The screams from the next cell tear my heart in two. The sound of it is like a knife slashing me a thousand times. The begging and the cries of pain ring through my ears as I imagine the worst for Emma’s guy. It must go on for hours and then it goes silent and the only sound I hear are my own sobs of terror. Just imagining any one of the guys dragged here and suffering the same fate makes my decision for me and then Baron’s words come back to me when I need them most.

‘Be smart, take it all in, learn how to survive and always look for their weakness because there always is one. Then use that to your advantage to get what you want.’ I will bide my time and work out my plan and when he is at his weakest point, I will kill Massimo Delauren and make it slow, painful and final.

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