The Mafia Contract Series

Book 5 —C25


I almost have to run to catch up with him, and as Alessandro strides as far away from the terrace as he can, I cast my mind back on an extremely uncomfortable meal. It was as if I was a cuckoo in the nest and I detested every minute of it. I understood immediately what Alessandro’s grandparents were doing, and I hated them for it.

As we turn the corner, I’m surprised when Alessandro pushes me roughly against the wall and wastes no time in kissing me like a man on his way to the gallows. I’m guessing he feels that way and so I return the kiss with every ounce of emotion I have.

The passion is raging between us, and it’s taken me by surprise a little. Why do I crave him so much? It’s as if this kiss is a long time coming and I’m convinced if we were alone in a bedroom, we would both be naked by now. It’s as if he possesses every fiber in my body and fills my heart with his image, scent, and mind. Alessandro Majerio owns me, and I think he always has.

He breaks away and my lips feel fuller, swollen even, and yet the taste of him on them is the sweetest one in the world. I am so happy, and I’m surprised when he growls, “It’s time to end this shit.”

“What do you mean?”

I’m a little worried about that and he sighs heavily.

“I always believed the hardest part would be to bring you back to me. Unharmed and willing to pick up where we left off.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“But that happened. I’m here and I want this. I want you.”

He strokes my face lightly and stares deep into my eyes and whispers huskily, “I want the whole of you, baby. I want the woman I fell in love with, and I want the innocent girl who dreamed of love. I want to give that to you, but there is something standing in our way.”

“What?” I’m almost fearful of his answer and he growls, “Your husband.”

“But he can’t hurt me now. You told me he is as good as dead.”

He touches my lips lightly with his and it calms me in a heartbeat and then he whispers, “He may be able to help us.”

“I don’t understand.”

He pulls me close and kisses my forehead lightly. “You have lost your memory. It’s hurting you; I can tell that.”

I nod, a lone tear splashing onto his fingers as my voice breaks. “I only know what you tell me. I have feelings that are guiding me, but there is something I’m missing that’s making me on edge. It’s as if I need to see the whole picture to be truly happy again. I have a great fear of being punished and I’m worried about that. Is there someone coming for me I have forgotten about? Was it really my husband, or somebody else? I kind of think there is another person involved in my story, and I’m scared, Alessandro.”

“Do you trust me, baby?”

He strokes my face so tenderly my lip trembles as I nod. “Of course.”

“Then I have someone I would like you to meet. The person who may just light the spark that brings your memory back.”


“Your husband.”

I stare at him in shock, and he looks so angry I wonder if this was a good idea. Suddenly, I’m afraid-really afraid. It’s as if a huge bolder is heading down a mountain toward us, increasing in strength, ready to crush us to death.

I’m having a panic attack, I must be and only Alessandro’s calm words keep me from screaming.

“I’ve got you, baby. He can’t hurt you now, but he may be the key that will unlock your mind.”

“I don’t think…” I’m struggling to breathe as an unknown force presses down, trapping the air inside my lungs. I’m drowning in fear and yet Alessandro holds me close and provides comfort as only he can, and I understand this is a meeting that needs to happen.

I take a deep breath and say tentatively, “Ok.”

“You agree.”

He sounds proud and I stare up at him in surprise.

“There she is.” He strokes my face lightly and I shiver with need as he says gruffly, “The girl who always stood up for herself. She didn’t back down and took no shit. You are the bravest woman I have ever met, and that bravery will get you through this.”

“I disagree.” My voice shakes as I say wretchedly, “I am weak. I may have been brave once, but that’s been torn away from me, leaving only the jagged edges. I’m only prepared to face him with you beside me. That doesn’t make me brave, Alessandro.”

“Bullshit, baby.” He winks, which makes me smile.

“Winter Sontauro is a fighter and that fight back begins now. We both have our battles, and we will face them together.”

He twists my fingers in his and raises them to his lips, staring deep into my eyes the entire time, giving me the strength to get through this, and with a hardening resolve, I nod.

“Then let’s go.”

We walk silently, side by side, and I’m surprised when he stops by a buggy and helps me inside.

“It’s not far, but too far to walk in the heat of the sun.” He smiles his encouragement, and I try desperately to calm my frantic heart.

As we set off away from the main house, something about this seems familiar. It’s almost as I was brought up knowing places like this existed. I’m guessing my own childhood home was much the same as the memory of what happened near to the orchard that day comes back to haunt me.

I sigh and Alessandro says quickly, “What?”

“I’m just wondering if all my memories are bad ones.”

He shakes his head and says with a wink. “Not all of them, I hope.”

My face is on fire because I’m guessing we shared more than just one kiss back at Rockwell and I’m even more surprised to discover that I want to make new ones, today if possible.

The cart stops at a building that on the outside looks like a smaller version of the mansion we came from. However, as soon as we step inside, I can tell this is no home. It’s purely business in every way.

Alessandro nods to the guard on duty who peers at us with a curious expression and as I follow him down the dark corridor, my heart starts thumping with fear. What will I find? Will my husband be beaten, in pain, unrecognizable? Will he be angry with me? Does he have any power here? We stop outside a steel door and Alessandro places his hands on my shoulders and looks worried.

“If it’s too much, we’ll walk away. Angelo made me promise not to bring you here, but well, I’m doing it for all the right reasons.”

“I know that.” I take a deep breath. “I want to remember. I need to remember and if this helps that happen, I would be a fool not to try.”

Dropping a light kiss on my lips, he rests his head against mine and whispers, “Then prepare to conquer your demons, baby.”

The door opens and we head inside, and I blink at the sterile space that’s a little familiar somehow. I’m guessing it’s because of the hospital, which is exactly what this appears to be.

White marbled floors are clean and there is a strong scent of antiseptic in the air, but I’m more surprised to see the wheelchair placed in the center of the room where a slumped figure lies.

“Is that him?” I whisper, holding onto Alessandro’s hand so tightly it must hurt, and he nods.

“Massimo Delauren. Once powerful Mafia Don brought to his knees and locked in a living hell.”

“What happened?” I blink in surprise and Alessandro laughs softly and pulls me closer.

The man doesn’t even move, as Alessandro says loudly, “We set up a meeting in a restaurant to rescue you. We had planned it down to the very last detail. My grandfather had paid all of Massimo’s men off and they had agreed to switch their loyalty to him.”

He laughs out loud. “Not that Massimo knew, of course. He thought he had the upper hand as always and believed we were walking into an ambush. But we were never going to take a chance with you. Whatever happened that day, you were coming back with us, and Massimo would leave Scarpetta in a body bag. I was hidden from his view with my gun trained on his head and as soon as the diversion arrived, I was to take him out.”

He laughs and circles the body of a living corpse and shakes his head. “Then everything changed. Just before I pulled the trigger, you stepped into the line of fire. Before anyone registered what was happening, you injected him with something that obviously terrified the shit out of him.”

“It was me?” My eyes are wide as I look at the man I brought to his knees and Alessandro nods. “He fell and took you down with him, which is why you hit you head. So, it was you who brought the great Massimo Delauren down and I’m guessing it was an act of desperation to set you free from a mad man.”

I inch a little closer and stare at the man who appears so defenseless now. “But he’s so old.” I curl my lip in disgust and Alessandro spits, “You can thank your father for that. He promised you to his friend, and you never got a say in the matter. He kept you locked in his mansion and made you his wife before we even knew you had gone.”

I stare at the man in front of me and watch a flicker of emotion spark in his eye, telling me he recognizes me. I stare a little closer, looking for a sign that I remember anything about him at all, but all I feel is revulsion that this man called himself my husband.

The more I stare, the braver I am, and something stirs deep inside that is growing.

Alessandro stands beside me and takes my hand and I whisper, “You say I’m this man’s wife.”

“I’m afraid so baby, but Angelo is arranging the divorce as we speak.”

“I don’t need a divorce, Alessandro.”

His hand tightens on mine, and he says gruffly, “What do you mean?”

I peer into the crazed eyes of a stranger and one thing is as definite as I’m standing here. One memory is returning and far from being a bad one, it’s one that fills my heart with relief.

Turning to Alessandro, I say with determination.

“I don’t need a divorce because we never married in the first place and I can state as fact that I have never had sex with this man in my life.”

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