The Mafia Contract Series

Book 5 —C23


It’s strange saying farewell to my brother and his wife after recently discovering them again.

As we stand in the courtyard, it hasn’t escaped me that one important person is missing. Angelo tried to call him but his phone cut straight to voicemail and as their cars that are taking them to the airfield roll to a stop, I glance around me nervously because what if he’s gone? What will I do then? Perhaps I should leave and recuperate with people who actually appear to care for me.

As the final bag is placed in the trunk, I observe Angelo shake Don Majerio’s hand and thank him for everything. Jasmine steps forward and hugs me hard, whispering, “Call if it gets too much. Angelo will come and get you; you only have to say the word.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Do you think Alessandro will come back?”

I whisper, and she nods, smiling through her anxious frown.

“Of course, he will come back.”

As she says the words, she looks past me, and her expression relaxes as she smiles. “In fact, if I’m not mistaken, he already did.”

As I turn, my heart goes into freefall when I see him step into the light of the courtyard, freshly showered with his hair slicked back and his black shades on. He looks strong and brooding, his tight t-shirt barely containing the rippling muscles that are struggling to be set free and the ink on his biceps make me weak at the knees.

My man, I know he is and as he comes to stand beside me, Jasmine moves away. He leans down and whispers huskily, “I’m sorry for walking out on you, baby. It won’t happen again.”

His fingers lace with mine and he tugs me gently to his side and as Angelo approaches us, he throws Alessandro a hard stare. “Are you good?”

“I’m good.”

“And your problem?”

“What problem?”

I don’t even begin to understand what they are talking about, but the tears well in my eyes when Angelo steps toward him and they hug it out as only the best of friends can do. The emotion is tangible and even Jasmine can’t tear her eyes away and I hear Angelo whisper, “Look after my girl.”

“I always will.” Alessandro replies.

For some reason, I know I am meant to be standing here by Alessandro’s side, watching my brother leave with his wife. It’s as if this scene was always meant to happen and I’m not second guessing my decision at all. I wish I could shake the uneasiness I have that follows me around like an Angel on my shoulder, whispering that I will never be happy until I remember something important from my past.

Angelo leaves me until last and my tears fall as he takes me in his arms and buries his face in my hair. His hand wraps around the back of my head and pulls me in close, and I love how secure he makes me feel.

As he kisses the top of my head, he sighs heavily and whispers, “I hate leaving you for a second, but I have business that won’t wait another day. I will always be here for you, Winter. I always have been, and you only have to say the word and I will come and get you, night or day. Whenever you need me, I will make it back to your side.”

He pulls away and stares past me and I can almost touch the intensity of the exchange between the two friends even though I can’t see it and Angelo says with a deep voice that means business, “Take care of her. I’m relying on you.”

“You don’t have to ask.” Alessandro sounds emotional, which shows me how close they are.

With one last kiss, Angelo and Jasmine step into the middle car and, as the doors close, it immediately pulls away.

As the car disappears down the long driveway, it tears my heart in two and as Alessandro’s hand finds mine, I register that we are now alone. The rest of the family has disappeared inside, and I wonder what happens next on this incredible journey.

He spins me around to face him and I almost step back at the emotion in his eyes as he pulls me against his chest and, leaning down, whispers, “Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For staying.”

“I couldn’t leave.” As I pull away, I stare up the magnificent beast before me and say shyly, “I may not remember loving you, Alessandro but I feel it.”

I reach up and cup his cheek and love how he leans into it and his eyes close for the briefest second as I say softly,

“I love you, Alessandro. It’s not a memory, it’s part of my soul and imagining walking away from you caused me the greatest pain, and there was never any doubt that I would stay to fight for you.”

“To fight?”

He looks confused, and I inject a little steel into my voice. “Your family doesn’t want me here, that’s pretty obvious, but I believe you do and that’s all that matters. They think I’m soiled goods, well who the fuck cares about that? I don’t and I’m guessing neither do you. I will stand by your side and fight them all if it makes you happy because I owe you a lot more than my grateful thanks for rescuing me from something my heart tells me was wrong. Perhaps the memory will come back, and I’ll see my past clearly, but I already belong with you, nobody else. So…”

I take a deep breath and lay my heart on the line and say with a smile, “I love you Alessandro Majerio and I will do everything I can to make things work between us. However you want that to be.”

Before the last word even leaves my lips, he captures it in his and as his strong hand snakes around the back of my head and he grinds his lips to mine, it’s as if I have traveled a long and weary road and I finally made it home.

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