The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C2

One month later

Roberto is on edge. Just the nervous tick in his jaw and the fact his eyes can’t stay still for a second tells me that, so I say reassuringly. “It’s fine. I know these guys.”

“You think you do.”

I forgive him for talking back because I know he’s suspicious. He doesn’t think my plan will work and I’m wondering just how much longer I’ll keep him by my side. Roberto is fast approaching his use-by date, and I need a more loyal soldier by my side of my own choosing-not my father’s.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s proven invaluable in the weeks since my father got his reward that’s been a long time coming. His only crime is that he thinks I’m not up to the job–yet anyway and feels he should warn me about my decisions every second of the day.

“Relax, Roberto, grab a drink, screw a whore, do anything to chill because, as I said before, I know these people and we need them. You know that.”

“Something feels off.”

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I say with a deep, “Then let’s get this over with.”

“Are you sure, Don Sontauro?”

“Perfectly. You may show them in and leave.”

The distaste on his face gives me a moment’s pleasure and then the resignation sets in. I’m guessing he’s accepted that if things go wrong, at least he warned me. Not that I care because if that was the case, none of us would be alive to tell the tale, but I know something he doesn’t-this has all been a plan that has been years in the making and I trust these people more than any other. They are my family now, but as I said, he doesn’t need to know that and as the door closes softly behind him, I reach for the whiskey that has become my only friend.

We are at the meeting point in Canada. Neutral territory in the middle of nowhere. Mountain ranges surround us and the only way in is by air. A small airstrip brings my guests and as strategic headquarters go, this one is perfect.

The house is set in a clearing with visibility for several kilometers. Nobody can hide before being detected by the surveillance cameras and human eyes set all around like a modern fort.

Security is tighter than normal but only for appearances because today is the first time we have been together since we shared a house at Rockwell Academy. Five men, all with one shared goal:

bring down our families and save my sister. I have started the proverbial ball rolling, and now it’s up to my friends to play their part.

The first one through the door is Malik, which doesn’t surprise me. He has flown in from Dubai and as his eyes find mine, I see the darkness has only deepened in them.

“Don Angelo.”

Roberto steps aside so he can pass, and Malik holds out his hand in a guarded greeting-for Roberto’s benefit mainly.

Nodding to my consigliere, I wait until he closes the door and then grin, so happy to see my closest friend. If anything, I feel emotional and Malik nods, his lips twisted in derision as his eyes dance with the devil inside them.

“Did you miss me?”

He whispers as he clasps me to him in a bear hug and I’m not surprised to find that I did. The relief at seeing a friendly face at last surprises me because I wasn’t expecting this. Emotion.

I have trained myself to avoid it this past year since leaving Rockwell Academy and taking up my position as heir to the bloodied throne, but seeing Malik now reminds me of what we had back then.

Loyalty, trust, friendship and, dare I say it, love.

I hand him a tumbler of whiskey and his fingers curl around it as he nods in appreciation, the amber liquid catching the light as he chucks it down in one.

“Fuck me, I needed that. I’ve been drier than a nun’s pussy these past few months playing the loyal dutiful son and it feels so good to be myself again.”

“Not long now, my friend.”

Malik sighs. “I hope so for my mental health.”

“You don’t have any mental health. Yours was fucked years ago.”

He laughs softly as I refill his glass and then the door opens and my heart lifts as Roberto shows in a man who always steals my breath, courtesy of the chaos that surrounds him.

“Talking of mental health.” Malik whispers in a low, deadly voice and I bite back the grin as the most insane man I have ever met strides into the room as if he owns it.


His husky voice wraps around my soul and crushes it, and I hate how much these men are affecting me. I missed them. So much. My brothers in arms who have shared so much with me are here to celebrate that phase one of the plan is complete. Now it’s time to discuss phase two and as Flynn reaches us and Roberto leaves, a shit-eating grin stretches across his lips as he jerks his head behind him and says pleasantly, “Do I get the pleasure of removing that stick up his ass and beating him to death with it?”

Malik’s eyes gleam as we share an amused grin and protocol aside, we both pull Flynn in for a hug before he can object.

“Guys, please, I know you missed me.” He pretends to pull away, but I see the emotion in his eyes.

Like all of us, Flynn has endured a hard year of tuition and it’s not the kind they teach at Rockwell Academy.

He takes the bottle of whiskey and unscrews the cap, chugging down several mouthfuls like the heathen he is.

“May I offer you a glass?” I roll my eyes and he shrugs, “Nah, this works for me.”

We huddle by the fireplace where a huge fire roars, keeping the chill off a room that has none. We are dressed for dinner because we have one important guest who should be arriving within the hour, and I wonder if his delivery has arrived.

“Are they here?” Malik voices the words we are all thinking, and I shake my head. “His plane is in the air. They have offloaded the luggage and are on their way. I’m guessing within the hour.”

Flynn’s eyes glitter with excitement. “I’m interested to see him.”

“Me too.” We all agree on that because until Alessandro is here with an angel to sacrifice, I can’t breathe easy.

Once again, the door opens, and Roberto shows a man into the room that demands attention just from his appearance alone. Flynn nudges me and I maintain a stony expression because it’s unusual to see Ivan dressed in a smart suit. Our Bratva friend is more at home in the fighting ring because his name The Savage is well deserved. Malik is the Demon, Flynn the Angel, and I am the Boss. All we need is Alessandro, The Beast, and our family will be reunited.

“Gentlemen.” Ivan strides into the room as if impatient to get started. Of of all of us, he is the one who is resigned to this life and is just along for the ride. A lover of violence and everything that accompanies it, he is the most well suited to the living hell we have fallen into.

Looking past him, I say curtly, “Roberto, arrange another bottle of whiskey for our guests.”

Roberto nods, but I can tell he is uneasy. Hell, I would be uneasy at the menace in this room, but I can’t help that. He is right to be concerned though because we are plotting the end of life as we all know it. We are generals meeting to discuss a devastating war. Mafia wars and it’s been a long time coming.

“You’re a fucking sadist, Angelo.” Ivan tugs at his collar and looks uncomfortable in his smart suit.

Flynn laughs out loud. “Then strip. We wouldn’t give a fuck; we’ve seen it all before.”

“I may just do that.”

“Later, Ivan, we have an evening of madness to get through first.”

Ivan groans and as Roberto returns with two more bottles of whiskey, I say shortly, “Show them in.”All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

He places the bottles on the side and retreats, hating his new position as butler to my guests. A role he wasn’t happy about taking on, but I convinced him it would look more natural this way. I needed his protection and if any of my guests stepped out of line, he would be there to deal with them.

Despite the fact it’s all make-believe and not one of my friends holds a threat to me, I don’t want word to get out about that, so I need him to think this is business and nothing else.

The door opens once again and four terrified women enter, their eyes wide, looking exactly as ordered. Four blondes with curves in all the right places and despairing looks on their faces as they sense an evening none of them are going to enjoy.

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