The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 33

Adonis drove painfully slowly, or maybe it was because I was impatient and wanted to know what the

hell was going on.

When he finally decided to pull into the palace, both our heads whipped around at the same time. Panic

was on our faces as we both smelled an overwhelming amount of blood.

Without wasting any time, we both jumped out of the car and rushed toward the palace. It seemed as

though these were Bradley’s lycans. The beautiful gardens of the palace were now stained with blood.

My gaze found my family, who were bravely fighting against the lycans. It was a bloodbath, one that

needed to end now, before any more of our fighters died. I couldn’t give a damn about the others.

“Enough,” Adonis shouted, causing everyone to stop fighting.(This novel will be daily updtaed at The power of the king; you couldn’t deny him.

“Your leader has been caught, your game is over. Stop this fighting and we may offer you mercy,”

Adonis announced.

“We fight to the death,” one lycan yelled and gained support from the others.

They resumed fighting, and Adonis growled.

“So be it.”

Adonis turned to Gabe, who was standing there ready to fight, but Adonis shook his head.

“Take those two down to the cells, we don’t want these idiots trying to

free them while we fight.”

Gabe nodded and took a few guards with him. Both Adonis and I turned to each other and smirked.

My lycan was eager to show these fuckers who they messed with. Without wasting another second, I

let my lycan take over.

My gaze snapped over to a lycan who was getting a good hold on Carter’s wolf. I growled and ran

toward them.

Reaching for the guy’s hair, I pulled him back and stood on his neck. He clawed at me but to no avail.

His head was torn off by Lexi.

I turned back around to see Carter’s wolf, who was hurt, but luckily it wasn’t too bad.

My family would not be hurt in this battle, not on my watch.(This novel will be daily updtaed at I picked up Carter’s wolf and rushed him inside to safety. He limped over to a quiet

place before shifting back and limping out.

Luckily my lycan had calmed down, and Carter smiled at me.

“Wow, my Smiley have changed so much. Look at you, all confident and strong.”

“Why thank you. It was the perfect opportunity to show off my new skills.” I winked.

Carter laughed and replied, “I guess you better get back out there.”

Sighing, I nodded.

“You stay here. Don’t do anything stupid and wait for help. (This novel will be daily updtaed at do not doubt that Diya will come running in soon,” I warned him.

A smile made its way onto his face. “Yeah, I know she will.”

“So in love.” I laughed.

“Shut up and go to your mate.” Carter rolled his eyes.

Grinning, I left Carter in the pack house. Diya rushed past me, clearly only having eyes for her injured


“Aarya!” Adonis shouted.

A crazed lycan headed straight for me, but before I could do anything, a familiar figure stood in front of

me and ripped the head off the lycan.

Damien turned around and raised his eyebrows. “Where were you, lost?”

“Aarya, what the hell? He could have seriously hurt you.(This novel will be daily updtaed at” Adonis rushed over, his eyes checking me for injuries.

“Sorry,” I replied sheepishly.

Damien just looked at me in amusement, while Adonis shook his head.

“It’s time to end this, Brother,” Damien told Adonis, who nodded in agreement.

Both brothers looked amazing as they plowed through lycans, their lifeless bodies dropping to the floor

like flies.

When it was all over, Adonis looked at my family and said, “Head inside with the others. We have some

business to attend to.”

They all nodded, and Zoya squeezed my hand for support. Niya and Lexi both came with us as we

made our way to the cells.

My heart broke for the poor fighters we lost today. The magnificent gardens now swimming in blood, it

wasn’t a nice sight.

“Hey, you were meant to explain Gabe’s double agent role to me.” I stopped Adonis in his tracks.

He just moved me to one side while muttering, “Later.”

I scoffed and stood in front of him. “Later my ass. Tell me now.”

He opened his mouth to refuse, but I put my hands on my hips and glared at him. (This novel will be

daily updtaed at wanted to know now, before Adonis sweeps it under the rug and

never tells me. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Damien snickered, causing Adonis to give him a dirty look.

“Fine, don’t tell me. No sex for a month.” I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk away, leaving

Adonis standing there in shock.

I knew the no sex ban would affect him more than me. Of course, I was proven right by Adonis pulling

me back and replying, “I’ll tell you while we walk.”

Satisfied, I nodded, which made the others laugh.

“She’s got you wrapped around her finger, Brother.” Damien laughed.

“Wait till you get your mate. It isn’t easy to deny her.” Adonis sighed.

At that, Damien became silent and smiled sadly. It was clear he longed for his mate, but he never

showed it.

“You know that Gabe overheard Savanah talking to Bradley. (This novel will be daily updtaed at decided to make Savanah believe he also hated me. Only after she believed him

did he come and tell me, and we made a plan.

“Gabe pretended to hate me while gathering intel. But he had to gain their trust, which meant helping

them with their dirty plans.

“He knew nothing about the little girl, but with my permission, he drugged you. Gabe felt extremely

guilty after that incident and was going to confront Bradley

“I stopped him. We were so close to our end goal. After much persuasion on my part and Lexi’s, Gabe

finally calmed down.


was so

“I knew our patience would pay off. Especially since Bradley was so wrapped up in his own damn

world,” Adonis explained.

“Wow,” was all I managed to say.

Such an elaborate plan, but I knew nothing about it. I opened my mouth to ask why I didn’t know but

then closed it again.

Thinking about it, Adonis did the right thing because the fewer people who knew, the better. (This novel

will be daily updtaed at ate me alive as I realized that I was rude to Gabe,

thinking he had betrayed Adonis.

“King Adonis Dimitri Grey.” A voice broke me out of my thought process.

Adonis stopped dead in his tracks and growled. Even Damien tensed up.

Who the fuck was it? I turned around to see a middle-aged man with grey hair walking toward us with a

smirk on his face.

In his hand was a piece of paper that he was proudly holding like it was some trophy. (This novel will be

daily updtaed at tensed considerably, causing me to glare at this man.

“After much deliberation, the council and I have decided it is time for you to step down from the throne,”

this man said.

Oh, he was from the council. Should have recognized his awful voice.

“You have? For what reason, may I ask?” Adonis seemed very calm.

“Look at the state of your palace, and you still haven’t captured the man responsible. I know we gave

you a time limit, but he really should have been captured by now. If you can’t handle that, then how can

you be responsible for all the innocent lives?”

This man was getting on my nerves.

Before Adonis could reply, I made my way to the front and glared at this idiot.

“You’re acting like other packs haven’t had wars before? I’m sure this isn’t the first time you are seeing

the aftermath of a battle.”

He didn’t look too pleased with my answer. “I was talking to the king.”

“Well, I’m the queen. So, whatever you say to my mate, you say to me.” I fake smiled.

He huffed and opened his mouth, but I stopped him. “Before any more rubbish comes out of that mouth

of yours, I would like to educate you on a few very important points.

“Firstly, you should think before you open that mouth of yours. Adonis has captured the culprit and we

were actually heading over there right now, before you rudely interrupted us.

“Secondly, you think that some paper with a few signatures is really going to remove Adonis from the

throne? You’re just proving how dumb you can be

“When the people love him, what are a few stupid signatures from a few old men who are just jealous?

(This novel will be daily updtaed at Lastly, the biggest mistake you will ever make is

thinking Adonis to be weak

“When he has me and his family supporting him, he will never be weak. Now, I think you know to fuck

off. We have better things to be doing.”

This man’s jaw dropped to the ground while Adonis wrapped his hand around my waist and smiled

down at me, his love shining through his eyes.

“You heard my queen. Fuck off,” Adonis told the councilman.

“I think this is useless.” Damien walked over and grabbed the piece of paper right out of his hands

before tearing it into small pieces.

Without waiting, we walked away.

“Oh, that was priceless. I wish I had my phone to take a picture of that bastard’s face.” Evan laughed.

“Who knew you had it in you?” Damien smirked at me.

“I knew. She’s my little spitfire.” Adonis smiled at me.

“Well, I had to say something. He was pissing me off.” I rolled my eyes.

“You’re incredibly strong. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,” Damien told me.

I smiled at him while Adonis held my hand.

We made our way to the cells; the atmosphere changed. Evan clutched Niya’s hand, probably for the


Adonis and I both looked at each other before walking in. Bradley and Savanah were both conscious

now. While Savanah looked distressed, Bradley looked calm.

Gabe came over and shook his head. “He hasn’t said anything.”

I looked over at Bradley, who had a small smirk on his face. Bastard still thought he had the upper

hand. Luke stood solemnly in the corner, his hard gaze focused on his older brother.

Sophia was nowhere to be seen. She was probably resting, and I doubt Luke would have wanted her in

front of Bradley again.

“Silent treatment huh? You do realize that all your men are dead. You have no one to help you,” Adonis


Bradley kept his composure, but I saw the fear in his eyes. It was only for a split second, but it was

there. He was just pretending to be calm; he was freaking out inside.

“I could still kill your mate. Just one snap of her neck and her lifeless body will be lying by your feet,”

Bradley replied.

Damien and Adonis growled at him, causing Bradley to smirk. He just wanted a reaction, and he got


Bradley stood up and walked toward the bars, taunting Adonis. “I could wrap my hands around her little

neck in one movement.”

Adonis was breathing heavily now, his lycan close to taking control. Looking at Bradley, I realized why

he was taunting Adonis.

If Adonis lost control, he’d break Bradley out of his cell to finish him, and Bradley planned to gain the

upper hand.

He could get away if he threatened to kill me or anyone else. Nice try, smart ass, nice try.

I walked over to Adonis and placed my hand on his chest.

“Don’t let this pathetic man’s words get to you. He wants you to get angry.

Adonis grabbed my hand like it was his lifeline. This time it was my turn.

“You think you are so smart, but guess what, I’m smarter. While you just use your mate to execute your

plans, my mate treats me like his equal. That is why you’ve lost, because you underestimated us.

Adonis is king for good fucking reason and looks like you’ve just found that out.”

Bradley growled, “Come closer and let me show you who is stronger.”

I laughed and turned to Gabe. “Bring her out.”

Gabe nodded and brought out Savanah, who was struggling but to no avail.

I saw Bradley’s eyes narrow in confusion, and I smirked.

“Since you’re so dead set on killing me, I think it’s only fair that Adonis kill your mate,” I said.

“I think a lady should kill a lady. Oh wait, I mean a bitch.” I looked at Savanah.

Panic settled in her eyes, and she struggled against Gabe’s grip.

“Ha. As if I believe you will actually kill my mate. You don’t have it in you,” Bradley scoffed.

“Bradley, you’ve gotta help me. Don’t let me die,” Savanah wailed.

“Babe, she is bluffing. As if she will kill you. It’s just her plan to get a reaction out of me.” Bradley


Bluffing? Me? My lycan was angry at the disrespect, and so was I. This bastard was underestimating

me, and I did not like that.

Growling, I grabbed Savanah out of Gabe’s grip and pushed her toward Bradley’s cell. I didn’t even

hesitate as I wrapped my hand around her neck and snapped it.

Disbelief and anger flashed through Bradley’s eyes as he watched Savanah’s body drop to the floor,

her lifeless eyes staring right at him.

It was silent for a moment before Bradley crashed against the bars screaming, “I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking

kill you.”

Adonis stood in front of me and smirked. “You wanted to kill my mate but look where that got you.”

He looked at Gabe and Evan. “Sedate him. I don’t want him escaping.”

Bradley thrashed and screamed bloody murder, his eyes now black as his lycan took over. After much

hassle, he was sedated. His unconscious body fell to the floor with a thump.

“Now what?” Damien asked.

“We leave him here. Savanah’s body shouldn’t move from here either. The first thing he should see is

her eyes staring at him,” I replied.

“He will escape. A lycan without his mate can go feral,” Evan reminded


“Then he dies. Tomorrow morning,” Adonis decided.

Everyone nodded, apart from Luke, who stood in the corner looking at his brother.

“Goodbye, Brother. For good this time,” Luke finally said before walking out of the cells.

“I don’t know about you, but I thought Aarya’s move was super badass.” Gabe winked.

I laughed and replied, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

“Super badass and super sexy,” Adonis whispered in my ear, causing me to giggle.

“Okay, let’s keep it PG here please,” Evan shuddered.

“He’s talking as if he doesn’t have sex with his mate every day,” Adonis mumbled, causing Niya to

blush and Evan to quickly walk away with Niya

in tow.

As we walked out of the cells, I turned to Adonis.

“Now what happens?”

He smiled and said, “Now begins our forever.”

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