The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 31

We headed outside, with our friends close behind us. Tension hung heavy in the air as everyone

impatiently waited for Bradley to turn up.

Luke came out from the forest, his clothes torn. Damien followed, all

signs of playfulness gone.

Gabe, who had gone to find Luke, also stepped out beside Damien. Evan held out a pair of clothes for

Luke, who grabbed them and put them on.

“I’ll kill him. I swear to God,” Luke growled.

“We know you want to, but you have to control yourself. He is using Sophia as leverage,” Adonis

reminded Luke. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“What a sick move, taking the mate of your own brother for leverage,” Damien scoffed

“This guy has no heart.” Gabe shook his head.

An unknown scent filled my nose. It could only be one person. Bradley.

Sure enough, he walked out in the clearing with Sophia over his shoulder. She was clearly drugged and

knocked out.

Luke growled and moved forward, (This novel will be daily updtaed at Damien

stopped him.

“Ah, I wouldn’t do that if I was you, little bro. Don’t want to hand you your dead mate,” Bradley taunted.

Bradley looked very similar to Luke, the main difference being the claw marks on his face.

He caught me staring and smirked.

“You must be Aarya.”

“Don’t say her name, you fucking bastard,” Adonis spat.

Bradley held his hands up in mock surrender, although the smirk never left his face.

“Touchy, are we? Shame that you just found your mate because you’re going to lose her very soon.”

His words sounded like a promise, not a warning

“How did you get here so fast?” I asked.

“Lycans run very fast. Plus, I had a plan.” Bradley looked pleased with himself

Bradley’s gaze found Damien, who was standing next to me.

“Wow, a royal family reunion.” His sarcasm was evident.

“Where’s your sister? Inside I presume?” Bradley asked.

Damien growled, causing Bradley to chuckle.

“Good thing he is here because someone needs to take over the throne. Once I kill your mate, Adonis,

you will no longer be capable of ruling Bradley just laughed.

This man was crazy. His sick ideas terrified me, but I refused to let it show. Any signs of weakness

would be an easy target for this man.

I had to remain calm and keep Adonis calm too. That was not going to be an easy task.

“If you think I will let your filthy hands touch Aarya, then you are sorely mistaken.(This novel will be

daily updtaed at I will tear them from your body before you get a chance,” Damien


Bradley just smirked. “Ah, how could I forget? The prince who wants nothing to do with the royal family,

but you just can’t get rid of your royal title. How sad, two brothers that have so much power but don’t

even want it. That’s why I’m here. It is only fair that someone who wants the power

gets it.”

“Shut your mouth. There is no one as power-hungry as you, and that is why you will never get what you

want. Too much of anything is bad, but you will realize that too late.”

Bradley scoffed, “As much fun as this has been, it is time for me to leave. Remember, one scratch on

me, I’ll rip her head off.”

He smirked, hoisting Sophia higher on his shoulder. Fucking prick, he

needed to die.

“See you soon, Your Majesty. I will so enjoy hearing your screams.” Bradley chuckled at me.

Both Adonis and Damien let out a loud growl and stepped forward. I reached out and grabbed them

both, shaking my head.

“Don’t. This is exactly what he wants.”

“See you soon, old friend. It’ll be a fight to the death,” Bradley told Adonis.

We watched as Bradley walked away with Sophia. My lycan was upset, as was I. Leaving Sophia in the

clutches of that bastard wasn’t easy, but we had no choice.

When they were out of sight, Adonis stormed inside, chucking things across the room.

He needed to let out his anger, so I let him. (This novel will be daily updtaed at

and Gabe looked at me, but I just shook my head. Damien looked solemn.

“I didn’t realize how much Adonis had to deal with.”

I smiled sadly. “Your brother has to deal with much more. Now he has a mate and his family back but

before? I don’t know how he managed it.”

Damien nodded in agreement before walking over to his brother and pulling him away.

“Adonis, calm down. Now we must think of a plan; we can’t waste any more time.”

Adonis took deep breaths as his gaze locked onto me. He held his hand out, which I gladly took.

Kissing the top of my head he replied, “You’re right. We have to get Sophia back.”

We all made our way to the study. Luke looked distraught, so I stayed back to talk to him.

“You better not be blaming yourself,” I warned.

“My behavior pushed her into the arms of my brother.” Luke sighed.

“No, you didn’t do anything. The stress got to you, that’s okay. I’d be more worried if it didn’t. Sophia’s

kidnapping was done by Bradley and is his fault, not yours. You focus on getting her back, not blaming

yourself. That is more important,” I reminded him.

Luke smiled. “Every day you prove why you are the perfect person to be queen. I bet you don’t even

realize it.”

We reached Adonis’s study and sat down, trying to think of an idea.

Evan suggested we ambush him, but Adonis refused, saying that it was too predictable and Bradley

would be expecting that. Plus, we had no idea where he was hiding

No one could go and look, just in case he harmed Sophia. It was a mess.

Gabe mentioned about bribing him with power and then capturing him. Damien said he wanted power,

but right now his main goal was to kill me, so that wouldn’t work either.

Bradley had us in a fix; anything we wanted to do, we couldn’t. One, in case he harms Sophia, and two,

he would be expecting it. He knew these men very well.

Our thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing

Adonis sighed and answered. “Hello?”

“Why do you sound so upset? Have you finally come to terms with losing your mate?” Bradley


Suddenly everyone was sat upright, looking at each other in wory and confusion.

Adonis growled, “What the fuck do you want?”

“I’ll keep it short and simple. The queen for Sophia,” Bradley said, hanging up

“NO!” Adonis couldn’t control his temper, wiping everything off his desk in one swipe and breathing


“Adonis, calm down.” I attempted to calm him down.

There is no way I all Telling you gU IIII. VVE gel supuna vack another way.” Adonis buried his face in

my neck.

“Exactly, you’re the queen. How can we just let you go?” Evan clenched his fists.

“I told that bastard that I would rip his hands before he had a chance to even touch you.” Damien

cracked his knuckles.

“I want my mate back badly but not at the expense of losing you. (This novel will be daily updtaed at would never forgive me, and I could never forgive myself. We will find

another way,” Luke said.

Hearing everyone say those words warmed my heart, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew that there was no

other way.

“You all are amazing, but there isn’t another way. If there was, then we would have started planning.

Bradley has us all stumped.” I sighed.

I faced Adonis. “I know that you will come and save me because I believe in you. But you have to

believe in yourself too.”

Adonis growled, “Why are you talking like you are going to give yourself


“Because I am,” I stated.

“Like hell you are. I won’t let you out of my sight,” Adonis yelled.

“Adonis.” I tried to reason with him, but he wasn’t listening.

“You’re my mate. I am not letting you leave,” he insisted.

Now my anger was building up.

“Adonis, think of the bigger picture here. By giving Bradley want he wants, we can bring him down. He

will get too cocky; it is a perfect way.”

“By risking your life. I don’t think so,” Adonis refused.

“Adonis, it is my duty as queen to protect everyone. I can’t let Bradley kill another innocent person. You

have to believe in me. I know what I am doing.” I sighed.

“I just found you. How can I let you go?” Adonis’s voice broke.

“I am not going forever. You will find me, plus I’m not going to make it easy for Bradley. It will give you

time to find me.” I smiled.

“I can’t. I will lock you up, but I will not let you give yourself up.” Adonis shook his head

Fuck’s sake. I thought he had finally agreed.

“Adonis. Listen to yourself, you’re being selfish.” My anger was getting the better of me.

“I don’t care, I am selfish.” Adonis seemed not to care.

Growling, I snapped, “You are thinking with your dick. You’re the fucking king, Adonis, use your brain.

This is the only way.”

Adonis also seemed to be struggling to control his lycan.

“Do you want to die? Is that why you are so adamant to leave me?”

“Oh come on. I am not going to die, because I know you will find me.

This is the only way to stop him.” I threw my hands up in the air.

Adonis looked to his brother, who looked at me and sighed, “(This novel will be daily updtaed at, Aarya isn’t wrong. She is right in thinking that Bradley will slip up when he

has her. He will become too cocky, giving us the perfect opportunity to finish him.”

Adonis didn’t seem impressed with that answer.

“Aarya isn’t stupid. It is a good plan. Plus, our queen isn’t weak. She is a badass,” Evan pointed out.

I smiled at them both. I knew it was hard to go against Adonis, but they did so anyway.

Adonis sighed, “I need time.”

“That is something we don’t have. Adonis, trust me as I trust you,” I replied.

He opened his mouth but closed it again. Sighing, he walked out of his study and headed downstairs.

“I don’t know why you insist on doing this, but at the same time, it makes me proud of you. My mate,

the one who thinks of others before herself.”

Adonis sighed.

He rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a ring

“I keep this in the most obvious place because no one dares to move it. It was my mother’s. She left it

with me, and now I am giving it to you.” Adonis slipped it on.

“I will find you before that bastard touches you,” Adonis promised.

“I know you will. I’ll be waiting.” I kissed him softly on the lips.

He sighed, “Let’s go kill that bastard.”

Before we had a chance to head upstairs, a ticking noise caught all our attention.

“Hey, doesn’t that sound like a…” Niya didn’t get to finish her sentence as a blast threw us all across

the room.

Sounds of shattered glass and screams pierced my ears.

Disorientated, I tried to stand up and find Adonis, but the force of the blast had really affected me.

I fell back down on the ground and groaned. Slowly, I tried again. This time when I managed to stand

up, I came face-to-face with none other than Bradley

He smirked. “You took too long to answer.”

And then it was black….

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