The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 17

Do you ever feel like you’re in an amazing dream that you never want to wake up from? Yes?

Then you must also know the pain when you are rudely awoken by some stupid person who has no

idea how fully invested you were in your dream.

I mean, who wants to be woken up and faced with the harsh reality of life, where nothing happens the

way it does in your dream?

That’s what happened to me. The stupid beeping from some machine, along with someone deciding to

poke me with a needle, was how I awoke. Not very nice.

Imagine, my dream, which was amazing, might I add, was broken because of this!

Groaning, I blinked a few times, giving my eyes time to adjust to the light.

Obviously I expected to see Adonis, but that was not who I saw when I opened my eyes.

I saw some nurse, who poked my hand with a needle, but no sign of Adonis.

The bright light caused me to shut my eyes again, but I opened them soon after, looking around the

room. Adonis was clearly not here. Where was


And why was I finding this stupid light so bright?


“Oh, you’re awake?” The nurse stood over me and flashed a light into my eyes

I hissed and swatted it away. “Please don’t do that.”

“So sorry! Let me go and alert the doctor that you’re awake.” The nurse rushed out.

It wasn’t long before the doctor rushed in and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw me looking at her.

I noticed she dimmed the lights before coming toward me. What was that about?


“Your Majesty, it is such a relief to see you awake and well.” The doctor

“Thank you, but can you please call me Aarya?” I asked.

The doctor looked horrified and replied, “How can I? You are my queen.”


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“Right now, I am your patient. Please, call me Aarya,” I pleaded.

“Okay, just this one time,” the doctor relented.

“Good! What’s your name? I should thank the person who saved me.” I smiled

“Jane.” Jane smiled back.

“So, Jane, care to tell me what the hell happened to me?” I asked.

“Well, it seems like your body wanted to speed up the process of you becoming a lycan. However, you

not eating much meant your body didn’t have enough energy to keep up with the changes. Hence, you

had no energy to even stand, and you fainted,” Jane explained.

“So, I am a lycan now?” I questioned.


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“Yes, you are now officially a lycan! You will notice some changes, one of which being your heightened

sight,” Jane told me.

“That’s why you dimmed the lights.” It was beginning to make sense to me now

“That’s right. Your body may be weak for the rest of today, but eat properly and you will be fine, Aarya,”

Jane said.

“Thank you! Now, my next question, where is my mate?” I looked at Jane, whose face turned pale.

“The king? Well…he…,” Jane trailed off.

Immediately my heart started racing. Had something happened to Adonis? I sat up straight and looked

at Jane.

“Has something happened?” I pressed Jane.

Jane looked conflicted, like she didn’t know if she should tell me or not,

Before she could say anything, Lexi walked in and jumped in shock. She didn’t know I was awake..

“Aarya, you’re awake!” Lexi rushed over

“Yes, now can you tell me where Adonis is?” I didn’t want to waste any more time.

Lexi sighed, “I should have known that would be the first thing you would want to know.”

“If you know that, then please tell me,” I begged.

“Dimitri, he wasn’t in a good place when you collapsed. He went mad with rage. We got there just in

time to hold him back. I thought he was going to attack this poor doctor. He wouldn’t even listen to

reason. No one could tell him anything and his lycan… oh, Aarya, his lycan wasn’t letting go of you. We

tried to explain that you could be dying, but his lycan didn’t want to let go of your body. Gabe and Evan

had to drag him away so you could be treated,” Lexi finally told me.

It took a while for those words to sink in. Adonis was like that just because I collapsed? He wouldn’t

even let go of my body?

I didn’t want to think about the possibility of me not even making it, if this was what he was like if I just


“Where is he?” I turned to Lexi.

“He is in his cell, the one he had to be locked up in before he found you….,” Lexi trailed off when she

saw me getting up.

“Aarya, the IVs, please be careful,” Jane warned me.

I paid no attention to her as I took them off and put on my shoes, which were lying by the foot of my

bed. Thankfully I was still dressed in my clothes

“I want to apologize for my mate nearly killing you.” I turned to Jane.

“No, don’t. I can’t imagine the pain he was going through seeing you like that.” Jane shook her head.

Neither can I, Jane, I thought to myself. After everything Adonis had been through, the last thing he

needed was this happening.

“Where are you going?” Lexi called after me.

“I’m going to find my mate,” I said, walking out of the hospital room.

It shouldn’t be that hard, especially with my heightened sense of smell. The thought of Adonis being

locked up made me want to cry

How could I let him stay there while I lay comfortably in a hospital bed? My head started spinning as I

thought of the awful conditions Adonis might be in

I had to get to him, now.

Like I thought, my sense of smell made it easy for me to find the place where Adonis was.

Evan and Gabe were standing to the side, talking among themselves. Normally I wouldn’t be able to

hear what they were saying, but now that I was a lycan, it was much easier.

“I hope she wakes up soon, seeing Dimitri like this again is awful.” Gabe shook his head.

“I agree, but we will keep him locked up till Aarya is better. Dimitri would kill us if he knew we made

Aarya go and calm him down when she wasn’t one hundred percent.” Evan sighed

Adonis was so lucky to have friends like Gabe and Evan; it was obvious to see their concern for their


Gabe’s gaze found mine, and he rushed over with Evan hot on his heels.

“Aarya, you’re okay,” Gabe said, relief evident on his face.

“Yes, Lexi told me what happened. I need to see Adonis,” I told them.

“Of course, we would never stop you. After all, you are our queen,” Evan teased.

Gabe rolled his eyes, while I laughed.

“You always know what to say.” I smiled.

“It’s a talent that no one else has.” Gabe playfully hit Evan on the shoulder

“I’m flattered. But on a serious note, we are both so glad that you’re okay.

To get to Dimitri, you’ll to go down this staircase, and there is a door to the right; he is in there,” Evan

told me.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

Neither of them looked worried, rather, they looked relived. After hearing their conversation, I wasn’t


They wanted Dimitri out of that room, which only fueled my suspicions that it was an awful room. I

followed Evan’s instructions and stopped before the door.

My heart was racing fast, not because I was worried that Adonis would hurt me, but rather because I

was worried about the conditions he was in.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Before I could even open the door, a loud growl that could only be Adonis made me jump. Holy shit,

that was much louder than I expected. My ears picked up the sound of chains.

Right, this was it, Aarya. You need to get Adonis out of this room; no backing out now.

Without wasting another second, I opened the door and gasped.

Black eyes pierced my own. Fuck, this was not Adonis….

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