The Lycan's Queen

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Lycan’s Queen Book 1 – Chapter 10


The next two days came around much quicker than expected. I found myself neck deep in all the

packing I had to do. Without fail, Adonis rang me every day, and I actually looked forward to my calls.

He asked me how packing went, and I replied with “boring,” to which he said that I should have just

stayed home with him.

But I told him the same thing, that I wanted to say a proper goodbye to the place I grew up in, and he


Carter stepped right into his role of being alpha, and Diya was right by his side. Seeing them both

together either made me feel sick or made me feel happy

I think Carter purposely tries to make me feel sick by making out with my cousin in front of me.

True to his word, Luke followed me around everywhere. I could tell he was super cautious. For me, I

had come to terms with the fact I couldn‘t escape this time, but I hadn‘t given up. Daily Latest udate

Sophia was around a lot too, she helped me pack and talked to me about the changes I would be

facing. Sounded pretty daunting to be honest, but I just nodded and smiled.

There was one person who began to give me the creeps. Hunter

For some reason, every time I glanced at him, he was already looking back at me. I no longer felt the

pain that I used to feel but instead felt very uncomfortable.

It felt like he was staking a claim on me, and that wouldn‘t end well for him. I can‘t imagine Adonis

willingly giving me over to Hunter ever. Daily Latest udate

Adonis rang me at 9 a.m. this morning to tell me he was on his way to my pack. Those words made me

jump out of bed and quickly get ready.

Knowing that this would be my last time in my room made me sad. After all, my room had been my

sanctuary forever, and I didn‘t want to leave it behind. Daily Latest udate

Mom popped her head through the door and said, “All packed?” I didn‘t

trust my voice, so I just nodded, and Mom sighed. “Baby, I know you‘re finding this difficult, but this is a

brand new chapter for you. You should be excited! This will always be your home no matter what, you

know that.”

“Oh, Mom. How can I leave everything behind? This is all I have ever known.” I collapsed into my

mom’s warm embrace.

She ran her hands through my hair before replying, “Aarya, I raised a strong girl. Change is always

hard, but I know that you will get through it.” Daily Latest udate

I sighed before nodding. “I‘ll try.”

“That‘s my girl.” Mom smiled at me.

I spent the next two hours packing and bringing everything downstairs. Carter and Diya came to help,

although Carter just spent most of the time annoying me.

“Smiley, don‘t leave.” Carter gave me a sad smile.

“Don‘t you start because I think I might cry.” I shook my head.

“I‘ve been putting this to the back of my head thinking I have plenty of time left with you. God, I’ll miss

you, Smiley.” Carter pulled me in for a big hug, I let myself sink into his embrace and then responded,

“How am I going to survive without your constant teasing?”

“You‘re too high and mighty for that now,” Carter teased me. Daily Latest udate

Saying goodbye to my pack proved to be too much for me as a few tears escaped. I was wiping some

away before a car pulled up.

Adonis stepped out, and immediately people bowed to him. His gaze found mine, and I was entranced

as he walked toward me.

“Little mate, I have missed you,” Adonis whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

I gave him a small smile and watched as his gaze hardened on the tears that had fallen.

“Tears? Who made my queen cry?” Adonis growled.

People looked down at the floor in worry, and I looked at my mate‘s face. He was looking at everyone,

trying to figure out why I was crying. Daily Latest udate

“No one made me cry. I am just upset that I am leaving,” I softly said.

Adonis looked at me and sighed, “I should have known. Sorry, everyone, I overreacted.”

“No, you were just concerned for your mate,” Carter replied.

Adonis nodded and looked at me. “Are you all set to go?”

I nodded, and Adonis motioned for the guards standing behind him to take my stuff away.

Tears threatened to fall again when I saw all my belongings being packed away and my family standing

there with sad smiles on their faces.

Before we sat in the car, a voice called my name. “Aarya.”

to see Hunter rushing forward with something in his hand. See, if I still had the same feelings as I did

before, then my heart would be racing so fast, but now I just felt uncomfortable.

“Don‘t go without me giving you your gift. Here.” Hunter gave me a necklace

It was a simple necklace, but as I held it in my hand, I couldn‘t help but think he was staking some sort

of claim on me.

“Let me.” Hunter took the chain out of my hand. Daily Latest udate

“No,” Adonis and I both said at the same time.

I looked at Adonis, who looked like he was going to tear Hunter apart. Shit, I hope he hadn‘t figured out

that Hunter was the one that broke my heart.

“Thanks for the gift, Hunter, but I will put it on later. We need to get going now,” I explained.

Hunter nodded, but I couldn‘t help but notice the defeated look on his face. My gaze found Carter, who

was currently glaring at Hunter. Daily Latest udate

That confirmed my suspicions that Hunter was indeed acting weirdly. There was no sign of Lana Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

anywhere, which was odd.

Adonis was still glaring at Hunter, but I decided to take charge.

“Come on, Adonis, we need to get going,” I said, pulling Adonis out of his anger-fueled trance against


He nodded at me, and I turned to my family and smiled sadly.

“I love you all, and I will miss you so much,” I said.

“We love you too, Aarya,” my dad replied. Daily Latest udate

Once Adonis and I were both in the car, I waved sadly as we left my pack house. The only place I knew

as home for all these years.

The first hour of the journey was silent; I listened to music while Adonis drove. We stopped at services

in the second hour for a toilet break, and I met Sophia while getting some food.

When we hit the road again, I noticed that Adonis hadn‘t gotten any food while I picked up a sandwich.

Then entailed the inner debate of whether or not I should offer him my sandwich

My wolf, of course, was saying offer him all my food, which was pushing it just a little. After all, a girl still

needed to eat.

In the end, I decided to share my sandwich, but when I offered it to Adonis, he told me he couldn‘t eat

and drive. What rubbish, I always ate and drive.

Nevertheless, I felt some sort of need to want Adonis to eat. Therefore, I did the only logical thing

possible. I fed him.

I think he was shocked when my hand suddenly went in front of his face, holding a sandwich. He

looked at me in confusion, and I glanced back at the sandwich and said, “Eat.” Daily Latest udate

He nodded slowly, and while focusing on the road, took a bite out of the sandwich. That action made

me shiver.

Honestly, was my body going to react like this every time Adonis did something? I wasn‘t sure I could

handle it.

Adonis continued to eat the sandwich I fed him, and once he finished, I knew he was satisfied. Then I

ate the other half.

It was only silent for a while before I broke it to say, “I don‘t know if you know that I was training to be a

pack doctor.”

Adonis looked at me and then back at the road. “Yes, I knew that.”

Of course he did. Why wasn‘t I shocked. Obviously he did some sort of background check on me.

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background check on me. Daily Latest udate

“Well, I‘d like to continue my training and work as a professional.” I glanced to see his reaction.

“Of course, there isn‘t a problem with that.” Adonis‘s response shocked me.

“‘re okay with it?” I asked.

“Yes, why wouldn‘t I be?” Adonis looked at me.

“I thought I was going to be engaged in queen duties all day, or I wasn‘t allowed because I was going

to be a queen,” I admitted.

“There is no reason why you cannot be a doctor and a queen. You obviously have a talent and are

passionate about being a pack doctor. Those two things are precious, and I would never take them

away from you.” Adonis smirked when he saw my reaction.

“Have some faith in me, little one. I am not as bad as you think,” Adonis teased.

I didn‘t trust my voice, so I just nodded instead. Who knew Adonis would agree so easily?

I planned out in my head the other steps I would take because I was sure he‘d disagree, but he had

proved me wrong.

It was at that moment that I yawned, and Adonis chuckled. That sent sparks down my spine. His laugh

made me feel all fuzzy inside.

“I guess you’re not an early riser.” Adonis smiled. Daily Latest udate

I shook my head and Adonis said, “Sleep, little one.”

I didn‘t need telling twice, my eyes began to close once I relaxed, and the last words I heard before

falling into a deep slumber were, “Soon we will be home.”

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