The Lycan’s Human Mate

CHAPTER 58: Warning and Surprises

I willingly allowed him to drag me even though I might have the idea of what he was about to tell me.

I jumped to the question as soon as we stopped walking, “What is it?”

I can’t take the chance that someone may see or overhear us.

He seemed to be unable to accept what he was about to say as his head shook slightly and his hands were on his waist. “This…. this town, I know it sounds ridiculous but this town is the place of shifters. Okay, shifters are men that can turn into wolves”

When I remained silent, he said, “You knew?”

I tiredly leaned on the wall behind me, “Just hours ago. They have mates, right?”

He regretfully grinned and asked, “Yeah. Who’s yours?”Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’d rather not say”

“Well, mine was Lara,” he said, nodding in understanding. “She was the one who told me all about that, saying that she knows I can’t accept her but I do. I’m also ready to keep this a secret till the day I die. But she rejected me.”

I asked, frowning, “Reject you?”

“Yes, she rejected me the day I followed her outside. That was the painful thing that happened to me because I f* felt how there was something inside of me being ripped out after she said the words” He spoke.

I can hear the pain underlying his tone.

“The mate bond,” I murmured, “Can’t we reject them?”

“No, humans can’t. Only shifters can do that,” he said with a sorrowful smile.

My shoulders sag, and I can imagine how my face contorted into that dejected grimace. It implies that I am powerless to reject Traian. He won’t do it to me, I’m certain of that.

“How did you learn all of this?”

“My parents died when I was a child so my grandparents were the ones who raised me. I am aware of Shifters because they told me they exist and how we are connected to them but they didn’t tell me where they are. I also find it unimportant because I don’t believe I will be a mate of one”

“So you come from one of the families that the shifters were promised”

“You can say that. What will you do now?”

With conviction, I said, “Leave.”

“Did your mate reject you?”

“No, but I refused to accept this all” my voice cracked at how close I was to crying again.

Adam said, concerned, “Jaidyn.”

I snorted, “I just came from a f*cking break-up not a month ago and I just thought of myself genuinely falling in love with a man I just met and known for like two weeks when I spent 8 years deeply loving another,” I quickly wiped the tears that were escaping, “I don’t know anything about this. Like even a clue or anything. I don’t have any idea about shifters or mates. And I have an idea my family knows This is all f*cked up”

He said, “The mate bond did it,” gazing into my eyes with eyes filled with sympathy. “What are you going to do?”

“Leave as soon as possible” I quickly replied.

He takes out his wallet and pulls out a business card, “I am also traveling tomorrow. I can wait for you at the airport. You can get in touch with me there”

“Thank you, Adam. Really, for telling me that” I said.

Once again, he gave me a hug, and this time I gave him one in return by tapping his back.

“I’ll see you then tomorrow”

I nodded and we walked back towards the sidewalk again. I was about to cross the street when he grabbed my wrist. I gave him an expectant look.

“I forgot to tell you… ” He continued with an apprehensive tone, “Be careful. Lara…. she likes the man she was with last time and from the way he looked at you, I know you’re his mate. Lara seemed to be insane the last time I saw her because she continued repeating how she would be a Luna.

The warning caused my heart to thump loudly in my chest, and now there was a mad lady who would harm me for a position that I didn’t want in the first place.

He added, “And if I am not mistaken, Lunas is the title for-”

My hands were balled into fists as I said, “The mate of Alphas.”

Finally, he murmured, “Be cautious,” and he walked away.

I look up at the sky for a second. The moon also makes me think of the reality I recently learned, despite the fact that it was beautiful.

Also, people are seen walking past, chatting, and some alone, on their way to their destinations. I ignore their gazes which brings nothing but uneasiness to me. They were Shifters. Unimaginable creatures that I never even imagined to exist. Obviously, one night wasn’t long enough to understand everything. I was on the verge of running, but I held myself and continued to act normally. At this moment, all I want to do is get to my cabin.

As I waited for a cab, I stopped on the side road. I waited after seeing someone take one while avoiding eye contact with those who were staring at me. While waiting, I started tapping my feet. I’m counting down the seconds till I can finally get home.

The skies must have had other intentions for me today, though, since a familiar black car suddenly halted in front of me. The window pulled down revealing Cayden who was grinning.

He waved and said, “Hey, Jaidyn.”

I don’t find myself grinning or waving in response. Yesterday, the shop owner referred to him as Beta. So he’s the second in command of this town-of this pack.

His smile faded and was replaced by worry as he studied my face, “Are you okay?”

I did nothing more than nod.

He winked at me and said, “Get in, Traian instructed me to take you somewhere.”

I heard him open the passenger door. I stared at his car, my feet feeling as though they were stuck to the earth.

His voice was confused as he said, “Jaidyn.”

I cleared my throat and forced a smile before forcing my feet to walk to the other side and climbing to his car. We drove away from the neighborhood. I continue to stare out the window. And in the corner of my eyes, I saw him glancing every once in a while.

After a long stretch of silence, he spoke, breaking the silence.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

I simply answered, “Yeah.”

As I turned to face the front, I gripped my bag even tighter. “Cayden”


“How would you feel if the people you trust decided not to tell you anything important?”

After a brief pause, he replied, “Hurt? I’ll feel betrayed for sure.”

My lips curved into a sad smile. Even speaking with Cadyen feels different now. I felt uncomfortable around him, just like what I felt when people earlier looked at me. No longer does my body give off any relaxed or carefree vibes. All of my defenses are up.

A little while later, when we passed Traian’s house in the middle of the forest, I furrowed my brows in confusion.

“Where are we going?” I said as I turned to face him.

“To his surprise” he chuckled, “I swear it’s my first time seeing him doing that”

We suddenly stop out of nowhere. He pulled the door open and extended his hand as he approached me after getting out of his car.

“We are here,” he announced.

I looked at his hand and hesitantly put mine. He assisted me in getting down. We stopped in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but darkness all around, and the only light we had was coming from the headlights, which caused my heart to beat more violently out of dread.

I said again, “What the hell are we doing here, Cayden?”

He took my hand and led me toward the woods, following the light from the headlights. “You will see,” he said.

And when we reached a point where the light was no longer able to reach us, he did not turn on a flashlight. Instead, he continued to walk normally like he could see clearly, exactly as in the daytime.

I continued to walk with Cayden still tugging my hand. The sound of water and light could be heard after a short while. As we go closer, the orange light becomes more visible, and the sound of the ocean also grows louder. When we finally stopped, Cayden turned to face me.

He gave me a wink and added, “My job was done here. Enjoy your night.” Then he left, leaving me by myself.

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