The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 6


The feel of his lips against mine, the fact that I haven’t kissed anyone since forever, and the alcohol that I took combined and I felt elevated by it, I couldn’t believe what was happening, I was kissing someone who I met today, what’s more, I liked how he tasted, like alcohol and a mix of something else I couldn’t quite describe, I just knew he tasted amazing and I wanted to kiss him forever, his hands moved to cup my face as he deepened the kiss, I opened my mouth without realising and his tongue dived into my mouth, and I felt my legs turn to jelly as his mouth devoured mine, the pressure of his mouth against mine, his hands on my face, yup, it definitely felt like heaven and I wanted to be lost in it forever, forget every of my pains and heartache and just drown in this feeling for the longest of time, he broke the kiss suddenly and I opened my eyes to see him watching me, his breath heavy as mine, I wanted more, I didn’t want him to stop so I pulled him to me and kissed him, he took the lead and soon we we’re having a full make out session on the rooftop, his hands were all over my body seeking and I gave all, kissing him right back, wishing we were inside a room.

“Okay, I think that’s a step too far even for me,”

I heard my wolf whisper, in the heat of the moment, I kind of locked her out, she was right, that was a step too far, I shouldn’t even be kissing him in the first place.

Thinking about who it is that I was kissing made it even more obvious why I shouldn’t be letting him close to me neither should I be kissing him, being rejected by one brother should be enough, I shouldn’t be associating with the other brother, with all the willpower I didn’t know I possessed I put an end to the best kiss I have had in my whole twenty-six years of living.

“Stop, stop,”

I yelled pushing him back, he seem to have been caught unaware as he stared at me confused.


He asked breathlessly.

“What do you mean why? That shouldn’t have happened in the first place,”

I yelled even though I knew I allowed him and even liked kissing him, I shouldn’t be so angry but I was, if it was any other man that I kissed maybe I won’t be so mad but this was Jordan’s brother, kissing the brother of the man who contributed to my misery wasn’t something I should be proud of.

“I am sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, sorry,”

He said and I could tell he meant it which made me feel guilty, I didn’t want him to be sorry, technically, it wasn’t him, he didn’t do anything to me, okay yea, he did kiss me but that wasn’t a bad thing, plus I kissed him back too.

“No don’t apologize, I let you kiss me and I joined in too, I just, I am sorry, I don’t usually share kisses with someone I only just met, I don’t,”

I said in an attempt to ease his guilt and mine too.

“Yeah, I know, I don’t do that too but your lips are so tempting, I must have drunk too much alcohol, I am sorry, I am not blaming it on the alcohol either, I liked the kiss, okay, I will just shut up,”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

He said and I couldn’t tell why I found his attempt at explaining why he kissed me funny but I found myself laughing, maybe it was the alcohol or the cool breeze, I couldn’t even remember how the kiss started.

“You have a nice laugh, now I feel like kissing you all over again,”

He said and I shut up so fast, I knew I should stop him, it was dangerous what I was doing with him knowing who he is, maybe if he knew who I was, he won’t even want to kiss me in the first place, I should tell him but somehow, I found myself shutting up about it and just going into his arms when he pulled me closer and again we were kissing and I was drowning in the feel of his mouth against mine, this time his touch was bolder and his kisses weren’t just on my lips, nope, his kiss travel all over my face then his mouth settled on my nape, nipping there.

“I want to take this a step further so bad,”

He whispered against my nape, I felt a thrill of want go through my whole body, it was as if I was another person and I wanted to give in so bad but remembering who it was that I was kissing brought me back to my senses and I pushed him away from me for the second time in one night, I felt stupid.

“We shouldn’t do that, I literally just met you today, plus I just got back to Owhen after eight years away, a man should be the last thing I think about right now,”

I explained, trying to catch my breath and putting a distance between us.

“Yeah, I am sorry, forget I ever said anything like that,”

He responded.

“Do you apologize this much to everyone or are you just like this with me?”

I couldn’t help asking as I picked up my beer which had been left on the table for far too long, I took a sip and I didn’t like how it tasted anymore, I wanted to taste something else, yup, you get it, I wanted to taste his lips again.

“Oh boy,”

Ae whispered, she was both excited and kind of scared, I could feel it.

“Not really, I just, I don’t usually kiss people I just met,”

He said and I nodded in understanding, there was an awkward silence and I wanted to use the opportunity to run away and go get Rose so that we can get the hell out of there before I did something even more stupid.

“You said you just came back to Owhen?”

He asked bringing me out of my thoughts and breaking the awkward silence.

“Yeah, I have been away for the past eight years, just got in today,”

I responded.

“Oh, so when we met earlier, you just got into town?”

“Yes, I did, my best friend is getting married and I am her chief bride maid.”

I explained even though I didn’t have to.

“I knew it, do your family live here?”

He questioned and I nodded, I didn’t want to tell him who my family was, he might run from me if he find out I am the cursed daughter of the richest man in Owhen.

“My family lives here, that’s all I can tell you,”

I said and downed the remainder of my drink.

“Fair, so are you back for good or this is temporary?”

He asked.

“Temporary, I have a job back where I came from, my life is practically there,”

I explained. My job? I already handed in my resignation letter before coming to Owhen, when I do return to Dilgem, I would take another one-month break before I look for a better job at a better hospital but he didn’t have to know that.

“May I ask where you came from?”

He asked and I contemplated if I should tell him, I decided to since it wasn’t some kind of top secret, I am sure when he does find out who I am, he would know where I came from.

“Dilgem, I left Owhen when I turned eighteen and I have been living in Dilgem, since, went through med school there and also got a job,”

I explained.

“I see, Dilgem, your family must be wealthy, for you to afford a school in Dilgem, of all places,”

He imputed, I never thought of money being the reason I could get an education in a place as expensive to live in as Dilgem, but now that he said it, I suddenly realized it, my dad had paid for all my education even though he didn’t play a single part in it, the day I graduated med school, I had watched my course mates with their families and friends as they celebrated but I had been alone, Rose had come by a day after my graduation and she had made up for not being there that day but it still didn’t take the feeling of how alone I was on the most important day of my life away.

“Hey? Are you okay?”

I heard Kendrix ask and cursed at myself for being such a weakling and always thinking about my terrible life.

“Yeah, I think I should go back inside, my friend might be looking for me already,”

I said. I have shared too much with him and I just know if I don’t leave now, I might share more, he wasn’t my enemy, but he wasn’t my friend either.

“Yeah, sure, I am sorry about what happened,”

He said and I glanced up at him and frowned.

“Can you not apologize? Did your mama not tell you that it is off to apologize after something like that? Let’s just blame it on the alcohol okay?”

I said and waited for his response.

“Yes, blame it on the alcohol we will, it was nice talking to you, have fun,”

He said and I nodded even though I knew I was going back down to get Rose and get the hell out of here.

“Good night,”

I said and walked away as fast as I could, I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away and I resisted the urge to turn back and see if I was right.

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