The Lycan King

Chapter 84. Power Play

Chapter 84. Power Play


A deep, rumbling growl hit my ears.

And just like mine, it had an effect on the entire pack. All of them stopped. Though they didn't kneel, all

of them grew confused and began turning their heads to look at the source.

And there she was.

My Queen.

Walking towards me with and elegance and grace that was nonpareil.

People bowed and moved out of her way as she walked straight. Her hair had turned silver and her

eyes electric blue. They seared into my soul.

Armed wolves flanked her sides, protecting her and providing her with a wide girth.

She didn't have to utter a single word. The Montana Pack members made way for Ava without a word

like the Queen she was.

It was night time now but being werewolves, we had no problem seeing things. But one thing that

distracted me was that Ava's silver hair reflected light, making them shine like...the moon. She looked

divine...celestial. I couldn't speak, all I was capable of was to stare at her.

She snapped her fingers and the crowd went deathly silent. Another snap, the heads of the head

wolves were off the boards and attached to their own bodies again.

I have never been more turned on by a power play.

And then she climbed up the podium and took her place next to me. I could already see it. The change

of heart in their eyes. They recognised Avalyn, and even the ones who didn't, knew she was someone

special, someone worthy. One thing shined in everyone's eyes. Respect. It's not every day that a

female can command and make an entire pack submit like this. Especially a regressive minded pack

like Montana.

"Does anyone now doubt the fact that I'm the daughter of Alpha Javier and Luna Valerie?? who was

half faye-half werewolf?"

Everyone shook their heads in impeccable synchronisation.

"I am the true heir of Montana Pack. My mate, Nikolai is the Alpha and I am your Luna," she

announced. "Those who do not agree, come forward." Wolves know that there is strength in numbers.

But when called upon singularly, most lack courage. Or maybe, they were smart.

The wolf in the ring was the only wolf stupid enough to growl and issue a challenge.

Ava's eyes focused on him. "I can kill you without lifting my finger," she said unflinchingly. "But since

you think you can become the Alpha, you will have to fight Nikolai...,"

Smirking, I walked down the podium and towards the ring.

"...and defeat him in a duel to death."

My smirk did not falter.

I entered the ring and stood my ground as I watched him circle me. It didn't take me long to size him

up. He was juvenile and cocky. And with the way he had positioned himself, he was going to attack me

head on. That was going to be his downfall.

"You can shift into your wolf any time you want." At that, he instantly shifted into his wolf. "Use of any

sort of weapons is prohibited." Ava's command whipped in the air, "begin!"

The wolf came running towards me and I stood still, waiting for him to reach me.

His mouth opened wide as he was a couple of feet away, wanting to bite me. When he neared me, my

hands shot out and grabbed both his jaws in both my hands and I whirled around, pulling my hands in

the opposite directions so I tore his fucking mouth open. He cracked his skull open and I used my

momentum to throw his now dead body at the bottom of the podium, beneath Ava's feet.

All of this happened in a split second.

The pack broke into gasps and dread rolled off of them.

Ava's blue eyes met mine. "Would anyone else like to challenge Nikolai?"

The pack fell silent.

"I, Avalyn Alvarez- Volkov, Luna of the Rogue Pack, Queen of Mozog," cue more gasps, "and the

rightful heir of Montana Pack, strip Emilio Gonzalez, Alpha of the Montana Pack from his position as Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

the Alpha."

Emilio howled in pain and collapsed on the floor. Being stripped from your position is mate of the worst

pains a wolf can experience in life, next to being rejected by their mate.

"Kneel." Ava ordered and I sat on my one knee and looked up at her.

"Do you promise to love and cherish this pack as would a father his children?"

"I do." I vowed.

"Do you promise to feed the pack, taking the first bite of the kill and giving the pack, the rest?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to protect and rule Montana Pack fairly and justly, to your best capabilities?" She

asked, her blue eyes now soft and loving. My chest ached at it's tenderness.

"I do."

"I declare Nikolai Volkov, Alpha of the Rogue Pack and King of Mozog as the Alpha of Montana Pack."

Ava declared.

And I saw pride in her eyes. She was proud of me. And just like always, my best laid plans change

when it comes to her, I decided to let go of my anger and do good by Ava. I'll do good by Montana.

We had gathered in the living room after I had ordered the pack to disperse for tonight and told them a

pack meeting will be held tomorrow at nine am.

My head ached because of the new bonds formed will all of the pack members. I had already shut my

link to stop the buzzing. I know I will get used to it in a couple of hours.

I held two leashes in my hand right now?? Vermin's and his father's. I needed to find a new name

appropriate name for him.

I'll need extra time to have fun with the father-son duo.

Ava was sitting on one of the couches with Nat. Her hair was back to brown and her powers had

simmered down. I know she was uneasy being back in the same house she was tortured in so I had

told Symon to arrange for another one for us. He had sent a couple of slaves to clean up one of the

cottages near the pack house. I could also feel her anxiety from being around Vermin and his father.

I let her be. I was still a little pissed at her. And we needed to talk, just not in front of everyone.

"We had the information that there were five hundred wolves who can fight in the pack. Where did the

rest come from?" I asked Symon.

"Your information is correct. Now there are only two fifty wolves that can fight. The females were not

allowed to train." He replied, his jaw clenched.

"Are you telling me that there is an entire generation of woman that cannot fight?" I growled.

"Yes, Alpha." He replied.

"What else?"I asked.

"A lot of people are judged wrongly and the dungeons are crawling with people who did not commit

crimes grave enough to be put in dungeons. The old warriors of the pack, who were trained under

Alpha Javier are strong but the new generation is cocky and weak. The security is weak and corruption

in the system high. A lot of taxes are collected and the funds are not being used in the interest of the

people. The bridge between the rich and the poor is too much. All those who are rich worked for Vermin

and filled their pockets. The working class and the warriors are poor and have little to no motivation to

work because of that. To get more slaves, more and more humans were kidnapped from the nearby

cities and towns and people are getting suspicious. The human police have came up here to

investigate thrice in the last year, and each time they've been paid a hefty sum to keep quiet."

I kept quiet and thought over it.

The fundamental structure of the entire pack was faulty. Many changes and reforms will have to be

brought in. The rules will have to be changed. The basic way of living of every member of the pack will

have to change.

But then on the other hand, this??the way the pack is right now is exactly what I wanted. I wanted to

ruin the pack. To burn it to the ground. To annihilate it.

Then why do my instincts tell me to help the pack? To make everything right again? To re-establish

peace and order??Because of Ava. Because this is her home.

"I will see what I can do." I told him and walked out of there.

I needed fresh air to think things through. I got Emmanuel but something doesn't feel right. Something

doesn't fit. It's not... satisfactory. It feels like a piece is missing. I miss mom. More overwhelmingly than

I have ever had.

I stepped out of the pack house and took a deep breath. I started walking down the road, taking

random twist and turns.

"Nikolai." I heard Ava call so I stopped but didn't turn around.

She caught up to me and caught my hand in hers, making me look at her. She looked different. Her

hair were tied up in a high ponytail. Her eyes were bright, her lips red and cheeks rosy. I know it was

probably because of the cold weather, but in that moment, she looked happy.

Her eyes lowered before she gathered the courage to look at me again. "I'm sorry."

"I know." I said with no heat.

"I shouldn't have called you an asshole." She flinched at that word again. "Because it's not true. And I

should have listened to you and came back with you. I left to come here the second I knew what you

were planning. I should have known something was up when you came to get me," she ranted, "I'm

sorry I didn't listen. I now know that you needed me to back you up and be by your side when you

addressed the pack but I was...I was just?so?angry." She bit down on her lip hard.

"I know that too."

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't see past my anger. I??"

"Ava, I need to be alone right now." I said softly. Her eyes quickly filled with hurt and tears. "I -I'm sorry

Nikolai!" A sob rose up her throat and her slid her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly.

"This isn't about you, Ava. Yes, I'm mad at you but I'm not walking away from you. I just need some

time to think about somethings." I rested my head on top of her's and caressed her silver hair.

"Will you come back to me tonight?" She asked in a small voice.

"I will always come back to you."

Slowly, she released me and took a step back. Her eyes searched for mine until she realised I meant

my words. "I'll wait for you." And with that, she kissed my jaw, turned around and left.

I continued making my way around the pack.

When will I finally be at peace with mom's death?

I thought that the day I will have Emmanuel, I will feel good and I will finally be able to forgive myself for

being a shitty son. What kind of son can't protect his own mother? Hell, I didn't even know she was

alive. I thought the attackers had killed her. But she wasn't dead, she wasn't dead until two years after


And I know I won't stop feeling that way till I kill Adrik. Especially when I know that Adrik has a hand in

it. If the Gonzalez' only did trade with Mystic Lupus, it meant they were friends, if not, acquaintances.

And he knew that Mystic Lupus would be the first place I would come if something happened to Mom.?

He wasn't wrong about that.?Max, Dimitri and I had broken in the pack and searched for weeks without

finding a single clue. How could we? He had passed his dirty work to Emmanuel.

I'm going to?kill?those fuckers.

I'm at peace with what happened with Ava. I have Emilio, I torture him. Yes, I'll torture him a few days

more but I'm satisfied with the fact that I have him. It's just Mom's death I'm not satisfied with now.

I had reached the lake and I didn't even realise it. There was not a single soul over here. I knew that

the entire pack was scared of us.

They were well within their right to be. We hadn't given them a single reason to not fear us.

I thought that this was what I wanted but it just bothered me. Ava and I are loved by our pack. But I

want us to be loved by both our packs.

A moment later, I realised what I just said in my mind. Both our packs.

I really had accepted this pack as my own. And deep down, I know I need to do the right thing. And not

just because of Ava. The people have suffered enough. I'll talk to Ava and get more clarity on what had

happened with her past.

I sat down under a huge tree which was just by the lake and leaned against it. It felt good. I closed my

eyes for a couple of seconds and I heard light footsteps.

"You're in my spot." I heard someone say and my eyes opened and I saw a boy who looked like he was

of Adrian's age ?? around eleven or twelve, looking down at me with a frown on his face and a big book

in his hand.

I scooted, giving him place to sit.

Shrugging he sat down besides me and opened his book and used his knees as a support for his

drawing book and began sketching.

He was drawing a face and I had to admit that he was a really good artist for his age.

"You're the new Alpha right?" He asked me, still concentrating on his sketch.

"Mmhmm." I replied, watching his drawing. His tongue came past his lips and it moved along with his

pencil, in the same pattern and at the same time. I don't think he even realised it. A smile tugged at my

lips, it was almost funny.

"Mum said to stay away from you because you're worse than the previous Alpha." He told me casually.

"Then why did you come sit here? Won't your mother get angry?"

"It's?my?spot.?You're?the newcomer." He replied.

"True." I nodded. This is the reason I loved kids. They were candid. And always said what they thought

and expressed what they felt. No facade, no filter.

"And-," he stopped as he shaded the eyeballs, "-and I don't think anyone can be as bad as the previous

Alpha." He continued, "you gave me my spot back. You didn't throw me in the prison for asking you to

move. So I like you."

"You're welcome, and I like you too." He smiled a little at that and then coloured the other eyeball. "But

why would I throw you in the prison?" Did Vermin but children in the fucking dungeon too?

He only shrugged so I let him be. He drew in silence and I watched his drawing.

It looked awfully similar to himself. Only, it was a girl.

"Are you drawing yourself?" Maybe he was just drawing himself with long hair.

"No." He said it like I was stupid. "This is a girl." He sounded genuinely offended.

"Why are you drawing yourself like a girl?" He is an odd kid.

He sighed like I was hopeless. "This is my twin sister. Or at least this is what I think she looks like now."

"What's her name?"

"Victoria." He replied softly. I swear my heart stopped for a second.

"Did she die?"I asked softly.

"No." He whispered. "The bad Alpha took her away because I was teaching her how to fight."

A growl tore through my throat.

His eyes widened as he scrambled to get away from me. "I'm sorry!?Please?don't kill her! I will?never?

teach any girl how to fight!" He was in tears now.

I'm pretty sure my eyes were pitch black right now because my wolf wanted out and wanted to kill

Emilio right this second.

"How old was your sister when Emilio took her away?"

"Seven." He whispered.

"And how old are you now?"


Another growl ripped through my throat.

Four fucking years. That fuckface threw a little girl in jail for four fucking years.

"Come with me." I extended my hand towards him. He took a step back in fear.

I pushed my wolf back and softened my features into a smile. I'm sure it looked like a grimace but I

bent down to his level to appear small and less dangerous. "I want to take your sister out of the prison,

pup. I need you to come with me to recognise her so we can get her out quickly." Also because I'm

pretty sure she would be scared out of her wits and is more likely to come with me if she sees her


Goddess knows how many children are in there.

He grabbed my hand and we made our way back to the pack house. He was running and I was jogging

besides him.

"Show me to the prison." I ordered a wolf I found on the way.

The wolf's eyes widened. "Yes, Alpha."

We both followed after him. He took us through the pack house and took us downstairs and then

towards a huge stone door. The guard that was standing widened his eyes and bowed.

"Open the door."

"Yes, Alpha." The boy's grip on my hand tightened.

The door opened and we stepped inside the dark and dingy prison. It was a very long narrow pathway

with jails on our either side. All the walls were built with huge blocks of stone. It would be impossible to

escape this place.

"What's your name?" I asked to soothe the boy. I should have asked it sooner.

"Lucas," he replied, looking everywhere with wide eyes.

Each and every cell was filled with people. It was a cell of about five people at the most and about ten

were filled in one. This place is really crawling with people. I need to pass their judgements quickly.

I stopped in front of the jail which had about four kids in it. I controlled my growl when I took the key

ring from the wall and began unlocking it.

"Vicky!" Lucas shouted in excitement and shot inside.

A girl looked up and tears started falling down her face. Lucas ran to her and sat besides her, hugging

her as they both started crying loudly.

The other three kids?? one girl and two boys looked at me with fear.

"Come on," I opened the door wider. "It's time to go home."

They still looked scared and made no movement, they kept sitting against the wall.

"Come on, Vicky, we are going home." He pulled her sister to her feet and she took a step before she

fell down to her knees, unable to walk.


I walked in and picked her up. I extended my arm towards the other kids and smiled warmly.

"He is our new Alpha. And he is good." Lucas told them seriously.

One girl came forward and took my hand, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I will be back." I'll take these two out and return for the other two later.

"I will stay guard, Alpha." Lucas looked at me seriously.

I nodded at the little guy and and quickly dashed out. The main stone door was opened and I handed

the two girls to the guard outside.

"One scratch on either of them and you are a dead man." I hissed before I dashed in again and went

towards their cell again.

Lucas, who was talking to the boys quietened at my arrival. Lucas nodded at me and the two boys

stood up and I carried them out too.

Lucas walked besides me as we were making our way out. My steps slowed when my eye caught one

cell. It was empty.

No, I thought as I looked closer. A very sickly thin and decaying vampire was sitting in the corner. He

looked like he had barely been fed in years. But what made me curious was that while every single jail

had over ten wolves in them, this one only held one man. It wasn't like he was dangerous, I doubted

the man could even lift his his finger.

"What is your name?" I asked the man.

After a couple of seconds, his blood red eyed opened and found mine, pinning me to my spot. A feeling

of dead rolled in my belly.

His mouth opened and this tongue shot out, like he was trying to get some moisture over his extremely

chapped lips. And then I saw his throat move before I heard his feeble voice.


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