The Lycan King

Chapter 82. Helicopters and Rocks

Chapter 82. Helicopters and Rocks


"Sometimes, Nikolai, you shock me with just how cruel you can be."

"I'm going to see Andrei because unlike you, I actually consider him my brother and love him like one.

And don't worry, I won't heal him, I wouldn't want to give you an opportunity to whip me too."

"She'll come around." Natalia patted my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and realised almost

everyone were already gone. "She just doesn't understand the workings of our pack entirely."

I sighed. "I know. It's just?? I've never seen her that pissed. Not even the day when she saw us in the


"That's because deep down she knew there was more to the story than what she saw. And right now,

she knows the entire story and then saw what happened. She just needs time to cool down." She

shrugged. "Let's go, I'm missing Vermin."

I smirked. "Let's go take our frustrations out on him." This was going to be so much fun.? Much better

than going on a run to let my frustrations out.

The both of us made our way back to the house in silence. The only thing going on in my mind was

Ava. She's upset. But I'm sure she just needs time. She's been doing so good recently, she

understands our world so much better now. And she'll soon see why I had to punish Andrei too. I'm

sure of it.

"Max is calling us." Nat said when we entered the mansion. The tone said that it is something


"Where is he?"

"My office." She replied and I quickly climbed up the steps and entered Nat's office that she used when

she is here.

Max was hunched over the desk, drawing something.

"One of my contacts said that the news that Emilio is dead had spread throughout the pack. Emmanuel

has taken the Alpha position again. And young wolves think that he is too old. They are planning to

challenge him for a duel to death to fight for the title of Alpha. But he's not that old and the chances of

them winning are sparse." A wolf is in his prime for at least two centuries, only after that the age starts


"We cannot take the chance," I murmured. He's not a true Alpha, he's not?that? much stronger than

the rest of the wolves. If the opponent wolf is actually?really?good, he might win.

"Exactly. They are planning to challenge him today. We have to reach there before the fight if we want

Emmanuel alive." Max said.


"If they have a decent head on top of their shoulders, they will do it during the day time because the

presence of the moon strengthens us. And Emmanuel will grow much more stronger than the others

considering he is the beta." I whispered.

"It's twelve right now. How long will it take us to reach there?"

"Six hours. We will have to fight against the patrol. That will take up more time. Bringing more people

would mean it will take more time. But we will need numbers if we don't want them to attack us on

sight." I replied but then an idea clicked in my head. "But we have their Alpha. Since Emilio is alive,

what he says, will go. And we have Avalyn. And Mary."

A grin formed on Max's face. "I'll call her and tell her to get there right as soon as possible. I'll say it's

an emergency. But we will still need to leave right away, I need Emmanuel alive." He cracked his


A smirk formed on my face. "We will gave fun torturing the father- son duo. My head is already buzzing

with ideas."

I told Tessa and April to pack clothes and weapons for Ava and I in separate bags for cold weather

before I ran all the way to the hospital. Max and I had discussed everything while Natalia went to

prepare and get Vermin.

Max had a friend who could sneak us in. But we had to go to Montana Pack through a helicopter and

then cover some distance in foot. And I only have one helicopter on stand by right now. So the only

ones going were Ava, Max, Natalia, Vermin and I. We would pick up Mary on the way.

The hospital in the pack was a three flood building which has the basic and werewolf and vampire

specific treatments that happen. Anything other than that, we had to go to Greenwich. It had a good

hospital with good doctors. And a couple of doctors knew about us and we pay them well enough to

keep our race's existence a secret and be discrete.

"Where is Avalyn?" I asked the receptionist.

"Luna is in the second floor waiting area, Alpha." She replied and I ran upstairs to the waiting room.

Ava was sitting on a bench, her legs brought up to her chest and her arms circling it as she cried,

resting her face in her knees and behind her long brown hair.

"Ava." A whispered felt my mouth.?Shit. I didn't know it was this bad, or else I wouldn't have left her

alone. But I'm thankful I went back to the house or else a lot more time would have been wasted.

She sobbed harder but didn't uncover her face.

"We need to leave, Ava. Something has come up." I sat besides her and wrapped my arm around her

shoulder, bringing her closer to me. "Look at me Ava. We need to leave. I wouldn't call you with me

right now if it wasn't important." She didn't even turn to look at me.

"Where are Dimitri and Mikhail?" Did they just leave her here? That can't be possible.

"" She sniffed. I relaxed a bit. I knew they wouldn't leave her alone.

"We need to go, Love. Max needs some help, we will be making a short trip. Please come with me." I

kissed the side of her head and wiped her cheeks.

"I don't want to go anywhere, Nikolai." Ava snapped, pushing against my chest and backing up from

me. It pissed me off. Her eyes, nose and lips were red from crying. "I'm going to stay here till Andrei

wakes up. Because unlike you, I actually give a shit."

I sprang off my seat and glared at the infuriating woman in front of me. "The doctors have given him

medicine which made him sleep. He is not dying. And he will wake up and recover, whether you are

here or not." And then I extended my hand and added softly, "come with me, Ava. I need you."

Her eyes snapped to mine before her gaze flickered from my hand and back to my eyes before looking

out through the glass at a particular door, probably Andrei's.

I don't have time for this. I grabbed her hand in mine and pulled her off the seat and took Ava outside.

She struggled under my hold and then screamed in my face, "I don't want to anywhere, you-you?

asshole! Release me.?Now!"

I flinched and my heart squeezed with hurt. This is what we are down to.?Name calling.?I've been

called much, much worse than an asshole. But not by Ava, never by my Ava. And that's why it hurt. I

would?never?do that to her. I know many people called each other names jokingly. Nat called Max

asshole on the regular. But in our relationship, we had a few unspoken rules. And name calling was the

biggest no-go. I know it was a trigger for her for sure. And no matter how pissed off I was at her, I made

sure to never cross that line. Ever. But as always, when Avalyn gets angry,?nothing?is off the table.

Doesn't she see my desperation? Doesn't she see how much I need her? Especially right now?

She never understands me.

I released her hand. Her eyes widened before they teared. Realisation set in of what she just did and

then she opened her mouth to give some lame and useless excuse and apology. But I didn't wait for

that. I had already shifted into my wolf, and was far, far away from her to hear anything.

I pushed Avalyn at the back of my mind. My mother needs me. I need to avenge her. I need to be the

one to kill the man who kept her captive. I will never be able to forgive myself if I let anyone else do


I reached the mansion and shifted to my skin, annoyed that I would have to waste more time wearing

clothes. I tore the clothes on my back when I shifted into my wolf.

I ran to my bedroom and threw on another pair of clothes.

"Which one is mine?" Is asked Tessa.

She quickly handed me my bags. "What about Mistress?"

"She won't be coming." I growled as I clutched the bags tighter and ran out. I reached the terrace and

saw that Max and Nat were already seating and buckled in the helicopter, Vermin in between them. I

threw my bags inside before I got in the cockpit. I buckled myself, wore my headset and checked all the

lights before I turned on the copter.

In two minutes, we were airborne and were flying away.

"Max, tell Mary that we will be reaching in forty minutes. Nat, mail Ethan Lesley and tell him to have

Mary escorted to the helipad the second she reaches Volkov Corp." I said and passed her my phone.

"Yes." They both replied and we made our way to the main city. Our six hour journey by road will cut

down to three hour journey. But then we do have to travel by foot, and that speed will depend on us.

In forty minutes, as promised, I landed the copter on the helipad on the terrace of the office. Mary was

standing there in a pink dress and the man next to her helped her up and settle next to me in the


"Thank you." She nodded at the man who later receded back.

"Will anyone tell me what is going on now?" She asked loudly.

"Please let me buckle you in first." I said before I buckled her in properly and passed her a headset.

She narrowed her eyes at me before she wore it. I guess she still isn't a huge fan of me. Well, get in

line 'cause I don't give a fucking shit.

I took off again and I rode the helicopter in the direction of the coordinates Max had given me.

"And who the hell is this?" She crinkled her nose at Vermin.

"Vermin." Nat instantly replied. "Better known as Emilio Gonzalez." She sneered.

Mary's eyes widened. "I haven't seen him in about ten years."

"If you had, at least you would have found out Avalyn is alive." I snorted. And then ignored the sharp

stab of pain I felt when I thought about her.

"It is a mistake I will regret for the rest of my life." She said, clearly offended but sounded genuinely

regretful. "And I'm here now, to correct just that."

"And we appreciate it, Grandma. Thanks." Max pitched in.

"You want to say thanks? Come home and say it over a cup of tea." She sniffed. "You only remember

me when you need me." Old ladies sure new how to guilt trip people.

"Sorry, Grams. I'll come after this whole this blows off. Promise." Max replied, making me raise my

brows. It wasn't everyday that Maximilian Romanoff said sorry.

"I'm sure you will." She grinned and settled in her seat further. "Now tell me, where is my favourite


"She is your only granddaughter." I muttered. "But she didn't want come to Montana Pack." I lied. "Bad


That genuinely saddened her. "The pack is her's. She was supposed to take it. It's her birth right, her


"Which is why I'm taking it for her." I replied. "This pack was never her's. All these people did was

abuse her and add on to her torture." I gritted.

"There are good people in the pack too." Mary whispered.

"Don't you fucking dare. You haven't been there in ten years. You don't know what she has lived

through. You haven't even heard a single story.?I?know what had happened." All of these people

deserve to die and rot in hell. I'm going to make their lives miserable. Starting with Vermin and his


"Nat." I grind my teeth. I'll take what I can get for now.

I heard a small cry before the smell of Vermin's blood hit my nose. I took a deep breath in, temporarily

satisfying my thirst for his blood. This should be enough for now. I can't wait until I get my hands on the

father- son duo.

"Tell me what happened." I gritted to Mary.

"Huh?" She asked.

"After Emmanuel had his own pack attacked, what story did he spin? What did he do? Tell me every

single thing."

"I had already moved out of the pack by that time. Everything there reminded me of what I had lost??

Jerome and Valerie. I couldn't stay there anymore. But I visited at least once a year to see Avalyn."

Mary said. "Emmanuel was the one who had told me what happened. He said that in the middle of the

night, a few rogues entered the pack boundaries so he decided to go there and check for himself,

instead of disturbing Javier. He had taken a few of the best men with him too, And apparently, it was a

well planned distraction. A lot of rogues came in from another direction and went directly for the pack

house. No one saw them coming. It was an ambush. And the top floor was Alpha Quarters. He said

that Javier and Avalyn were alone and Javier fought them to death to save Avalyn. But none of them

survived." She dabbed away the tears from the corner of her eyes with her pink handkerchief.

The more she spoke, the more difficult it got for me to control my anger, especially with Vermin just a

few feet away.

"A lot of wolves lost their loves that day. Every single wolf in the pack house and a few in the houses Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

around it too. And by the time Emmanuel came back with the rest of the wolves, the rogues spotted

them and ran away." Her voice trembled.

"And you actually believed that?" I growled. Anyone with a decent head in top of their shoulders could

see that everything was all a part of big plan. A plan to kill the Alpha. How else would they know where

exactly is the pack house? Why was the Alpha not informed the moment the borders were breached?

And clearly, the men Emmanuel took with him must've been loyal to Javier. Or else they would have

killed the rogues before they could get to Javier.

"I'm sorry!" Mary cried out.

"Shut up, Kol." Max hissed. "It's fine, Grandma. It's in the past, what happened, happened. But we are

going to make it better, we will get revenge."

I gritted my teeth and said nothing.

If she had just come and taken a look for herself, she would have known Ava was alive and the entire

pack was full of liars! Ava wouldn't have suffered so much if Mary had just used that thing in between

her ears. I can't imagine how torturous it would have been for Ava to see her father fight to death for

her. And then she trusted the people who planned this before being taken as a fucking slave by them.

A growl left my mouth. Not anymore. Ava is free. Ava is loved. Ava is happy.

But Max is right. I'm going to torture the fuck out of Emmanuel.

In the next five minutes, we reached our destination. The majority of the mountain was covered by

snow so I had to search a place to land the helicopter.

There was a large empty space of hand just near the coordinates so I landed the copter there. And

then we jumped off.

The entire terrain was covered with snow and the view of the vast, open expanse of land was

spectacular. I could also see the ocean from here. I took a deep breath in. I had to admit, the mountain

air was good. Less polluted. And was a lot cooler than Silverwitch Bay because of the high altitude but

for some reason, my wolf and I liked this better. The cold didn't bother either of us, our bodies

generated enough heat to keep us warm naturally.

We were already in Montana Pack and no one had a clue. I took Vermin's leash from Nat's hand. I

need to have him in the palm of my hand right now.

"Where do we have to do?" Nat asked Max.

"We have to find the exact coordinates. There will be a rock behind which is a cave and we will have to

move it and my friend will meet us inside." Max replied and searched around. We couldn't see any rock

that we could move. Mary went and sat on a small rock, clearly indicating that she had no intentions to


"Why didn't he meet us outside?" Nat grumbled searching for the moveable rock that could cover a


"Because then the cave will be in plain." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe it's not a huge rock that covers the cave. Maybe it's a rock?? a small one and moving it will

automatically open the cave. Must be modern machinery of witchcraft." I muttered, looking for a

different kind of rock.

The only one that stood out was the lone small rock?? the one Mary was sitting on. "That." I pointed at


Mary stood up and looked at it in confusion. Walking past her, I pushed it and the rock twisted, opening

a cave right in front of us.

We all walked in, well, except Vermin who crawled in. I didn't care that he was naked in this cold. Or

that the hard ground must be hurting him. The miserable he is, the better.

"Max!" A guy was standing there that shook hands with Max. "You made it just in time. The fight is

going to start in an hour. And it will take us about an hour to reach there."

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