The Luna’s Second Chance Mate



The square went entirely quiet at the words of Richard and from the looks of it, even Stefan was shocked. He rose to his feet and the square became even quieter, if that was even possible.

“Who do you think you are, challenging your alpha to a duel?” Vernon, Stefan’s beta spat at Richard who looked undisturbed.

“It’s not a duel, but just a game of sparring.” Richard said, shrugging.

“How dare -”

“I accept your challenge.” Stefan’s voice echoed around the square. This got the people talking and whispers could be heard all over the grounds.

Stefan stepped down from his seat on the podium and picked up the second sword.

“May the best man win.”

The pack was humming with so much excitement now. Nobody had ever taken this game that seriously, though people always got hurt. There had never been a match with this much experience in it; the alpha who was the strongest of the pack with or without a sword in his hand and Richard, my brother who was a five time winner of the prestigious Swordsman Of The Year award.

Both of them bowed to each other, then to the crowd and the fighting began. It kicked off on a fast note as Stefan’s first attack was easily blocked by Richard. They clinked swords together for a while before Richard caught him unawares and struck him on his right sleeve.

Everyone gasped loudly as blood trickled from their alpha’s clothes. Richard’s face was a look of pure concentration. We all knew this was just a game and there was no pressure or anything but it wouldn’t send a good message if Stefan lost and though his face was expressionless, I knew he was very aware of it.

Richard charged again at him hitting one, two, three times but all his attacks were well blocked. And suddenly this didn’t seem like a game anymore. Stefan tried to charge but Richard was relentless, he charged again, striking multiple times till he caught Stefan again. This time it was on the right thigh.

Another roar came from the crowd at this and suddenly it began to look like Stefan was going to lose. He took a few steps back and glanced at me. For a few seconds my heart froze. Why did he look my way? But before I could think he roared and charged at my brother. Richard was expecting this and so blocked but Stefan used his strength to slash Richard’s shirt and for the first time today, he bled.

Richard stepped back holding his chest and before anyone knew what was happening, he jumped at Stefan, slashing at his sword hand, this made Stefan drop his sword.

The crowd went wild again at this, the alpha was now completely helpless. All hope was lost.

“Do you give up?” Richard asked, pointing his sword to Stefan’s face.

Stefan smiled and said, “Why would I?” And immediately dropped to the ground, kicking Richard off his feet and grabbing his sword as he fell. Richard was now on the ground as Stefan towered over him.

“Now you lose.” He crouched and dug his sword deep.

Everyone gasped and my heart clenched. But before any tear dropped, Stefan raised Richard to his feet to show that the sword was dug into the ground and not Stefan’s heart.

There was a long sigh of relief from the crowd then a thunderous round of applause followed. That might have been breathtaking at one point but it was definitely the best sparring match of all time in the pack.

“You’re very skilled and your attack is solid. You should consider becoming a soldier, there’s always room for fighters like you.” Stefan said to Richard.

All eyes fell on Richard at this remark. The alpha was personally offering him a place in his army, that was a big deal.

Richard smiled, “I’m honored to hear this my lord but I can’t take care of the family business and also be a soldier at once.” He said, bowing respectfully.

“I understand. Good match.” Stefan gave him a handshake and there was another round of applause.

After that, the party began in earnest. There was food, drinks and much more. I introduced Joy to Chloe and my family who loved her at first sight. After a couple of hours, Stefan came over to our table to get me but my mother wouldn’t let me go so early.

“Can she spend just a little more time with us before she leaves, alpha? It’s been ages.” She told him in a pleading voice.

Stefan looked at all of us, “Is this what you want, Rissa?” He asked me.

This took me aback a little as he never called me anything other than You or Hey but I answered anyway,

“Yes. I would love to stay here a little longer.” I smiled.

“Then there’s not much I can do.” He smiled and kissed my cheek. “See you later, my love.” He said and left.

“Such a gentleman, you are lucky my dear.” My mom said when he was gone.

I just smiled and said nothing. Those words really hurt but I couldn’t say anything now.

After a while, my dad suggested we go back home together. “You can come too, dear.” He told Joy.

Our house was a modern duplex, one of the finest in the pack. The white and blue paint and the green garden added to the beauty. It had been so long since I visited but it still looked as nice as ever.

When we got home, Richard took me aside and gave me one of his piercing looks. That wasn’t a good sign.

“How are you?” He asked, still staring at me like that.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Umm. I’m good.”

“You know what I mean, Larissa. Are things okay between you and your husband? Is he treating you well? Are you happy?” He asked with a concerned expression.

I stared at him. That look was heartbreaking. If there was anyone I could tell about my life, my struggles or anything that troubled me, it would definitely be Richard. But I couldn’t. Katya and Stefan had made me swear never to tell a soul or they would ruin my life forever. And also, me telling Richard would mean that I would have to divorce Stefan and I didn’t want to bring that kind of disgrace on my family.

“Everything’s fine, Richie. Why would you think I’m not happy? Just look at me.” I said, flashing him a big smile.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. “Just looking out for my little sis. But if anything happens, you know you can always confide in me right?”

“Of course.” I ruffled his hair as well.

“Let’s play some games!” He screamed.

We played golf in the garden. None of us knew exactly what the rules were except for just getting the golf ball into a tiny hole. I guess that made it more fun. I made Joy play with us so she wouldn’t feel left out and she turned out to be the best player among us.

While we were playing, I noticed one of the workers kept admiring Joy so I called Chloe aside.

“What’s up?” She said when I beckoned him to come.

“Who’s that?” I motioned to the tall chocolate skinned man in a cowboy hat watching them play golf. His eyes were still on Joy.

“Oh.” She laughed. “I forgot it’s been a while since you’ve been home. That’s Kylian, the stable hand. He’s Mr. Ortega’s son. He’s been taking care of the horses for about a year now since his father got sick. He’s a hot slice of chocolate cake isn’t he? Mmm hmm.”

I chuckled. “So that’s his son? Nice. Let’s ride horses next after golf.”

“Why?” She raised an eyebrow. “You ain’t think what I’m think are you?”

“Mind your business, dear. Just asking for a friend.” I said playfully and jogged away.

After golf we headed to the stables on the other side of the compound to pick horses to ride.

“Is the brown one taken, sir?” Joy asked.

“Comry is mine but you can take him for a spin ma’am.” Kylian said nicely.

Joy blushed. “I’m not a ma’am.”

“I’m not a sir either. I’m Kylian.” He said and stretched forth his hand.

“Joy.” She said and took his hand.

“Beautiful name.” He said and gave her the reins of the horse.

Joy also seemed to be exceptional at horse riding. She beat everyone except for Kylian himself.

“Where did you learn to ride?” I asked her.

“My father taught me.” She smiled.

“I’ve never seen a lady ride a horse that well since my mother.” Kylian mused, taking his hat off for Joy. He was obviously stricken.

“Thank you Kylian.” She blushed.

The sun was beginning to set and soon it would become dark.

“How about a dance before you leave, sister?” Richard said and pressed something in his hand and soft music began to play. Chloe clicked a switch and dim lights immediately filled the garden.

As I danced with Richard, Kylian walked up to joy and asked for a dance. She looked at me as if to ask for permission, when I nodded, she took his hand and they danced beautifully.

“They look really good together.” Richard said.

“They sure do.” I smiled.

After the dance, Kylian insisted on escorting us back. One would think he pressed because I was his master’s daughter but I knew he just wanted an excuse to talk to Joy again.

When we reached the gate of our destination, he bowed to me then kissed Joy’s hand and turned back.

When I entered the room, I saw Katya and Stefan talking and immediately I felt regret. I had so much fun today that I forgot what it meant to live like this.

Immediately Stefan saw me, he charged at me.

“Who the f*ck do you think you are talking back to me in front of your f*cking family? Huh?” He hissed, grabbing me by the neck.

“And that motherf*cker you call a brother had the guts to even think about winning against me? F*ck you and your f*cking family!” He squeezed even tighter.

I felt my face redden as I gasped desperately for breath.

“Stefan, stop. Stop. It!” Katya screamed and dragged him away from me. “She’s no use if she’s dead.

He stared at her then turned back towards me but before he could do anything, she turned him around and kissed him long and hard on the lips.

He grabbed her ass and pushed her on the bed. She quickly unbuckled his belt. He moaned when she started sucking him off.

I shut my eyes and turned to leave the room.

“Where the f*ck are you going?” Stefan asked, his eyes flashing at me. “You’ll stay right here and watch. That’s a command.”

I wanted to scream, to run away but I couldn’t, I had no choice.


Stefan and Katya both laid on the other side of the bed. Talking like I wasn’t even there. Still in the throes of their lovemaking, Stefan looked longingly at Katya and said, “Name one thing, just one thing you want and if it is in my power it will be yours.”

Katya smiled at him like she had been waiting all night for this, “I want you, alpha.”

“You already have me, my love.” Stefan laughed but Katya’s face was serious.

“I want to be yours. I want to be your luna.”

My heart sank into my belly at those words and I prayed with everything in me that Stefan would find an excuse to decline.

Katya continued, “According to the rules of the pack, you can’t have two lunas at once so to marry again you’d have to divorce your first wife. As alpha you control everything and nobody would dare stand in your way.”

“Then you better start getting ready for our wedding.” He said, kissing her cheek passionately.

Those words shattered my heart to a thousand pieces. What would I do? Where would I go?

Just thinking about it brought hot tears to my eyes but this time I didn’t hold them back, I let the tears soak my pillow. I cried more than I had ever done before falling asleep due to fatigue.

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