The Luna and her Quadruplet Pups

Chapter 221

Chapter 221


Ethan and I run through the quiet streets of the city as our wolves, not minding one bit that we’re on pavement and not in the forest. We bound around shopkeepers and early morning commuters without a care in the world, oblivious to the curious looks we’re drawing.

I’ve always preferred running at night, but I couldn’t ask for a better opportunity to convince Ethan to stop being so stubborn. When I saw him in his wolf form with our pups climbing all over him this morning, pure joy washed over me. I might not have known how Ethan has been struggling these last few months, but I can’t even imagine how painful it has been to have his wolf trapped this way.

In fact, after the shock of my revelation about his lies wore off, the weight of the sorrow he must have been feeling since the Southern Isles almost destroyed me. I’ve been determined to hide my pain from him since I’m sure he’d use it as another excuse to push me away – evidence of his terrible influence or some other such nonsense – but the truth is that I’ve barely stopped crying since learning the truth. Granted, that’s not such a drastic change frOm the way things were before – learning the truth. Granted, that’s not such a drastic change from the way things were before – but the reasons are very different. The idea of my mate suffering alone all this time, believing he is not worthy of the pups and I, it would be too much to bear even if my hormones weren’t completely out of control.

So I’m beyond thrilled that Ethan’s wolf is finally free again, and though most of that happiness is selfless love for my mate.. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t planning to use it to my advantage as well.

I’d hoped his wolf might be more susceptible to my charms than Ethan is when he’s in full control, and I’ll be damned if it didn’t pay off. The moment he chose me over Nina my heart soared, even if I am starting to feel a bit sorry for the other Woman.

We finally reach the woods after a lengthy romp through town, and I waste no time trying to provoke Ethan to chase me. If there’s one way to make an impossible Alpha lose his head, it’s to deprive him of

the thing he wants most. So I pounce and nip at his ankles while he playfully growls in reply, then rub my body up against his and nuzzle his furry throat. I cover him with my scent, making sure it fills his senses to the brim.

Then, when the time is right, I take off into the trees as fast as I can. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I can already envision Ethan behind me, trying to resist his instincts to give chase. His wolf’s prey drive will be in high gear now, and I can hear him pawing the ground in the distance, low grumbles vibrating in his chest. Eventually a frustrated howl shatters the morning air, and then pounding footsteps are charging after me. I can admit to feeling more than a little smug now, even though I know Ill have my hands full when he catches me. I know better than to think winning him over will be this simple, but it’s certainly a step in the right dỉrection.

I direct my sprint towards the thermal pools hidden deep in the forest, hoping I can reach them before Ethan. My hard work pays off, and just as I enter the steam-filled clearing where the bubbling pools await, a massive but surprisingly gentle weight crashes into me. Ethan pins me to the ground, emitting a triumphant snarl. I don’t submit immediately, bucking against him and growling over my shoulder, pretending to be outraged even though I’m secretly goating.

Yield. His fierce voice sounds in my head. You wanted a chase, now accept your defeat, mate.

The word “mate” sets off glorious bells in my mind, and I put on a show of begrudging surrender. I roll over beneath him, showing my belly and offering the curve of my neck. Ethan immediately lowers his muzzle to my tummy, Swiping a few licks over my navel. Naughty mate.

He rumbles in my mind, running with such precious cargo.

Exercise is good for the pup. I remind him defiantly. In fact, I think I might need some more.

Don’t even think about trying to get away from me now, Janey. He threatens, his glowing eyes boring into mine as he looms above me.

Who said anything about getting away? I inquire innocently. In fact, the exercise I was thinking of requires that you stay very close.

Janey, he growls in warning, but it’s too late. I shift back into my human form, stretching out beneath him so he can see all my curves – which are far more considerable thàn when he enjoyed them last. I want Ethan’s wolf to stay in control, but I also know how distracted he’s been by the sight of my changing body lately. If he can’t stop staring at it when it’s clothed, I have to think he’ll be even more interested to see me in all my naked glory.

Sure enough, Ethan’s wolfish eyes travel from my face to my enlarged breasts, so sensitive to the touch. His gaze rakes further south, lingering on my belly, so obviously swollen with his child. His nostrils flare as he breathes in the scent of my desire, which is always rampant these days. I can imagine how I must look to him, both full of maternal strength and utter vulnerability. Few things can make a mate feel more protective than a breeding mate, and I need to trigger those possessive instincts if I’m going to win him back.

“Come swim with me, Ethan.” I invite, starting to crawl out from under him. He growls as I try to move away, and I freeze, blinking innocently up at him. “Unless you want to stay here.” I adopt a shiver, gesturing to the fog blooming around us in the wintery air, “though it’s awfully cold.”

Ethan transforms back into his human form, towering over me with narrowed eyes. “I know what you’re doing, little wolf…

I extend my arms to him, asking for assistance getting back on my feet. He pulls me up without hesitation, and I sidle close. “Then I should be easy to resist, should I?” I challenge, turning away

towards the pools. I sway my hips as I approach, sensing his eyes on my round backside and trying not to crow with my victory.

I hear a smothered curse at my back, and then Ethan’s footsteps in pursuit. I sink into the hot springs, warmth immediately enveloping my chilled limbs. There’s a gentle splash as Ethan enters the pool behind me, and I swim only far enough to ensure he’ll follow. Dipping below the surface, I come up again with water cascading down my naked body, tuning to find Ethan so close behind me that I don’t even have to reach for him. His powerful arms automatically latch onto me, no doubt concerned for the effort I might expend treading water. He’s tall enough to stand here, but I cling to him for Support.

“I’ve missed you.” I confess. It wasn’t what I planned on saying, but the feelings are so powerful I can’t keep them inside any longer. “When l found out about the baby, I was so excited that we could go through this pregnancy together. I didn’t want to do it alone again.”

Ethan winces, instinctively pulling me a little closer. “You’re not alone.” He answers hoarsely. “I’l always be here, just not as your mate.”

“But I need you as my mate, Ethan.” I proclaim softly, peeking up at him from beneath my lashes.

Not just for protection and support. My body is desperate for attention from the pup’s father – it doesn’t want anyone else.”I explain, sliding my arms around his neck.

“Don’t do this Jane, it’s already hard enough.”

Ethan grits out, though he doesn’t push me away.

“Do you know what happens in the second trimester?”I continue, rubbing my beaded nipples against his bare chest. “I”m on fire 24/7, and for weeks now I’ve been trying to satisfy the ache, but nothing I do is enough.” I wrap my legs around his waist, rocking my hips against his long, hard member. His fingers dig into my sides, and I dip my head to nibble his neck.

Ethan doesn’t say a word, but a steady growl rumbles in his chest, and I know he’s on the brink of giving in. “Would it really be so terrible to give in, just this once?” I suggest, getting more and more blatant with my seduction as my confidence grows.

“It’s never just once.” Ethan snaps, his eyes glowing in the dim light.

I shrug, feigning disappointment. “Well if you’re determined not to want me, I suppose I could ask Devon.”

Before the words are even out of my mouth, I know I’ve gone too far. A vicious snarl tears through the air, and as I look up at Ethan’s furious expression I can only wonder if he’s going to kiss

“Don’t do this Jane, it’s already hard enough.”

Ethan grits out, though he doesn’t push me away.

“Do you know what happens in the second trimester?” I continue, rubbing my beaded nipples against his bare chest. “I”m on fire 24/7, and for weeks now I’ve been trying to satisfy the ache, but nothing I do is enough.” I wrap my legs around his waist, rocking my hips against his long, hard member. His fingers dig into my sides, and I dip my head to nibble his neck.

Ethan doesn’t say a word, but a steady growl rumbles in his chest, and I know he’s on the brink of giving in. “Would it really be so terrible to give in, just this once?” I suggest, getting more and more blatant with my seduction as my confidence grows.

“It’s never just once.” Ethan snaps, his eyes glowing in the dim light.

I shrug, feigning disappointment. “Well if you’re determined not to want me, I suppose I could ask Devon.

Before the words are even out of my mouth, I know I’ve gone too far. A vicious snarl tears through the air, and as I look up at Ethan’s furious expression I can only wonder if he’s going to kiss me or kill me.

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