The love of a Mr. CEO


It takes about 20 minutes to assemble everything and once I’m done, I walk up to my room with my food wanting to do a little online shopping. Situating myself on my bed, I drape the blanket over my legs before opening my laptop and begin eating. I browse a bit on Zara, Forever 21 and Victoria’s Secret, adding a ton of stuff to my cart as I continue to eat. When I’m done, I close my laptop and walk back downstairs to the kitchen to put my dishes in the sink. I glance over to see my purse haphazardly thrown by the door and walk over to retrieve it.

I take out my phone to see 3 texts, 2 from Sierra and 1 from Mr. Stone. I open up Sierra’s first:

Hola mami, care to go shopping with me this weekend?


I also want full details on whether or not you’ve been playing hanky panky with that fine boss of yours;)

I blush at the second text, shaking my head before typing a quick text to my unusual best friend.

You’re unbelievable How’s Saturday sound chica?


I open Ivan’s and my heart flutters at the 4 words he texted me.

Game on mia cara

I. S

I blush furiously, my mind picturing all the possible consequences he had in mind. All of which would make the most religious person blush. I shake the inappropriate thoughts out of my head and decide not to respond. I go to my room and walk towards my book shelf grabbing The Book Thief before getting comfortable in my bed, putting my reading glasses on.

After being engrossed in my book for hours, I close it satisfied that I finished it but look up to my clock to see it read 11:30pm. Feeling tired, I take off my glasses and set them along with my book down on my nightstand before lying down. I close my eyes and a pair of golden orbs flash in my mind before I’m absorbed by a blissful slumber.

I wake up feeling fully rested and I sit up to stretch making a mixture of groaning and sighing noises. I pull the blanket away from my body while getting up to go to the bathroom needing to pee.

Once I do my business, I head into the closet feeling the need to go for a run, pulling on a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra. I put my hair into a high ponytail before grabbing my phone and a pair of running shoes while walking down the stairs.

I leave my apartment and down the block a bit before putting in my earbuds, blasting fast music. I begin running and my feet hit the pavement at the beat of the song. My mind drifts to Ivan Stone and my date tonight. I don’t know exactly what he had in store for me but the thought alone thrilled me to no end. I continue to run as beads of sweat build up on my forehead.

I run for about a half hour before making it back to my apartment wheezing like a hyena. I burst through my apartment and stumble into the kitchen needing water. I open up the fridge and crack open a bottle of water before gulping it down. The cool liquid, calmed my heavy pants and quenched my thirst. I set the bottle down, feeling better before walking my bathroom to take a shower.

I peel the clothes off my sweaty body and hop into the shower, the hot water relaxing my sore muscles. I let the water run down my body for a few minutes before I reach for the shampoo and begin lathering it into my hair taking in the scent. Rinsing it out, I grab the conditioner and focus it on my ends before rinsing it out under colder water.

I make sure to shave everywhere before washing my body and getting out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my head and put on my pink satin robe feeling extra. I prance down the stairs hungry settling on making an omelette and some orange juice. I scarf down my breakfast and head to the tv to kill a few hours.

It’s around 5:30pm meaning I had exactly 2 hours to get ready for my date. I walk into my room and start by painting my nails black. As the paint dries, I walk into my closet to chose an outfit but freak out not knowing what to wear. I end up grabbing my phone and sending a quick text to Ivan.

Yo wanna tell me what we’re doing so I know what to wear?

A. W

I immediately get a reply and my heart flutters.

It’s a surprise mia cara and you’ll look dazzling in anything you chose;)

I. S

Shaking my head, I walk back into the closet having no clue what to wear. After completely destroying my closet, I chose a blood red dress that was tight at the top but flared out coming to about mid thigh. I pair it with a leather jacket and some black combat boots that had a slight heel to them.

Setting it out in my bed, I sit at my vanity and get started with my makeup, deciding on doing a nudish brown smokey eye with a bold matte red lip. I stare into the mirror and smile as my green eyes twinkle in the light. I unwrap the towel from my head and begin combing out the tangles before blow drying it. I settle on straightening it, parting it down the middle before getting into my outfit. For jewelry, I grab a black choker with a pendant on it as well as my grandmother’s ring keeping it simple.

Giving myself a nod in the mirror, I grab my purse and shove some essentials in before putting on my shoes. I walk down the stairs as the door bell rings and my nerves finally start to kick in. I walk towards the door before stopping in front of it gulping at the knowledge of who was on the other side.

Mustering up some courage, I open the door to reveal Ivan Stone in all his glory. I notice his eyes widen at my appearance and I gasp taking in the sight of him.

He was wearing a black suit that clung to his body deliciously, his hair falling messily around his face giving him a sexy look. I watch as his eyes darken as his gaze sweeps across my body, lingering on my chest and legs. I hear him curse quietly before he breaks the silence.

“Mia cara, I’m really losing my self control just looking at you. You look stunning” he compliments me huskily.

“I could say the same for you Ivan, now start walking before I end up locking you up in my house and never letting you out” I reply breathlessly to which he chuckles before adding.

“I wouldn’t mind at all mia cara, I’m actually reconsidering this whole night” he says, a look of hunger and consideration flashing across his face as if he wanted to do exactly that.

“Walk” I instruct grabbing his hand allowing him to lead me towards his car. He opens the door for me like a gentlemen and I blush whispering a small thank you before getting inside. He runs to his side before getting in himself and starting the car backing out of th driveway.

I lean my head against the window, curiosity consuming me wanting to know where he was taking me.

“Where are we going” I voice my curiosity glancing over at his devilishly handsome face.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“It’s a surprise mia cara, be patient” he replies smirking as he takes in my expression of frustration.

“Bullshit, you can’t expect me to sit here for who knows how long in anticipation of whether or not we’re actually going on a date or if you plan on dumping me in the woods” I rant frustrated to which he chuckles and I groan before adding “You’re unbelievable.”

I get no response and decide on messing with him while driving. I casually place my hand on his thigh and I feel him tense and look over at me to which I pretend to be oblivious. He goes back to driving still tense and after a while I begin rubbing his thigh lightly still looking out the window. I can feel his piercing gaze burning the side of my face but I don’t look at him. After a while I can tell he’s quite enjoying my touch so to tease him I give his thigh a firm grip before completely moving my hand away from him.

After my little fun, we sit in a comforting silence for a while until we pull up to a marvelous looking restaurant and my eyes widen at the sight. I turn to him to see he’s smirking at me enjoying my reaction.

“W-we’re eating here” I question astonished at the beauty of it all.

“Of course mia cara, now that we’re here I guess I’ll tell you my plan for tonight” he looks at me to make sure I’m listening before continuing “We’re going to have dinner here and then we can do whatever your little heart desires” he adds with a wink.

“You didn’t have to bring me to such a fancy restaurant, a movie and a small dinner would’ve been fine” I say trying to hide my tomato face.

“You’re worth more than just a movie and dinner mia cara” he whispers caressing my cheek and gets out of the car leaving my body hot and bothered. He comes to my side and opens the door to offer me his hand. I grab it and climb out of his car, adjusting my skirt. We walk into the restaurant and I gawk at the sheer beauty and elegance of it.

Immediately a women greets us and directs her attention onto Ivan.

“Do you have a reservation sir” she asks waiting for his answer.

“Yes, under Stone” he replies curtly glancing back at me to wink yet again. I shake my head as the lady leads us to our table and my nerves are unleashed.

We’re seated at a table in the back that felt more secluded then the rest of the restaurant. Once we sit down, the lady hands us both a menu before leaving us. I look up at Ivan to see him staring at me with a small smile. I smile back before hiding my face into the menu browsing the many options they had.

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