The love of a Mr. CEO


Not a sliver of space was between us, my hands the only thing keeping our chests from touching. I slowly trailed my eyes up his neck to his plump lips stopping momentarily before continuing my gaze upwards until our eyes met yet again. We continued to stare at each other until his voice disrupted the tense silence.

“To hell with it” he whispers huskily before bringing his lips down to crash against mine. He kisses me fiercely as I bring my hands up to hook around his neck. I felt his hands teasingly trail up and down my upper thigh before he pulls away from our heated kiss.

“Jump” he demands and I quickly jump feeling his firm but gentle grip on my ass to keep me up. Seconds pass before he smashes our lips together but this time running his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I hesitantly open my mouth and he doesn’t waste the time to explore every inch of my mouth with his tongue. I bring my hands up to his hair to run my fingers through enjoying the softness.

I finally pull away leaning my forehead against his, both of us breathing heavily. He lets go of my bum and I slide down until my feet hit the ground before taking a few steps back so I could think.

“Your desk is organized sir” I say breaking the silence to which he snaps out of his little daze.

“Thank you Ms. Winters, you can take a 15 minute break” he replies his voice still husky. I nod with a smile before walking to my desk to grab my cardigan putting it on in the process.

Without another word, I begin walking towards the door before his voice calls me back.

“You will be mine Ms. Winters” he declares with an underlying promise to which I turn around to meet his gaze.

“We’ll see Mr. Stone” I reply seductively adding a wink before turning around and strutting out making sure to add a little sway in my hips.

Once I’m fully out the door and hearing distance away from anyone I begin scolding myself out loud.

“Letting him shove his tongue down your throat is a great way to keep it professional Amelia” I whisper angrily to myself hitting the elevator button. Stepping inside, I lean against the bar closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. When I hear the doors open, I open my eyes and walk out deciding on spending my break walking around.

As I walked down a long corridor, my brain immediately went to thinking about Mr. Stone and the heated kiss we just shared. I wondered about why I couldn’t keep it together around him and why I always felt the need to touch him.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Too consumed in my thoughts, I don’t realize where I was until I could no longer recognize my surrounding. Stomping my heels a bit, I begin retracing my steps in hopes of finding my way back or stumbling across someone.

Ten minutes pass and I’m still unable to find my way back to the lobby and my break is already up. Huffing, I walk towards a wall before crouching down to sit leaning my head against my knees praying someone walked down this hallway and saw me.

“How the hell do you get lost at a place you’ve worked at for almost 3 months?” I question myself truly impressed at how much of an idiot I can be. Moments later I hear footsteps getting louder and louder until a tall man finally comes into view. Jumping up, I rush towards him to try and ask for directions.

“Excuse me sir, can you direct me on how I can get back to the lobby?” I ask

“Of course just take this hallway down and take a right” he replies warmly and I thank him before speed walking down the hall. Taking a right, I finally make it back to the lobby and I run to the elevator without breaking an ankle in my heels. Stepping inside, I pray to go Mr. Stone doesn’t burst a vein for my tardiness. I make it back to his office and I walk in slightly out of breath from running.

“You’re late Ms. Winters” he scolds slightly angry.

“I kinda got lost and couldn’t find my way back so I sat against the wall hoping someone would come to the rescue until finally someone did and he really deserves a promotion for sensing when his co-workers are in need and coming to save the day” I rant until he cuts me off with a look of amusement.

“Just take these papers and make some copies for me” he replies handing me a folder. Nodding, I grab the folder before turning around until he speaks again.

“Oh and don’t get lost this time” he teases with a smile to which I blush and walk out embarrassed. He barks out laughing and I shake my head continuing to make my way down to the copy room this time not getting lost.

When I came back to the office with the warm freshly printed papers, I found Mr. Stone staring out the window his back facing me. He didn’t acknowledge me until I set the papers down on his desk and began to walk over to mine. I put my cardigan on wrapping it around myself before turning around.

“I’ll be heading out for lunch if that’s ok with you Mr. Stone” I address him politely.

“Go ahead but I expect you back in an hour Ms. Winters” he replies turning around to face me.

With a nod, I make my way out of his office and towards the elevator pressing the button. I walk inside the elevator and wait until the elevator reaches the bottom floor. Stepping out, I make my way into the lobby looking around for Connor. I feel a hand on my shoulder and whip around so fast that I stumble. I look up to see the devil himself chuckling at me while shaking his head amused.

“You almost gave me a heart attack asshole” I glare before cracking a smile.

“My apologies my lady, allow me to escort you to lunch” he replies in a mock British accent offering me his arm.

“I’d be delighted to kind sir” I reply taking his hand before giving it a firm squeeze, “Next time you scare me I’ll shove your arm down your throat” I add with an innocent smile.

We both stare at each other before bursting out into a fit of laughter to which the receptionist shushes us. I follow him out of the building and towards his car before speaking.

“Where are you taking me” I ask curiously.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out” he replies with a smirk.

Rolling my eyes I get into his car before buckling up as he starts the engine. We make our way out of the parking lot and we sit in a comfortable silence for awhile before we pull into a nice looking diner. Getting out of the car, I straighten out my skirt before following Connor inside the diner. When we get inside, I’m instantly hit with the smell of coffee and it gave me a sense of comfort. We walk over to a table further back before taking a seat.

“This is a really cute place” I say while giving the place a glance over.

“My mom use to bring my siblings and I here on the weekends” he replies his eyes showing his sheer mirth.

“Aw don’t I feel special being included in a family tradition” I reply with a genuine smile to which he returns.

“You are special” he whispers quiet enough that I almost didn’t catch it. Blushing, I pick up the menu trying to pick what I wanted to eat but everything sounded so damn good.

“I’m stuck between the baked Mac N’ Cheese or the chicken pot pie” I exclaim with a pout.

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