The love of a Mr. CEO


“What an asshole” He replies with a look of anger before continuing “Amelia, I’ve worked for Mr. Stone for almost 3 years now and I know first hand that he’s not afraid to fire people if they come off as a threat. I’m telling you this because I don’t want to see you fired, so please refrain from making any snarky comments.” He tells me with a look of sympathy

“I can’t let him walk all over me even if he is my boss, that doesn’t give him the right.” I argue back trying to make him see my point.

“I agree with you but please try and bite your tongue for me, I don’t want to lose my best friend.” He replies taking his eyes off the road to look at me.

“Eyes on the road Mister!” I shout at him not wanting to die today. With a laugh he looks back at the road and continues driving, leaving us in a comfortable silence. The remainder of the ride consists of me giving him directions to my home before we finally arrive.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thanks for the ride Connor, I really appreciate it.” I thank him with a smile.

“Anytime Amelia, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at around 9:40am considering you left your car at Stone Industry.” He replies with a smirk at the end.

“Oh shit! You’re right my baby’s probably all alone waiting for me!” I exclaim with a look of horror. Connor looks at me weirdly before shaking his head with a chuckle. Getting out I bid Connor goodbye before running into my apartment, not wanting to be in the cold much longer. Entering my humble abode with a smile I mutter

“What a day.”

The next morning I woke up with a struggle. Not exactly feeling like going to work but knowing I had to made me want to burst out into tears. Finally getting up, I walked into the bathroom jumping into the shower and only washing my body. Getting out I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body before walking to the mirror to brush my teeth.

Walking out of the bathroom and into the walk in closet, I decide to wear a black blazer and matching flared out pants. Not being able to find a proper shirt to wear under the blazer, I decided to just wear a black cropped top making sure the blazer was buttoned so no one could see my bare stomach. Going back into the bathroom, I straighten my long hair and leave it down but making sure to have a hair tie just in case I change my mind.

Once dressed I sat in front of my vanity and decided to do a nude smokey eye with winged eyeliner. For my lips, I put on a bit of lip balm and got up deeming myself ready for today. Walking down stairs with my purse in hand, I hear a knock on the door, slightly surprised at having a guest this early. Opening the door without looking…again I find myself looking at Connor and remember he’s my ride today.

“I forgot you were my ride today.” I tell him ushering him inside.

“Usually ladies can’t wait until I arrive to pick them up but of course you would forget.” He says with a little chuckle at the end.

“Maybe I don’t find you as attractive as you think you are.” I sass back trying to get a reaction out of him.

“Wow Amelia, you really think that? After all we’ve been through?” He fakes a hurt expression with his hand holding his heart.

“I’m sorry dude, you’re just not my type.” I say back with a smirk before walking into the kitchen to grab my coffee and a muffin.

“Playing hard to get I see.” He adds before snatching my muffin and stuffing it into his mouth.

“And to think I actually thought you were an adult. You will pay Connor whatever your last name is for taking my muffin!” I snap kind of angry he took my precious muffin. Walking to the door to put my heels on I turn around to see the muffin stealer still eating my muffin.

“You’re not very scary considering you’re like 5’5 and I’m 6’0 but if it makes you feel better I’ll buy you one when we get to work.” He says with a smile wiping the crumbs off his mouth with his sleeve. Rolling my eyes I ignore him and walk out the door waiting for him to do so as well before locking it.

“I’m expecting a lemon poppy seed muffin by the time we get to work Mister.” I say jabbing him in the chest with my finger. With a laugh and a nod, he continues to walk us towards his car unlocking it in the process. Opening the door, I sit down putting my purse on my lap and buckling up. Once Connor started the car, we were off to Stone Industry.

“You know, you look beautiful today, your sure to draw more attention than usual at work.” Connor says quickly glancing at me with a smirk.

“Thanks but I have pepper spray in my purse, just in case.” I reply with a “don’t mess with me” expression. With a nod we sit in the comfortable silence until we finally arrive at work.

We walked inside together and part ways promising to meet up at lunch.

“Don’t forget my muffin punk” I say over my shoulder with a giggle. Not waiting for his response, I dreadfully press the button of the elevator and step inside.

“Deep breaths Amelia, deep breaths” I whisper to myself exiting the elevator and walking to Mr. Stone’s office. With a knock, I open the door and walk straight to my desk not waiting for instructions. Setting my stuff down, I sit in my chair for a few moments realizing I have to ask Mr. Stone for my tasks of the day. Turning towards him, I begin to speak

“What shall I start on today sir?” I ask keeping it short.

“I need you to type up these documents and have them ready before lunch time. Once finished, analyze the daily profit my newest idea is making and make a simple graph.” He says staring at me intensely, handing me a stack of papers.

“I’ll get right on it” I say with a curt nod and turn around getting started on my work. Half way through typing, my hand starts to cramp so I decide to lean back and take a break. Not even a few seconds later I hear an angered sigh before shuffling. A loud slam startles me, making me jump out of my seat, effectively hitting my boss in the face. With my mouth agape, I stare at him trying hardly to conceal my laughter.

“I could fire you for smacking me in the face” Mr. Stone says with a glare.

“Don’t you think you deserve it after abandoning me in the cold yesterday?” I say glaring back at him.

“Good thing your Prince Charming came just in time to save you.” He spits angrily

“Good thing he did” I bite back before adding “You could learn a thing or two from him on how to treat a lady.” I say smirking. He slowly walks towards me until there was a sliver of space between us.

“I don’t need tips from anyone sweetheart.” He whispers, his minty breath fanning my face. Loosing my train of thought, I stare at him forcing myself not to look at his lips. Getting an idea, I internally smirk before leaning in closer until our lips brushed.

“Then maybe you could teach me?” I say seductively batting my eyelashes. A look of surprise washes across his features before it switches to what I assume is lust. The close proximity is making me want to jump his bones so I give him a slight push to distance myself from him. Not expecting it he stumbles before composing himself and continuing

“Have you finished the documents?” He asks completely ignoring what just happened.

“I’m almost finished but my hand cramped up so I took a break.” I reply sheepishly

With a nod he goes to sit back down focusing on his laptop. Adjusting my blazer I sit back down to finish typing. An hour later I’m finally done so I hit print before walking to grab the papers. Neatly stacking them, I staple them together before walking back to Mr. Stone’s desk.

“Here are the papers sir” I say setting the down in front of him.

“You may head to lunch now Amelia” he replies without thanking me. Rolling my eyes I exit his office and head straight to the elevators, relieved that I was out of there. Pressing the elevator, I step inside and remember the muffin Connor promised me. Excited, I head to the cafeteria, where my beautiful muffin awaits me.

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